Giant train derailment and explosion in Quebec a false flag to streamline the Keystone XL?

13  2013-07-06 by [deleted]

Many of you may not have seen this story yet. A train carrying oil from the tar sands derailed in Quebec today, evacuating at least a thousand people, with a massive fireball of an explosion.

Now, this is just speculation, but did someone derail this train on purpose? Let's look at a few facts:

Location: This happened in a city and province that the Conservative government in Canada HATES. Harper and his merry band of conservatives loathe Quebec for being left-leaning, organized, and non-anglo. the city where the crash occurred, Lac-Mégantic votes heavily for either the NDP or the bloc Quebecois. Both of these are parties directly opposed to the neoconservative agenda of Harper and his party (CPC).

So we can ascertain that the location for the crash is suspicious. That's one strike.

Now, let's look at motive. The Keystone XL is a huge, multi-trillion dollar investment project meant to take the tar sands bitumin to Texas for processing to send to China. The Kochs have invested significantly in it. So obviously there is a lot of money they stand to lose if Obama for some reason refuses to allow the pipeline to be built.

So, did someone intentionally derail that train? Watch how quickly they claim that pipelines will be 'safer' than trains after this accident.


Here are some other red flags:

The small town of Lac Megnatic is not a destination for unprocessed crude. Why was this train even there??

Since when does unprocessed crude explode in a giant fireball? Hint, it doesn't. A crash would have just caused a spill, not a giant explosion. So what really caused the explosion?


Since when does unprocessed crude explode in a giant fireball? Hint, it doesn't. A crash would have just caused a spill, not a giant explosion.

Hint: Since always. Crude is highly flammable.

ugh, no it's not. You cannot light crude with a simple flame. It has a very high flash point.

Actually, the flashpoint of light-sweet crude is less than 100F in some I would definately classify it as "highly flammable."

Other source: worked the Bakken as a truck driver hauling shit around. An explosion hazard always existed.

well it is still highly flammable, just yah, its flash point is higher than say gasoline. MSDS for light crude (PDF)

Can I buy some pot from you? Actually, never mind. It's obviously laced with something that makes you a complete idiot. For fucks sake.


Says the guy completely pulling shit out of his ass, making shit up with no facts to back them up whatsoever, and then expects his insane, bullshit, mentally deficient ramblings to be given the slightest sliver of respect? HA! You are a complete joke. Get out of your fucking mom's basement for a few hours and check out the real world.

False flags generally involve a group or person being blamed by the official story, do they not?



Has the term 'false flag' just lost all meaning to you?

His arms must be fit. Moving this goal posts all the time.

With pipelines leaking and spilling daily, they need to do something to spoil the excellent record of trains.

For something to be a false flag, people generally need to actually know it

I disagree. Media may cover up false flag in cooperation with CIA, as CIA must be on to false flag by now. I believe Israel did this, 9-11, and the San Fran bombed plane (sorry, entire top blown off, didn't skid and do a cartwheel, and Facebook CEO doesn't use personal miles to switch from a business-paid flight, sorry, and Facebook has Mossad links up and down). However, CIA/media must deflect blame from "arab terrorist" (Israeli false flag target - Al Quada, etc.) to avoid entering an unnecessary retaliatory war. I imagine the "Arab terrorist" stories are well-concocted by the Mossad, would be tough to discredit publicly (think hijackers), and don't have Israel's fingerprints. However, since israel's fingerprints are off, Israel must officially cooperate with the media gag order, and therefore we take the sting out of false flag. Good job special agent Barry Sotero, that's why we reelected you.

Media may cover up false flag

Doesn't this defeat the entire purpose of a false flag?

shhht, don't bring logic here. It scares idiots away

Juice boxes. End of discussion.

I don't understand

I live in nearby the place and what cause the explosion is the tanks full of fuel that overheated due to the extreme heat of the fire.

Suuuuuuuuuure you do. Shalom Mishpoke. How is your moving company? Business good? It is sundown. You can reply without the help of the goy boy now. but you still may play with him. I know you touch him, it's ok. I do too. Oh, kidding aside, I am a pretty open minded guy. I support the keystone 100%. I also support damn tough EPA to ensure water and air are clean, refineries are inspected, and we protect our environment. Now get out of here Mossad. I'm on to you. And I'm Mishpoke too. I just happen to be a decent man who can stand on his own two feet. Not a kabalistic, cannibalistic devil.

Just drink your juice box, alex

Nice, straight up paranoia. I love this sub sometimes.

LSD pychosis?

I saw some fucked up stuff but that takes the lead.

The bakken's field arent tar sands. and thats where this oil was comming from. North Dakota

I will add to this as a statement from the company spokesman says the train was parked, no one was on board, and it was somehow 'released.'

Edit: The other thing that should be considered here is 'who needs the oil from the Keystone?'

Edit 2: There is a refinery in New Brunswick.

There's a refinery in Quebec City.

Now, this is just speculation...

Now, this is just wild speculation-FTFY

French story xpost from r/ canada. more info

According to Reuters, Montreal, Maine, & Atlantic Vice President, Joseph McGonigle, said that the train had been parked without a conductor aboard at the time and was somehow released.

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada said it has sent four investigators to the scene of the accident. The investigators are set to arrive Saturday afternoon, and will be joined by additional investigators as the day goes on.

“At this point what we want to do is gather information,” said Chris Krepski, a spokesman for the TSB. “We will travel to the site to gather information, interview witnesses and talk to the operator, but we will have to wait until the area is safe and secure before we go in and examine wreckage.”



Since when does unprocessed crude explode in a giant fireball? Hint, it doesn't. A crash would have just caused a spill, not a giant explosion.

Since forever you fucktard, read some shit.

Source: I work in the oilfied.

Okay ... let's put it plain and simple. Instead of spreading this kind of bullshit, why wouldn't you try to get on site. You'll probably realise that there is something much more important than your conspiracy theories. And if it's not enough, try telling all of this to the families who lost something.

No fucking respect for the victims and their families. Go fuck yourself.

why wouldn't you try to get on site.

Yes, Im supposed to drop everything Im doing several thousand Km away, leave my wife kids and job and go stand around bothering first responders and the community so i can... what?

Seriously, go away.

This incident is already being used to caution environmentalists who oppose the Keystone XL pipeline

Until this incident the rail industry had a relatively solid record, with crude reaching its destination safely 99.997 per cent of the time, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Still, trains, trucks and ships are all second-best methods. Pipelines have a record that is about five times better than rail. This incident will further skew the statistics in favor of pipelines.

That should give pause to environmental opponents of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry Canadian oil to the United States. Preventing construction of the pipeline would not stop Canadians from extracting their crude reserves, which at 175 billion barrels are worth around seven times current GDP net of production costs. Instead, one result will probably be more tragedies like the one seen in Quebec this weekend.

the city where the crash occurred, Lac-Mégantic votes heavily for either the NDP or the bloc Quebecois. Both of these are parties directly opposed to the neoconservative agenda of Harper and his party (CPC).

You know Megantic is located in one of the single conservative circonscription of the Quebec province, right?

The crash is suspicious, but only because it's becoming increasingly clearer that the company possessing the train has been negligent

Well you see they didn't get the result they wanted in Calgary last week with the derailment and failure of the bridge over the Bow river.

This right here

I see the Koch brothers have a lot of people working overtime to eliminate viewable speculation om the purpose of the crashes. Their goal of course is to get the pipeline built, and setting up trains as 'unreliable' might push opinion to support pipelines. Notwithstanding that a pipeline can be blown up, too.

Funny how reasonable speculations are getting pushed below the -4 viewing threshold, eh?

This thread smells of manipulation, especially with the cross post in the neocon hive r/conspiratard intended to vote game it. I see a large presence of the ctard regulars. That's usually a sign of focused manipulation in a targeted sub.

Added: police now have found evidence brakes were released and are calling it a crime.

You mean to tell me this whole time I've been downvoting this crap for free? How do I apply for that sweet sweet Koch money?

You're very literate for a rural Southerner. I know you'll rise to the top of their ranks if you just go to Koch headquarters in your overalls and demand to join.

Something seriously fishy is going on in Canada.

I'm not sure why you're being downvoted, this comment is true. Canada does have a large and vibrant fishing industry.


I have no idea why you have so many downvotes :( everything you've said is true. The fire chief has confirmed they were called out to a locomotive fire in Nantes before this occured and there are photos of the train travelling towards the town on fire.

Sorry about the downvotes, this is a very likely scenario

Edit: at the time of posting this comment this thread had 5 downvotes at 1 hour old.

The downvotes only go to show there are many out there trying to suppress this perspective.

It's now looking like a fire 'somehow' started on the train after it was parked for the night and the fire 'somehow' caused the train to start moving, at high speeds, for quite some distance.

The red flags just keep popping up.

Also, there was another oil-train crash in Calgary a few days ago.

Or they show there are many who think your idea is stupid.

The downvotes only go to show there are many out there trying to suppress this perspective.

Or it's people who are not seeing a conspiracy in this, which seems to be the majority of /r/conspiracy since nearly every comment is disagreeing with you.


The battle cry of babies everywhere. "I'm just asking questions" no you are not, because generally questions are asked are answered but when a nut job like you gets said answer you just move goal post and continue to hide under the guise of "just asking". No you have a story in your head that has to be true otherwise you have to come to the realization that you're just talking out your ass. This is why you post this shit here rather than engage real people with this shit.

I got beat up on r/news by a troll today for suggesting this is Keystone wars. The quantity of train and pipeline incidents over the past two years is pretty astounding.

That was my first thought, I heard a while back that people considered rail a safer method of transport for fuel...

Here are some other red flags:

The small town of Lac Megnatic is not a destination for unprocessed crude. Why was this train even there??

Since when does unprocessed crude explode in a giant fireball? Hint, it doesn't. A crash would have just caused a spill, not a giant explosion. So what really caused the explosion?

The small town of Lac Megnatic is not a destination for unprocessed crude. Why was this train even there??

I can't tell if you're a troll or are 5 and don't understand how trains work.

Trains go through multiple towns before going to their main destination. Sometimes they unload other cargo at these towns on the way to the main destination.

The small town of Lac Megnatic is not a destination for unprocessed crude. Why was this train even there??

You do understand that sometimes train tracks pass through towns to reach their destination?

I...I don't think he does.

Suuuuuuuuuure you do. Shalom Mishpoke. How is your moving company? Business good? It is sundown. You can reply without the help of the goy boy now. but you still may play with him. I know you touch him, it's ok. I do too. Oh, kidding aside, I am a pretty open minded guy. I support the keystone 100%. I also support damn tough EPA to ensure water and air are clean, refineries are inspected, and we protect our environment. Now get out of here Mossad. I'm on to you. And I'm Mishpoke too. I just happen to be a decent man who can stand on his own two feet. Not a kabalistic, cannibalistic devil.
