Why the Trayvon Martin case makes me nervous.

107  2013-07-12 by [deleted]

This whole case has been a dog and pony show. It has dragged on for 3 weeks now with no evidence to convict George Zimmerman. The media should be talking about the NSA leaks and other topics other than this. We all know it hasn’t and it is the number one topic on the minds of the black communities throughout the nation. While the country should be angry and rioting about the Snowden leaks and the IRS, the real anger lies in the Trayvon Martin case. The country is being divided methodically to White and Black. Proof of that was brought to my attention HERE The Obama administration deployed government-paid community organizers to Sanford, Florida after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in order to foment racial tensions.

Black communities are planning to riot and pledging to murder whites. It is already happening. Facebook groups are popping up. Black on White crime is already happening. Look at your twitter feeds. What happens when every ghetto in America is rioting? What if there are riots similar to the LA riots in every major city? Imagine if Twitter and Facebook had been around in the 90s. Other cities may have joined LA in rioting . Cities are preparing and have made it apparent.

Broward County Anti Riot Video

This may spiral out of control. Every American city has a ghetto and the uninformed and uneducated are angry. Black communities finally have one thing to agree on throughout the country and it’s justice for Trayvon.

Look at the propaganda being thrown at them. The only thing on the news is the case. Check!




Look at the music being fed to the youth. Kanye West’s new songs are “Black Skinhead” and “New Slaves” off of Yeezus. Look at the rest of the rap music industries’ artists and lyrics

Look at the movies “White House Down”, “Olympus Has Fallen”, and “The Purge.” Is it some kind of coincidence that all of these movies came out this during this period of our country? Or are TPTB giving us ideas and provoking us?

Two boys in Boston shut the entire city down and sent it into martial law. One man in LA disrupted the entire SoCal area and sent it into martial law. You can call those situations anything you want but police were going into people’s houses without warrants. TPTB would now have a reason to flex that new muscle in the form of the DHS, NSA, and any other three-letter agency you want to include. They have been preparing. There is a reason that Blackhawks are skimming skyscrapers in Miami and Special Operation Forces are rappelling from helicopters in downtown LA. Is this the “false flag” for a civil war?

Are TPTB antagonizing the American masses?

EDIT: DONT FORGET A HURRICANE IS GETTING READY TO BLAST THROUGH FLORIDA. REMEMBER KATRINA. I know it won't be that bad of a storm but it's easy to blame the mess on Mother Nature


I don't think it will be that big. It's not like the only people who live in ghettos are black. Latinos are a larger minority than black people are and Zimmerman was Latino. Also, it's not like every black person lives in a ghetto and is frothing at the mouth about Trayvon. Many people, regardless of race, are too busy with their lives to worry about this to the scale you are talking about.

If anything, I'd agree with your implications about a false flag a bit. This whole deal is being used as an experiment for when real riots come about over the issue that truly divides this country: $.

I know that not all in ghettos are black. Those urban areas are just where I feel this case will have the most effect.

I dunno. Maybe. I feel like a lot of people with serious firepower like gang soldiers aren't even paying attention to this shit.

I guess I am not looking at this situation with worry for myself. I have a worry for these communities where rioting takes place. It will be a perfect opportunity for something to go wrong. What happens when an innocent is killed by a police officer like in Turkey? What would happen here if that same shit happened? DHS is itching to prove themselves. Remember you NEED the DHS! You're not safe!

I guess I am just trying to look out for everyone.

What happens when an innocent is killed by a police officer like in Turkey? What would happen here if that same shit happened?

Happens more than you'd think.

We already have several civilians and dogs killed. Hasn't sparked anything yet.

True and that's totally fine.

I live in a very black area and I don't think it will be bad. We're too wrapped up with our own shit right now it seems. But I'll report back if otherwise.

Do you believe in the 4322 day Theory? Essentially The 4 rise of Fascism will be 4322 days after 9/11. That's this week. They could be using the trial as civil unrest. I'm down here in Florida and we have people outside the courthouse protesting somewhat plus they Trayvon's dad is supposedly a black freemason. Son could of been a sacrifice in order help bring the NWO. Either way I think the ghetto area Trayvon was living will most likely riot at the verdict of Zimmerman be let go. And we also have the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial where if he is actually found not guilty, like he pleaded, could also lead to civil unrest.

I thought the reason Zimmerman suspected Martin was because he was hanging around a more affluent neighborhood (gated community but I might be wrong). Turned out he lived there. Not exactly what I would call a ghetto. Even if people in Florida rioted I don't think the rest of the country would, like other people have said I think most people are too caught up in their own lives. The black people I know haven't shown any kind of riot like anger. Sides we all know Florida be cray! But it is an interesting thought :)

Didn't know Martin lived in a gated community, whenever I hear the word thug I automatically think ghetto then italian mafia. Well they've got the new black panthers getting into this by bussing people over to the trial, and my twitter feed and instagram feed have been running rampant about the trial.

I dunno. My father lives in Florida and says that a lot of minorities are up in arms about it. According to him the threat of riots is very real.

Do the unexpected.

Food, water and conversation. No signs. No banners. No flags.



Martin Luther King did this with valor and so also, John F. Kennedy late to the game...

Unite and do the Unexpected.

Talk and walk about Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy waking up.

My father, in Dallas, Tx. circa 1966 seemed like a man among men and people, some of that manly stuff was hard to swallow but he didn't hesitate.

The government will infiltrate. They've learned how to destroy movements like that early on.

I don't know why you're being downvoted you're absolutely right.

It's not even the best example but does anyone remember what they did to Randy Weaver?

Well, they can walk with me.

First of all, it's not a false flag - I hate how this term is thrown around all willy-nilly.

Second, the MSM chose to cover this for the ratings turning something that's common into a high profile case. The ensuing riots would also get great ratings.

NOW - Is this case useful for the gov't or crisis opportunists in some way? Possibly.

Another thing is, I don't know why Zimmerman is considered white. Does he claim to be white or is that what the media says?

Technically, as many argue, latino is an ethnicity, not a race. Hispanic/Latino is just a subethnicity of white by technical definition.

Technically, race and ethnicity are social constructions, not science, and trying to make arguments about them is not taxonomically viable, by their definitions.

Ethnicity is. If race were just a social construct then they wouldnt be able to tell the race of a person just by their bones. I cant tell you that this person was French or German (two cultures) by their bone construct but I can tell you they were white/black/asian by their bone constructs.

You sound like youre trying to make me out as someone who thinks black people are inherently less intelligent or something along those lines. No. I'm merely saying that "Latino" is not a race but a culture/ethnicity. Therefor people can still use the "white vs black" or say he isnt a minority argument. Just providing a little devils advocate fuel...gnome sayin?


You go to Harlem, or the west indies, or Brazil, and you'll find the demarcation lines of race are significant to them but imperceptible to you, "qualifications" for race that you've never even heard of. It's a cultural phenomenon; the only scientific part is that race perceptions change dramatically over time, location and culture.


Well, first off, fine demarcations of subcategories of race don't make the general broad racial divisions invalid.

But they do: it's why we in America call Obama black, but to another culture (perhaps a Brazilian slum) Obama could be referred to as white: yet he is 50/50....we in America have certain demarcations for why we choose one 50% over the other 50%. See what I'm saying? It's all cultural perception: race is not a "real" or scientific thing. You can draw fuzzy phenotypical sets for fuzzy geographical areas, but there is no scientific subclassification below homo sapiens. Race and ethnicity are dependent on subjective perceptions of phenotypes associated with a perceived region, the definitions of which change through time, location, and culture. I'm not making any of this up: these are the biological and social scientific definitions in academic study. You have a high positive raiting on my RES from this sub, so obviously we come to the same conclusions on many things. Perhaps further research down this field may behoove you?

Science can fuck itself in the ass.

please keep posting. people need to know what goes on in the mind of a racist.


I believe Hispanic refers to someone who speaks Spanish regardless of ethnicity.

Not everyone who can speak Spanish is Hispanic. Not every Hispanic speaks Spanish, either.

He is exactly as much white as Pres. Obama. 1/2. This is why such labels need to be shed.

Nope. 0% white, 50% jewish.

You know what that means...

I almost forgot. When the person does something good and they have jewish blood, then theyre jewish. When they do something evil like Jerad Loughner or George Zimmermann, then theyre white.

OK I don't know a term that would accurately describe this situation so I used false flag. I guess a situation in which the US govt could seize the opportunity to look like the good guys. Maybe they do a little provoking to stir the pot.

Zimmerman is not white which makes the who thing even more ridiculous. I am not sure who started it all. Race just kinda got drug into the spot light really quickly. Almost like a psy op to see how groups react? The paula dean "nigger" story and and then immigration talks have only worsened tensions between whites and non-whites. Immigration talk gets white people fired up.

EDIT:Also dont forget a hurricane is getting ready to blast through Florida.

I only get fired up about illegal immigration....its....ILLEGAL. Nothing like making your first presence in the country be a crime. We have laws, motions, and procedures in place to properly immigrate. Do that, and I'm happy. I wouldnt expect to go to any other country in the world and be able to pull the crap they do here.

Everyone is a fucking victim. It pisses me off. Grow the fuck up and deal with your own shit. Btw, I'm black and this supposed "racist injustice" really pisses me off. Fucking jesse jackson and al sharpton bullshit. It's like they want a racist riot. This is a manufactured crisis to distract people from the real issues. Fuck the media.

Thats because its easier to rest on your laurels and be a "victim" than to actually be proactive about your situation.

I dunno...

I live in a VERY black neighborhood and NOBODY has even mentioned this case. In fact...most people I talked to have an opinion that differs from mine.

I told a few black friends that I felt he was murdered in cold blood...they said "well then, what that nigga doin' in that 'hood anyhow?"

This is nowhere...NOWHERE...as big as the Rodney King incident.

Yet.... what happens locally( more specific, if there is a small riot, and the police mishandle that situation) could cause something larger.

Wtf is op talking about regarding the hurricane ready to 'blast through Florida'? There's no tropical storms anywhere in the atlantic.

It's been downgraded from tropical storm to "wet nuisance" by now. There will be no ripping through florida.

Those cheap mother fuckers. Who's going to risk hard time in prison for the murder of a high profile defendant for only $10,000? Jesus christ man, if they were serious they'd raise that bounty a lot higher.

Is it some kind of coincidence that all of these movies came out this during this period of our country?

Yes, shitty pre-summer blockbuster season.

One man in LA disrupted the entire SoCal area and sent it into martial law.

As someone in SoCal, I can tell you this is a gross exaggeration. It provided water cooler talk for the vast majority of people in LA.

Is this the “false flag” for a civil war?

No, Zimmerman shot Martin. The government wasn't involved. There is no flag involved, false or otherwise.

Two boys in Boston shut the entire city down and sent it into martial law.

You mean a small suburb of Boston.

Would you like the morning rush hour photos my friend put up on FB from the "marshal law" day? He lives in Natick and works in Wakefield....the freeways at 8:15 in the morning were absolutely deserted. He saw about a dozen other cars. As opposed to sitting in traffic or at least being bumper to bumper if its moving. The commute usually takes well over an hour, he got there in 20 min (faster than the google maps est time...he admitted he was cruising pretty fast.)

Not sure what this has to do with anything?

You say only a small suburb of Boston shut down, I'm telling you it simply wasnt true. They had physical presence largely in one area but instructed citizens in the rest of the greater Boston metro area to stay locked in their home....most people complied.

Yes, non-essential personel were asked to stay home. That's not martial law or violating constitutional rights.

No but the fact that it was deserted on the streets in the whole metropolitan area says something about peoples willingness to stay home and do what the government says out of fear despite no logical danger presented.

When there's a man hunt going on, staying home is showing common courtesy, not demonstrating fear. When I lived in Boston, at least once a year there would be a weather related "non emergency people, stay home!" request. Despite having 4wd and being completely capable of of getting to work safely, I stayed home. Not out of fear, but out of simple courtesy to stay out of the way people doing their jobs.

Must be a north east thing...I'm from MN...arguably the place with the nicest, most courteous people (Minnesota Nice) and we dont panic over 16" of snow. We go to work if we can, and usually the plows work through the night so there isnt ever much of a significant build up on the main thoroughfares.

Matter-of-factily if you want to talk about being out of the way trying to do their jobs, having your car in a big parking lot at work is more out of the way than your car parked on a narrow side street when the plows are trying to come through.

Just where I come from the idea of snow being so bad that you have to stay home is just an absurd idea....

Not just snow, hurricanes and nor'easters as well.

Tornadoes, they like to do sneak attacks. Same with straight-line winds, floods, etc. Everywhere gets bad weather, some places are just better able to deal with it. Having been to Boston and been on the wagon trail streets there I will concede that its a bit more difficult to get around under any circumstances.

Like I said. Call it what you want but where it happened it was in violation of the constitution. I don't need to list every street off that was violated. I was just using reference points. Or do you need me to say Big Bear and Watertown?

You can say whatever you want, but rounding up to Boston is a stretch, and rounding up to SoCal is just silly. Both reduce your credibility, and take away from the point you're trying to make. It's FoxNews style exaggerating.

The government IS involved. Obama has stirred the masses by saying that "His son would look like Trayvon" The government does not have a direct link in the killing but check THIS. Someone took control of that case. Also evidence points to the DOJ funding protest efforts.

Well, I live in Oklahoma and I can promise you there will be no black on white crime here.

I live in Iowa lol. trust me nothing is going on here.

Not for a while anyway... You and I have another 4 months before this shit comes here.

The government IS involved. Obama has stirred the masses by saying that "His son would look like Trayvon"

He was, unfortunately, reacting to what was known about the case at the time. It did seem to help diffuse the tensions at the time, as it gave a lot of disenfranchised people the idea that they were being heard, and justice wouldn't be ignored.

Someone took control of that case.

The report from the police chief specifically states they were being pressured by local officials. "Someone taking control" is metaphor for the Mayor basically telling them there needed to be an arrest, not a litteral statement that someone else showed up and took over.

Also evidence points to the DOJ funding protest efforts.

I assume you're talking about the Community Relations department of the DOJ? Yea... they show up at every major protest; their mission is to diffuse things and offer impartial mediation. This is not "funding protest efforts". It's the exact opposite.

There will be ZERO rioting, the people have twitter and facebook now as a steam valve. There will be a twitter "riot" maybe. but that's it. This isn't the 70s.

Tell me how nothing has happened since the 70s?

1980 - New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot, Santa Fe, New Mexico

1980 - Chattanooga Riot of 1980, Chattanooga, Tennessee

1980 - Miami Riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida

1982 - Anti-Klan protest 1982, November 27, Washington, D.C.

1982 - Miami Riot 1982, Overtown Riot, December 1982, Miami, Florida

1984 - East Los Angeles Disturbances involved street gangs, repeatedly from April to August 1984, Los Angeles, California

1984 - Detroit Tigers World Series riot, October 14, Detroit, Michigan

1986 - Palm Springs Spring Break Riot, April 1986, Palm Springs, California 1987 - Tampa Riot 1987, February 1987, Tampa, Florida

1988 - Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, August 1988 (East Village, Manhattan, New York City)

1989 - Overtown Riot 1989, January 16–18 - an Hispanic Miami police officer shoots and kills a speeding black motorcyclist in the Overtown section of Miami, starting three days of rioting. Miami, Florida

1989 - Tampa Riots, February 1989, Tampa, Florida

1989 - Virginia Beach Riot, July 1989, Virginia Beach, Virginia

1989 - Bensonhurst Riot, September 1989, Brooklyn, New York

1990 - Anti-Klan protest 1990, October 28, Washington, D.C.

1991 - 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.

1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York

1992 - L.A. riot/Rodney King riot, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California 1992 - Sporadic urban violence in response to the L.A. Riots (San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Bernardino Cal., Las Vegas Nev., Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, St. Louis, Washington DC, etc.) across African-American and Hispanic communities in the United States and in Toronto, Canada, May 1992.

1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida

1997 - The July 4th Immigration Demonstration Lockdown, July 1997, Los Angeles, California

1999 - WTO Meeting of 1999, "The Battle in Seattle", November 1999, Seattle, Washington

1999 - Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, (East Lansing, Michigan)

1999 - Woodstock '99 music festival riot, August 1999, (Rome, New York)

2000 - Puerto Rican Day Parade attacks, June 11, Central Park, New York City, New York

2001 - Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 27, Seattle, WA

2001 - University of Maryland, March 31, Students riot following team's loss to Duke in the 2001 NCAA tournament, College Park, Maryland

2001 - 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio

2002 - University of Maryland, April 1, Students riot following their team's victory in the 2002 NCAA tournament, College Park, Maryland

2002 - University of Minnesota Hockey Riots, April 6, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2002 - Ohio State University football riot, Nov., Students riot after game with University of Michigan, Columbus, Ohio

2003 - University of Minnesota Hockey Riots (second straight year), April 12, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2003 - Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan

2003 - Miami FTAA Protests, Fall 2003, Miami, Florida

2004 - Detroit Pistons "Malice at the Palace", Nov. 19, The Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan

2005 - Civil disturbances and military action in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, August - Sept., New Orleans, Louisiana

2005 - 2005 Toledo Riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio

2006 - San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California

2007 - The Los Angeles May Day mêlée, May 1, Los Angeles, California

2008 - Cedar Fest riot 2008, Michigan State University, April 5, 52 arrested, East Lansing, Michigan

2008 - Republican National Convention Protests, St. Paul, March, over a 1000 arrested, St. Paul, Minnesota

2009 - Protests against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California

2009 - College Fest riot, Kent State University, April 25, more than 50 arrested Kent, Ohio

2009 - Spring Jam/Dinkytown riot, University of Minnesota, April 25, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2009 - Palmer Fest melee, Ohio University, May 10, Athens, Ohio

2009 – L.A. Lakers riot, June 14, Fans riot in Downtown Los Angeles after Lakers win championship, Los Angeles, California

2009 - 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested

2010 - University of Tennessee Lane Kiffin Riot. Students riot on the Knoxville campus following head football coach Lane Kiffin's announcement that he took the head coaching job at the University of Southern California.

2010 - University of Maryland basketball disturbance 2010, College Park, Maryland, March 3 following a game; 28 arrested.

2010 - Springfest Riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured; 30-35 arrested., Harrisonburg, Virginia

2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California

2010 – L.A. Lakers riot, June 17, Fans riot in Downtown Los Angeles after Lakers win championship, 50 arrested. Los Angeles, California

2010 – BART Verdict riot, July 8, Riot breaks out in response to verdict in the killing of Oscar Grant, BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. About 100 businesses were damaged and 78 people were arrested, Oakland, California

2010 - Eugene Melee, Sept 25, Riot breaks out west of the University of Oregon campus as police use tear gas to break up a rowdy party. 9 arrested. Eugene, Oregon

2010 - Oakland Protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009 see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant., Oakland, California 2011 - Pennsylvania State University Joe Paterno Riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania

2011 - Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge Protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. Brooklyn, New York

2011 - Occupy Wall Street Oakland Protests Riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.

2012 NATO 2012 Chicago Summit May. Conflict between riot police. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.

2012 - Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, October 12, Fans riot after a win at home against Upper St. Clair. Fans broke through a fence at the Bethel Park High School stadium.

2013 - Brooklyn Riots, March 9th. Riots erupt for several nights after the controversial shooting of Kimani Gray. Over 46 demonstrators were arrested.

2013 - Seattle May Day Protest Riots, May 1st, 17 Arrested as Seattle May Day Protests Turn Violent.

Most of those are not "black" riots, first off, second off, a good deal of those are political protests or sports riots. This is being promoted as a "race riot" and everyone is sounding off on twitter. No one is going to riot. I will put money down on that.

So this riot will be the martial law riot?

I have laid out what I think. When I say martial law I mean like the instance in Watertown. Not nationwide. Whats happens when a cop dies? What happens when an innocent child takes a rubber bullet to the temple and dies? The ingredients are here for a bigger storm to brew from it.

I can't say anything for sure.

Crazy, cops kill blacks - no riots. Dude shoots a someone in self defense - riots. It's all up side down.

Welcome to America--Its just another Summer Monkey trial (thats a reference to the hearings on Evolution in the 20s). Its a circus show- This year its treyvon, last year it was Amanda Knox, the year before it was Casey Anthony.. Literally every summer there is a high-profile case. It's just another entertaining case to fill airtime om CNN and HLN-- that's it.

As willing as I am to look at all events critically and ask serious questions regarding the official narrative, a lot of the postings on this sub are just ridiculous.

Well, in all fairness, a hot summer is the best time for a riot...

Youre right. The uninformed, uneducated sleeper drones are very angry about the Trayvonn case. Meanwhile, the people who follow politics are angry about NSA spying. Now, im only in my early 20s so take this with a grain of salt, but i dont think a situation like this has happened before; where EVERYONE is tense about something.

The media is also trying very hard to MAKE this a black vs white scneario. They refer to zimmerman as a "white hispanic" because his mother (i think) was white. (even though Obama isnt a white-black man).

Youre also spot on with the movies. What better way to prep and condition society to accept the events more than saturating their brains with visual representation? much more easily malleable. However, keep in mind there are Anti-NWO movies aswell, Superman being one.

There WILL be riots. Rather than martial being implemented at once place at a time, they will be in multiple places. Then the media will report it and play it down like its nothing big.

Weve already walked to the edge, once these riots start, we begin the process of falling

How was Superman anti-NWO? I haven't seen it.

Sorry for the belated response.

Im of course speculating, but if we weer to look at it and analyze the movie the same way we analyze "pro nwo" movies (the purge for example), It will show the exact opposite message. There have to be some people in the industry who are awake to whats happening and are fighting against it.

For instance, superman at some point destroys a drone, in another scene basically tells the military "fuck you what youre doing is wrong". I havnt seen the movie in over a week and suffer some memory loss (too much extracurricular activities ;P). The way Krypton functioned and the way it collapsed have an eerie similarity to today. I also like to point out that G. Zodd (NWO domination) was actually killed by superman. Note that Superman NEVER kills (or is incredibly rare when he does it) and he did it so fluently without an ounce of regret in the movie against his first enemy.

PS. now, as i was googling this to help jog my memory, i found that Alex jones made a video saying the same thing! I dont listen/watch him, so its kinda creepy to know he has a similar viewpoint. I havnt watched it yet, but give it a listen www.youtube.com/watch?v=q25UkVZKUoU

lol.. hurricane... I assume you mean the tropical storm that just fizzled into nothing?

Divide and Conquer is a constant tool for the establishment. It would seem that after months of news of government overreach (to put it lightly), the American people have become a little more "united".

Seems like this case is good enough to bring up racial tension. It's funny because the first I heard of riot talk was that local Sherriff ad pleading for no riots. Why bring it up other than to get the idea of rioting in the consciousness.

Anybody else seeing black athletes "blacking out" profile pictures on social media sites? They say it's for #justicefortrayvon. The whole thing is dumb as hell.

I didn't see it. Great point! When the Rodney King riots happened there was not Twitter to spread a message like this, this fast. There have been so many drills lately and I would like to know what they are preparing for.

Yea, I live in Orlando and I was checking instagram tonight and a few of the magic players were posting this. It seems as the black community is already prepped for a riot.

Crazy how fast an idea can spread with Twitter. That's what worries me.

Seems they're using it as a wedge for ye olde divide&conquer. Don't let it work.

If you are going to explode, make sure you explode in the right direction.

Call me crazy but the Paula Dean fiasco the media created

Then playing up Trayvon

Seems to me that the media is trying to stir up riots. Watch some big news start up with Obama finally (impeachment?)...then you KNOW something strange is afoot.

Media and Society 101

Term: Media Circus

I've been thinking this same thing.

Really, you guys. The real reason for the 24 hr Zimmerman coverage is to distract people from paying attention the Bradley Manning case.

3 weeks is not that long at all for a trail especially a trail with so much attention.

The "mayhem" has nothing to do with the Trayvon case. Did you read the article?

Yea but do you think they are just gonna stop killing each other because of the Trayvon case. If anything it will fuel the fire.

Fuel to the fire of black on black crime? I doubt it.

It would be awesome to see all of the "law abiding citizens" of Chicago represent with Stabbing Steak Knives and Dead Fish on the door step of Chicago's State Capitol.... and then have all the "Constitutionalists and Bill Of Rights" criminals front this display, and while I'm at it: Calling all Veterans to hold the line!

We bring in the cannon fodder...

Your elders, your crippled, your children.

It looks just like that in Vietnam. It looks like Syria. It looks just like that in Libya. It looks like Serbia.

It looks just like that in Afghanistan. It looks just like that in Tienamen Square. It looks like Hiroshima. It looks just like that in Angola. It looks...

Just like 409 buried today from a war in the 90's ... Just like those in Greece, this week, being shuttled off to barbed wire camps...


L.A. Florida. Iowa. New Orleans. Austin. Name your town...

These people intend to kill, destroy, devastate and foment massive stupidity and each and every individual has the ability to REFUSE!

To be any less than simply civil to one another, right now, in an big bold way would be treason to this Republic.

Rosa Parks, Mary Tubman we're assisted by civil minded people and I'm tired but the list goes on and on...

This isn't a damned "race war" this is going to be annihilation!

Good night reddit, sleep well, dream bigger!


Good Night, NSA.

You can only kill me once....

It would be awesome to see all of the "law abiding citizens" of Chicago represent with Stabbing Steak Knives and Dead Fish on the door step of Chicago's State Capitol.... and then have all the "Constitutionalists and Bill Of Rights" criminals front this display, and while I'm at it: Calling all Veterans to hold the line!

We bring in the cannon fodder...

Your elders, your crippled, your children.

It looks just like that in Vietnam. It looks like Syria. It looks just like that in Libya. It looks like Serbia.

It looks just like that in Afghanistan. It looks just like that in Tienamen Square. It looks like Hiroshima. It looks just like that in Angola. It looks...

Just like 409 buried today from a war in the 90's ... Just like those in Greece, this week, being shuttled off to barbed wire camps...


L.A. Florida. Iowa. New Orleans. Austin. Name your town...

These people intend to kill, destroy, devastate and foment massive stupidity and each and every individual has the ability to REFUSE!

To be any less than simply civil to one another, right now, in an big bold way would be treason to this Republic.

Rosa Parks, Mary Tubman we're assisted by civil minded people and I'm tired but the list goes on and on...

This isn't a damned "race war" this is going to be annihilation!

Good night reddit, sleep well, dream bigger!


Evidence man.

Strange that this guy deleted his entire comment chain.

Hmmm oh well, here is a sneak preview of Pearl Jam's new album that will be released in October of this year.



Well as far as riots go, a riot is a construct of a mob. The mob is a construct of community communication, and the media is dominant there.

The media will decide if it wants a riot or not.

As far as Zimmerman shooting the gun, deeeeerp! Nobody, including Zimmerman, is denying that he fired the gun.

The evidence that needs to be present to convict him of murder is that he wasn't acting in self defense. And based upon the facts of the case that I've seen while following this trial, even the prosecution's witnesses seem to be validating Zimmerman's version of events.

Of the people who I've encountered that seem "hell bent" on punishing Zimmerman, the overwhelming majority are anti-gun advocates and have based their opinion of the whole case on "guns shouldn't be legal". But guns ARE legal, precisely for the purposes of self defense. Guns are legal so that we can shoot people with them. I know that sounds foolish but its not only true, its necessary.

If you disagree that its necessary then I suggest that you study world history. Specifically all incidents where a technologically inferior people were oppressed and virtually exterminated.

Native Americans, European Jews, Chinese, several African tribes. The list goes on and on.

And you can't just trust your government to keep an army to defend you from such things. See Nazi Germany, and 3 hour wait times for police to respond in Detroit.

Guns are legal! I walk around every day of my life with 2 of them, I've only has to draw one them one time, and I've never had to fire one them in self defense.

Better to have and not need than to need and not have.


With all due respect, I think you're lying.

You're all about guns, but when someone uses one then suddenly they were playing cop and chasing people down.

Ummmm, Zimmerman was on the neighborhood watch, which they set up to combat a string of burglaries. I guess he should have left his gun at home while doing the most dangerous task of his day. Or wait! Maybe he shouldn't have attempted to protect his community's property as a part of a watch group.

Why would he call the police at all if he was looking for a good old fashioned killing of an innocent minority child?

Yeah, I just don't don't believe you. I've seen so many similar comments about this case (I'm all about guns but this was murder!) I just don't buy it any more.



Here is you displaying disdain for firearms.

I saw your deleted comment about Zimmerman's fat fucking face and how you hate him for that alone.

You're being intellectually dishonest.


Contradictory statements.

You can't be in favor of gun control and still in favor of a citizens right have them and carry them.

These are opposing ideas.


Isn't that exactly what he did?

He saw and he called.


Nothing illegal about getting out of your car.


All people, need to carry firearms.


I agree, but probably from a different perspective.

Seriously. He was told not to follow. And he did. And then he shot and killed an unarmed teenager. I don't understand why everyone is on this guys side.

Atleast upvote for conversation purposes. I get no karma.

This is actually pretty plausible especially with the movies. White House Down and Olympus Has Fallen could be different ways the White House will supposedly fall since the Open Skies treaty has been signed and Russia getting ready to send 15,00 troops over here. For The Purge I'm guessing that they'll use the riot/civil war as the purge.

Black communities are planning to riot and pledging to murder whites. It is already happening. Facebook groups are popping up. Black on White crime is already happening. Look at your twitter feeds. What happens when every ghetto in America is rioting?

You're part of the problem. If riots happen, it won't be a 'black' movement entirely. It will be spurred on by provocateurs, and aided mostly by an eager WHITE media.

EDIT: This just in. Any perceived or alleged Race War WILL be false and a distraction.

It will be spurred on by provocateurs, and aided mostly by an eager JEWISH media.


Everything from Hollywood is anti-American. These are the real terrorists.

There are always stories like this that capture the public attention for a few minutes. This one has good elements. This idiot guy got all lost in his law enforcement fantasy and killed a kid. Of course he was at fault. There is plenty of evidence. We know he followed him started shit with him then shot him when he began losing the fight he started. Do you really believe it went down any other way?

That is for sure manslaughter or second degree (reckless) homicide.

Furthermore he looks like a scumbag mexican gypsy grifter. He's very easy to hate. Just looking at him makes me want to punch him and I don't even know him or care about the case.

Furthermore he looks like a scumbag mexican gypsy grifter.

That's a whole lot of racism in one sentence.

Merely descriptive adjectives. You are implying all the racist meaning yourself.

"What happens when every ghetto in America is rioting? What if there are riots similar to the LA riots in every major city?"

hopefully a large % of asshole will kill each other thus reducing the population of assholes....win win

its a scary thought. I wonder what all my friends that have been hording guns and ammunition would do. they always say stuff like this would happen. Idk tho i wouldnt think it would happen but it might. who knows its all speculation, but i really dont see anyone bothering over this.



We don't use racist gutter speak here.


Tell me how nothing has happened since the 70s?

1980 - New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot, Santa Fe, New Mexico

1980 - Chattanooga Riot of 1980, Chattanooga, Tennessee

1980 - Miami Riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida

1982 - Anti-Klan protest 1982, November 27, Washington, D.C.

1982 - Miami Riot 1982, Overtown Riot, December 1982, Miami, Florida

1984 - East Los Angeles Disturbances involved street gangs, repeatedly from April to August 1984, Los Angeles, California

1984 - Detroit Tigers World Series riot, October 14, Detroit, Michigan

1986 - Palm Springs Spring Break Riot, April 1986, Palm Springs, California 1987 - Tampa Riot 1987, February 1987, Tampa, Florida

1988 - Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, August 1988 (East Village, Manhattan, New York City)

1989 - Overtown Riot 1989, January 16–18 - an Hispanic Miami police officer shoots and kills a speeding black motorcyclist in the Overtown section of Miami, starting three days of rioting. Miami, Florida

1989 - Tampa Riots, February 1989, Tampa, Florida

1989 - Virginia Beach Riot, July 1989, Virginia Beach, Virginia

1989 - Bensonhurst Riot, September 1989, Brooklyn, New York

1990 - Anti-Klan protest 1990, October 28, Washington, D.C.

1991 - 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.

1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York

1992 - L.A. riot/Rodney King riot, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California 1992 - Sporadic urban violence in response to the L.A. Riots (San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Bernardino Cal., Las Vegas Nev., Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, St. Louis, Washington DC, etc.) across African-American and Hispanic communities in the United States and in Toronto, Canada, May 1992.

1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida

1997 - The July 4th Immigration Demonstration Lockdown, July 1997, Los Angeles, California

1999 - WTO Meeting of 1999, "The Battle in Seattle", November 1999, Seattle, Washington

1999 - Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, (East Lansing, Michigan)

1999 - Woodstock '99 music festival riot, August 1999, (Rome, New York)

2000 - Puerto Rican Day Parade attacks, June 11, Central Park, New York City, New York

2001 - Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 27, Seattle, WA

2001 - University of Maryland, March 31, Students riot following team's loss to Duke in the 2001 NCAA tournament, College Park, Maryland

2001 - 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio

2002 - University of Maryland, April 1, Students riot following their team's victory in the 2002 NCAA tournament, College Park, Maryland

2002 - University of Minnesota Hockey Riots, April 6, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2002 - Ohio State University football riot, Nov., Students riot after game with University of Michigan, Columbus, Ohio

2003 - University of Minnesota Hockey Riots (second straight year), April 12, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2003 - Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan

2003 - Miami FTAA Protests, Fall 2003, Miami, Florida

2004 - Detroit Pistons "Malice at the Palace", Nov. 19, The Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan

2005 - Civil disturbances and military action in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, August - Sept., New Orleans, Louisiana

2005 - 2005 Toledo Riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio

2006 - San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California

2007 - The Los Angeles May Day mêlée, May 1, Los Angeles, California

2008 - Cedar Fest riot 2008, Michigan State University, April 5, 52 arrested, East Lansing, Michigan

2008 - Republican National Convention Protests, St. Paul, March, over a 1000 arrested, St. Paul, Minnesota

2009 - Protests against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California

2009 - College Fest riot, Kent State University, April 25, more than 50 arrested Kent, Ohio

2009 - Spring Jam/Dinkytown riot, University of Minnesota, April 25, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2009 - Palmer Fest melee, Ohio University, May 10, Athens, Ohio

2009 – L.A. Lakers riot, June 14, Fans riot in Downtown Los Angeles after Lakers win championship, Los Angeles, California

2009 - 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested

2010 - University of Tennessee Lane Kiffin Riot. Students riot on the Knoxville campus following head football coach Lane Kiffin's announcement that he took the head coaching job at the University of Southern California.

2010 - University of Maryland basketball disturbance 2010, College Park, Maryland, March 3 following a game; 28 arrested.

2010 - Springfest Riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured; 30-35 arrested., Harrisonburg, Virginia

2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California

2010 – L.A. Lakers riot, June 17, Fans riot in Downtown Los Angeles after Lakers win championship, 50 arrested. Los Angeles, California

2010 – BART Verdict riot, July 8, Riot breaks out in response to verdict in the killing of Oscar Grant, BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. About 100 businesses were damaged and 78 people were arrested, Oakland, California

2010 - Eugene Melee, Sept 25, Riot breaks out west of the University of Oregon campus as police use tear gas to break up a rowdy party. 9 arrested. Eugene, Oregon

2010 - Oakland Protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009 see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant., Oakland, California 2011 - Pennsylvania State University Joe Paterno Riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania

2011 - Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge Protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. Brooklyn, New York

2011 - Occupy Wall Street Oakland Protests Riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.

2012 NATO 2012 Chicago Summit May. Conflict between riot police. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.

2012 - Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, October 12, Fans riot after a win at home against Upper St. Clair. Fans broke through a fence at the Bethel Park High School stadium.

2013 - Brooklyn Riots, March 9th. Riots erupt for several nights after the controversial shooting of Kimani Gray. Over 46 demonstrators were arrested.

2013 - Seattle May Day Protest Riots, May 1st, 17 Arrested as Seattle May Day Protests Turn Violent.

I thought the reason Zimmerman suspected Martin was because he was hanging around a more affluent neighborhood (gated community but I might be wrong). Turned out he lived there. Not exactly what I would call a ghetto. Even if people in Florida rioted I don't think the rest of the country would, like other people have said I think most people are too caught up in their own lives. The black people I know haven't shown any kind of riot like anger. Sides we all know Florida be cray! But it is an interesting thought :)

Not just snow, hurricanes and nor'easters as well.