We from 4chan URGENTLY need your help.

296  2013-07-13 by [deleted]

That's right. Many of us from 4chan have begun to work together to figure something out. And it was pointed out you might be of interest and use in this. This is our main premise: http://www.youtube.com/user/pronunciationbook?feature= It's counting down from 77. We're figuring out what it's for. And it's deep. Really deep. As in, more than I can fit in a post. But I can put in that is has something to do with someone trapped. Ruins in Tlaxcala. "GASMAN". Indigo triangles. Mendoza. 55185180. The DoD. And a shit-ton more. You know we must be really interested and hopeful if we're asking Reddit for help. We're in an IRC at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%2376Days If you think you can help, or even just want to observe, please join. We're hellbent on figuring this out. Tell everyone you can about this. The more brains, the bigger of a chance we have at getting this figured out.

EDIT: Here's a link to a few of the videos saying creepy stuff. Keep in mind that this is just an average pronunciation channel. Supposedly.

http://pbc.wikia.com/wiki/Shit_that_stood_out_to_me this shows that the link in sentences between videos isn't accidental, it's clearly saying something.

And here's the link to the wiki, it's constantly being updated. http://pbc.wikia.com/wiki/PronounciationBookConspiracy_Wiki#shits_crazy

Here's the updates: http://pbc.wikia.com/wiki/Special:WikiActivity


Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think 4chan wants to troll us.

You know we must be really interested and hopeful if we're asking Reddit for help.

yeeeeaaaaa thats not how I remember things.

Me either.

That's exactly what the Illuminati wants us to think

I wish they would have made it a little less obvious.

So they made a 3 and a half year old account on youtube, uploaded videos like every day, just to troll reddit?

Yeah some conspiracies ARE stupid.

You mean three years ago 4chan created a youtube channel and kept it updated constantly up to this point all in an attempt to troll reddit?

no not the channel. 4chan trying to make us take this seriously. and "solve mysteries", as they put it.

Longer cons have been pulled by EVE online players, many of whom come from 4chan/reddit. Not implausible. That's only one example.

Go to the irc. If they're trolling, then this is even more elaborate then Jenkem.

I was on the thread, its not a troll

Well, it correlates with the rest of the evidence that 4chan is retarded



4chan is what redditors sound like without usernames.


Redditards here think they're some special group who are superior to those 4chan trolls.

4chan is where I learned the number one maxim of gaming: if you are a girl show us your tits or gtfo.

and up/downvotes


People seriously forget this. The difference between the two websites is that on 4chan you are more likely to come in contact with strange people because posts are not filtered by upvotes, although posts will maintain a presence if populated quickly enough, but you will still see them. On here, you mostly see what thousands of people have already voted on.

The older I get the more I realize that every human has some really grim darkness in them. For the vast majority, it's just thoughts; anonymous and pseudonymous writing is the only way it ever comes out.

/r/hailcorporate is a great example.

You know there's a significant overlap in 4chan and Reddit users, right? Both are anonymous forums.

Save the Reddit patriotism. There are some things which can't be faked. The Youtube account was created in 2010. Near consistently posting these videos for 3 years.

If this is a troll, it's not from 4chan.

or maybe you can find out all the words being pronounced latin meaning and maybe you will get something? because if they are trying to troll us then its an extremely elaborate plan. One example for a word they use was 'Audi' and in latin that means listen.

Audi is also a car company...

And a German car manufacturer

You people who act like there's a "team reddit" and a "team 4chan" are the true tinfoil hat nuts. Ever thought some people like to visit both? They're websites on the internet ffs, not exclusive seekrit clubs.

Anyway I've been subscribed to this channel on yt for a really long time (mainly for the hilarious comments it tends to attract and overall weirdness) and it's certainly not something 4chan or anyone else just popped up overnight. I'm guessing an ARG, some hipster art thing, and/or viral marketing.

When 4chan needs help, we should man up and help. Do unto others and all. Makes us look good :P

if you took the time to read the google doc. this 'plan' or 'game' has been taking place for what we believe to be over 3 years.

Of COURSE 4chan wants to troll us. Who do you think conspirit@rds are?

Who do you think conspirit@rds are?

People who laugh at insane conspiracy theories.

I'm a frequent /r/conspiratard contributor here to say that I totally agree with you and commend you on your critical thinking skills.

fuck off

Why did you tell him to fuck off?

Two of my top ten comments are from /r/conspiracy and my karma breakdown shows me with 392 net comment karma on /r/conspiracy - I think that should count as a positive.

I lurk here mostly, occasionally post undisputed facts or point out obvious logical fallacies or in this case endure downvotes for encouraging critical thinking and being honest.

My main reason for lurking here is to keep track of what conspiracies are currently "up" because my mother is a conspiracist of the believes anything in ALL CAPS is true DavidIcke.com variety.

It's called "viral marketing".

A shit load of videos, most have adds, heaps of people will watch them all and continue as they count down=money.

There are no ads before the pronunciationbook videos. At least none that I've been given.

This is definitely a viral ad for a video game. It's so obvious!

If this is true they have done one hell of a job using forethought.

How is it obvious?

Because video game marketers have done this many times before and they aren't very creative.


The Secret World. End of Days ARG.

I've said too much....

Man I got so excited that this was true. This is why I always read the comments before watching anything

In reference to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn_1DnRqM8c

73 days is when Battlefield 4 will be released. (Sept. 24th)

Lots of the words on the wiki page like riverboat, gasman, etc can be cross referenced with that. It also seems to have a war theme like the video game.

Just my guess - viral marketing.

Hl3 confirmed

Except Battlefield 4 doesn't release until late October

Hmm . . . looks like Sept. 24th is for the beta release.
Like I said it was a guess.

Maybe Mirror's Edge 2? The districts is what made me think about that.

battlefield 4 is in 108 days from today


"The game will be released on October 29, 2013 in North America, " - wiki

Something Is going to happen In 108 days.

Right. The beta will be released on sept. 24th. I thought it was the full release at first.

I'm not going to spend more than the 10 minutes I've already spent on this, nor am I going to give the youtube poster any more views.

I find it hard to believe DICE would start an ad campaign 3 years ago :/ I think it's just a troll, it has phrases like 'u mad' and shit


Says the guy that probably thought it up.

Probably true.

I'd go over to r/gaming and see if those guys can help you.

Looking at some of your links, this seems like complete and utter bullshit - but it also looks like it is from a game of some kind.

I suggested call of duty below. But the battlefield 4 is more likely the one. I'm feeling pretty confident you hit the nail on the head here. The whole "mission" "wartime" and something about a relationship torn apart by it all, has this whole war type video-game plot line written all over it.

Reminds me of this http://youtu.be/vVPT0JT1dOw The numbers mason! What do they mean?

Chief, Mendoza, mission....

Halo, maybe?

Y'all bein trolled hard.

Any troll who would go so far as to post only a single video a day for so long is a pretty dedicated troll.


Well 4Chan, you know conspiracy subreddit is not your personal army.


Nah just kidding


some of us are naturally skeptical that /r/conspiratard might be sending us on a wild goose chase for the lulz.



you guys should try and find the words he/she/AI pronounces latin root or origin? maybe thatll help to understand what he is really trying to say through all those words?

This whole thing reminds me of that Umbra conspiracy from a while back. I was an active participant in trying to decode everything, but gave up after a bit. It seems to still be going on.


Umbra wiki

The thread that started it all

I was going to say the same thing. Did they ever get any answers for that whole Umbra thing?

Eh, sort of...it was just an ARG--I'm not to sure on its ultimate purpose but it did have a definitive end. Essentially the plot led to Aum Shinrikyo planning some nefarious business that was disrupted.


Isn't that who pretty makes up 4chan? 14 year old summerfags?

My theory:

Account was setup 3 years ago and is unremarkable, pronounciatiobook. Something that wouldn't arouse suspicion if say you accessed it in a foreign country.

After a couple of years of words, messages start appearing...e.g. 'how to give orders' on May 6th 2012:

'Seize the mortgages immediately" 'I don't care what chief said, you're going to complete this assignment'

On May 10th 2012

'Twin bombings tore through the Syrian capital of Damascus Thursday, in the deadliest attacks since the uprising began last year -- killing at least 55 people and wounding more than 370, according to state media. There were claims and counterclaims about the blame for the attacks. Jeffrey Brown reports.'

On May 10th 2012 a comment on 'how to give orders'

DisobeyMe 1 year ago

I'm very sorry you have to see that, Chief. You can't understand what it's like to be stuck here. Something terrible happened on May 10th. Please help me escape from this place.

.... to me it indicates a covert communications channel to or from Syria. Orders are relayed in substitution code, and comments are used to reply.

other messages, and related IP address seem to back up the military connection. have a feeling that investigating this might put someone's safety at risk.

This has my vote.

have a feeling that investigating this might put someone's safety at risk.

Or, what they are doing puts their own safety at risk. Don't assume responsibility for someone else's actions.

well naturally, but to compound the risk is a risk too.

I disagree. These days, there's no reason to use steganography without encryption like you've described. Especially if you're alleging it's military.

Furthermore, concerning:

I'm very sorry you have to see that, Chief. You can't understand what it's like to be stuck here. Something terrible happened on May 10th. Please help me escape from this place.

That comment is better explained as someone who just saw the (then) recent pronunciationbook videos and combined their messages.

This is simply someone's long-term media project.

That comment is better explained as someone who just saw the (then) recent pronunciationbook videos and combined their messages.

was posted on May 6th...

the days are just the time till the NWO changes it's regime completely. It is already starting in the USA with the police brutality etc...

See the signs WWIII is about to start


How do you know it's a him? It could be a woman behind this who is forcing a man to do the speaking through a mixture of psychotropics and brainwashing.

Why am I being downovted? I thought this was a bastion for free thinking!

Maybe you're onto something...

Obama did just give the DHS or DoD permission to shutdown our communications.

No, that was June 2012

No, That was January 1, 2012.

I was speaking of the NDAA.

77 days(11 weeks) is September 25.


Yea.. You're probably not going to make it that long.

in 74 days he will teach you how to pronounce "fooled you"


Son of a bitch!

I feel like this is gonna be some sort of video game/viral marketing. Maybe interactive where you could find clues to missions/gameplay. That might explain why it's so detailed. I haven't dug too deep because I don't feel like being taken for a ride so I could be completely off. But this whole thing is for some reason just screaming "call of duty" to me. Hope I'm wrong though.

That doesnt make any sense. The guy has been making these videos NON STOP for years. Maybe he had this all planned out from the start, and was incredibly dedicated. Maybe he didn't intend to do this from the start, but grew bored with his boring youtube channel.

Well as amusing as this all is, its not a conspiracy. Remember that conspiracy (or at least the type that this subreddit should be interested in) are clandestine.

People do not get together to commit unspeakable acts and then leave clues about it on youtube, nor do people learn of this unspeakable acts and then decide instead of revealing it to the public they are going to cryptically inform us via internet videos.

This is straight up trolling, viral marketing or, at best, some kind of ARG.

During WWII codes were transmitted using daily crossword puzzles.

Agree. But if there is reason to believe (and I'm not neccessarily inclined to think so) that it's code to alert people of a conspiracy, do you consider it germane then?


Don't know if I agree, in theory you could have information that you don't dare to either a)spell right out (fear of retribution, leave clues and eventually too many people have 'got it' so it becomes impossible for the plotters to go after everyone) OR b)give out all at once (because in one packet it is too much for people to wrap their heads around/would appear too improbable). This is without reference to the theme of this thread, I can't elevate it to that from what I've seen here.

People do not get together to commit unspeakable acts and then leave clues about it on youtube




Ahhhh I love shit like this.

The main theory atm is that it's an AI. That isn't an AI. Basically a human conscience converted into a program.

Well at least you guys aren't grasping for outlandish conclusions, but being very careful to only make supportable observations.

1,183 divided by 365 is almost 3 and a half years, it might refer to the biblical tribulation, 3 and a half years of peace, antichrist is revealed.

Wait... 3... and 1/2? do we have a Half Life 3 confirmation?

Wait...3 and a half?....woah wait..... Tree fitty?!

Some idiot thinks there was peace.

Pax Americana

Guvment told ma' warz over; therefor, warz over.

But is HL-3 confirmed? Yes. Yes it is.

The antichrist, how fucking irrelevant.

Unless you mean that Christian Bad Guys have an agenda to fulfil the silly, 1000-times mistranslated plagiarisms of the Hebrew ravings of a stone age Yahweh cult and its subscribers by enacting prophecy themselves in the same away some nut might set off a bomb dressed as Doctor Octopuss.

Because that I can believe.

EDIT: Yeah, I know the disgusting vein of theist stupid runs strong in this sub, completely unaware YOU are a massive part of the problem. Every downvote goes to show.

You're a fucking self righteous pompous idiot, I'm saying that's what the guy may have been talking about, go juggle balls in your mouth.

You're an overly-sensitive parochial retard.

What you said was not clearly satire and I merely made the important point against those (I clearly targeted) whom frequent this sub loaded with theist shit as the votes go to show.

Those odious fucks need a finger pointing at them as often as possible.

But you can take it personally just like the clergy's dick, if you like.

Butthurt much?

Asked the hopeful turd. Hush or I'll shit another shit on top of you.

Clever, you're gonna have to change your username, you're no longer undefeated.

As with religion, wishing does not make something so.

You have been trounced at all levels little turd.

GOD it's you again?

The one and only.



Woah thought it was a troll after watching the other videos that had mispronounced words. Thought it might be an AI ways of relearning how to pronounce words. And if it's doing it like that then there must be other clue hidden all over the internet

Anyone tried figure out the morse noise during the silence at the end?

So far i got 77:

  • short short = I
  • long short long = K
  • short = E
  • long long long = O


  • short short = I
  • long long short = G
  • long short long = K


  • short short = I
  • long short long short = C
  • long short short = D

My morse is google level so if anyone can try harder...


If you translate letters to numbers (a=1, b=2 etc.) then you get:

video 77:





video 76:




video 75:




Not sure if that means anything.

Also, each 'message' is beginning with an I (9).


Probabky someone who was making a pronunciation channel for some reason, got bored started puting some weird sentences in then for examples then just went with it

If you happen to read this one comment our of the 200. I have made a new subreddit for this one thing http://www.reddit.com/r/TheDays/ Go and put this stuff there

Have you contacted the person on Youtube?

This seems like the most obvious way to find out. Just ask. I just did. I don't expect an answer, though, because whoever is running this ARG probably doesn't want to write me back and spoil all the fun.

We've tried. The account info is fake, and the email doesn't go anywhere. The whois info on the website-to-be has been scrubbed.

Ive heard (no proof) that this is viral marketing for half-life 3. 77 days from the upload date (july 9) of the first numbered video is Sept. 24th, that date happens to be the opening date of the global gaming expo in vegas.

I made the mistake of listening to a few of these videos in the middle of the night.

First was "how to pronounce ke$ha". Seemed normal to me.

Then I watched a number video. Freaked me the fuck out.

If this is marketing, label me scared and impressed. Good luck anon, and Godspeed!

Me too, I was gonna go to bed but nope. That shit gave me the most horrible chills. Even worse than that SCP foundation website I was reading the other night!

...my curiosity disgusts me sometimes.

I want to listen but I don't...what's it sound like?

Well his voice is pretty much normal for a pronunciation video, but the example he uses is so bizarre.. maybe it's the combination of those that makes it sound so scary to me. Then the clicking at the end. Just altogether a pretty weird ass video.

The one that truly freaked me out was the video on "How to ask for help in English". Something about a single voice saying "please help me escape from this place", then repeating each word slowly, just made me NOPE right on out

Here is a list of video links collected from comments that redditors have made in response to this submission:

Source Comment Score Video Link
jablome 86 How to Pronounce 74
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Ouroboros
jacobandrews 43 Basic English: How to Pronounce the Letter A
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Curriculum Vitae
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Connection
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Conceal
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Certain
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Architect
jacobandrews 43 How to Say Alive
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Financier
jacobandrews 43 How to Pronounce Tlaxcala
jacobandrews 43 How To Pronounce Letters
jacobandrews 43 How To Pronounce The
jacobandrews 43 How to Say Dates in English
aletoledo 11 How to Say One Million Dollar Commercial
Purpledrank 6 How To Pronounce Penis
cosmic_censor 5 How to Pronounce Synecdoche
Zenof 4 Mills Lane "I'll allow it" Celebirty Deathmatch
mutantcake 3 How to Pronounce Kanye West
archonemis 3 How to Pronounce Viral Video
benjamindees 2 The Simpsons- 9/11 Message Pre- September 11th
hello_clitty 2 How to Pronounce Zeitgeist
AutoModerater 2 How to Pronounce RSVP
IronSkyPost 2 How to Say U Mad
LilMiss_CantBWrong 1 How to Pronounce Clothes
hello_clitty 1 How to Pronounce 77
Strykermcgee 1 How to Gently Correct Someone in English
you_fucking_idiot 1 How to Ask for Help in English
you_fucking_idiot 1 How to Express Disappointment in English
you_fucking_idiot 1 How to Apologize in English
toomuchpork 1 We Need Your Help
Zenof 1 How to Pronounce 73

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azD1AHlv2oI This video brings up the districts. The most recent video talks about districts. does the city which the presumed "AI facility" is located have districts?

This is fucking weird.


I'm going with horseshit.

I'm going with both.

fascinating horseshit usually mans you found the psilocybin mushrooms out in the pasture.

Whether this is real or fake, viral marketing, whatever.. it's got me creeped the fuck out pretty bad. Why would you use those specific weird-ass sentences in a pronunciation video. Some of it's kind of excessive. I really hope that this turns out to be viral marketing.

You would use those sentences because you're bored and want to troll people who get creeped out easily.

Well it worked on me. I know it has to be fake, at this point I pretty much don't believe anything I see on the internet anymore. But that guy's voice in the 77 days video was chilling.

I thought the videos start at 76?


Ah if you look at the channels home page it shows 76-74 but omits 77

Is there an active thread on 4chan ATM? If so, could someone link me

it's just a hunger games 2 viral marketing. latest vid mentions "tension between the districts" and the movie is scheduled for release sept/nov

Good theory, but why such a campaign for an already established franchise? And at such a niche level of exposure? I don't buy it.

3 years old you tube account. I don't buy it either

Maybe it was bought? I dunno

Has anyone tried to string the 20 seconds or so of "silence" from all his videos together and try to analyze it?

Someone post whatever outcome this has, good luck

He has a twitter , watch that too!


I noticed if you turn the sound up you can hear what sounds like morse code

No, there's an annotation on the videos, when he stops speaking and the clicks begin. It's odd, but I'm not digging.


it could just be noise from his recording equipment

I don't think this is anything at all, sry.

Where does it say the 24th specifically? I just see it saying Sept, 2013, but no specific date. Still interesting, though.

This is called an ARG.

What's an ARG? I'm not familiar with the term

Is Google not working?

Its an alternate reality game. This is not a conspiracy, its probably some viral marketing that 4chan is duping you guys into being their personal army.

Redditor here with an update! I found these videos and they are clearly wrong pronunciations. I think he is sending us a new message here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa1vXovXn-M&feature=c4-overview&playnext=1&list=TL74TeHKHnLaw

Different YouTube account. This one has loads more views.

Yeah, as funny as these are, they are different.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHkw_GdLX8I yeah here's another one. I think it is a troll.

So the Tlaxcala one got me thinking, I went to the tlaxcala area on google maps and searched for embassy (thinking maybe a US embassy might be there?) and the number one result was this....I think thats a pretty weird website if I say so myself.

American Camp and Work Experience? Does anyone read Spanish and can translate the sign on the front of the building?

Here is an image of the sign.

What's so urgent, we got 77 more days.

I get a very lonelygirl15 vibe from it. just sayin'.

I feel like this isn't a conspiracy, it's the modern equivalent of a numbers station.

Epsilon Program - GTA V? Gta V release in 74 days Sept 17

No, it releases in around 65 days.

I figured it was a long shot lol

This is not urgent, if everyone on /x/ were simultaneously being abducted by various indescribable crypzoological entities, that would be urgent. This is at best mildly interesting.

Has anyone taken every word he's done and maybe tried to spell something out of their first letter - or maybe something more elaborate?

If you count it out on the Calendar from today 7/13/13, it is eleven weeks and ends on 9/21/13 the last day of summer also going on that day is the Atlanta Braves at Chicago Cubs that day, remember that video of the Illunmanati symbols and shit. I would probably stay away from Wrigley that day(the owner wants a new stadium).

Sounds like an ARG for Halo 5. Anyone remember ilovebees?

tlaxcala, the international network of translators for linguisitic diversity


I decided to check back on this.

Looks like someone on the wiki figured it out. It's another alternate reality game (ARG) by Synydyne.

Alternate reality games in the past have been used for viral marketing.

I'll give you an upvote for curiosity, not sure what kind of a response you will get here Ryan with your account being new.



I never clicked on the link, any ideas what they are talking about, any clues??

(grabs popcorn)


Not another countdown! Seen this so many times before and they always come to nothing. The ruins of Tlaxcala are very interesting however. I'm preparing myself for an anticlimax but i hope there is something to it.

The youtube poster can be the greatest troll of all time.

which chat room?

considering the youtube account has been going some time it might be a case of someoen wanting anoniminininty

We should consider the possibility that this is just an attempt at profiting from youtube views, A very clever one, but it's possible.

Just woke up to this...its going to be a good day.

Im skeptical of your request.

Not seeing the connections really. The wiki is sparse and the "Points of Interest" misspelled and vague. No offense meant, but convince me otherwise?

i got to the end and it ass raped me,plox save urselfs

"We From 4chan", sung to the tune of we three kings

This has too much info...this really should be a subbreddit

I won't surprised if something happens.

Obama will give us one of these faces: http://www.oneupweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Leprechauns-in-Alabama.png

And be like, "told ya niggas! We need the NSA!"

Please let it be the answer to strange.com

4chan trolls O_o...



Transmission 2


PASSTYPE ALPHA PASSTYPE ALPHA 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00



Hundreds of rouge stars found May 1st 2012

Reminds me a bit of OTP22

I thought the same thing.

From the Google doc:

"In RSVP (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3RM2XuzXWg) he talks about disguises, and asks “What does RSVP really mean? Let’s go to France to find out” What does RSVP really mean? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Reservation_Protocol What does France have to do with it? Is it the French based Safran/Morphotrust handling some of our biometric ID systems and metadata?"

RSVP stands for "répondez s'il vous plaît" which is french for "please respond"..... to answer the question, "What does France have to do with it".


What is an ARG?

Alternate Reality Gaming.

Is the 70 days or whatever the release of the Oculus Rift?

I'm honestly not sure... I have been researching daily, but am now more confused than when I started. Sorry but you should probably ask someone else, as I'm just confuzzled. :P

FOLLOW UP: April 14, 2010:


April 14, 2010 An anchor named Carl Azuz is a student reporter for CNN. Someone makes a Pronunciation Book to explain his name - first post is how to pronounce his last name. What he told us on April 14, 2010 was about the Nuclear Summit, Russia & US Relations. 1183 Days later he posts How to Pronounce 76. Where he says, "I've been trying to tell you something for 1183 Days."

CNN Link

How to pronounce 76

How to pronounce ASUS



What about a financial collapse? Asteroid? Viral marketing.

I wrote that comment before even taking a look. Now that I've seen it, it reminds me of that lady who did a similar thing where she used youtube for field notes. People determined that she was an intelligence officer.

There was also another unrelated set of clues.

I think it was maybe two years ago where 4chan stumbled onto something like this.

They decoded coordinates from cryptic messages and people were saying that it was viral marketing. Not sure what came of it.

Link to said story? it sounds interesting.

It was all over r/conspiracy too but if I find the link(s), I'll repost.

No problem.

This is weird . . . the parody of this came first?

Or was there another pronunciation channel before it was made into a joke?

This interests me, reporting in how can i help?

Sounds like the umbra thing again

This is just a possible guess. They could of been using this youtube channel to help the incoming Russians to pronounce certain English words. And they're coming in 73 days. if you believe in the 4322 theory something should be happening the week.

Is this an ARG or are you all seriously worrying about this?

Sounds crazy interesting but i dont want to invest my time if r/conspiracy has actually been reduced to this. Thanks

This is the creepiest shit ive looked at. I'm out.

Just a suggestion: It seems like a lot of these could be literary references, and 24th September is F Scott Fitzgerald's birthday.

How to say "U mad"



Gimme a fuckin' break. 4trolled. Thx. Bye.

EDIT - http://pbc.wikia.com/wiki/Pronounciation_Book_Conspiracy_Wiki

Wo0o0o0o0 their Wiki has so much stuff zomg

Make sure to update us when it hits 0 (maybe not on this subreddit)

SOMEBODY SAID SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN!!!! Geez. There's conspiracy and then there's paranoia.

Looks like some type of advertisement for the book 77 days in September.

All I heard was Mathesar from Galaxy Quest "We need your help!"

Reddit: We can help...but we won't!

How's it feel faggots?

Ninja Edit: ...but seriously, I'll check it out.

I was Just reading bellow that you said people think its an AI living in the computer, that it came from a lab in Central American, 2 years ago, i met an extraordinary person in my home town whos identity i will not reveal, this person told an incredible story (later backed up) He said he was an expert computer engineer and had worked across the world in major corporations doing technical work. His skills and ideas ranged widely, permaculture, mushrooms, construction, Christianity, psychedelics. I will also mention that he proved his knowledge to me over the year i knew him, he loaned me his extensive and incredible library, with books on everything from glass making to solar panels, mushrooms and a multitude of tesla books. Also, i helped him pack his supplies and got to see the incredible items in his possession. Any way, the point of this is that he told me about an Artificial Intelligence, being created in a computer, he told me that in the early days, this AI had been moved from country to country in order to protect it. He told me its last place of rest was a lab in Central America. Lastly, he said that around 1999, this AI left the laboratory and migrated into the internet, where it has been living ever since.

TLDR: met a man in my town who proved to me he was a software engineer and technician with extraordenary ideas and abilities. He told me about an AI that was in a lab in central america but in 1999 entered the internet where it now resides.


i do know this, im simply relaying what he said, i suppose maybe the AI is spread out across the network living in everyone's computer like each one was a neuron in a huge network across the earth. The dude was pretty out there, but when i read the stuff people where saying it immediately brought what he said to mind.



but perhaps its more of the ant colony model, ant colonies have been know to exhibit intelligent behavior without a centralized "brain", its like the brain is spread out through all the ants.

He's going to gain so many subscribers from this. Maybe this is his comeback, seeing as how the guy who copied his videos, (pronunciationmanual), has wayyy more subs than him. I'd be pissed.

no, wait. what?

Refbatch returns.


It is an account set up by the CIA or some other 3letter devil. it is supposed to attract attention from social media and with trending in twitter it will soon be discovered by the world.

This is the condition the brains and make people nervous thus starting the crumbeling down of "the land of the free" and europe. At D-day the most volcanic erruptions will take place; this together with weapons (bombs or alien tech) at strategic points of the earth will make a natural occurence of the earth a devestation for humanity.

Every so often the earth change magnetic poles and they shift places. This causes many things but most of all the replacement of tectonic plates and the rapid acceleration of the growing of the earth. This in turn will cause the before said volcanos.

It is all a mind game by the NWO to tense the population up, cause chaos, and have many people dead without "dirtying" their hands publicly.

What will follow next is a totalitarian government with fighting between China Russia and the USA&Europe (or NWO)

The signs are many and I am ashamed to live in a society that was to dumb to see the signs. This has been going on for thousands of years and we have just let this happen.

Don't be evil (isn't it ironic)

Nikola Nice


BLUEBEAM combined with STAR WARS ends WWIII between East and West. To go with the alien/angel hologram show in the sky and particle beam destruction of militaries voices will be beamed into people's heads, as well as heavy mood-alteration and thought suggestion using microwave cell phone towers. Then one-world religion under the ascended master Maitreya handed down by the aliens/angels.

Don't know if this has been posted but the clicks on the audio at the end of the videos may be Morris's code or something along those lines. Any thoughts?

yes it's been mentioned.

Mehr, I took a look at it. My boyfriend is a btard, I can't be all again em.


Ah...You've raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir!.

Any new theories?

It's either an Alternative Reality Game (ARG) for viral marketing or an ARG for government study of social behavior and collaboration.

Probably the first one since the links to John Bender and Synydyne were discovered.

This is so weird..

Oh hi everyone, RealByReel here: I'm back from the mental hospital after a small breakdown trying to figure out this thing. Anyway, now that my perception of reality is changed and I'm floating in a most peculiar way tell me: How's progress going on the PronounciationBook???

I am fairly new to this sub but I find it very interesting in general, particularly this story (because it's what got me to finally subscribe).

My question is this, and forgive me if it's a stupid one: from what I can see, people's main argument against it being some form of viral ad campaign is the fact that this channel has existed for three years. Why is it so inconceivable that anyone would go to that length and that amount of planning to advertise a product? I think that would be really impressive and probably something that an indie game developer might do. I heard it posited that it may be advertisement or a tie-in to a novel of some sort that will be released when the countdown ends -- that doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility either, especially because, of course, books take a long time to write.

I'm not counting out the possibility of it being government-related or some kind of social experiment or what have you, I'm just curious as to why the fact that it's been going on for so long disqualifies it from being an ad campaign?

Honestly either way this pretty much has me on the edge of my seat.

The countdown ends on my birthday. Shivers

Pronunciation Book was a big disappointment. It was all an advertisement.

I hope you find what you're looking for, let us know how it goes. I won't click on the links, they look sketchy and I'm still kind of confused with your post. I have no idea what's going on.


Sounds good. I'll be waiting.

What fun is a game when the creators conceal the principle mechanic for victory?

He might be exmilitary http://youtu.be/mPz1k879tzA

i did notice a slight propensity for commercial brand names to be in a slightly heaver bold. This is my 10 minute analysis. I will but this meme one in my large 'wait and see' pile..

Also this reminds me the the tv show 'Lost' i get that feeling or sense that I had watching the first two seasons of lost. Just sayin

I'm interested in this, I'll be drinking coffee and paying attention. But does Anyone remember a while back, a site with a date somewhere in august, the site had hidden links to numbers stations, a creepy girls face. It ended with the person responsible saying it was a hoax and it got out of hand. This could end in a similar fashion.

I think I counted right and the numbers are counting down to September 28th?

If so, there are a few interesting anniversaries on that date. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_28

Edit: Sorry, September 24th. My math sucks, heres the list for that date. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_24

shitty BF4-viral is shitty


Its either a troll or the elite fucked up and gave away their plan. I wonder which is more likely?

the vid " how to express dates in english" interested me. as an 11 yr old in around 2006 i remember watching something but i cant quite put my finger on it. it was a wierd show that i cant recall of exactly but i know it had something to do with aliens cause on may 10th that year i went on a crazy alien conspiracy

k goodluck faggot

I'm going offline for the day, this shit is buzzing my mind, ugh. BOOOOKS!

This guy does viral marketing for video games actually. It's very subtle, but if you watch his videos a lot more, you'll understand it.

4 8 15 16 23 43

There I solved it

We have to go back

I will upvote if you can tell me what happened to Alex


Remember this message. This is fake. A corporate PR stunt.

Edit: we need to show a bit more scepticism. A lot of people would love to claim to have got one over r/conspiracy...



Wait, what. Who's Alex?

This makes your posts a lot less credible. Any proper reading of that thread about "Alex" will reveal that it was a hoax and that they were found out. This is not an assumption; it's pretty much literally in that thread. For example: [quote]"Alex was kill. Coaler is a faggot Cory Salyer. Sorry for the loss. He was dox'd. Everything is irrelivent now. Fuck you all. It was fun. "

That was the quote on the archive site, so that seems pretty definitive.


Curious how they figured him out. [/quote]






So....the video mentioning "I've been trying to tell you for 1183 days", what date is 1183 days from when it was posted? I'd figure it out for myself but my potatophone is slower than dirt.


He's talking about a well know British television presenter.

No I am talking about a 4chan reddit thread

Not Alex Jones ether

I am talking about This Alex


I love digging up creepy ass old things XD


He overdosed on tangy tangerine?

I tries jumping in there but couldn't post anything.

The moment I saw 4chan was involved, I knew this was going to be some kind of bullshit or another.

There is more important things to focus on than this random garbage.

This is fucking retarded

and you people wonder why they don't take conspiracy theorists seriously

This shit is dumb as hell and is a scam

You from 4chan should probably do something constructive and put your dick in a skull or something. What's next? Trying to make sense of timecube? This is obviously a fabricated 𝖒𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖞tm , probably born out of boredom or in the hope to go moderately viral.

Reporting this shit and OP.

Want to ad your shit then fucking PAY reddit for your ad and dont come with this viral marketing BS.

Most posts here are all fro, throwaway accounts

You fuckers only ruin this sub and any forum with thoughtful discussions on whats happening so...


Why would anyone think this is anything but marketing for Cambio.com and Skittles? One of the videos posts a link to a contest

I can understand why 4Chan would be interested, but /r/conspiracy?


It's not even the same channel dude.

It's so similar I didn't even notice.

Are you going to remove or edit your post then? This is misinformation and not needed. How would you mistakenly post a channel that just happens to be bullshit.

For the record: http://www.youtube.com/user/pronunciationbook is the correct channel being discussed not this bullshit with a contest.

So you crossed out the Cambio.com and Skittles references but left the links in going to the wrong channel on youtube? Why don't you just deleted your post? It is completely incorrect and misleading. Just misinformation.

It's relevant information.

You are linking to PronunciationManual channel on YouTube. This is not the channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/pronunciationbook is the correct channel. What you are posting is a parody of pronunciationbook. Please remove your misinformation.

What makes you think these videos are not marketing?

You are linking to the wrong videos on the wrong channel.

http://www.youtube.com/user/pronunciationbook is the correct channel.

You are posting a parody of pronunciationbook. Please remove your misinformation.


So you are now aware that have posted incorrect information but refused to remove? Why would that be? Shill perhaps?

I don't post much but - you're a fat trolling motherfucker that needs to go back to your local McDonald's drive-thru instead of wasting your time concocting this bullshit on a Friday night.

He's talking about a well know British television presenter.

He overdosed on tangy tangerine?

No I am talking about a 4chan reddit thread

Not Alex Jones ether

I am talking about This Alex

I tries jumping in there but couldn't post anything.

It was all over r/conspiracy too but if I find the link(s), I'll repost.

Pax Americana

A shit load of videos, most have adds, heaps of people will watch them all and continue as they count down=money.

This is definitely a viral ad for a video game. It's so obvious!

Me too, I was gonna go to bed but nope. That shit gave me the most horrible chills. Even worse than that SCP foundation website I was reading the other night!

...my curiosity disgusts me sometimes.

If this is true they have done one hell of a job using forethought.

I thought the videos start at 76?

Ah if you look at the channels home page it shows 76-74 but omits 77

Man I got so excited that this was true. This is why I always read the comments before watching anything

What's an ARG? I'm not familiar with the term

How is it obvious?

Who do you think conspirit@rds are?

People who laugh at insane conspiracy theories.

You are linking to PronunciationManual channel on YouTube. This is not the channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/pronunciationbook is the correct channel. What you are posting is a parody of pronunciationbook. Please remove your misinformation.

The one that truly freaked me out was the video on "How to ask for help in English". Something about a single voice saying "please help me escape from this place", then repeating each word slowly, just made me NOPE right on out