George Zimmerman not guilty verdict in manslaughter

2  2013-07-14 by [deleted]

Now patiently wait and hope there is no serious backlash from certain communities


Being that I live directly down the road from the courthouse, I'm keeping an eye on the news for any shenanigans from the crowd. I'm not really expecting anything, but several helicopters passed over the house minutes before the reading. News crews, but still unsettling.

yes it is definitely a controversial case for that community I would imagine. Hoping things stay calm. We don't want race-fuelled riots, we want patriotic riots

CNN has a live chopper shot going on online, and to be honest it looks like the reporters looking for reaction outnumber the people holding signs.

USA has the biggest joke of a legal system.

It fucking worked for once.

Yea it let a blatant murderer back into the streets to remorselessly shoot another unarmed child.

Or did it uphold an innocent man's right to self defense?

According to the 6 people who know the evidence better than you or I, it upheld a man's right to self defense.

A grown man does not need to use a gun to defend himself from an unarmed teenage boy. Nor does he need to shoot him with that gun. Point a gun at a 16 year old kid and see what happens. $30,000 says he doesn't advance. Use LOGIC. The next time a kid you love and hold dear to your heart gets in a subtle argument, I hope someone caps him and screams self defense. Anyone who thinks that guy is not a murderer is a joke. Shit was rigged out of the gate. Enjoy the racial debate in USA to further divide the nation.

That unarmed teenage boy was pounding zimmermans head into the fucking cement and reached for his gun. Get real.


Am I being trolled? Holy shit, this is good if I am.

I feel you... Not worth your time. What do you expect from a Kanye West fan?

man 6 upvotes. you guys are as good as profiling as zimmerman is. better follow me down the street the next time I leave a store in case i deserve to be shot for something.

Nah, you're a pussy like Zimmerman. You'd probably shoot a 16 year old kid too. Have fun with your fucked up logic. Maybe the next time you raise your fist, someone will put a gun in YOUR face. Your paradigm might shift then.

age has nothing to do with it....dude was fucking 6'2, and according to cell phone records that the prosecution team didn't want released, was alllll about fighting. yeah its a shitty situation, a kid died. but the next time somebody raises a fist at me, and i have a gun, if i feel like this person is going to try to hurt me, i'm going to use the gun.

Hot tip. Reach doesn't matter in a fight when someone has a gun. Zimmerman's WEIGHT, counts for more than Martins reach. Do you know anything about physical altercations?

What about Trayvon's side that he doesn't get to tell, because a piece of shit FOLLOWED HIM DOWN THE STREET WITH A GUN AND SHOT HIM.

It's easy for Zimmerman to say Trayvon was the aggressor, there is noone alive to counter his argument. The fact you believe a murderer's statement is ridiculous. WHAT INCENTIVE COULD HE HAVE TO LIE?

The fact of the matter is Zimmerman was told not to pursue, by trained professionals who he had called to HELP HIM. Even if he DID get into an altercation where it required self defense, HE STILL PUT HIMSELF IN HARMS WAY BY STALKING SOMEONE DOWN THE STREET. There are also several testimonies that say ZIMMERMAN WAS THE AGGRESSOR. I guess we will go ahead and ignore those. What was he doing out with a gun following around teenagers with skittles again?

Child? He was 17... Heck, Joan of Arc was leading the French army at that age.

The teen was a wannabe thug. He tried to thug with the wrong guy, and he lost that battle.

You don't waste time. I hope, as you do, that cooler heads will prevail. However, given the political coverage, wholly unwarranted, this trial has received, anything could happen. We all will see shorty.

yes well I saw a tweet that mentioned they had reached a verdict, and flipped over to PropagandaCable News Network. Surely anything is possible. I wouldn't bet against some strategically placed "operatives" to incite violence or take a protest to where TPTB could potentially want

Yes. TPTB seem to want the dreaded martial law for some perverse reason. Lets hope that doesn't happen. The Boston bombing episode was, in fact, a test to see how the public would respond to martial law. And the public, at least in Boston, cowered just as the powers had hoped. But. TPTB might find that to be a false test, to there shock.


Shh. Don't give them any ideas. They are evil enough as it is. But seriously, I agree with you. I wouldn't put such a stupid stunt past them. The public, hopefully, will not stand for such Gestapo tactics, for once.

Racism issues in that town are going to go crazy, well even more so now. When I lived there it was bad enough, I'm glad I got out of there before all of this started. I think LA is going to be involved in this too, possibly riots, etc.

I would bet that this entire thing has been an excuse to start a racially-motivated riot (of course, government agents would be the ones to start it) to help bring in the police state, and also to keep people focused on that instead of the real problems (like PRISM).

Praise Allah!

Edit: This is a joke. I'll often say to the my christian friends just to troll them. I'll use it in a context when you'd normally say 'thank god'. Works every time.

Allah has nothing to do with this. This is a man made circus. Sorry, with respects to Allah.

A grown man does not need to use a gun to defend himself from an unarmed teenage boy. Nor does he need to shoot him with that gun. Point a gun at a 16 year old kid and see what happens. $30,000 says he doesn't advance. Use LOGIC. The next time a kid you love and hold dear to your heart gets in a subtle argument, I hope someone caps him and screams self defense. Anyone who thinks that guy is not a murderer is a joke. Shit was rigged out of the gate. Enjoy the racial debate in USA to further divide the nation.