If Greenwald is making the claim that the info Snowden has will still really shock us, what info could Snowden possibly have?

54  2013-07-15 by [deleted]


Hard evidence regarding 9/11 and all of the complicit parties?

He said shock, not validate.

Lots of people believe the 911 gov story

It's weird when I stray to r/news and see a "911 tinfoil hat" comment. People still don't get it?? There is hard evidence on one side and bullshit on the other. Black boxes disappearing, passports surviving and an extra building falling at almost terminal velocity. What's there not to get? It was set up.

not enough.

And perhaps hard proof that all major terrorist attacks touted by the media and MIC in their "War on Terror" were false-flag operations.

In my opinion, if Snowden had the clearance he says he had, there isn't a way he couldn't of known about the real events that happened leading up to and the day of 9/11. Not with the clear access he supposedly had. He boasted that he could tap the President if he wanted.

hmm yes but only after 9/11 (unless they were also all over it before then)

So much of me hopes this is the case, but I just have this doubt, that this would really be revealed. But we can all hope.

People believe what they want to believe. If Snowden would release proof that 9/11 was committed by Al Quaeda without knowledge from the US, all the 9/11 truthers would dismiss him as disinfo agent and come up with wild theories how we were all duped for months into believing he was the real deal while in fact he was CIA all along.

Want to bet on that?

Snowden has "leaked" nothing that hasn't been known for years. The only thing he leaked were operational details.

real question is why is Glenn Greenwald parading around with highly sensitive info instead of A. reporting it to the public or B. getting shot?

I've actually like how they have go about slowly leaking the information. If they dropped it all at ounce, the media will just pick a few aspects and run with just that. Now, they have to focus just on the info provided. Also, it shows how the government story has to change with every new additional piece of information leaked.

The point is to go around the media. The media is a propaganda arm. They will ignore anything that is counter to the current agenda anyway. This information needs to be released to the public and a grass roots social media campaign needs to be enacted wherein the information is shared as widely as possible. From grandma/grandpa email blasts to facebook shares and reddit posts. The public is perfectly capable of exploiting the new channels of media and has no need to be spon fed leaks via the "Mainstream media".

Truthfully, I think its high time that we start exposing pedophilia and human trafficking in high places. In my estimation, the visceral element of the crimes coupled with the high-profile personalities committing the crimes will be what it takes to get people off their asses and doing something. The Franklin Scandal is one of many such incidences in the States:

Franklin Scandal Wikipedia Nick Bryant's Website, ad-heavy but has info Yet another article

What is more, we need to start showing the links between church based pedophilia and politicians. We are looking at a network of powerful pedos, people have painted all catholic priests with the pedo brush, while ignoring that the priests that are having their crimes covered up have connections to political and financial elites throughout the country.

In any event, leaking the Snowden information out slowly only serves the power elite. It allows PR campaigns to pre-emptively frame and dismiss allegations. It allows counter-propaganda techniques to be deployed in front of meaningful releases. It allows the entire debate to be framed by the gatekeepers, who "judiciously" determine what we hoi polloi should know at any given moment.

If there are crimes being committed and rights being trampled, I want to know in full. I don't want Glenn Greewnald to determine when an appropriate time to release the information is.

You may be interested in checking out u/LawOfAttraction33 post:


In any event, leaking the Snowden information out slowly only serves the power elite. It allows PR campaigns to pre-emptively frame and dismiss allegations. It allows counter-propaganda techniques to be deployed in front of meaningful releases. It allows the entire debate to be framed by the gatekeepers, who "judiciously" determine what we hoi polloi should know at any given moment.

It a double edge sword, they can either just wash everything out by overloading the media to much information, so they can cherry pick the least damning information, or they can slowly leak it out. As for Gleen Greenwald, I personally don't have a problem with how he has been conducting this situation.

Couldn't agree more. If we are to evolve into a global species than children must be priority number one.

Note: when actually looking at the worlds problems with open eyes Children are actually at the center of all our problems. Psychologically, Anthropologically, Moralistically. Always at the center. Of course I am not referring to the saber rattling rhetoric where the topic of Child Safety is paraded like a dead carcass amongst political Hyenas. I mean quite literally.

If you were of the mind to cause trouble or fix things children would be the logical place to start so should be to begin. I draw my conclusions from history.

Thank you brizzadizza for this point of view on this subject.

Also, there was a doc about this which was a conspiracy within itself.


exactly this. and im all for it. however the other side of me is pretty impatient and hates waiting for something thats been promised way too many times. whatever happened to all the damning info on TBTF banks?? i remember similar claims maybe 2 or 3 years ago and nothing solid popped up.

Publicity. Have to milk it for as long as possible.

And this isn't even necessarily a bad or selfish thing as it keeps the issue in the news cycle for a longer period of time.

If anybody gets shot right now, everyone will understand who is behind pulling the strings.

after being silent for the whole discussion sits up from his chair in the back of the room and begins to clap

The only info that would change anything would be like aliens or ISON is gonna fuck us up or free energy. Something huge. Anything else and americans will bend over and take it. I can wish all I want but something tells me aliens arent gonna come save us and ISON will most likely pass on by and the lid on any alternative energy is on pretty tight. So my guess is that the info wouldnt be all that shocking. I hope im wrong.

I have the sneaking suspicion that even if conclusive, incontestable proof of 9/11 as a staged, shock and awe event that paved the way for a de facto coup of the current national authorities was produced, the general public's reaction will be "meh". I also hope I'm wrong.

On our like minded /conspiracy side, we'll be saying "we've been telling you this for years." It'll be met with a loud collective voice that shouts "well duh, why would anyone be surprised by this!?"

A perfect opportunity to pin all of this mess on Bush/Cheney and Obama goes back to murderin.....

The people who denied it before might just say meh. But with absolute proof, people like us might do something. I will.

nope, it'll take the release of snuff porn starring political elites and homosexual liaisons. Let that cat out of the bag and watch any support for the current government erode like a sand castle during high tide.


He got out with FOUR classified laptops. I doubt the NSA just hands these things out and given that the NSA probably buys the good shit the hard drive size of each of those is probably pretty substantial. Basically just one of those laptops would be r/conspiracy's wet dream.

He could have gotten away with information about the last 20 or 30 years of operations that they have been involved with. Maybe not every single operation one but cherry picked some of them.

If they are the highest-clearance laptops could he access anything he wanted involving NSA and CIA?

Are you implying still has access?

I am pretty sure the multibillion dollar defense subcontractor deactivated his user account

I know. But it'd make a good plot for a b grade spy movie.

When he was still working for them I bet he had access to all sorts of stuff from different agencies, although I doubt he had access to anything he wanted. Accessing certain files would definetly raise some internal alarms.

No. That's not how the system works. Simply having access to (a particular) aspect doesn't grant you access to the whole database.


That the War On Terrorâ„¢ is complete bullshit.

Remember that recent discovery that wifi can be used to monitor through walls? Yea i bet they've been doing that.

there've been stories coming out the past few months about a cheap, simple process that boosts wi-fi towers effectiveness by something like 700%, and my small town alone is talking about building 120+ new towers over the next few years...

That would be a good thing for internet access to be more widespread, but its those who would use these technologies for bad that are worrying me.

Oh man, good idea

Greenwald will reveal to us the depth of US lies regarding Unidentified Flying Objects historically, the United States' secret space program(including diagrams of back-engineered crafts), the locations of already colonized and habitable worlds in our sector of space, the blueprint for the next phases of the NWO takeover, and next week's lottery numbers. Just a guess. Oh yeah, maybe some stuff about privacy.

lizard people...

Buncha croc suckers.

first ufo's then aliens then lizards in that order. lizards just discredits the whole thing

digital tv converters and other non-camera things functioning as cameras, and remote access to things people think can't be remotely accessed...

Permanent non-terrestrial US and allied troops. Like what that hacker kid found manifests for in the pentagon.

I think it could be something bigger, he did after all say he could wiretap anyone's line, even the president. What if he was able to tap in and hear conversations that weren't meant for others? That could be interesting.

That the discourse is more heavily controlled that you believe. From the media, to random posts on the Internet, to being "shadow banned" for people who get to close to the truth -- all of it is locked down and there is no freedom.

NSA is surveillance do just ask yourself what they could have observed that would shock all Americans.

  1. Proof the government is going to fuck everyone.

  2. Proof the government has information that reveals everyone is going to get fucked and is compliant in it happening.

You could insert almost anything into those two categories and I wouldn't be surprised. Lets see: aliens, fabricated wars/genocide, NWO, state sponsored terrorism, global threats of natural origin, you name it.

I do believe we'll know soon enough. Thoughts take actions that give rise to actions. I don't think the lid can stay on something like this.

As an alternative narrative, it could also be part of a psyop/disinfo campaign. Maybe snowden will ultimately die. Maybe a drone strike. Maybe this is all to set a new legal precedence for institutionalized tyranny. That's all also plausible in my mind.

Maybe its a feint to make the US stand down in Snowden attempts to get to asylum. If not, the only thing that could shock people to wake up would be more data on 9/11.

The specific use of spy technologies to blackmail powerful figures in government, military, media, etc.

he has NOTHING...

everything he has given us to date is decade old information..

its a giant distraction

The irony is that if he has troves of info then he also has troves of info on:

  1. The United States Shadow Government (NWO orchestrating from behind the scenes)

  2. Controlling Hearts & Minds Through Organized Religion

  3. The Suppression of Alternative And Free Energy Sources

  4. The Collapse of the Global Economy Was A Controlled Demolition

  5. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy (aftermath)

  6. The true story of the attacks on September 11, 2001

  7. The Cover-Up of Extraterrestrial Visitation and Their Space Craft

  8. Stuff the elite get upto (all the bad stuff david icke says they are up to)

...and thus, using their own system against them

Hopeful for:

  1. Extraterrestrials
  2. Confirmation 9/11 was an inside job