All Betrayers of the Constitution voted NO against the Amash Amendment. Is your UnRepresentitive one of them?

42  2013-07-25 by jimmyb207

If you haven't checked, please do. If they voted NO, Vote them OUT!



colorado should just succeed

*Secede. 'Succeed' is what they're already doing.


Last election I voted against my "UnRepresentitive". Didn't work. These incumbents are tougher to get rid of than bed bugs.

my state was almost dead split with 2 no votes.

just emailed my representative, she abstained from voting. I suggest everyone email their representative and at least let them know how you feel, even if you're thankful that they voted yes

I live in Maine. Both Reps Michaude and Pingree both voted Aye and I thanked them with an email.

This vote on the Amash amendment was important not so much as to get rid of NSA, but more so to show in broad daylight which reps work for the People and which ones have gone to the dark side.

ALL reps that voted NO must be voted OUT! Flush the turds out of the system.

I'm sure mine are. I live in ILL. Can't vote them out. I live in downstate ILL.

I wrote my guy. Reminded him that treason is a crime

Relieved, but not surprised that my guy Moran voted yes. Will send thank you email also.

why isnt maryland on the list? Unless im blind and couldnt see it in my face


True. In Maine, Chellie Pingree (D) has a record to be proud of. Michaude (D) on the other hand voted Aye for the Amash Amendment but recently voted FOR the NDAA provision...WTF... he's gotta go!

My representative voted yes, I should send him a thank you email.

In fact it looks like my state (Wisconsin) did pretty good. 6-2 in favor of the bill.

Only one of my Reps voted yes. Three of them voted no and one I don't even see on the list. My state can never get anything good. All the good things get voted wrong or illogically.

If you are a Republican, in all likelihood your Representative voted for secrecy and against the peoples right to the Constitutional protections.

Nonsense. It was a REALLY close vote. Everyone sucks.

Voting yes were 111 Democrats and 94 Republicans.

Voting no were 83 Democrats and 134 Republicans.

STOP MAKING THIS SHIT PARTISAN. This isn't about parties damnit. Both sides voted for and against. This is about weeding out the shitheads and learning who might actually care. I say Amash 2016