The world is ending...

14  2013-07-27 by [deleted]'s pretty obvious. Pick at any one strand and follow it long enough...they all connect to the fact that the world is ending. And yet people go on everyday totally oblivious. TV, GMOs, and Pharmaceuticals have done their job.

So, how do you deal with it? The cognitive dissonance between what I know the facts are about what is going on versus what the average person thinks is going on is really starting to get to me. Knowing that at least 80% of these people are about to die when the grid collapses and also knowing that if I try to explain that to them they will just think that I'm a whack job is really doing my head in.

How do you cope?


Great question, we are all one consciousness all living this we are all one from source. There is no death of consciousness ever only body.. If they don't wake up they aren't meant to, let it wash over you like water and cleanse your pain.


good point

How do you cope?

By having no fear. Its not a forgone conclusion, the world ending. Perhaps we are on the precipice of a global renaissance, and you and I can be catalysts for it.

Yeah, I dunno. I've been living on that prayer for years now and my hope is drying up as the more I live my truth the more I see 100 other people just going along with the NWO march. And those bastards end up doing better than me!

Go travelling and bang some chicks in other countries. Also do some yoga.

I've done all of that actually, but thanks!

Don't fear death, it's only an energy transfer. Have faith and hope. I don't know if it's an afterlife or different dimension, but I think, no, I feel that a supreme benevolence exists (and sigh, evil too), but if you choose light and love, I'm pretty sure we get to come back and help the greater good.

If hell exists, it's the absence of community. Hell is you alone w your ego.

Keep calm, carry the message, watch the signs. Pretty sure something is coming in August? September? to which no one will be able to deny truth, nor fear for speaking truth.

I feel you!

Absolutely beautifully said. Well said, my brother/sister. Well said.

Pretty sure something is coming in August? September?

like what? elaborate please

From what I've seen here, it's hard to tell if it is a natural disaster being concealed (solar flares, asteroids, would aliens be a "natural" disaster?), a military regime (either the US or a conquering army, which could already be attacking but the stories are being misdirected), or if it is spiritual in nature (the gods are returning or angered, the sacred light is on the verge of being revealed). I don't know what, but something big is coming, and while it scares me, I also have a pushing sense of hope?

The world isn't ending. This particular version and iteration of human civilization is. That's a big, big difference. Humans are by far NOT the end all and be all of all that is.

This particular version and iteration of human civilization for the most part sucks, and sucks badly, so it will be good when it's gone and it ends. The planet and many of the other beings on it will be much better off when we're no longer on it.

In point of fact you are correct and I congradulate you on correcting me!!!

Thank you for your lofty reaction, sir.

Truth is that I wish more of us humans would own up to our ability to change things for the better. We seem to be too stuck in the role of the sheep that we've been indoctrinated into believing we are by TPTB to be able to stand up and do what's right, however. This is, of course, very unfortunate, for if we DID do what we're actually capable of, then we could transform this planet into a clean utopia and make it very different than it currently is.

The extent toward which we are lazy and complacent and allowing of the wrongs and the evils that continue going on around us, however, is the very extent toward which we ourselves are damned as a society and a civilization.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on all that you've just said.

Take solace in the fact that once you have lost everything, you're free to do anything.

For instance, I recently purchased a house. In the back of my mind, there's all these worries about a financial or social collapse. I had to come to the realization that if things get really bad, I might lose all I've worked for.

While losing all that would be tragic, it would not be the end, but instead a new beginning.

It really does seem like it.

If only we are so lucky!!

I think humanity just keeps restarting itself , and each time the history books are rewritten to make it seem like the first time . But what if the Illuminati are the only survivors each time , and they keep exploiting the planet at the cost of our suffering , aka satan


Go into nature every single day. Connect with the earth. The earth isn't ending. She is expanding. Every ending is a new beginning. Structure your life so you aren't attached to the games. Connect with earth and you'll feel so much better. You'll feel trust in this process. The scary shit is the death throes of what should never have been.

Actually last year I spent 4 months in nature and I did feel a lot different. I noticed when I went back into the city people reacted much differently to me for a good long while after that as well. So good point!

I can't even go back to cities for very long anymore. Is not the same as it was 20-30 yrs ago. (Yes, I'm an old fart, lol.) they know we're waking up. They're clamping down hard. It will get worse. Reconnect to Spirit, go deep into who you really are. Ground yourself in nature. It will help you stay aware. It will help you have compassion for those who are still asleep. It will guide you to be in the right place, to stay protected as the unfoldment happens. It is all good... Just stay awake and stay connected.

Thanks for your kind words!

This is absolutely true. Mother nature will always help you find the answers. Theres a sort of energy there, a feeling of wholeness. This is what technology is meant to do, cut off our tie with nature and prevent deep philosophical thinking which inevitably comes around while in the forest.

Interesting that UN Agenda 21 is planning on cutting us off from public lands and force all of humanity into approved zones. They're already starting to block access to forest roads where I live.

The 'world' has been ending since it was born.

Within that cognitive dissonance lies a relatively miniscule population of people, who already know that we're fucked.

Dude, relax a little. Humanity is a march upwards and forwards

explain that to me...?

i cant save you dude, you just need to learn how to cope

Said it before and I'll say it again.

If you think, "It's all hopeless." "There's nothing that I can do." "There are too many problems to solve." Then you are not 'awakened' yet. You are still part of group think. Having a life that your children can live in is worth fighting for. There are many problems, with solutions to each, all can be solved one at the time (many, can be solved at the same time) but it still takes effort to move in that direction. And thinking that you are worthless or have no effect is a lie. You have a voice, you can use it. Keep spreading the word out and try to awaken as many as you can. I know it may not seem like much, but if you can awaken people, it will break the chains in their head that they need to obey monsters. And that is all they need, that is all the monsters need, for people to think they are worth less.

I don't have any kids but thanks for your kind words!

Just remember there are no accidents. Don't give up on trying to wake people up, but don't be discouraged by the ones who can't. Just rejoice in the ones who can and let the others go. Stress is nothing but negative energy which breeds negative energy so don't dwell or you will be doing harm to yourself. Don't avoid it either, negative is the yang of the yin of positive and both depend on the other. You cannot have positive without negative, just like you cannot have light without dark, its the duality of life.

Think of it this way, whether through death by grid collapse, or dying of old age, we all go to the same place. We are luminous beings having a physical experience here on earth. If you see this as truth then there is no saving, instead they are living a different experience than you, but will have the same outcome. After all, death is as much a part of life as birth, and no two deaths are the same because no two lives are the same.

Now moving backwards to your first point, I don't see it as obvious that the world is ending. I do see how society may be on the brink of ending, but that would be the best thing for all involved, after all those in control could not be in control if we did not have the society we have. So if you look at the world as going through a change instead of coming to an end you will see that there is more to look forward to than to dread. Most people will not survive, or wake up, but that is because they could not survive with the coming changes as they are too dependent on the current system.

Life is change, you cannot stop it, you cannot get everyone to accept it, you can't even get everyone to survive it. All you can do is live it and hopefully not lose the lesson, after all the only thing you can take with you is the knowledge you gain.

Hope that helps, and remember, be thankful for every experience in life, you gain more knowledge from failure than you ever do from success. So when you lose in life just don't lose the lesson. Each person you cannot wake up is knowledge you gain to help the next one and increase your chances.

I agree with you but what you wrote just makes me think about killing myself.

That is a choice you have, but not an uncommon one, the ones on the other side don't need to be woken up though, just here. You would lose all those chances of waking up others to the truth. Think of how exhilarating it is to wake up another, and realize you would never feel that again. If not for the love of nature at least stay for the love of truth.

Added: We need all the help we can get.

I don't know that it's my mission in life to 'wake people up'.

That is a fine mission to have, keep up the good work.

Edit: Sorry I miss read your comment, I was not trying to say your mission should be to wake people up, I was commenting on you doing it and it being invigorating.

But if you don't try to wake people up, then what is the point of your post.

Suicide is selfish, unless an utterly selfless act.


I think that's a possibility but I don't think it's intentional on their part.

OP is shill profiling people. God dam it you people are relentless, god help us.

Really? Obama has said clear and many times. In times like these there is hope. With obama in office anything is possible, never give up as that is only giving in. People see past these conspiracy nut tales & i for one wont stand for this bullshit.

You are either the most damn hilarious tongue in cheek satirist ever or deeply mislead.


exactly, and the post was absurd. Who in their right mind has that kind of blind devotion to anyone anymore?


This stuff was all foretold in the Bible. (The Bible also contains spoilers of what's gonna happen next...) Our creator did not design us for fear.

Really. Fucking fairytale book seemed to be cause of most of the wars and fear was its number one message. Fear the man made book god

Jesus was a pacifist that taught the meaning of life is to help those in need. God is currently allowing evil to rule this twisted world. But not for long. Walk in Love and Light and fear not.

I get enjoyment from laughing at conspiracy theories


Absolutely not, the media is just the propaganda arm for the government. There will be a change, but not nearly as bad as OP is ranting about. Why is it that everyone thinks they are going to survive whatever apocalypse? "99% of the population is going to die but me and my buddy Bubba spent a weekend digging a hole so we are going to be ok" Face it, you are going to die like the rest of the planet. That's the thing about life, none of us are getting out of here alive.

Now, I do think you need to take enjoyment from whatever you can. Can you honestly say that everything you hear from Alex Jones or David Icke is 100% true? Fluoride is a mind control agent, Reptile aliens are controlling the world, Airliners are pumping chemicals out 30,000 feet up to control you? There is not one thing you hear and think, "That's not right!"

good for you, no one gives a fuck.

Lighten up Alex Jones. If you truly feel he end is near, do something about it.

Not much can be done.

I wholely disagree. Prep your mind, your heart, your body, your soul.

care to elaborate?

We each have our own path, our silent knowledge. Every religion has truth & darkness. Look for the gray areas. It's the sun, the moon, the stars, the daydreams of your childhood. It's all AND nothing. It's what cannot be explained, but understood.

What are you a Taoist?

I'm a human being.

  • if I had to pick a religion, it would be UU. Whatever honors science, mysticism, pagan rituals, the earth and the elements, teachers and prophets, the ancestors, the gods and muses, etc. All AND Nothing.


Read those like 10 years ago, couldn't take them seriously.




You're wound pretty tight dude.


Would someone who is 'awake' be as full of spite as you seem to be?

I haven't slept in 2 days. I hold a great anger that I try to keep caged for when the time is right, sometimes it seeps out when I lose focus. I am of light, but my battle with darkness is long from over. Honestly, I apologize for saying those negative things. That is not who I truly am and it is not what I stand for.

Know that if you truly seek the light, do not turn your attention outwards, but inwards. For we are in the universe the same way that the universe is in us. We are all that we see, every sound we hear and every person we meet. We are all one being, split into many for the search of meaning and truth in all things. Your mind holds the key to unlocking the most amazing and awesome secrets known to consciousness. If your intentions are pure, the light will give you knowledge, bit by bit until you have a picture. Then you can step back, take a look at the picture and marvel in the beauty of it all, then all your fears will just vanish.

Ok, I'll get right on that.

Lighten up Alex Jones. If you truly feel he end is near, do something about it.

From what I've seen here, it's hard to tell if it is a natural disaster being concealed (solar flares, asteroids, would aliens be a "natural" disaster?), a military regime (either the US or a conquering army, which could already be attacking but the stories are being misdirected), or if it is spiritual in nature (the gods are returning or angered, the sacred light is on the verge of being revealed). I don't know what, but something big is coming, and while it scares me, I also have a pushing sense of hope?