New Design for /r/Conspiracy
13 2013-08-01 by enfrozt
Hello everyone! Not many of you have seen me post around here and were probably wondering who I was.
Basically I'm a mod over at a few other subreddits and I can do some basic CSS and graphics work.
At the start of this year Mr_Dong contacted me from /r/Subliminal to help create a new design for /r/Conspiracy.
We went through maybe 5 different designs and spent tons of work getting something simplistic that also related to Conspiracy.
The current design was our final choice and all the mods agreed this was the best one. It's not so different from the old one with a few new changes that hopefully doesn't look to bad on the eyes!
If you have any concerns about problems with it, inconsistencies, or anything that doesn't belong, feel free to mod mail us or message me!
The subreddit was private for 10minutes, so don't get alarmed, I was just updating the style.
14 [deleted] 2013-08-01
2 [deleted] 2013-08-01
8 [deleted] 2013-08-01
6 Sliide 2013-08-01
According to some it represents the all seeing eye of lucifer, any and all instances of this symbol act as cctv portal for him, i.e. lucifer and that is also why it features on the one dollar bill.
I would rather a different symbol staring back at me, such as the pyramid, a universal symbol of hidden, lost and suppressed knowledge.
Glad to see the back of the They Live self-conspiracy icon though.
-3 dragonboltz 2013-08-01
Are you completely paranoid? How would a symbol act as an eye? Magic?
1 JohnReggae 2013-08-01
While the nature of Sliide's post might seem rather paranoid and esoteric, he is correct in saying that "according to some it represents the all seeing eye of lucifer" (emphasis added). Those some are the population of Freemasons that holds the all seeing eye as the eye of Lucifer.
While the intention of the mods to decorate the front banner of r/conspiracy with this symbol might be entirely naive, the earlier point made by DoctorMiracles about the juxtaposition of the right-side-up and upside-down pyramids with coincident Luciferic eyes is pretty fucking interesting. The use of the Freemasonic eye and the symbol of Judaism does not escape the astute--however innocent the intentions of usage may be.
1 Sliide 2013-08-01
6 [deleted] 2013-08-01
3 KingContext 2013-08-01
edit: I was mistakenly thinking of /u/donbueno.
IIRC that moderator used to be the #2 mod, and a few months ago they removed all other mods and the trolls had a big celebration/spam party for half a day. Then they were de-modded and everyone else was re-modded.
Now, not only do I see them as a mod again, they clearly have no idea how symbolism works and are deleting their comments when getting schooled.
Why are they a mod exactly?
2 no1113 2013-08-01
What a fucking cowardly kind of action/thing to do.
13 DoctorMiracles 2013-08-01
Uh... does anybody else find the new header graphic a bit... trollish? Do we really need that oh-so-subtle motif to be there and give the race-bait shills ammunition?
(also, I really liked the old one-eyed Snoo, those MIB are just meh :/ )
-3 [deleted] 2013-08-01
6 DoctorMiracles 2013-08-01
I don't object to using the Seeing Eye; for all the overuse and degradation of its' meaning that current media has provoked, it's a valid icon of the whole conspiracy field.
What I'm referring is the juxtaposition of that dim, upside-down Seeing Eye and the resulting apparent image. Really? A bit too much Star of David ain't it? Is it really wise to put something that can easily be misinterpreted and fuel the flames on the accusations of racism and other -isms for the whole field?
-1 [deleted] 2013-08-01
4 DoctorMiracles 2013-08-01
That's not a shadow, that's the same image flipped vertically with some transparency. You might say it's a bit paranoid but hey, tell me the end result ain't something like this. If you didn't notice this, you can bet someone else will and it won't be pretty. Who needs the drama?
4 KingContext 2013-08-01
I'm starting to think that Mr. Dong doesn't haven the best of intentions...
6 KingContext 2013-08-01
If you wanted to clearly convey a message you would use the old icon which had a "no symbol" over the illuminati eye symbol. As it is now it just feeds "their" branding.
0 [deleted] 2013-08-01
4 KingContext 2013-08-01
I sent a modmail with my concerns.
8 Orangutan 2013-08-01
This is awful. It looks frightening and that's not what we want new users to associate with investigative journalism. IMO.
6 Digitalcartel713 2013-08-01
I bet all of us subscribers got red flagged. Won't be long before the DHS starts picking us up. Thanks mr dong
0 [deleted] 2013-08-01
-1 Digitalcartel713 2013-08-01
You're a slave aren't you.
1 [deleted] 2013-08-01
1 Digitalcartel713 2013-08-01
You're right. I'm a slave of the truth. It controls me. Now what are you a slave of?
5 onlysaneman_ 2013-08-01
It's retarded in every conceivable way.
Anyone who thinks the "Illuminati" is now anything more than a pop-culture icon for rappers to not-so-subtly reference in their shitty videos, needs to reassess how they process information. Y'know, maybe try adding some of that pesky 'evidence' and 'logic' stuff into the process.
If you want people to take the shit that is posted here more seriously, you need to stop with this crap. You may as well have put up a picture of a Jew with reptile eyes stepping out of a flying saucer holding Obama's birth certificate.
Last time i checked, this sub was supposed to be about truth and evidence, not the bullshit fantasies of people who read more memes here than they do articles.
4 [deleted] 2013-08-01
7 lol-kitten 2013-08-01
Happened literally just after I posted the BBC court case thread, brix were shat.
2 WTCMolybdenum4753 2013-08-01
Conspiracy lives and dies by its users. Maybe a competition and vote would be a more inclusive solution?
2 KingContext 2013-08-01
My suggestion: Swap the transparency between the upside-down and right-side-up Eye of Horus symbols.
Giving "them" symbolic real-estate on the top of a subreddit dedicated to countering their machinations is a little absurd.
Other than that, great design. I like it.
1 [deleted] 2013-08-01
1 enfrozt 2013-08-01
This was in well before I made any changes. If you inspect the code you can see my new code on the bottom of the list.
The subscriber thing has been in place for months.
1 Ziggurat93 2013-08-01
It will be forgiven if there was this bill cooper quote there
"Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research." William Cooper.
you could have used a 3rd eye, or building 7 mid collapse, what about a picture of JFK when he's giving a speech? or when jack ruby kills harvey in public on film. im just throwing ideas here..
0 Digitalcartel713 2013-08-01
Can anyone confirm this has happened on other subreddits?
4 KingContext 2013-08-01
I sent a modmail with my concerns.