r/Conspiracy Cyber Blackout?

46  2013-08-01 by ZoinksJeepster

For ten minutes on Thursday August 1st, r/conspiracy was locked down as a "Private" thread and all User History for the thread VANISHED.

Here is a screen grab: http://imgur.com/t1PY959

Moderator Dong, in conjunction with several known shills, then proceed to "disappear" the "blackout" itself, deleting comments, hiding threads from the main feed (despite rising popularity among redditors) and eventually scrubbing any posts mentioning the lockdown from appearing on any of the r/conspiracy feeds.


We need a back-up rendez-vous point for conspiracy info.

Original "Vanished" posts:

The "official" story is that the blackout was required in order to update this sub's redesign, yet we've never seen such a lockdown in the past.

What do YOU think?



I'm so sorry you had to deal with these morons.

Please do not warn people beforehand, this is far too hilarious.





You still don't explain why changing graphics never required a lockdown in the past.

Furthermore, WHY do we have to Subscribe in order to comment now. Originally, redditors could comment here without "subscribing". WHY THE NEED TO TRACK US, SHADY NSA MODS?

Furthermore, WHY do we have to Subscribe in order to comment now. Originally, redditors could comment here without "subscribing". WHY THE NEED TO TRACK US, SHADY NHS MODS?

Cheap ploy to increase subscriber numbers?


I can confirm this. Though I no longer feel the shame.


A lot of controversial subs use this policy

Disable the subreddit CSS and you don't have to subscribe to comment.


You've had to subscribe to comment for months...

Good point. To control shills or to discourage users so fewer subscribe?

to control shills

Shill != somebody who disagrees with you and/ or the conspiracies about reptiles or joos


And let me guess, 9/11 happened exactly like the official story says it did.


You must not know me. I've actually taken the time to prove, with math, how the official version of events was impossible.

Guys, he used math. I think he's serious.

I googled 'caloric energy' and all I got was info on food calories...

Anways dieselphiend has based his mathematical calculations (snigger) on a classic false-premise: the steel did not melt and the "official story" never said it did.

So did my dad. He's a structural engineer. He says the planes caused the collapse, open and close.

Fun facts:

The building had flame retardant to help prevent catastrophic fires.

The building's steel frame was designed to withstand a hit from smaller aircraft (since larger aircraft were not in production when the towers were designed).

That said, the towers did their job an didn't collapse after the plane hit.

Why did they collapse?

My dad says a large factor that nobody really talks about this that the flame retardant doesn't bind with steel. As he put it, it is there "by the grace of god". When the plane impacted, the body of the jet scraped off much of the flame retardant, allowing the fire to take hold. There was flame retardant still intact in other parts of the building, but keep in mind flame retardant =/= fireproof. Once the fire had taken hold, it spread and damaged the frame. The melting point of steel was lower than the temperature of the flames (thanks to the jet fuel burning much hotter than a normal fire-something the engineers didn't factor for in the beginning), so the frame was compromised, and eventually collapsed.



It's not immediate. Heat transfer doesn't work that way.


Depends on a bunch of factors but is certainly possible. Yeah steel conducts heat fairly rapidly but it also has a low specific heat capacity and heat transfer happens fastest where the temperature gradient is largest. If the fire was incredibly hot and burned for even 10 minutes, it's pretty reasonable for shit to start failing.


Because heat transfer requires a temperature gradient, which occurs until thermal equilibrium is achieved. Previous fires were not burning jet fuel, and so were not hot enough to heat the steel to the point where it failed. If the support structures fail, the structure will collapse in that way. You have not even suggested that there may have not been enough heat energy to deteriorate the support structures significantly enough to the point where an impact from the higher floors would have buckled the steel columns and caused the domino type falling witnessed. It is clear you do not understand the actual physics behind the situation.


The buildings would collapse straight down if all the supports for that level were severed at roughly the same time.



That's rich coming from you:someone who defends the nsa and Israel

You're clearly a troll. A good one, though!


And you admit it even


Im typing from my phone. I guess you and your nsa md buddies already knew that though didn't you?

Link to the 9/11 thing? :)

He can't because he's a lying disinfo agent



Deflection. Confusion. Nice try.

You know EXACTLY what happened.

How do we know you're not causing disinfo, deflection, and confusion towards all of this to hide something else that might be going on today? Like deflect attention from a specific world event topic onto this?

How much are they paying you to do this and distract /r/conspiracy from the real world issues?

Wouldn't surprise me if Zoinks was just here to stir up drama and distract from the real story, i.e. NSA


Right, I'm here to distract from the NSA by pointing out the shady blackout/coverup which was probably used to install NSA monitoring software. Gotcha.

You seriously have no idea how the whole NSA thing works, do you?

Mods can't install any sort of software, they don't have power outside CSS (which doesn't report back to the server) and banning users. They can't even see who's subscribed.

Make your own sub and you can see for yourself what they can and can't see and do.

If it was a monitoring system, then they'd have to do it at the admin level, and that monitoring is already in place just in the site logs. No sub would need to be taken down.

They probably had to take it down because reddit caches CSS serverside, and taking a subreddit private clears the server side cache.

Jesus Christ how fucking stupid are you?

Not everything is a fucking conspiracy. The NSA isn't trying to "install surveillance equipment into the CSS" (seriously that makes no fucking sense) and they obviously don't control the moderators of the subreddit considering that they run a subreddit which currently doesn't stop talking about the NSA being bad.

Reddit is public, they can do it themselves, no mods needed

CSS doesn't work that way

Yet you still continue to post here thinking there's NSA monitoring software installed


If the official story is true, why wouldn't they announce it was coming in advance so people didn't freak out?

I'm not saying this was a deliberate attempt to cover anything up, or anything sinister, I just think it was a poor decision on the mods part.


After all, a subreddit about conspiracies would find such an event conspiracy worthy.


This makes me extremely ashamed to be a Conspiracy theorist.

So, the Sub becomes private for a whole 10 minutes. While a Sub is private, and you are not an 'Approved Submitter,' any posts or comments made in that sub will become "Hidden," until the Sub is Public, or you are made an Approved Submitter.

You then have all you people crying wolf, saying it's some cover up, with nothing more than a Screen Shot of the Sub being Private.

You then turn around and cry when they "Vanish," 3 posts, that are basically all the same.

Stop crying fucking wolf. If they wanted to do something with this sub, they could probably do much worse then 10 minutes of "Blackout."

The mod in Question,

All this time you could be using researching something else, that could possibly bring the truth into light for another theory, but you're here, complaining about something, that if it is happening, you have no proof of.

You even have /u/EnglishMunichFan who provided a Screen Shot of Mod chat, which states the Sub will be down for 5-10 minutes, and you're still trying to witchunt.

I don't see how the Mods put up with this Abuse. They were trying to do something for the Sub-Reddit as a whole, and you're doing nothing but throwing dirt in their face. I won't be surprised if some of you get banned, then come back with a Giant post about how it's a conspiracy, you will get some Sympathy from me.

Problems with your post:

1) Calling yourself a Conspiracy Theorist.

2) All you people = 39 upvoters, on the internet, over 3 hours.

3) Drama.

4) Abuse... ABUSE? It's a fucking post on reddit.com, not an ass raping.

5) First world problems.

Get a fucking grip

Get a fucking grip

Thank you for saying it, everyone on this thread needs to.

So, what you're saying is a "Conspiracy Theorist," is not someone who believes and researches a few or all conspiracies?

All you people, referring to those that think 10 minutes of the Sub going Private is a reason to start mobbing the streets. Mods even gave you an explanation, with a screenshot of the Moderators Chat.

Again, they give us a reason for it going Private for 10 minutes, and people are just bitching at them, saying they were doing shit, and deleting posts, locking people out. False accusations, that they have no evidence of, thats pretty much Abuse.

How about you link us to your threads where you support ANY conspiracy theory? Huh, mr. Fellow conspiracy theorist? You're just one of us right?

It's like I just got stopped at a checkpoint, and asked for my ID. Who exactly do you think you are, you have no right nor permission to ask myself, nor anyone else to prove who they are.

You're really mad, and I'm not sure why.

But here you go.


You'll have to scroll down, to find everything.

And if you're not going to end up looking, It shows that I directly support the Idea that a Missle hit the Pentagon, which is a conspiracy if I'm not mistaken.

By all accounts, you're NOT a conspiracy theorist.

ALL your comments are "spun" to DEBUNK and DISCREDIT.

PLease link to any posts where you support any conspiracy theories.


Why would "privatizing" the sub make all of our comment and post history disappear.

Because your comment and post history to a private sub can only be seen by other members of that sub. That's just how private subs work.

When a sub is set to private only specially invited users can view anything that has ever been posted there.

No one was invited to the sub when it was private for a few minutes so reddit hid everything in the sub from everyone but mods, presumably. That in and of itself is just how reddit works.

What is not explained from what I can find is why the sub was made private in the first place. Updating .css is a ridiculous excuse as anyone who's ever been a mod knows. That does not require making a sub private and there would be no valid reason to do so (other than mild incompetence).


Ya, you've said that. But why would that make all of our own comments in our own history disappear?

If yuo do not have access to a private subreddit, you can't see posts in it. That includes your own posts. The moderators have no control over that (other than being able to add you as a user, so it's not private to you.)

I must be missing something. Did I really get downvoted for the correct information? This is some circle jerk satire thing, right?


When i clicked my name to see my post history the only thing that came up were comments from /funny, /askreddit. None of the comments or post made in /conspiracy existed during the down time.

This is EXACTLY what I saw (Well, not /funny & /askreddit, but all my /conspiracy topics had vanished completely).

Love how they are trying to spin it like we have to PROVE to them that this happened, or as if it is absurd and/or impossible. You and I and many others saw it. We know it happened.

I concur; same experience today.

Same here.

Likewise--same experience. I posted on r/alt_conspiracy about it. I figured that when the new graphics popped up it was simply an aesthetic change; but I am sure this sub is monitored by NSA in particular, and other contracted agencies. Everything you say online, at all times--your entire history--is tracked and stored into an easily accessible format for an NSA tech to peruse:


Private subs only display their content to invited users. During the short time it was set to private, seeing as how there was never a need to invite anyone before, everyone's stuff here was invisible to everyone but mods. It's a reddit feature relating to private subs. When they made it public again this became irrelevant.

They didn't need to make the sub private to change the .css though so this whole mess is nonsensical and suspicious.

EXACTLY! So why the lockdown and coverup?

My guess:

Big misunderstanding. enforzt probably didn't know how to use a private sub to configure and tweak .css (although I find this unlikely as they claim to have moderating experience with .css before) and as a consequence all the mods replying are both confused and defensive.

The "coverup" is most likely mr_dong trying to save face after acting like a jackass.

They did (or at least claim they did) use a private sub to configure it. /r/conspiracycss . Which begs the question...


You are correct, except it's not "approved submitter" but "invited" that one needs to be in order to see things in a private sub.

But WHY?

Because it was private and you weren't subbed, now go find some real conspiracy moron.

Its basic code how the fucking site works, if you searched for 2 minutes you would have found the answer yourself.

Way to jump on the band wagon of the fifth person to answer the fucking QUESTION. But thanks for showing us how a raging twat responds to a question.

otherwise /r/conspiracy would go all strange(meaning the pages) while the CSS style was being implemented.

This anomaly is unique to this subreddit apparently??


This is a joke right? Truly OP can't be this ridiculously paranoid? If so, I weep for his family.

I think that folks are losing their fucking minds over the NSA leaks. The information is probably too much for the average Joe Sixpack to handle when it is staked on top of all the TV, fast-food, and general day-to-day propaganda. When presented with this wild, crazy, new information (and given no context), they just lose their fucking grip on reality. Sure, some hard-core shit happens behind the scenes, but that is life. Every little thing is not a conspiracy. Though I personally think that the world population at large is kept in the dark and fed bullshit like it is run by a giant Shiitake mushroom factory, it is crucial to not over-think things. Open your mind, think outside of the box, and realize that this reality was created, not by you, but for you (and everyone else at the NSA, FBI, CIA, MI6, FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, NPR, etcetera). The puny wage earners of the world do not "run" a fucking thing - they just take orders from way above the pyramid. We are all just one big confused bunch of animals running around on a polluted rock orbiting a star somwhere in a not-so-unique part of a possibly infinite universe. Whether or not some childish prick using this modern day bulletin board pulled your shit down while you weren't looking is irrelevant.

Someone posted something too sensitive the CIA had to erase it.

Classic Poe's law

... What is the conspiracy in this post? Why does it honestly matter too much that they privatized it for a couple minutes to make some updates? What is wrong with that?

How much do they pay you to shill?

Nothing. I'm all for conspiracy, but do you guys ever think this may be too far? Seriously, its down for maintenance and Reddit's little side effects when a sub goes private is to hide the post from their own profile. It is just a technical issue. There really is no conspiracy here.

Shilling for free huh?

if you're serious OP, then lol. you might want to get your priorities straight if a forum on a popular website going down really flusters you thins much. go outside for fucks sake

ahahhaa! too rich this has happened! the conspiratards are infighting! classic.

Moderator Dong, in conjunction with several known shills, then proceed to "disappear" the "blackout" itself, deleting comments, hiding threads from the main feed (despite rising popularity among redditors) and eventually scrubbing any posts mentioning the lockdown from appearing on any of the r/conspiracy feeds.

Except, you know, this front page post that has, at the time of writing, been allowed to exist for the past 11 hours...

The "official" story is that the blackout was required in order to update this sub's redesign, yet we've never seen such a lockdown in the past.

If it hasn't happened before, it can never happen.



But it doesn't happen anywhere else on Reddit?

Up until that point r/conspiracy had been a free place where truth seekers could come to find truth and discuss events. Though it was full of shills, it was still free. Now it has been taken over by the control grid, hence their symbol telling us all that we are their slaves (if you believe that symbol to represent our awakening to their power and control you are wrong), to pollute the field of discussion here and effectively stifle the dissent, or co-opt it, that had been growing in here.

You don't know the meaning of shills.

Shill != somebody who disagrees with you and/ or the conspiracies about reptiles or joos.

Or it is a person who does not disclose their ties and conflict of interest to that which they promote or defend.

Full disclosure. I have 15 ties, although I only really wear two of them for work.

I think some people didn't see the satire.


It wasn't' a blackout, what exactly do you think can be achieved in five minutes anyway?? The subreddit design was updated, for this to be done the subreddit had to go private for a short period of time to make sure the layout was correct.

The end.

I have been on reddit for a year, and have seen several subreddits change their layout

Never did they put the entire subreddit into private mode (nor did ALL of the comments temporally disappear)

You'd be surprised on what can be done in 1 minute, let alone 5

I have been on reddit for a year

So what you're saying is that you're pretty fucking new to Reddit right?

I've been on reddit for several years. You are wrong, look at the moderation log and look at my posts.

You know, just saying someone is wrong does not make it so.

But thanks for the disinfo shady mod

No argument then

I really don't see the need to argue with a shady disinfo spreading mod, especially when I already said

and have seen several subreddits change their layout Never did they put the entire subreddit into private mode (nor did ALL of the comments temporally disappear)

The nwo took down the federal building and blamed in on McVeigh in a matter of hours. And that was 20 years ago

Then why the coverup? Why suppress posts and delete yours (and other user's) comments?

This isn't 1984, Mr. Dong


Certainly appears to be some kind of coverup.

At the very least, this is unusual for this sub and most likely ALL of reddit.

There is NO cover-up. The design update was my idea and this has been rolled out today. I wish i hadn't bothered.

Still deleting posts, eh?

Honest question, if you're convinced they're deleting posts to cover it up, why would they not delete yours? You're arguing something that your own comment disproves. They're covering it up by deleting some posts, but then leaving up others?

Because it's had too much exposure. Deleting it would only draw more attention to it

They are deleting my posts and their own. Watch the thread for a bit and you may see for yourself.

So if they don't delete your post will that prove that nothing's going on?

If the US government doesn't shut down all conspiracy sites, does that mean there are no conspiracies?

This. A million times this

15 hours later, comments are still here.

They were altering the subreddit.


Which does not require making it private. You are actually the "fucking idiot".

Yeah... probably "altering" their monitoring software?

Notice the new banner? Colors? Font colors and sizes? Privatizing makes it much easier to complete this transformation. Source: I am a mod.

has such a blackout always been required for alterations to be done on a subreddit?

Can you appease the suspicions of ZoinksJeepster by explaining like we're five why this would have happened this time if it isn't necessary each time?

I don't think I'm an idiot, I like the freedom to think critically

I think at this point it could be explained and broken down in the most basic way, like it already has been, and he'll still accuse the mods of installing NSA monitoring plugins..

This could be true, yet calling heaps of people "fucking idiots" like miko9999 the semi-friendly self-proclaimed mod did up there doesn't really coincide with the supposition that those who are skeptical of the honesty of the mods are the ones who are irrational or who will not be reasonable.

Well sometimes one needs to be blunt to make a point.

I find this to be a bad attitude if held by authority, yet I suppose I could be wrong


This guy is starting to sound more and more like Alex Jones over sensationalizing something simple. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a troll account from the people in /r/conspiratard trying to rustle peoples jimmies.

That's exactly what someone from conspiritard would say. CAN YOU EXPLAIN YOUR WHEREABOUTS DURING THE BLACKOUT! ?

Possibly a troll account? Maybe. But I wouldn't be pointing fingers as not everything is done by the enemy. Sometimes dissent from within does happen by those who were loyal.

Look at all his posts though. They are all over sensationalized posts that try to instigate something. Smells like a troll, talks like a troll. I know because Ive dealt with their kind for some time.

Shill much?

True but he could still be someone who is far too into what he believes in and couple that with paranoia? ...Easily what you're seeing.

I just like to keep all possibilities open before calling troll and as of yet my troll-detector has not gone off, though it's close.

Hook and sinker.

Same guy? Maybe. But I do know that these people use SRD to feed on their trolling.


I'd also like to point out that this guy has been ignoring all my messages as well. Something that /r/conspiratard people do when I call them out on their trolling.

Maybe but that wouldn't be unique to just /r/conspiratard.

Oh? You have proof that they are? Where is it?

Trust me, you or this subreddit isn't important to the Government and, again, if you think this subreddit or the mods are NSA then why stay here?

Do you follow the news at all?

There's a news report of leaked info that the NSA is specifically monitoring /r/conspiracy?

Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda

I have not once ever seen pro-American propaganda be spread by the mods, whom you are accusing of being part of the NSA.

Also that article is from March 2011, well before the whole NSA fiasco.

I just don't know where to start with you.

Are you filtering your water? I'd begin there... Then we can talk in six months.

Yes, because it must be the fluoride that has me being skeptical, calling you out on your baseless fear-mongering, and using logic. Work for Alex Jones, by any chance?

So basically have nothing to back up your claims and therefore resorted to personal attacks to make yourself feel better about not having any evidence.

Hint: An old, irrelevant, and outdated article about astroturfing American propaganda is not proof that the NSA are personally spying on /r/conspiracy through the subreddit's moderators. Which you have been claiming.

No, they aren't monitoring anything at all. Just terrorists.

Besides, I don't have anything to hide. Whatever makes us safer.

Just forget I said anything at all! /sarc/

Having a private sandbox subreddit to tweak it beforehand makes it much easier to complete this transformation without having to make it mysteriously private. Source: common mod knowledge.

If you're that afraid of them turning this subreddit into "1984" with "monitoring plugins" then why don't you leave?

If you're afraid of America becoming a police state then why don't you just leave?

Exactly what I'm saying.

Exactly what I would expect a disinfo agent to say

Damn right! ...Oh, wait. I mean.. No. Curse those disinfo agents! Confound them and the evils they protect!

You're sarcasm won't change the fact that you're supporting a fascist genocidal police state

That's cute of you to say.

Although I'm sad that you had not detected my sarcasm since I said this..

Exactly what I'm saying.

But hey, it gives you an excuse to accuse me of supporting a fictional fascist genocidal police state.

So you don't support the USA?

Oooo.. Trick question! You almost had me there for a second.

Supporting your own country does not mean you support everything that it's own government does. You can be proud of your country but not entirely proud of it's current government.

So supporting the USA =/= Supporting the U.S. Government or the current political party that holds office. You, of all people, should be able to differentiate between the two so I'm kind of surprised that you would use such a flawed trick question against me.

And even then, America is very far from Nazi Germany otherwise you would never have been able to say that and not expect yourself to be dragged out of your home within a few hours and put away into a political prisoner camp.

We'll then you're enough of a brainwashed sheeple to think that you're not living in a police state

Is that all you have? The sheeple card? Your argument is extremely weak.

Don't feed the sad troll.

Feh. I'm tired today.

Another sock account attacking /r/conspiracy while using SRD as their downvote brigade.

Oh come on if I just having fun