Can we talk about Centeral Banking? It seems to be the basis for a lot of conpiracies here.

28  2013-08-04 by [deleted]


Basically were set up to never come out of debt

there ya go, the secret of oz documentary.

The money masters was better IMO; Bill still is an economic genius!

What do you want to know about it?

I'm just having a hard time understanding the implications of fractional reserve banking.

Well, first you should watch The Money Masters to get a good understanding of the history and development of fractional reserve banking. It's a well-presented, fact-based historical documentary, so it's very easy to grasp.

But the basic implication of fractional reserve and central banking is that banks can print as much money as they want, de-valuing the money of everyone else in the process, effectively robbing them. Instead of using this money economically, it is in the banks' interests to spend this printed money on un-economical projects designed simply to maintain their control, such as wars and supporting monopolies and various forms of low-level economic warfare.

This monetary force ends up distorting the economy, and creating all kinds of second-order effects. For instance, if you've ever wondered how banks could bulldoze brand new houses in the middle of the great recession, central banking is the reason. In a system in which one, or a small handful of entities are able to print money at will, a hierarchy naturally emerges, and absolute value no longer matters. All that matters is relative value.

Money printing subsidizes unsustainability and resource consumption. Irrational market participants that gamble with borrowed money are rewarded, even when they fail. We all end up poorer than we would otherwise, due to this misallocation of resources. Ultimately, even though the effects may take decades or centuries to be felt, by using fiat money, you are literally paying for your own enslavement, and the enslavement of others.

I second The Money Masters. It's like a 3-hour Central Banking bootcamp.

people cry that its 3 hours long, but ive watched it about times- SO QUIT COMPLAINING

It's a well-presented, fact-based historical documentary

Some of the things in The Money Masters are based on fact, other parts are based on hoaxes, myths, unfounded rumors, and economic misunderstanding.

Well thanks a lot for that! Ill be watching that now. A lot of people just say "Do the research" but im having a hard time finding good places to look.

I'm a big fan of stormcloudsgathering, and wikipedia only helps so much. How do you dig deeper into an issue?

There are lots of people you can listen to who are critical of the Federal Reserve. I tend to prefer those with a libertarian bent, but even Marxian economists make a lot of good points, and Austrians are the most prominent. The central issue is the same regardless. Most of the loudest have some sort of an agenda, so it's a good idea to pick a variety of sources. Some people to look for are Max Keiser, Peter Schiff, Jim Grant, Richard Wolff, Chris Martenson, Stefan Molyneux, Kyle Bass. For more historical voices, Milton Friedman, FA Hayek, Ayn Rand, Lysander Spooner. It's no longer being produced, but the show Capital Account is a good education in both the practical effects and philosophical implications of central banking.


Zietgiest is poopoo; its just a music video that has 1/10 of the information several other better documentaries have with a socialist tinted agenda. Go with Money Masters


your attention span my man is your weakness. i find history fascinating- and besides; did you think you would get a thorough understanding of the history of the money changers through a 45 minute music video with a socialist agenda? The guy is a failed musician who made an internet movie- NOT an economist whose been doing this for decades

i love bill still; but he is a statist libertarian that believes the power of the printing press should be in the hands of the federal government in congress. What do you think about digital crypto open source crypto currencies emerging? No government manipulation, no central bankers can control it- sounds to me like the future

only those having already huge capital can manipulate it, i.e. the known thiev.... elites.

fractional reserve does not matter anymore. That was 19th century. Today, the intraday inter-banking market can "print" much more - and as much the bankers like to do. Fractional implies a limit set by the borrowers, but that is history.

Banks are only required to keep 10% of their total assets in the accounts at any time. They use the other 90% to grant loans to people. While the bank may have accounts with deposits worth $1 million, they only actually keep $100,000 of it. The other $900,000 are loaned out to make more money. Overall it's very good for the banks and the real risk is dumped on the people who maintain the bank accounts. The banks use their money to profit while we all slave and toil to make ends meet. In the end, since virtually everyone's money sits in the bank when it's not being used, they own everything.

Yeah, so how does that translate into enslaving the population like the video above suggests? As far as i understand they just make a profit off managing money for people.


I read somewhere that to join the G8 canada had to use a centeral bank. So does that mean all the G8 nations are being affected by this?


So this is why people say collapse of the economy is inevitable?


Iraqy oil? ghadafi?

Canada's central bank is 40 years older than the G6/G7/G8.

Because all money is created through a debt mechanism.

There are several places that "create" money. The Treasury sells govt debt to support the issuance of currency it creates. The Federal Reserve creates federal reserves, lends them to banks and pays interest to the banks that own the Federal Reserve. Commercial banks create money when they lend out 10x the money they actually have via the fractional reserve system.

So there is no money created except that money that is created through a debt mechanism. Whether that "enslaves" the world, is for you to decide.

Oh for...look, it's much simpler to understand than getting into fractional reserve banking (which IS bad but is hard to get people to understand why).

Here's what we know:

1) Bankers like to rig financial systems for their own benefit. Period, full stop. Grab the Rolling Stone article on LIBOR if anybody needs convincing.

2) The "central banks" such as the US "Federal" Reserve are controlled by the large commercial banks. This is not at all hard to prove - look who sits on the boards of the various chapters of the Fed. There's some from non-bank businesses but it's mostly bankers.

They are going to rig the Fed for their own profit - every damn time.

Now, what's just as dangerous is what they've done via Congress. In the 2005 bankruptcy "reforms" a new type of bankruptcy for international banks was created - a "Chapter 15" which is so far either rare, possibly completely un-used or not talked about publicly (yet).

Here's how it works. The rules define for the first time a type of debt called a "forward contract". If you download the bill in PDF form from here: (click on "text of legislation" and then the PDF "as passed")'s on page 129 (PDF page numbers):

(d) DEFINITION OF FORWARD CONTRACT.— (1) FDIC-INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS.—Section 11(e)(8)(D)(iv) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1821(e)(8)(D)(iv)) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(iv) FORWARD CONTRACT.—The term ‘forward contract’ means— ‘‘(I) a contract (other than a commodity contract) for the purchase, sale, or transfer of a commodity or any similar good, article, service, right, or interest which is presently or in the future becomes the subject of dealing in the forward contract trade, or product or byproduct thereof, with a maturity date more than 2 days after the date the contract is entered into, including, a repurchase transaction, reverse repurchase transaction, consignment, lease, swap, hedge transaction, deposit, loan, option, allocated transaction, unallocated transaction, or any other similar agreement; [emphasis added - the parts in bold are the fancy terms for "derivatives" plus it names other > well-known-as-turds financial instruments such as "swaps" that helped blow things up in 2007/2008]

OK, so what exactly happens to "forward contracts" (derivatives, aka gambling debts) in a major bank's bankruptcy action?

Well the damage is on page 157:

§ 561. Contractual right to terminate, liquidate, accelerate, or offset under a master netting agreement and across contracts; proceedings under chapter 15

(a) Subject to subsection (b), the exercise of any contractual right, because of a condition of the kind specified in section 365(e)(1), to cause the termination, liquidation, or acceleration of or to offset or net termination values, payment amounts, or other transfer obligations arising under or in connection with one or more (or the termination, liquidation, or acceleration of one or more)— (1) securities contracts, as defined in section 741(7); (2) commodity contracts, as defined in section 761(4); (3) forward contracts; (4) repurchase agreements; (5) swap agreements; or (6) master netting agreements, shall not be stayed, avoided, or otherwise limited by operation of any provision of this title or by any order of a court or administrative agency in any proceeding under this title.

Wait, what's "Chapter 15"? Well it's a brand new type of bankruptcy - for "international corporations". Which the really big banks are. All of 'em.

Read the last two lines again, folks. "Forward contracts" "shall not be stayed, avoided, etc. by any order of a court".

Oh. Shit.

So. If Bank of America implodes, the derivatives debt (including international derivatives, a quadrillion dollar market) is bigger than the entire deposit amount of ordinary US residents stashing their money there. If they implode, the derivatives debt gets fed first, and with most of those being international trade, all our money goes rushing overseas. And per this 2005 law, there ain't a damn thing we can do about it.

And remember, any casino can be rigged - especially an unregulated, international casino like the world derivatives market. They can set up exactly who our money will all go "poof" to.

Now, in BofA's case the derivatives debt is economy-killing huge all on it's own because they just took over Merill Lynch's gambling books. That one set of books is the financial equivalent of a dinasaur-killer asteroid. But it's not that much of an outlier! Per Zerohedge all of the following megabanks (well, most are anyhow, I'm not sure of a few) have more risk on the derivatives market than they do normal bank deposits:

Karl Denniger at has been covering this issue. This is what actually happened at MF Global. Customer deposits that were supposed to be secured under an insurance system similar to the FDIC deposit insurance for banks were instead held by the bankruptcy courts for months now pending figuring out who's going to get what. And in the case of MF Global, something even nastier is being talked about: "clawback". That's what happens when you take your money out of a dying financial institution and the bankrupcy court figures you shouldn't have done that because that money may need to go to somebody higher up the bankruptcy creditor food chain than you. At that point the bankruptcy judge "claws back" your money even though it's now in your possession!

If this same process happens to a bank, Karl thinks there's a potential for clawback against anybody who suspected the bank was in trouble and pulled their assets out! Personally I'm skeptical - that sort of thing would "trigger" immediate problems, pardon the nasty pun.

Well that's it, folks, with or without "clawback". Now you know exactly how US assets will flow overseas to an insanely wealthy few who don't even have to deal with international borders because they can buy whatever they want in any number of smaller countries if they don't buy the countries first. This is the mechanism behind the biggest fraud ever considered. If US banking assets are raided in this fashion, by putting gambling debts near the top of the bankruptcy court food chain, it will very likely mean civil war. Right here.

Even if by some miracle US bankruptcy judges act to protect US depositor money, the rest of the bank's assets are at risk of being siphoned out on the derivatives market and if this happens to even one of the really big ones (again, look to BofA as a "leader") the mess will be beyond any possible cleanup. They call these bad boys "too big to fail" for a reason.

Historically this kind of thing isn't even abnormal. Psychopaths in power don't understand the emotional impact of the ripoffs they pull. They expect everybody to shrug and just go do something else when they get ripped off. That's what they'd do. But for most people? Let's put it this way: this is exactly the level of ripoff, rich-friendly government policies and cronyism that cost Marie Antionette and company their heads in France some years back.

Fractional reserve banking and central banking are two different things. For example, we had fractional reserve banking in the US from 1837 to 1913 without a central bank.

The Creature from Jekyll Island

read it.

ok, first we need to define some fact and parameters;

money; what is money? money is a means of exchange, it could be anything, from grains of sand to digits on a screen, all that matters is that collectively a population decides to use and in essence have faith in said money.

Why is money important? it is a factual reality that we could barter for what we need, but it is very inconvenient for many reasons and could be considered archaic, money is a way for people who have skills to exchange those skills via goods and services for other skills, goods and services that they can not do themselves. No one person can be good at everything, money makes it so you do not have to be good at everything, just good at what you do.

Some assumptions about money, the number one issue being "government makes the money" government does not make the money, government borrows the money from a bank that acts like visa, they loan money{that they do not have, just the rights to create it} and then we the people pay the interest on the loan.

That is is all this is...a private gang has gained control of the most important thing in the world...our means of exchange, the prize, the thing that everyone is playing for in the game....

it is a way to sit back and do in essence nothing, get everyonein the world to do what they do, and then get a cut out of everyone for nothing.

by owning and controlling the media, they can continue to control the election process, the one that puts your "leaders" in charge , the same leaders that MAKE you use this private for profit bank as the source of currency do not have a government, you have a division of the central bank that calls itself government, there to play "in charge" also to be the fallguy/decoy....the thing you are supposed to get mad at when it all falls apart.

These are carny credit scams that have time frames, they can only run these scams as long as they can hide it.

The internet has allowed the average person to be exposed to how it all works. Ofcourse the internet is theirs, which may get one to ask, "why did they expose themselves to us? why did they create the medium that would slowly allow us to find out how the scam works?

well for one, the numbers are not adding up anymore....When you create money and attach interest you automatically start to devalue the currency by in essence overprinting, over printing creates more debt, which creates more borrowing, which in the long run leads to what we have jobs, half the population living in their parents homes, and the folks are getting forclosed on soon...

the 565 people who are in the drivers seat in "government" simply come up with lots of great new ways to HAVE to borrow money from the fed....war,war on drugs, terror, student loans, subsidizing poverty, illegal immigration, offshoring,out sourcing, bloated federal expansion in the form of new agencys....on and on, all cost borrowed money....

again we must understand the phycology behind money and or what people perceive as is the belief that has allowed for this to happen, both the good and the bad.

gold,oil, commodities,cars,planes trains...all sit there in the ground or unmade...omly when you give incentive to a man will he do anything, money is the thing that makes you jump x high for x amount.

The reason this country was able to do what it has done is because of the manipulation of the minds as a collective. The people perceived themselves as a rich nation, the product of this attitude unfortunately could be likend to a kid with a huge new credit card. You can buy so much cool shit and impress all your friends, being all cool, the guy with the money, but little do they know or care that your buying all this shit with borrowed money. Only when you are now 28, and the credit card has hit its limit, you are flat broke with the repo man stealing your shit, do you now relize that you never really had any money, you just thought you did, you never really were the life of the party, you just thought you were.

It is only because you "thought" yourself a rich nation that you were able to do anything. You though this because you thought your government was in charge of the money...but its not


quite simply put, money should be created for the people, by the people, at cost, paid for with a small apportioned tax, with no debt attached with the creation of currency being a non profit venture so the money may be used by the people as a means of exchange in free markets that will drive innovation, not create a race to the bottom as we now seeing unfolding in front of our eyes

stop using and having faith in this currency and you will be free, but you must do it at the same time. all together

life 101 for newbie sheepys is a game 2. the prize is money 3. the prize should be a collective 4.its not a collective device, its a product 5. the 565 leaders in your country are 1 person 6. the federal reserve is VISA 7. the 565 are in charge of the spending for 300 million 8. the 565 borrow money from the fed/visa has no money, they just get to tap numbers on a screen and, poof there is money 10. the money is now loaned to the 565 11. the 565 now make you pay the interest for borrowing the "money"/AIR form the bank/visa


scam, just a scam

There's also the central bank of the central banks, the Bank for International Settlements.

Aaand the rabbit hole gets deeper, thx.

Bank of international settlements controls all the central banks.

No, there is no control. But you risk your total countrys assets if you do not "coordinate" via those institutions. Do you really think a plain tower in Switzerland controls the whole money flow of the world? No, its the CEOs of the major banks and their frat brothers in all those institutions, brainwashed by the few universities out there, financed by the oldest oligarchs possible. That is the problem.

Bill Abrahm, the scam that is the Canadian Banking system:

With pie charts. Yum.

Slaves without Chains and Whips. The Chains and Whips are the perpetual debt that we can never pay back.