The /r/Conspiracy subreddit is my go to site every day...but...

95  2013-08-04 by [deleted]

...something's off. Don't get me wrong! There's lots of excellent discussion here, lots of good links with great follow up. I appreciate the efforts a few of the members go to produce accurate resources and quality references.

And I post every day here. It's my #1 place on the internet for sharing news items that people are not willing to discuss publicly.

But something seems to be off here. I've posted several articles that have disappeared within seconds of my posting them. I've made comments that I can no longer find.

Is anybody else having these issues with /r/conspiracy?


One post I glanced at about Israel being the culprits of the recent massive explosion in Syria. As I was about to read it the r/conspiracy shut down happened. When it popped back up I couldn't find that post. It was on the new list close to the top. I've seen other post since then about the explosion but not the same one.

Mushroom clouds aren't allowed to be shown on the internet.

I didn't catch that. Can you explain?

I'm being facetious. The explosion produced a clearly visible mushroom cloud (and to all the haters, I'm not alluding to one type of weapon or another, so fuck off). Because you cannot find the post, I'm saying it was removed because it showed a mushroom cloud. I'm making a joke about the post being removed, even if I'm the only one who thinks it is funny.

I got it now. I like your style.


Did you check the Moderator transparency pages?

No. Why?

Idk, it could possibly give you answers about the missing post if it was due to a moderator.

The last incident I had with a mod I got banned for a couple days from here.

Does anyone know if "The Red Line" got crossed yet?

It never happened, young one...

Young one?

My bad. I should kick myself for assuming anything ever but reddit has a way of reminding me, daily, just how old I am.


The explosion never happened.

It was an ammo dump.

That freakish huge fireball was photo-shopped.

And I couldn't find the same post nor anything on msm about it at all.

It never happened, friend.

Damn. I guess I was super high then. lol


Something big & ugly made an massive explosion and it came from outside of Syria and these innocent people deserve an explanation but you go right ahead and get loaded some more!

If you're half baked you'll enjoy the shit storm no matter where, when or why it hits. "lol"

EDIT: "lol" "lol" "lol" "lol" Looks like surrender to me!

I was being sarcastic. I know what I saw and read. It said it was an Israeli strike on the weapons depot killing a couple hundred people. I'm sure the shit storm is already happening over there. Assad said if they came at them again it was on.

I'll not be cheering Israel invading a Sovereign Nations Air Space and summarily killing one person, let alone 200.

The United States of CIA drug Mummar Ghadfi into his own streets to be drawn & quartered for public display! This puppet person, at the disposal of street thugs.

At the very least, three young men died in Benghazzi defending a man and an administration that were covertly (cough, cough) running drugs and guns...

When Oliver North testified he declared he performed all duties "under orders" or some such verbal-garbage.

Manning & Snowden are still alive and fighting. Hastings got dead fast as did some Blackhat Hacker with tricks up... and then this General is allowed to lie straight up, with one little 'poof' of protest and here it was 'hailed' on reddit as an TKO! Ten years ago, that stage might have been swamped with nerds willing to pay the price to remove the 'key-note' speaker or sign up for his swill.

If some neighboring "state" lobbed a cluster fucking bomb on my city I would say "Game On!"

Sarcasm and denial go hand in hand and oops, next thing ya know ya got Putin one upping the 1/2 black president... Sarc....

What do you mean surrender?

all those little faces with their arms up in the air "lol" ....

Saw an entire captured sidewalk of Syrian Soldiers, bound, tied and executed, one by one, on their knees...

This man in drab garb, shooting each one, deliberate, cold dead.

It never happened.


Sounds kinda silly, but is there an alternative website that's similar to Reddit's conspiracy sub-reddit, but that isn't owned by questionable powers like the ones that control and filter Reddit?

I like reddit because for the most part people here are rational. There are a lot of conspiracy websites, but I've found they are peppered with irrational people - a lot of christians and people who believe in the rapture, for example - see religious signs and prophesies everywhere.

/pol/ on 4chan has some interesting discussions, but there's a huge amount of racism, bigotry, misogyny and antisemitism there. Of course you have to be thick skinned and skilled at reading between the lines, but there's none of that nonsense here on reddit. has a lot of interesting conspiracy discussions, but also a lot of nonsense and they will ban your IP if they don't like you

I was a follower of Dutchsinse for a while until his christian nuttery began to show.

search your submission in /r/uncensorship and PM the mods.

Also check /r/conspiracyV2

says it's private

You have to apply to /u/OWNtheNWO

or just compose message to /r/conspiracyv2

I messaged a while back but s/he didn't let me in u_u.

I think dismissing any and all organized religion (and their followers) is a huge mistake! After all, all religion is built on previous knowledge and experience. No group has it right, but they all point to what I've come to believe. We are all and nothing. We are the gods and the mud. There's ancient energy afoot and we need to radiate and magnify the positive. The way. The truth. The light. Amen, namaste and all that jazz.

I can't believe you guys are unwilling to consider multiple points of view, from people who died to carry their truth. Religion may be flawed, but it is part of the human experience.

The Phoenix Movement

You're kidding me, right? Is this some kind of joke?

What, ahem, about religion is a joke, Celtic?

Most religion is not based on anything that can be proven, yet people believe it even in the presence of information that directly proves it wrong. Religion has people brainwashed so badly, that they believe things that can instantly and easily be proven to be completely and totally wrong. People actually believe the bullshit they are told as children, and believe that they are right just because that has been the norm for them all their lives. To me, that is a big fucking joke.

EDIT: I already know I'm going to regret joining this enormous circle-jerk.

You can always delete your self posted reply....

There's spirit and energy all around you. You can make it ugly and cloaked by human trappings or just relax and discover.

Some things I won't take back.

I understand from where you are coming, and I don't relate that to the definition of religion.

If you only harp on religion of man made confines then none will ever see the beauty of simple spirit.

Let go of the circle-jerk you self proclaimed. It ends with you.

Life is spirit, energy, survival, pro-creation, death and none of us will escape it unscathed.

Children soldiers in the streets of Syria chopping off the heads of Christians; child sex slaves sold to the highest bidders of the elite Politicians & Globalists of all faiths; young boys raped simply due to a wrinkle in some obscure text that preserves females for child bearing. Abject poverty when the ground is fertile. Trillions of dollars to fund war through drug & gun smuggling!!!!

It's never ending, the lengths depraved people are willing to kill spirit and energy! Never ending!

I'm reminded of an young child that was hailed in the papers for surviving an harrowing ordeal of near death because she would be educated; her spirit and millions of spirits, male & female thrive not from religion of man but by energy of spiritual determination.

If the boot is on your throat and the spear has pierced your chest then I'll give you farewell. If you have just a voice left then use it, by any means possible. If you have feet and hands, get busy!

Don't allow your spirit or energy to be sucked dry!

Sleep well!


Upvotes for you because that's all I have in my quiver here on reddit!

So, I'm brainwashed because I did massive research (4+ years) into religion and ultimately chose to follow Christianity?

Or did I read your post wrong and you're referring to those who believe everything they're told without gathering their own opinion first?

I'm mostly referring to folks who don't think objectively and for themselves.

you're kidding, right?

Hey bud I find numerology tiresome too but that's no excuse for you to be a jerk to anyone who believes in more than rocks bumping into each other. Open a spot in your mind for the unknown, or you will seem as foolish as the nutters you describe. You think materialism is the intellectual high ground, really it's just a false peak, another flavour of dogma. Admitting you don't know is the real high ground, so ultimately your certainty only betrays your ignorance.

This to me is the great irony of the conspiracy movement. Absolute blind refusal of any kind, to me, is the epitome of ignorance. Up vote for you, sir.

thanks bud, I wish you could tell that to my girlfriend! ;)


I know science is hard, so I won't waste my breath. But maybe you would be interested in a few sentences from Epicurus?

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

I don't know how you interpreted me as being anti science. I have a Science degree from a good university and peer reviewed papers in major publications on technical subjects you probably wouldn't understand.

Please read my post again, you will find no evidence that I believe in any form of religious dogma. I think you will find your breath is always wasted if you insist on using it to build straw men to condescend.


No, I was pointing out the religion in your handle, buttfuck*!

*sorry, drinking Budweiser...

celtic is not a religion. It is more like a cultural identity group or a language group. There may be celtic flavours of christianity but that is like saying that a french is a fried potato.

If you have gods (and a language, culture and traditions/rituals), are you not a religion?

if a zebra is an animal, is an animal not a zebra?

No, not necessarily. Only zebras are zebras.

what religion?

Im not religious but to radiate and magnify the positive sounds like something I can relate to.

Hilarious. You come here for the open minded discussion, yet dismiss this as a joke.

I'm not here for open minded discussion. When did I say that?

My mistake, must have misunderstood your first two paragraphs in the original post. Carry on then....

I agree with you on most of what you said. I believe in Jesus is the Messiah though. If you read only the gospels of Jesus Christ how could you not believe in him. I believe there's a battle of good and evil going on that's beyond this worlds perspective. Being on the site and lurking as long as I have my faith in him has only gotten stronger. Satan has been doing everything he can to stop the scripture. Look how advanced and crazy the worlds become in the last 100 years. He's doing all he can to change the future. He won't but he's gonna take a lot of good people down with him.

You believe in Jesus? You follow Jesus' teachings and examples?

What if Jesus appeared before you and said "Stop following me. Stop doing stuff in my name. Stop being such a sheep. Lead YOURSELF. Get up and lead yourself. Just be a good person. Do the right things. But stop using my name in things. STOP doing things in my name. Don't worry about me and stop trying to get others to do things 'in my name.' Just do what's right in and of itself and that's it."

Would you?

He already said everything he had to say while he was here so you're bullshit hypothetical scenario is just that. Bullshit. That said he will come back one day for the non believers. You'll see what he's about at that time weather you like it or not.

He already said everything he had to say while he was here so you're bullshit hypothetical scenario is just that.

Wow. How interesting. I'm sure you're representing your "Jesus" just great with that kind of language, and with that kind of initial response. He said whatever he had to say, and you know this how exactly? Because there's a book that's been written and re-written by dozens upon DOZENS of groups with a manipulative axe to grind in order to make sure and confuse more stupid sheeple? That's how you know "he already said everything he had to say"?

Ohhhkay, buddy.

That said he will come back one day for the non believers.

Man...There's just so much stupid in what you're saying...I don't even...You're actually an embarrassment to Jesus and his message. Do you know that? He looks at you and people like you and just goes "Damn. These motherfuckers are just stupid." lol

You'll see what he's about at that time weather you like it or not.

Oh. Okay. I see now. I am dealing with the lowest common denominator here. First of all, the word is actually WHETHER, and not "weather". Weather deals with temperature, forecast, etc. Got it?

Second of all...

Ah forget it. Some people are just hopeless and beyond dealing with. lol.

Thanks for the laugh though.

Ps I love you brother or sister.

Of course. I love you too, brother/sister.

Your lol... You're part of The Phoenix Movement.

I guess. If you say so. No idea what TPM is, but okay.

It's a movement to bring the truth back from the ashes. People that are demanding the truth no matter how bad it might be for the greater good of all.

I agree with this modus operandi. I try hard to be as honest as I can to what I feel regardless of who thinks what about it.

Not to get involved or take sides, just because he said bullshit doesn't mean anything. The whole concept of cussing is a joke, if some says bullshit referring to a pile of actual bull shit, or call a female dog a bitch, that's in way near as bad as calling a person stupid or ugly. Yet, because someone said a naughty word you question his faith or piety or whatever. I'm sure that the MPAA or FCC or whoever determines what words are bad, has alternate goals than his religion (whether it's real or made up).

Not to get involved or take sides, just because he said bullshit doesn't mean anything.

It is given the context and manner that he delivered it.

if some says bullshit referring to a pile of actual bull shit, or call a female dog a bitch, that's not in way near as bad as calling a person stupid or ugly.

Did you mean to have the word "not" in there but didn't put it in? If you did, then firstly, I'd say that he didn't in any way mean bullshit in the literal sense (i.e. referring to bovine excrement). He meant it in the derogatory cursing sense. That carries much more negative energy and the issue I took with it as such very much still stands as a result. Again, it's about the meaning applied to the word, and that word carries a enough negative meaning for what I said to be valid.

If you DIDN'T mean to put the word "no" in, and you're saying that using the word bitch is just as bad as calling someone stupid or ugly, then I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that. Calling someone stupid or ugly is pretty bad too, of course. This doesn't contradict the fact that using the word bullshit still goes against what he's supposed to represent.

Yet, because someone said a naughty word you question his faith or piety or whatever.

No. I did so because their very first reaction was one of immediate and unsolicited vehemence and negativity. That's a very different thing altogether than the manner in which you're describing it here. To begin from such a negative stance when you're supposed to be a representative of someone who's supposed to advocate peace and the OPPOSITE of what you came in with shows that you are a pretty bad representative of that group.

I'm sure that the MPAA or FCC or whoever determines what words are bad, has alternate goals than his religion (whether it's real or made up).

Yeah, but we're not going by the MPAA or FCC. We're going by the tenets of his religion, and regardless of what any other group says, I'm sure his religion DOESN'T advocate one comporting themselves in the immediately negative manner that he did.

You said what I was trying to say in a much more thought out post.


Thanks man. You changed my mind with that rant lol. Ill also take more time to check my posts for errors.

I am actually in the process of setting up a reddit clone, from the source of reddit, focused only on conspiracies.

That's awesome. What's the current status of that? (Keep us all updated)

Minus the stupid voting system?

lol you you mean a forum?

The reddit source is not very good. It's hard for anyone but reddit to set up and use.

I recommend watching some videos on node.js and express.js, very modern tools for building a website or service.

An expert in both could put together most of reddit's visible features in an afternoon.

The mods of this forum cannot be trusted. There are much better alternatives.

Post some links plz

I wish selfconspiracy was more populated...

okay, but how about some actual links? Can't click on these

Yeah I'm lazy ;(


OP I hope you don't mind me taking this opportunity to plug this extremely relevant website for those who want to stay informed. I agree with you sentiment entirely by the way.

Agreed. An excellent reference site! Thanks for mentioning it

I always have issues with this whole sub not showing up under my subcribed. It almost like they don't want me looking at it. Wine then I e just booked marked it. Tons of weirdness is going on in this site now so stay alert fellas.

How many subscriptions do you have? The subscriptions list only shows a random 50, changed every 30 minutes IIRC.

I use RES and it's on my dashboard and shortcut bar

Personally I think we've been in a slump lately but not because of evil mods. I think its two things:

1) Fatigue? Overload? The last few months have been crazy, a lot that we've known has become validated and therefore banal. It's all mainstream now, so we don't care. It's either repeating the same facts now or putting up quotes that tangentially sort of rally the troops. The only radical thing left to say is about what we should do about it, because whether or not there is a problem isn't up for debate anymore.

2) Self censorship. I can't say much more about this because they're watching me.

"They" are watching everyone. Don't feel so special. If anything, you'll just blend with the countless others who are being watched, listened to, categorized, and recorded.

"You" are a pussy.

Care to elaborate?

You're worried about what category you can be put in. I put you in one. The pussies.

I've worked for the DoD for over a decade. What's left that I have to worry about, chump? I'm in. They have my fucking DNA. They know when, where, and how much I shit.


O ok. Well I was absolutely right for putting you in the pussy category then.

Good for you.

So what do y'all do at the DoD besides fuck people over and watch kiddie porn?

Scare little kids like you. Go back to mixing concrete buddy.

Also I'm not your buddy. I'm your brother. Trying to break you from your slave chains. Maybe we can be buds then.

You go about it a tad abrasively.

Just because I have worked for folks that are portrayed as being in a dark light, does not mean that I am standing in that same darkness.

The outcome of some of my decisions can be changed, some can not.

There's no other way I know how to be. I'm me. You are you. Im not the one trying to scare anyone here brother. You're furious-love now and a member of the Phoenix Movement. Welcome.

I'm ecstatic.

Since you are in the business of changing the way people think (as shown by your desire to "break" my "chains"), I'll just give you this advice: A person can only change themselves. You can not do a fucking thing about what someone else chooses for themselves. You can plant the seeds, but you can't make them grow. Plant healthy seeds if you want healthy results.


I'm all out of troll food.

I'm still hungry. Lets play a game called "get us killed". Tell all of us something about the DoD that can "get us killed". If not. You're the troll.

I'll just be the troll. Farewell.

Thanks for sparing our lives. I'm sticking with furious-love though. It's got a bad ass ring to it honestly.

Ps. You're not a troll brother.

Do you really think you scare me?

Seems like you're doing a great job scaring yourself.

Change your name to furious-love. Let go of the anger.

I agree 100% to your first point. You're a pussy though for self censoring. Just say what the fuck you want.

I know this doesn't belong here but quick question: What happened to everyones flairs? I only see a few people with it now.

Same here.

I recall this sub went 'offline' a few days ago to perform an update of some sort. Hellooooo, updates are supposed to fix things.

I have opened multiple threads pertaining to Israel or Zionism. In most of them, i have seen the few uswr comments that were posted, to have been deleted within a matter of days.

I suspect there may be a rogue Mod at work here, and that would not be a surprise since there have been rogue Mods here before — one of whom actually temporarily banned all the other mods, until they were reinstated by an Admin.

Illuminati is deleting your posts

It's not personal. There's so much traffic here these days that 'caution' trumps 'curious' and the mods are bored to tears...

Just kidding....

Paranoia is instinctive and for good reason but don't let your imagination / spirit run to loose around here lest the fringe militant atheists get all twisted britches.

That all seeing eye art work just showed up and as far as I can tell, nobody here voted for nor appreciates it one iota!

Time to don my tin-foil night cap & toddle off to bed. Sleep well, reddit and while whistle blowers around the Globe are still above ground some got dead real fast & ugly!

If you see something, film it and have your priorities & damned papers in order!

This used to link a pdf that no longer works.

Government Persona managment on social media.

I have a copy if anyone is interested.

Synopsis: Added: Jun 22, 2010 1:42 pm 0001- Online Persona Management Service. 50 User Licenses, 10 Personas per user. Software will allow 10 personas per user, replete with background , history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographacilly consistent. Individual applications will enable an operator to exercise a number of different online persons from the same workstation and without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries. Personas must be able to appear to originate in nearly any part of the world and can interact through conventional online services and social media platforms. The service includes a user friendly application environment to maximize the user's situational awareness by displaying real-time local information.

I expect that the government spooks attack and the admins counter attack. All hell breaks lose for a while then the spooks lose.

Re-post as a 'self' post anything that got lost.

The mods of this sub cannot be trusted.

I don't think that's how hacking works.. and if such a thing happened, don't you think the mods would've said so?

I think it's called a spam filter and it happens from time-to-time. Just message the mods about it.

Lets not to forget who can manipulate the filter however. People aren't the only things that can get 'disappeared'.

...Riiight. But when the topic he posts gets posted multiple times in this subreddit and his is the one that gets caught in the filter? It's not a conspiracy or intentional.

That's why you see in most subreddits about messaging the mods if your post doesn't show because it most likely ended up in the spam filter.

I was not trying to imply that it was not a simply mistake. I simply wanted to outline the possibility that mistakes are not always mistakes. Perhaps I was pointing out the obvious but sometimes you need to.


I agree 100% to your first point. You're a pussy though for self censoring. Just say what the fuck you want.

if a zebra is an animal, is an animal not a zebra?

No, not necessarily. Only zebras are zebras.

"They" are watching everyone. Don't feel so special. If anything, you'll just blend with the countless others who are being watched, listened to, categorized, and recorded.

O ok. Well I was absolutely right for putting you in the pussy category then.

Change your name to furious-love. Let go of the anger.

lol you you mean a forum?