So what's your guys prediction: Will there actually be a terrorist attack, or will it just be "Thank god for our NSA program we stopped the attack before it happened."?

83  2013-08-09 by [deleted]


I am starting to suspect this is only a scare tactic that they will use for the NSA


Also, consider that with complete global surveillance, they don't need to do anything. If something happens, they can see what's happening and set things up to take full advantage of the situation without having to orchestrate anything themselves.

Ultimately, that's the point of having complete awareness of the present. You can see what's being setup, and as things come to a head they'll be ready to exploit the resulting outcome to to its absolute fullest.


On your edit's point: It's the south park theory. They don't need to control the people, only convince them they're capable of controlling the people. That's enough to control the people.

Everything involving the government comes back to the emperor's new clothes when you really think about it, regardless of which position they actually hold.


It sounds like you've got a raging clue.


Sorry those two fuckers gave up on being original years ago.

Sleep well!

Edit: dream of large women.


Unless they are not actually data centers- they just was us to think they are.... /^

The funny thing is, if they stage a terrorist attack, they prove it to be worthless, because if it's so great how did a terrorist attack happen on their watch?

And if there is no attack, nobody will believe it was because of them.

Win/win, as far as I'm concerned, unless they stage an attack for the purpose of beefing up the program.

They aren't monitoring US citizen's data yet. Wouldn't it be horrible if a US citizen did something like Boston? Then the blood of innocents would be on the hands of those terrorist sympathisers who care more about a Dusty old parchment than the lives of our children!

/multiple levels of sarcasm.

Guys like the Unabomber are too far back in history to use as talking points. I wager the next poster boy won't be a foreigner. The rash of young shooters has been fine and good for gun control but I think I see what's coming next.

do brown people not count as citizens?

Great! So we can impeach Obombus then!

The Government pulled off 9/11 to massively scare the public into obedience and fear. But that is wearing thin. The fear generated by 9/11 is wearing off. So, it is time to re-energize the fear of the people. Thus another 9/11 style event is needed to maintain the Governments control. I abhor the Governments callous disregard for human life in their attempt to play "Nazi". It is despicable.


it's more than an attempt, I'd say it's a slower acting, more evil brand of Nazi.

I suspect there will be an attack, but not on the date predicted. Not even close. It's all speculative, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's something late this year, long after everyone's basically forgotten about all of this. Gives the majority plenty of time to wipe their memory with a reset, but not so much time that the rest of us don't look crazy shouting "I told you so!!!1"

Note: If nothing happens, I would be more than happy to be given numerous "you were wrong" messages when this total speculation is proven wrong by time. I have no interest in harm coming to humanity, and would happily be proven to be a babbling buffoon.

Same here and every time something doesn't go wrong i just think that the forces of Good won that day. I always say "prove me wrong other than saying that I'm crazy, just flat out wrong, or a Conspiracy theorist" i just hope one day I'm proven wrong and i can go to sleep without worrying about the black bags that are more than likely coming for us.

There will be an attack when they need to have something pass for "national security" or to re-enforce a policy. The sheeple will follow and give the government their data / access / what ever they want. The attack will be to gain more control over the people.

And they'll blame it on Snowden's leaks somehow.


They're pullin this one out of the "" playbook, I think.

ZOG is running out of time.

A lot of people are talking about a big event but it seems like that would only hinder 'their agenda'... unless it was an event larger and more terrifying than 9/11.... my thoughts are leaning toward a large scale attack or destabilization of the whole Middle East all at once. Why else would we be evacuating all of our embassies? Maybe a staged terror attack in the middle east to justify our intervention?

Well . . . there's this:

Former NSA chief warns of cyber-terror attacks if Snowden apprehended

and this:

Obama cancels meeting with Putin over Snowden asylum tensions

Why would Obama cancel a meeting with Putin over one guy?

This Snowden thing is looking more and more like an op every day.

It's another blow against Russia for helping Assad fight off the US-backed rebels in Syria.

Of all the counties where he could have sought asylum, Snowden chose Russia? Come on.

This is an op, I said it a month ago that the purpose of this was to further damage Russia's reputation in the US simply because they're arming Assad against America's invasion.

Here's something - they knew Snowden's whereabouts and did nothing. They essentially let him make it into Russia.

I think a false flag against Russia is planned and they'll say that Snowden leaked info that caused it.

Also watch out as Russia is planning on dropping all US Debt, That's is a precursor to War or that the dollar is dead which will lead to the sacking of America. Strange times ahead of us and We the People need to come together and make sure that these things don't happen.

Another Boston bombing wouldn't prove very helpful for the NSA, it'd show how incompetent they are at preventing terrorism.

However, an FBI sting that dupes the patsy into buying fake explosives only to be stopped at the last minute would be more effective.

My prediction: neither. You don't play a trump card on every trick. Sometimes you let one get away entirely because there's no value catching it. You win the game, by knowing where and when to play your cards.

Ignoring everything in the news right now is the best plan for the people with the most to lose. "Spying on everyone? YAWN! Like YOU were so important."

I'll take "Thank god for the NSA program" for $500 Alex.

"Judea Declares War on Germany!" - Daily Express headline, March 24, 1933.

"Judea Declares War on Germany! Jews of all the World Unite! Boycott of German Goods! Mass Demonstrations!" - These were all headlines in the Daily Express on March 24, 1933.

"The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people." - Daily Express, March 24, 1933.

"Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping.... we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends." - Samuel Undermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, August 6, 1933. Reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933.

Joining with Samuel Untermeyer in calling for a war against Germany, Bernard Baruch, at the same time, was promoting preparations for war against Germany. "I emphasised that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit." - Baruch, The Public Years, by Bernard M. Baruch, p.347 (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960).

Samuel Untermeyer was a Jewish leader and close friend of presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. Bernard Baruch was a presidential adviser to Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman.

"This declaration called the war against Germany, which was now determined on, a 'holy war'. This war was to be carried out against Germany to its conclusion, to her destruction" (Diese Erklärung nannte den Krieg gegen Deutschland, der nun beschlossen sei, einen heiligen Krieg. Dieser Krieg müsse gegen Deutschland bis zu dessen Ende, bis zu dessen Vernichtung, geführt werden). - Dr. Franz J. Scheidl, Geschichte der Verfemung Deutschlands.

"War in Europe in 1934 was inevitable." - H. Morgenthau, Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Hearst Press, September, 1933 (also quoted in "The Palestine Plot" by B. Jenson, p. 11 (printed by John McKinley, 11-15 King Street, Perth, Scotland)).

"For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community, at each conference, in all our syndicates, and by each Jew all over the world. There is reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value. We will trigger a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany's ambitions to become once again a great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of Germany. Collectively and individually, the German nation is a threat to us Jews." - Vladimir Jabotinsky (founder of the Jewish terrorist group, Irgun Zvai Leumi) in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934 (also quoted in "Histoire de l'Armée Allemande" by Jacques Benoist-Mechin, Vol. IV, p. 303).

"Hitler will have no war (does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon." - Emil Ludwig Cohn in Les Annales, June, 1934 (also quoted in his book "The New Holy Alliance").

"We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany." - David A. Brown, National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign, 1934 (quoted in "I Testify Against The Jews" by Robert Edward Edmondson, page 188 and "The Jewish War of Survival" by Arnold Leese, page 52).

"We want to bring about a deep hatred for the Germans, for German soldiers, sailors, and airmen. We must hate until we win." - Lord Beaverbrook, quoted in Niemals! by Heinrich Goitsch.

"There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it." - Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935.

"Before the end of the year, an economic bloc of England, Russia, France and the U.S.A will be formed to bring the German and Italian economic systems to their knees." - Paul Dreyfus, "La Vie de Tanger" May 15, 1938.

On the 3rd of June, 1938, the American Hebrew boasted that they had Jews in the foremost positions of influence in Britain, Russia and France, and that these "three sons of Israel will be sending the Nazi dictator to hell." - Joseph Trimble, the American Hebrew.

"Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. One may be sure of this: We will lead that war!" - Bernard Lecache, the president of the "International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism," in its newspaper "Droit de Vivre" (Right to Life), 9 November, 1938.

"The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world." - Brigadier General George Van Horn Mosely, The New York Tribune, March 29, 1939.

"I wish to confirm in the most explicit manner, the declaration which I and my colleagues made during the last months, and especially in the last week: that the Jews "stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies." Our urgent desire is to give effect to these declarations. We wish to do so in a way entirely consonant with the general scheme of British action, and therefore would place ourselves, in matters big and small, under the co-ordinating direction of His Majesty's Government. The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing Jewish manpower, technical ability, resources, etc." - Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, Head of the Jewish Agency and later President of Israel, the London Times, September 5, 1939, and the London Jewish Chronicle, September 8, 1939.

"The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." - Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939.

"Stop talking about peace conditions! Break Germany in pieces!" - The Daily Herald, No.7426, 9 December, 1939.

"The Jews, taken collectively, view this war as a holy war." - The Daily Herald, No.7450, 1939, quoted in "Reichstagsbrand, Aufklärung einer historischen Legende," by U. Backes, K.H. Janßen, E. Jesse, H. Köhler, H. Mommsen, E Tobias.

"Even if we Jews are not physically at your side in the trenches, we are morally with you. This war is our war and you fight it with us." - Schalom Asch, Les Nouvelles Litterairres, February 10, 1940.

"In losing Germany, Jewry lost a territory from which it exerted power. Therefore it was determined to re-conquer it." - Louis Marschalko, "The World Conquerors : The Real War Criminals."

"The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years." - Rabbi M. Perlzweig (head of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress), Toronto Evening Telegram, February 26, 1940.

"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." - Rabbi Felix Mendlesohn, Chicago Sentinel, October 8, 1942.

"We are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry... Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory." - Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, Head of the Jewish Agency and later President of Israel, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York.

"Played golf with Joe Kennedy (U.S. Ambassador to Britain). He says that Chamberlain stated that America and world Jewry forced England into World War II." - James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy (later Secretary of Defense), Diary, December 27, 1945 entry.

"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. Nor had I ever wished that after the appalling first World War, there would ever be a second against either England or America." - Adolf Hitler, April, 1945.

The joke doing the rounds of the British Union of Fascists at this time, was that the Jewish national anthem was, 'Onward Christian Soldiers.'

They don't need an event, they can talk about the Fort Hood terrorist attack while its convenient. Even though it happened years ago, and the trial is almost over, they seem to just now be paying attention to it

It is obvious. There will be a significant attack on the home soil by some previously unknown group based out of the middle east with strong ties to European or Russian region. It will be so drastic and polarizing that it will precipitate a different level of never before seen martial law causing the President to order a cease for all voting for 'a temporary period' allowing him to remain in office.

Well... this has a decent chance of being considered absolutely absurd on these boards because of how ridiculous it's going to sound but please try and bare with me. I expect tin-foil hat comments and I've debated whether or not to even post.

The entire current situation is basically a complete ruse. The most massive PsyOp in all of history is currently underway. There's no serious terror threat as far as Al-Qaeda/Syria/Yemen etc go (however major threats exist and it's pretty nutty... EVEN to me) and the idea that what's going on is to justify the NSA surveillance is just part of the distraction. All of this keeps the people not in the know occupied whether it be the average american incapable of critical thinking, intellectuals, political activists, conspiracy theorists etc etc. Anything that goes down will be blamed on the supposed terrorists that everyone keeps hearing about, but that's just a front.

As I'm sure many people here are aware (or at least suspect), there are stunningly incredible technologies that exist and are kept secret. Some of these technologies can wreak havoc on a massive scale, some can cause world-wide environmental changes, and some can control the very behavior of a good portion of humans.

A covert operation lasting several decades has resulted in the theft of (occurring at the beginning of this year as well as another incident 13 1/2 years ago) various of these incredible technologies to which I refer. The danger this theft poses is monumental in ways that are hard to express. Plans for some of these technologies were tracked to a weapons cache in Homs, Syria and in response we blew the shit out of it about a week ago (the big explosion video posted all over the net).

Things are getting pretty crazy and more and more of us in the military, government, and secret groups are starting to make small attempts at getting the truth out.

I have low level access in the grand scheme of things but I have good basic understanding of what's up. I've PM'd user EatSlimeyShoes as he can corroborate what I say and I hope to see him chime in here.

I saw your PM... first of all... what the fuck?

Few questions...

  • How do you "know" me?
  • You've been registered on reddit for a good while, why is this your first post?
  • Who do you work for and what is your position?
  • Is your goal to put me in damage control mode? Sure seems like it...

How do you "know" me?


You've been registered on reddit for a good while, why is this your first post?

Why not? Have to make the first post at some point.

Who do you work for and what is your position?

Unlike you, I'd be easily identified if I said. I don't have your kind of authority or safety.

Is your goal to put me in damage control mode? Sure seems like it...

No, my goal is for you to stop pussy footing around and actually leak some something substantial. You've submitted seven separate requests to the DoD in the past 30 days for access to the Special Access Program associated with Michael Hastings, his surveillance, and his death. Stop focusing on small time stuff like this and deal with the bigger issues.

You've submitted seven separate requests to the DoD in the past 30 days for access to the Special Access Program associated with Michael Hastings, his surveillance, and his death.

Can't tell if it's intentional or not, but this piece of info is a great starting point for me in terms of finding out who you are. How many people do you think there are that would be able to know exactly how many petitions I've submitted?

Stop focusing on small time stuff like this and deal with the bigger issues.

The murder of a reporter is not "small time stuff" in my opinion. Hastings didn't know what he was getting himself into, there was no reason to end his life... there were alternatives.

I don't like you.

If we don't buy into the threats, they'll cause an event to happen. Hide your kids; hide your wife.

It's gonna be,"ooh, look it's working, see... told ya so!"

The NSA new about it, the American funded "al quieda terrorists" will get antsy and not do it because they don't want to get caught. Win. Win.

First they tell us to be afraid, then they tell us they saved us.

Unless they are not actually data centers- they just was us to think they are.... /^