I work at a government building. I found out that we are having a full scale drill that we get bombed today. How comforing.

35  2013-08-09 by [deleted]


Too late to call out sick. Sounding like we are going to be deployed to another city. They have changed it from a bombing to a hurricane. So no worries. Lol.

They just switched it at the last second..?

Stay safe and good luck. Let us know if any weird shit happens.

Everyone, capture this thread.

If this turns into a real event, you can bet your asses that this will be scrubbed clean as evidence........

Where? And good luck.

The drill is that the city of Daytona Beach is bombed.

Well good luck today and hopefully it's just a drill.

Weren't they also running omb drills in Boston at the same time as when the real ones across town went off?

Yes...and eventually the Boston Globe ran an article where the police admit this, but say the real thing just happened to happen right before the drill was to take place...

I don't know about you, but I'd prefer that security teams practice their security. An event like the Marathon is always going to be a prime target, and they always have drills. People call it out like it's something police don't do at EVERY major event.

Im not knocking being prepared. Just the coincidence of the "heightened" threat levels and what was going to be a bombing prep drill. You are more than likely right as this was probably just a coincidence with scheduling.

The city or the gov building is a bomb drill?

I heard it was the city and the building was a part of it. Now they say its a hurricane.

Huh? Can you be a lil more specific? You work for the gov? The drill was supposed to be a bomb situation and now it's a hurricane? Or has the scenario been a bomb, complicated by a hurricane?

Today sounds like a good day to catch that mysterious 24hr bug. wink wink nudge nudge

Are you willing/able to give us a general idea of what you do? Do you have a job related to national security / disaster prep/recovery?

Nothing like that. Medical stuff. But I'm not in on the official going-ons. Not too worried anymore

I can hear this guy's supervisor. "Okay folks today's our bi-annual disaster preparedness drill. This year's theme is Daytona Beach, like maybe there's a bomb or a hurricane or something. Use your imagination."

"OMG.... must post to r/conspiracy!"

Don't be an ass hat. I'm not in the loop. I came to work and half the building is tarped up and I thought it was odd. Geez. Have a little fun grinch.

I would be calling in sick next week actually. You know they always have the drills, then shortly thereafter, some "tragic event" takes place.

Why the hell is this on the frontpage?

Seriously. Does no one here realise it is good practice to er, practice these things?

I work in a local government building, they test the fire alarm every week, we do practice drills every other month. Should I be so scared of my fucking government that I think they are setting something up?

Seriously this is the most retarded thing I have seen on here in a while. I thought I was over at r/conspiratard for a second. This is so pathetic it seems like parody.

sink pls...c4c