This is a letter I wrote to Rand Paul yesterday. Everyone needs to start contacting our representatives!

32  2013-08-09 by [deleted]

I submitted this letter through his website yesterday. Everyone needs to speak the fuck up!:

Hello Mr. Rand,

I'm a big supporter of yours and a libertarian as well. In the last few weeks I've been very stressed out and am losing sleep. The NSA is clearly violating the Constitution and nothing is being done about it. No one in Congress is taking a stand. WHAT IS GOING ON!

Today I read a story about a company called Lavabit. It's a small email provider that keeps messages privately encrypted. The NSA SHUT IT DOWN because the owner of the company wouldn't hand over the content of the emails. That to me is a violation of his 4th amendment rights and I'd cite Katz vs. United as legal proof of that. I own a small business. How can I be sure now that mine won't be shut down by way of a SECRET court? There's no more trust.

So if that's actually not the case, and there's some rational legal explanation for all of this, LET ME HEAR IT! Make the rulings PUBLIC! It's a domestic matter between a COMPANY and the GOVERNMENT. Why is it a secret? How am I supposed to trust a legal decision if I can't hear it? This is ridiculous and scary. This is what real terror is. I shouldn't have to be afraid of my own representatives. So Mr. Paul, please Repeal the Patriot Act. PLEASE!

Thank you for your time.


It's Senator Paul, not Mr. Rand.

Also, Rand Paul is NOT a Libertarian. He's publicly declared this and some of his policies support that. I don't have as much faith in him as many in this subreddit do.

In my opinion, Rand Paul does'nt deserve support. He is known to flip-flop on important issues.

That being said, if we had a governement full of Rand/Ron Pauls on the right wing, and Elizabeth warrens on the left, I think the world would be a lot better off.

I think that politicians should have serious consequences for campain lies, smething more serious than getting voted out with an awesome pension.

They don't read their mail. So what is this going to solve?

Probably nothing on its own but at least OP is doing something [prob. more than you] and if more people would do the same it would actually make an impact on something somewhere.


Sitting on the Internet telling other people they're doing nothing is doing nothing.

I'm doing nothing.

Stop being a little bitch, and let the people who want to try to accomplish something do so in peace. Or, get off your lazy, hypocritical ass and help them out.

You've made quite a few assumptions.

What will petitioning a neocon, long after we have been checkmated, accomplish?

It demonstrates wanting something enough to do even the smallest, most ineffective thing for it.

Sure, it's just a gesture essentially, but if there a cause deserving of measurable effort, OP's actions carry exponentially more weight and influence towards something positive, rather than possibly dissuade interest in publicizing dissent, which is what remarks like yours are more likely to do.

That sure was a long winded, passive aggressive way of saying, "absolutely nothing".

Well, it might seem that way to someone who is vastly uneducated. Work on your reading comprehension skills and you might start to understand snstrmstch's point. I say might because by the looks of it, you'll have a difficult time.

You seem upset.

More amused at you apparent lack of reasoning abilities.

You should "get off your lazy ass" and write me a disapproving letter, maybe I'll magically become more reasonable.

Sorry, no time for that as I have been working and volunteering at a local music festival because I have a life :)

More than your lazy ass will ever accomplish.

That one cut deep.

More amused at you apparent lack of reasoning abilities.

Sorry, no time for that as I have been working and volunteering at a local music festival because I have a life :)