When is enough, enough?

65  2013-08-11 by WisdomModifier

Hey... It's late, and I'm writing because I'm at the point where I'm honestly 'feeling it', right now. Please go ahead and excuse the grammar, and all that.

But honestly... Are we at the point where we have had enough? I think we are. I have so many friends, and colleagues who are still willing to tow the party line because they are either A) ignorant, or B) afraid... And it's all bullshit.

We have been put through nothing but shit for the past decade+. We live in a world where our every communication is recorded, and filed. We live in a word where the economy is subjugated to the whims of the few, to their benefit, nonetheless. We live in a world where war is perpetual, and For Profit. We love in a world where friends and family alike look at us like we're crazy. But we know that there is more than meets the eye. We know that we are currently on the losing end of the battle... And losing THIS battle - quite possibly the most important, and influential battle to ever take place - could ruin us all.

We need to stand up. We need to stop accepting the bullshit lies that 'they' feed us. And we need to know that a better future is possible. It's within our grasp. We are at a point where we can destroy any 'ism' that may serve a nefarious purpose.

We can do better.

But we're not.

We're sitting here, on a glorified message board, instead of being where we need to be, and from a personal viewpoint, it's slowly killing me. Think of the next generation. Think of past generations. Think of the hardships endured to get us to where we are today. Think of the bullshit we've been fed. Think of the lives that have been lost. And most important, think of the next steps it will take to make an everlasting change in this world.

Now is not the time for discussion. Now is the time for action. And unfortunately, besides education, and conversation, I'm not sure what those actions are... But one of you does. And it needs to occur. This isn't a vote for your favourite singer. This isn't dialing in for the joke of the day. This is the honest to goodness future of mankind at stake. Why are we sitting down?


I don't know how or where to start. I don't live in or near any cities. It's all Amish people and farmers around here. What can I do? Why should I give a fuck when I think the whole thing is going to come toppling down in a few years anyways?

Fuck it. The American EmpireTM is going to fall all on its own, or so I believe.

It WILL come toppling down. You're seeing it happen right now, in front of your eyes. I don't know if the answer is to find a permaculture solution, and find your way off the grid, or to find a group of like minded people, and start trying to raise the consciousness of your communities, or to raise up arms. But I know there IS a solution, and that's what we need to focus on. We all know the power structure that this all works upon is rotten to the core, but we can't give up. Plant a garden, learn to hunt, talk to your neighbors... But whatever it is, don't give up hope, and don't buy-in to the bullshit they're trying to feed you.

i had a great idea the other day. . . . go to your city hall, or somewhere public, and just protest by yourself. i really want to, i will soon. think, you have one person standing there with a sign like ''billionaires have too much, billions have too little", or "honk if you dont like your government's actions", .

. . something simple, the idea is, you see one person out there, and then another.. and another... and bam. what u guys think? and, yea enough is enough, we're almost there.

I think a lot of people will just think you are crazy if you do something like that. Americans are afraid of outcasts and different ways of thinking.

I completely support you and I think you should really do this, but it may end without any support.

will they think im crazy if im standing on the corner with a sign saying ''stop spending money on the military", or, "why do we spend more $ on prisoners than students?" it will be a snowball effect, the way our revolution happens. similar to turks in gezi

Plant a garden, learn to hunt, talk to your neighbors

This is really good advice. Self-sufficiency will become the name of the game soon enough. Fortunately I've already gotten a head start on it which is nice. We've got heirloomed seeds of all sorts of vegetables and fruits, fruit trees, and we're soon to set up an apiary. There is a multitude of both small and large game in the area, thankfully. As for our friends in the cities, I don't know how kind the transition will be. There will be a large exodus to the countryside, the way I see it.

By your reckoning, how long have we got until the ship sinks? Few more years?

Decades if I were to make a guess. It took Rome a VERY long time to crumble. And even when it fell, east and west split and the western empire did amazing for a few hundred years until the Huns and Ottomans killed them.

If the USA were to fall next years, there would be millions who would try and save her.

I'd reckon we've got 10 years if we're lucky.

Never in history has it been more possible to make a mark.

Right now, videos like Kony, Cats and police brutality go Viral. Viral videos are seen by a lot of people. Anyone with internet access, a few months and drive can make a viral video.

Our best bet right now, is to spread awareness using viral videos. That check the following boxes:

  • Informative

  • Well presented and not a slide show or a monologue

  • Inspiring and well done (but not too much). It needs to be subtly inspiring, not a cheesy commercial.

  • An objective, inoffensive and considerate argument put forward. So, fact orientated and rational, not offensive - so careful in the way it's presented and nothing that would disagree with certain stereotypes and considerate too. Not too in your face "wake up sheeple" - but form their perspective, like the creator of the video is like 'the people' and is egoless without an agenda.

  • Encourages personal conclusion. e.g. If you were proposing a 9-11 video, stay away from "it was an inside job, fact". Instead say, "A growing movement of industry experts, demolition experts, architects and professionals are calling for a review of the official investigation into 9-11 as they conclude that industry demolitions are the cause of the damage on 9-11. Do you think there's a coverup?"

  • Make it SIMPLE, look at Ted Talks, RSA Animate, Kony (bad cause, but 10/10 video in terms of 'viral-ness'.

  • In summary, don't tell people why they should agree with the video. Inspire them to see for themselves if they agree with the video. Encourage the viewer to research themselves and perhaps self inform. Even if they don't agree with your video - they might start self informing - which is another person not listening to the mass-media.

  • EXAMPLES - if you say 9-11 is real because the US government already have shown the capability of killing it's own citizens to create a war - example operation northwoods.

  • Offer them a direction. The first thing a persons will do when convinced of something is think, "if this is real why isn't there something done about it". They might even assume, that because nothing been done about it, it's not true. You need to offer them a 'first step'. People aren't powerless - they just need reminders, here's a petition, here's your MP's email intray, here's a peaceful protest in your area - maybe check them out.

  • Emphasis on Solution not Problem. While it's useful to know what's wrong and who's at fault. There's an abundance of that - what makes videos unique is a refreshing insight into possible solutions. Also, ideas for solutions are going to inspire people way more than identification of problems. Speak to the fighters and creators in people.

If you're reading this and still thinking we're powerless - take a look at one of the reasons I think we're not. We are REPLACING the media.

More than ever, and growing each day. Is the idea that the internet is replacing the traditional media and news outlets. Bloggers, reddit comment'rs (I came here to read the first comment on why this isn't true), youtubers, peoples with websites, truth movements and alternative news media are getting more and more attention from the public. More people are becoming critical of news sources and are walking into the idea of getting the 'truth' online.

The reason this is so important is. The media empire are probably one of the most powerful and resourceful, comprehensive organisations on the globe. The nature of media - being they have people everywhere and relationships at all levels such as governments and organisations, the monopoly on being the place people get their news from and the subsequent financial arrangement they have - make them giants. Yet teen bloggers, reddit commenters, .com sites and low budget alternative news stations are taking their biggest power from them - viewers. Even if you extrapolate and assume the smallest, we're at least making a dent in their viewers and making a dent in a giant like the media is no small feat. We're doing good in one of the most important areas. Obviously it's important to note disinformation and bad news sources, but that's something we have to fight. With sources and well worded arguments as our weapons and blogs, videos and comments as the battlefield.

See, you have a sword after-all. Now use it to defend the people who still haven't found theirs.

Dont expect us to come up with ideas for you. If you want something done, do it your self. We need that mentality back.

It's not about providing ideas, it's about sharing them. This sub, at the very least, is full of people who think there may be a possibility that things aren't what they seem. We need to use that, and work together, in whatever capacity we can.

Would local meetups be feasible? I know 'conspiracy minded' people may not like the act of congregating...

Those "conspiracy minded" people are your friends. They think outside of the box, may call them crazy like with aliens and stuff but the real down to earth conspiracies are mostly true, they back them up with facts and proof. Nobody believes them but the still Push on because in their rad they need everybody to know. People were shouting "THE GOVERMENT IS WATCHING US!!" years ago and everybody was like look at that conspiracy nut, he's weird. Where are we today? The government is watching.

You are probably in one of the best places to be, IMO

Prior to the Revolution, the Crown had established judges throughout the colonies to enforce the king's regulations.

People found a unique way to make them step down. A group of 5-10 masked men on horseback would knock on the judge's door late at night, and request that he relinquish his position. The judge would say he would consider it. And a group of 100 or more men from the road nearby would fire off their weapons simultaneously.

The judge would quit the next day.

Why are there still judges?

I've been doing my best about thinking a way, doing what's supposed to be done. I see that you're actually referencing to the whole world and not only the USA here, which is awesome to hear. But I've been spending days boggling my mind with various ideas and you know how we could get the ball rolling, so to say. What I've concluded NOW is that it has to be one massive event that will even touch the sheeples, everyone.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that the whole economy is on the brink of collapse, one leg in the grave already basically. So, this event is most likely going to be the economic global collapse. You see, the thing about sheeple is, they don't care whether there's a war or a nuclear war going on, as long as they are fine, they don't care. They will keep living their lives just like they are programmed to.

Now, here is when the collapse comes into play. It will undoubdetly affect every single one of us, and that's when the sheeple will start to think. "Hey, what caused this? What can I do to stop this?" And this is when the ball will get rolling. One MASSIVE event that absolutely without any doubt touches or affects everyone living in the goddamn corrupt fuck up system made to fail from the start is the only way I've thought to see it possible. As you see , there's protests in various countries all over the world but it's just not enough to get the ball rolling for the others.... edit: Just to clarify, I'm in no way on the supportive part of violence. This just kills way too many innocent people and it's not the way to go.

Had me until not supporting violence. Nothing will ever get done.

Think globally, act locally. I agree that there will be some sort of event that will tip the scales both in our favour, but also against us. Let's be honest, as 'validating' as a global economic collapse would be to our mindsets, it would not be a Good Thing. It would cause a lot of hardships, and panic, and potentially violent outbursts, which none of us want to see. I'd like to think that we may be able to prevent something like that, if we're focussed enough... And if we act quick enough.

Well if you think about it, if people got prepared NOW at this very moment it could very well prevent all that , but I guess you are right, no one will, people never learn from their mistakes, and they will just wait until shit hits the fan before it all goes down, and by that point it will be wayyy too late.

Sure its wonderful a few of us talk about this online but the masses don't care people are very comfortable in their convenient systematic way of life...not many care and won't start caring till their convieninences are gone and then its too late

But there are so many of us talking about it. We need to start acting on it. Take your money out of the bank. Only buy what you need. Define 'enough' for yourself, and live within those parameters. Don't feed the giant corporations, when they release their next iProduct. Talk about this kind of stuff in daily conversation - but not in a condescending manner. Build a support network. Help your neighbors.

Trust me my friend my eyes have been open for many moons

When people are unable to drink water and/or eat food, they will stand up.

I put up flyers and posters around my city. I pass out pamphlets at public events and gatherings, and I take the time to talk to people if they're willing to listen. Educating the masses is a major objective. Because when SHTF, those in power will shift the blame on an innocent group, and the masses will buy it without a second thought. We have to make it clear to everyone who and what we're really up against.

You wanna know the actual truth? When the food starts to run out (or ppl cannot pay for it anymore cause inflation) and people get hungry. While shit sucks, life is still too comfortable to do anything about the situation. Many revolutions have started once people cannot feed themselves anymore, its a GREAT motivator.

There's always something we could do. Its how far we take it, or whom do we take it out on. There just isn't a group of people, because you would at least need that, to be able to make any difference. Kinda hard to really do anything when there is no straight answer to whats going on. Shit we cant even agree that 9/11 and other "Events" have been strange to say the least. I dunno man, you gotta start somewhere tho.

It's called a shadow gov't for a reason. The masters are rarely seen we only know the puppets.

Ya, that's the jist of it. You cant fight what you cant see.

a massive boycott would be my first suggestion, but that would only work on a huge scale. no point in a half assed attempt, and i dont think the general corn fed population would be on board.

next best thing would be movement along the lines of PROJECT MAYHEM.

Go over to /r/games to see how well boycotts work.

The best thing to do is to remain calm. If you are afraid of economic callapse, keep working hard, but don't stick your money into a bank. Invest in guns and ammo. Get proper training so that no one has a reason to steal them from you. Buy a big chest. Fill it with seeds. Buy dried foods. 100kg rice, beans, bit of salt and lock it up. If you live in a city, buy a wagon so it can be transported. Buy cheese. You can store big wheels nearly forever, unlike milk.

Buy tents and sleeping gear.

The above will cost less than 5k and will put you mind at ease. 5k is nothing for peace-of-mind. Not everything need be bought right now either. You can start small and work on it.

I like this idea. But I don't want to admit to myself that guns and ammo are necessary. At least not yet. I'd hope we can overcome this looming danger without the need to resort to violence.

guns are usefull for things besides killing humans.

hunting came to mind when I mentioned guns

I agree. We're at a point in our lives when we can go to sleep with having 100 bucks, and waking up and realizing that what you could have bought with a hundred bucks yesterday, you now need a few hundred more. This is why it's important to invest money into the right, self-sufficient things RIGHT NOW. That also means that when shit hits the fan people are not going to be in panic, they'll have everything they need for a while (as long as the revolution lasts I hope). Buy the supplies, dry food etc you need now and trust me you'll be really glad you did it in the very near future.

unfortunately conditioned humans that have 6 layers of security blankets are not capable of change until enough of those layer break down, conditioned humans by nature are not squirrels and do not prep for the future, they wait till the last moment to do anything, and so it must become "too late" and things already being in crisis mode before anyone will do anything....right now there are still "rich people" having a great time, food, water etc, transportation....only when you see a large scale breakdown in these areas will you see people doing anything...I feel your frustration, as do many others , but , unfortunately unification for pre-emptive measures does not seem plausible based on the over all condition of the "individual"

We live in a world where friends and family alike look at us like we're crazy.

I've found that simply asking reasonable questions of friends and family, while taking a firm stance against taking any stance but that of an inquisitive person, is wonderful for throwing people into a state of emotional discomfort without the possibility of having anyone or anything but their own acceptance of unconsidered views to attack.

It's not a pleasant experience, but if they react negatively, you can basically call them on it while acting more "normal" than they are, forcing them into a sort of cognitive dissonance where their dependence on peer approval is actually working against itself.

At this point, there is still hope. There is still enough patriots to fight.. But what is needed is a LEADER or something to start the revolution.

Be your own leader.

That's a good way to get yourself killed. One guy walks into the White House saying its time for America to be restored, you get shot. 1 million do the same, things will start changing.

Too bad everyone that upvotes/comments in this thread is being labeled/bucketize as an enemy of the police state. If you think the NSA does not screen scrape all of reddit and social graphs every user based on key words / username / IP / email address you are a fool.

I agree that revolution 2.0 is necessary for the survival of the constitution that our founding fathers setup to protect our liberties that are being raped by the left and right.

The power we wield is the vote. Stop voting in the democrips and rebloodicans. 3rd party would be a start but no party would be better (popular vote). Very hard to overcome the mind altering effects that the Imperial Media Elephant has on the sheeples.

In the end, even the very wise can not see all ends.



instead of being where we need to be

Which clogs the drain of a running faucet more quickly and effectively?

A) 500 hairs, each shed individually into the drain, one at a time, over the course of many hours

B) 500 hairs, all shed into the drain at one time

The place to be will be the place to be when it is the place to be.

Try and wakeup a few people, who will then go on to wake another few people. Pretty soon the snowball of change will be big enough.

You want a pragmatic solution? There is one thing you can do:

A very thorough explanation of Democracy 2.0 and how to implement it: http://thedemocracytwoexperiment.wordpress.com

One of the many American Democracy 2.0 sites: http://directcongress.com/

Another one: http://www.newpoliticalsystem.org/

Click here if you want to check out the huge number of active Democracy 2.0 projects: http://www.metagovernment.org/wiki/Active_projects

Basically the idea behind Democracy 2.0 is that we elect a leader who takes orders not from the shadow government or wealthy benefactors, but a public online voting/discussion system. They're already starting to do this in Europe. The Germans and the Swiss seem to be leading the way.

It's ridiculous that our leaders still communicate with their constituents through town hall meetings and pass legislation by arguing in a big room over bills they don't have time to read. The only reason we're not already using the internet to draft and pass legislation is because it does not benefit the powers that be to do so, despite the fact that it is thousands of times more efficient than existing governing methods.

Of course, going the Democracy 2.0 route means you have to trust your fellow man more than rich guys in suits to govern your society. I think it's more important that we get the power out of the hands of the elite ASAP instead of waiting to come up with a utopian plan that benefits everyone perfectly before taking any action. The utopia will arise naturally if the masses have control and experience constant feedback of their decisions.

Massive boycotts won't work, you can't convince people to stop buying the burgers and ipods they are addicted to. Violent revolution won't work, they have all the power of the US military. Going into the white house and threatening or literally "throwing out" the president won't work, that's retarded. Peaceful protest and petitions won't work, because there is no incentive for leaders to listen to us. Waiting out the "collapse" won't work, because the economy works on belief and benefits the elite as well as the rest of us. No one is going to starve, the vast majority will just eat the abundant GMO food provided to them by whoever's in charge, in the process becoming further entrenched into the status quo. Pan o palo works well.

Please, try your darnedest to dismiss this idea. You'll all wake up eventually...

Look OP, sorry to put you down, but this is the way the world works now. You either love Big Brother, or you slip through the cracks until society deems you "irreversible". Just take a watch through the city streets, and you will see the "sane" and the "insane".

To us here at r/conspiracy, the "sane" are those filing neatly down the sidewalks, filling there arms full of material possessions, and standing aimlessly while performers find ways to attract their attention. The "insane" are the homeless, the veterans, the artists, the performers, the musicians. These are the people that don't "fit" in this tightly wound system, so they are forced to reach out and to the sane one's, "act bizarre".

This is a sad time we live in. I know I hear it all the time on this sub, how everyone wants to start a revolution or change the system, but he reality is that no one is doing anything to slow this freight train. We are on a never ending course to complete societal control.

You either love Big Brother, or they will make you.

As tyrants reign and chaos conquers, The good man can watch no longer.

He takes up arms and calls his friends, The world a message he plans to send.

A nation rises from shore to shore, Watching the good man on the path to war.

With every battle an army grows, Yet the world continues its pain-filled woes.

The good man’s war wages on, Both sides fighting only with brawn.

Forward march armies to their final battle, Like two snakes their angry chants rattle.

In the end a warrior stands among the gore, And a single tear falls, for a good man he is no more.

(For the non-poetic types, the point is that if we don't act with care and thought in this endeavor then by the time it is all said and done we will have become the evil we seek to vanquish.)

Another thing to try for those of you who meditate, practice focusing on feeling compassion for those you feel are doing the most evil. This also works wonders for reducing stress if you practice it on everyone. Of course your mileage may vary

Meditation is key. Practice patience. Define what 'enough' means to you.

We love in a world where friends and family alike look at us like we're crazy.

Have you considered the possibility that maybe there's a good reason for that?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, y'know?

Are you saying that you, yourself, don't see massive inequality in this world? Are you admitting that we as a species have hit our crescendo? Do you think that we could no longer improve the way that We - not just you - live, and love, and Be? Because if so, you're talking to the wrong guy. And if so, we are Firm Enemies. And once again... If so... I can confidently say that your priorities are skewed in some twisted and mutant fashion, similar to some Grand malaise. And I feel supreme pity for you. If you don't think we can improve, what are you defending?

Are you saying that you, yourself, don't see massive inequality in this world?

Nope. I'm not saying that at all. The 80/20 rule is a bastard.

Are you admitting that we as a species have hit our crescendo?

I don't even know what that means. But if you're trying awkwardly to ask whether I think we can do better, in general terms, the answer's of course yes.

That whole thing you wrote is, seriously, the reason why people look at you like you're crazy. It's cause you're expressing yourself in a way that's consistent with a person who's crazy. If you aren't crazy, then don't make yourself sound crazy, and you won't be thought of as crazy. Pretty simple, see?

Pareto principle aside (and honesrly, I don't really see how that factors in}, I don't understand how someone couldn't follow what I wrote. Maybe it's you who has the issue?

I'm with you dude. It's gotten really bad, and unfortunately there are still people like captainarbitrary who refuse to accept that their government has gone awry. Do not fret my friend, the time for violence has yet to arrive and when it does remember that you will not be alone.

It's not about violence. Not yet anyways. It's about action. But positive, non-bullshit type action. I was at the forefront of one of the occupy movements, and the speed at which is was co-opted was mind boggling - which is not to say that I define 'co-opted' as against my personal agenda, as I didn't have one. I mean co-opted as 'the point where nothing could move forward, as there were so many pieces in play, as to make unified progress impossible'.

Violence is the last thing I want. That's a losing battle, and I plan on winning. We can do better than throwing rocks, and shooting guns. We're smarter than that. I'm just hoping to see that proven.

Occupy fox news please. Occupy msm. I said in another deeply I would like to save the USA, not see it blow up in civil war. The best way to do this is to allow real news to be spread.

Look at roman history. It was the last empire before the dark ages, after which came the Renaissance, industrial age and USA. The USA is almost exactly like the western roman empire. (The British empire fell, and only the united states was left). And it will eventually fall to. But not soon. Give it a few more decades. There are still millions of people who would give everything to keep america alive. I am among them.

Better the enemy you know, than the enemy you don't know.

I follow you bro... But what do we do is the question... We need to hit the streets, reddit doesn't do shit but help spread the idea

Stenciling. Conversations. Boycotts. Sit-ins. Blockades. Like-minded communes. Essays...

Gene Sharp's book 'From Democracy to Dictatorship' has several ideas on how to resist without being violent... And once again, I want to emphasize the fact that, in my mind, this can all be done in a non-violent fashion (and should be).

Meditation is key. Practice patience. Define what 'enough' means to you.