Can we focus on Benghazi? Because the CIA is working AGGRESSIVELY to contain information related to 9/11/12, we could see how much influence the CIA may have over r/conspiracy and similar subs.

157  2013-08-14 by [deleted]

I think maybe if we could blow this one up AS IT HAPPENS, we could catch the 5 second attention span of the average Joe.

"Benghazi" on /r/conspiracy lately


CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'

The adventures of a Libyan weapons dealer in Syria

What I've been reading these past months and what I now think is that essentially Libya was knocked over so it could be a supply route for weapons into Syria. I'm sure everyone has seen the General Wesley Clark video where he explains how he was told of the countries that the US would knock out in the next five years.

When they did eventually kill Gadaffi, they had a massive stock pile of weapons which could be funnelled into Syria. The Reuters article I posted shows that people were collecting weapons from all over Libya and shipping them out via Benghazi. Were these people working as CIA assets creating cover for the covert operation?


If you were to take what was said by Wesley Clark in the video as true and think about how you would knock these countries out strategically, it makes sense. Knock out Libya to make a safe supply route with less diplomatic problems as somewhere else. Then via those weapons, Syria is knocked out, Hamas are effected scoring points for Israel leading up to Iran being taken out which is the main target.

Lets says Syria and Hamas was intact before Iran were attacked. What would Syria and Hamas's reaction be to that? I think that retaliation would be the order of the day and Israel would be fighting not only in Iran with the US but also on their borders of Palestine and even Lebanon. Going even future back, even Iraq for me was down to Israel although there was no military involvement by them, it's shown that there were lobbyists tied to Israel making the case in the Bush Administration who prior were writing up the same plans for Israel.

Here's the think tank documents that are to me the plans that were drawn up. Note that the main theme is removing Saddam Hussein from power first suggested for Israel and then one year later for the US which carried it out. Richard Perle wrote the first one for Israel and was a signatory to the second one written for the US.

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

Project for the New American Century

We still don't know what President Obama was doing for 8 hours on that day. That should say something.

playing PS3, watching TV, sleeping, or doing boring POTUS stuff.

they have important minions to do and handle stuff like Benghazi.

when the SHTF then the boss is going to come out on TV and read some quickly/badly prepared script explaining or weaselling away.

he's not in charge

We don't?

Benghazi was planned, for gun control and engaging in Syria. Watch it play out, "the terrorists got the guns, we gotta bomb um, over here now!"

Our ego avoids the truth for some reason. The truth is a sledge hammer.

The ego likes to shield itself from any kind of perceived damage. Hell, that's why we get labeled conspiracy theorists. We are inadvertently telling another that they are wrong or misinformed. The ego hates being insulted.

I will destroy the egos. The truth is the truth.

LOL well there you go. 18 upvotes 6 down in 2 hrs.

I guarantee you there's at least a few hundred people working for agencies like CIA, FBI, ADL (jewish propaganda) whose job is to comment, post, give votes on reddit alone.

Yeah I gotta a bunch of downvotes about my post regarding Benzair Bhutto claiming Ben laden was murdered in 2007. When I asked why people were downvoting, like could you explain your thoughts behind why this isn't a good story, I received no response...

The Laden fairy tale, don't know who he was exactly, but I m damn sure he didn't get "killed by marines in a raid" a few years ago. He worked for the CIA.

I think there's many, many propaganda spreaders in reddit. From military, jewish, cia, etc.

I usually hate /r/conspiracy but I think you have something with that notion. Posted it to all the lambs on my FB.

Odd behavior to frequent a place you hate.

Ever heard of finding the needle in the haystack?

Do you hatefully downvote all the straws?

nope... usually only if I'm certain they're full of shit. That's rare to be absolutely certain.

Project Bits to Mind Transfer

why the hell are you so worried about such a small event? why has it been forced down our throats that its a conspiracy and we need to be outraged? ns if shill or just retarded..

My response to Benghazi , is to write a political satire Browser Game:
Benghazi, the game, aka "Lies and Cow Pies"; Fun for all, except Obama, Clinton, Holder, Rice...

he's not in charge