I work for a very large corrupt supermarket chain. They are slave drivers and corrupt to the bone.

6  2013-08-19 by [deleted]

When I first started, they played a training video. The part which covered joining unions was propaganda. They called unions crooks, claiming they only want your money. Tried to say that supermarket X is family and will have you covered; unions are a waste of cash, called them "parasites". Funny, because supermarket x is the parasite.

Now that I've been here for a month and a half, I find supermarket X's business practices despicable. They keep everybody chained to part time work; never hiring full time so they can keep benefits from you, and pay you less. We get no benefits at all, even though we work our asses off. Last time someone was hired full time was 10 years ago, I shit you not.

We get a fifty-cent raise every half a year, and everyone who starts is paid minimum wage. In order to make enough money to support yourself you need to work ten to fifteen years. That's absurd.

They also don't give out enough hours, so not only do you work part time, you don't even max out on hours. It's horrible, and if this continues I will have to get two other jobs or just quit.

Hard work and dedication is rewarded with a free coffee or a free slice of pizza. I've gone out of my way to assure a well oiled machine and am continuously given jack shit for it. That is not proper incentive. That is a scheme to get people to work harder for less.

I will not elaborate, but it is ran in a very sexist manner. Woman are almost 100% more likely than men to receive advancement, and no men hold important positions.

These large corporations treat their employees as if there are slaves. They don't want you to unionize so they can keep you in chains. This is bullshit and practically a human rights violation. Never before have I felt so degraded.

Almost everything there, from equipment to safety, isn't updated, replaced or inspected. No matter how many people complain and request for a better working environment, not one fuck is ever given. Some of our equipment is more than a decade old, making work harder and even more dangerous. If they were ever inspected, I'm sure plenty of problems would be discovered.

Flies, ants and fruit flies are everywhere. I've seen countless fruit flies in the back room where produce and other goods are stored. That is not sanitary. Of course, any mention I make of the insects is immediately disregarded.

Is it this bad with all major corporations? Also, I consider this a conspiracy; not in the traditional sense. They are only interested in their profit margin and are willing to immensely harm their workers just for that money. I suspect this is a problem among most large corporations, it's almost as if they want to keep their employees in poverty; as they could absolutely treat and pay us better. They used to when they were smaller, as they got bigger they fucked us over more. I've talked to people who've worked there for two decades; they always speak about how as it's gotten larger, the employees are treated worse.

We have to fight against our government for our rights, but they're not the only ones treading upon the people. Corporations are another huge corrupt entity keeping us controlled and in poverty.

Edit: I have to go, I hope what I've said wasn't in vain. If you disagree, I understand. However, I am not playing this up. I am speaking freely about what I and others feel is an injustice. I would elaborate on a lot of different subjects but I do not want to lose my job; even if it is horrible. It's the only place I can currently get work at due to my area. I can tell you that profit margins aren't as low as you'd believe. I know that for a fact. Every claim I've made is verifiable; yet if I were to verify it I'd be fucked. You're asking for proof I cannot provide without problems. Think about it, why else would I make this pot unless it was fucking bad. If you cannot understand that, whatever.


Do you often say "Welcome to Walmart"?

Walmart is a benevolent corporation compared to this place.


"Welcome to cosco, I love you"

"Welcome to cosco, I love you"

"Welcome to cosco, I love you"

Sounds like the info I had to watch for Big Lots. Wasn't allowed full time their either.

People have to learn the reality that you vote with your money 365 days a year, and your one vote over a political term only means consent to be ruled to give them an excuse for mandate to represent you for the whole term until the next farce.

Not to kick you while you're down, but I read through your comments, and I have felt the exact same way that you do. I'm real tired, so I'm just gonna pound this out on my keyboard real quick with the help of a lot of run-on sentances:

Everything is a giant fucking circle of fuck. Those labor unions are a contributing factor as to why you are in the unfortunate situation you are in now. Back in the industrial revolution, labor conditions were REALLY REALLY bad. You can research more on those if you aren't already familiar with the awful working environment. Anyway, after wonderful changes to the work environment came about as a result of labor laws, (i.e. no children workers, no 18 hour days, in a mill where you breathed in dust and fumes with no windows and went deaf because of the unimaginably loud sounds) the labor union system, like most gov't systems of intervention, became outdated, and were subject to abuses.

I had this same talk with my Grandma recently. She worked for Dupont before Labor Unions took over in the 80's and told me that before Dupont saddled up with the Labor Unions, business was great, there was no outsourcing, jobs (full-time!) were plentiful, etc. etc. After the labor unions came in, she said that new positions were federally mandated, such as a mechanic coworker, who before was making about $30 an hour, was required to have an "assistant"... who was literally a man that they Dupont was required to hire that would sit beside the mechanic's toolbox and hand him tools. The union worker got paid $19/hour while the mechanic's pay was pumped down to $15/hour. Not only did this increase the amount of money paid out by dupont by $4/hour... the mechanic was NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING unless the union worker was there. If he went to the bathroom, the mechanic had to literally stop everything he was doing and wait for him to return. If the union worker called out, the mechanic was still paid $15/hour to literally sit in a room. He was not allowed to work unless the other guy was there.

...Now, I have VERY limited knowledge on this subject besides what my Grandma told me... But this is just one instance of one worker in one building of one company... and THIS is exactly the reason why companies were forced to outsource to other countries who do not have labor unions. Could we have/and still could/ settle with a happy medium? Of course! But, as we all know, the gov't has sometlhing, I'm not sure what, but definitely something to gain by all of this.

As for your full-time/part-time dilemma... this obviously has had an impact on the American business model for considerations in hiring full-time/part-time employees... Along with the, once again, outdated and irrelevant notion that employers should provide full time employees with health insurance, benefits, 401k's, etc. These were set up and established as incentives for American workers, as well as immigrants, to work for car makers during the auto industry boom. Workers were so scarce and in such high demand that these dazzling offers were necessary to employee the amount of workers necessary to keep up with the massive auto boom.

I found this nice article on a generic business's debate on whether or not to hire full or part -time employee, based on factors such as vacation days, benefits, insurance, retirement plans, etc. ...Thanks to the gov't businesses are expected to provide ALOT of things to workers once they cross that 40 hour (well, now it's 30 hour thanks to obamacare) threshold.

Giant corporations are a product of wasteful labor union and impossible gov't regulations. If industries in America didn't have to outsource thanks to these issues, I would bet that small businesses would be much more plentiful, and would provide a much better working environment.

As for the health/safety concerns, don't let it get you down... Just because conditions of products don't seem very appealing, and probably downright disgusting (like the produce you mentioned) doesn't mean that it's necessarily a hazard to human health (and probably isn't, if there are no ongoing repeated lawsuits due to food sickness, etc.)

Just keep your head up, and keep reminding yourself that you are in the exact right place at the exact right time, and there will absolutely be better opportunities for you in the future. I've felt that exact same contempt for a company before---and for me, it stemmed from not feeling respected by superiors, or the "top dogs"... but honestly, I have no idea what goes on in their finances, and I can't even IMAGINE the amount of taxes/fines/whatever that they have to deal with... and all those accountants! Oh God. I never want to own a business.

Wow, a dollar an hour per year? More than the contract at my store. How much do you max out at? It's probably based on the department, right?

Sounds like the good old WalMart trick. Hire you at part time. Give you minimum wage. Throw low prices everywhere. Hooking you as a customer.

It's not slavery if you can just quit.

It's also not slavery if you get paid.

You do not understand what slavery is.

You perhaps are certainly correct about chattel slavery. But there is a well documented, well studied concept known as corporate slavery. In this model, which is pretty clearly being extolled by OP here, the corporation provides enough subsistence living to keep the employee returning, while continuously depressing their sense of worth.

I will provide links in time. Currently engaged otherwise.

Then don't work there.

Yes of course! I shall just take employment elsewhere! But wait--the small amount of money I've made has eliminated me from any assistance monies. I can't collect unemployment insurance, because I left voluntarily, and the meagre amount of per pay term deposits were negligible anyway. I have no union to go to, because we are kept, as a workforce, at one another's throats, the drama being drummed up by management. I have no benefits package, because, 'Come on, it's 2013.' There are no opportunities open to me because the experience I can list on a resume is specific to whatever tiny piece of the massive operation I might have been given, but even still, I left voluntarily from that job, for moral reasons no less, so I can't possibly list them as a reference. Indeed, even though state and federal regulations say the only question that can be answered is whether they are technically eligible for re-hire (not if you would), there is almost always more information than that passed on. Indeed, now, I am a 'morale threat.' Because I raised my voice against dehumanization in the workforce, or the fact that I can't even afford to purchase the items I stock on the shelves, I have been marked and tagged as a dissident in the field. It will follow me. I will be questioned up-front in any subsequent entry level position I apply for. It's this legal? Not technically, but it goes unnoticed, and unreported, because I need the job.

So yes. I'll just go get another job. That's an easy enough proposition.

There are millions of jobs available that will treat you better. So yes, get another job.

Glad somebody fucking gets it.


They intentionally keep you at part time, and never hire full time for any of it's employees; not one. Only managers get full time, and people who have worked there for a decade or longer. It wasn't always like that, they used to give full time work. As they became bigger, they paid less. That's ludicrous, and corrupt. You should make a decent wage from any work, part time or not; especially when the corporation is healthy and expanding.

I am looking for extra work, it just hard to fine. It's not just not being able to live off either, it's the work I and others do and how little we're paid. We're also treated poorly, no matter our work ethic.

You do not work there, so you can't really tell me they don't. It's the consensus over there, from almost every employee, that they treat their employees like slaves. Worse than almost every other place. This isn't all my opinion, it's the opinion of those who work there too.

If I, and other employees, didn't feel unfairly treated I wouldn't be here now. I've worked three other part time jobs as well in the past, I know what fair work is like. I do not recommend judging a situation you couldn't fully comprehend without living it. Do not treat me as if I were ignorant.


Their labor model is to keep employee's poor so they can become richer.

I've worked three other jobs, two large corporations, this isn't "basic economics." It certainly isn't proper treatment either.

I am suggesting that if you work part time, you should get enough hours to make a part time wage. We make below part time, we make jack shit. You don't seem to understand my point. They have the money, the ability to give us proper part time work. Yet they don't, just for profit.

Once again, I've worked other part time jobs. I understand what proper treatment is. Also, unfortunately I have to contentiously repeat myself to you, this is not just my opinion but rather a collective one. You are talking as if you were in my, and others, shoes when you are not.

inadequate hours for part time work, inadequate pay raises and benefits (compared to my three others jobs, and also by my coworkers standards), improper safety measures as stated by law, unsanitary work conditions and potential food contamination, incredibly old and worn down equipment that presents a very real safety hazard (I and many others have sustained serious and non-serious injuries as result), improper storage of foods with many insects surrounding them. Fish is constantly reused, thawed and then refrozen, way past a safe date until sold. Management does not ensure proper food safety is enforced; thus causing a very real concern of bacteria being spread (seen first hand many times, as I work multiple positions). Sexist environment; not one male promoted to a higher position, woman hold every important position pertaining to managing (unequal advancement opportunity).

I could go on all day, and like I said these are not solely my opinions. You seem hell bent on making me look like I have no idea what I'm talking about when I do. Anything said will be wasted on you.

By the way, if you read my comments properly you'd see that I stated plenty of times that I worked three part time jobs before. You seem to be nitpicking to try and discredit me.

Edit: I'd like to add that every post you've ever made in conspiracy is aimed at discrediting people.


You keep telling me what isn't credible and how my store runs. It's shit you don't know, it's ridiculous. By the way, fruit is left unsealed in the back until placed on the selves; which means the insects do get to them. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem.

You're trying to defend a supermarket you've never been part of. You're also claiming I'm not credible, as if I'd make this submission for no fucking reason. You also seem to ignore that this is not all my opinion. It's the opinion of a lot of coworkers as well.

You are a ridiculous person, and very close minded. I am done speaking to such an arrogant fool.

The only way to verify everything is to take video and pictures of my workplace. That is something I am not going to do, as it's not worth the risk just to prove my point to an ignoramus.

By the way, fruit is left unsealed in the back until placed on the selves; which means the insects do get to them.

Yessss … that's how produce is stored. Duh?

You're trying to defend a supermarket you've never been part of.

I'm not defending anything. I'm just pointing out the holes in your story. There are many of them. And they're huge.

You're also claiming I'm not credible, as if I'd make this submission for no fucking reason.

Have you looked around this place? People post bullshit here all the time. You wouldn't be the first person who put a big dumb rant up on the Internet.

You are a ridiculous person, and very close minded.

"Closed-minded." Not "close minded." And the only thing my mind's closed to is bullshit.

Fighting the company that provides FUCKING FOOD TO PEOPLE is pretty fucking dumb. I don't know how else to say it. Im going to go over the reasons why

A) Grocery stores are EXTREMELY low margin. Which means they can't afford to pay their labor very much. If you want to get paid more than the bare minimum.... don't work in a fucking grocery store like a dumb ass.

B) Where there is produce there will be flies, ants, and fruit flies everywhere... thats how life works.... What would you have them do? Spray chemicals on the flies so it gets on the food and gives people cancer? Jesus fucking christ you're stupid.

C) This isnt a fucking conspiracy.

D) You're part time for one reason, health care laws. . . They cant afford a full time employee that also gets health care... because GROCERY STORE MAKE NEXT TO NOTHING... This is why Obama's Health Care law is going to starve us all...

E) You are there by your own choice. NOT A FUCKING SLAVE YOU GOD DAMNED IDIOT. Not a human rights violation either.

F) Grocery Stores typically have equipment that is extremely old.... again LOW MARGIN MEANS NOT A LOT OF MONEY FOR UPGRADES.

G) If you dont want to live in poverty, dont fucking work at a grocery store.

H) You mentioned something about grocery store owners getting richer.... think about how many grocery stores there are... and now think about how many owners of those grocery stores are filthy rich (not many).... Again, there is a high rate of failure in the grocery industry.... Furthermore, Walmart stifles small ma-and-pa grocery stores and destroys them....


I have to go, I'll be back in an hour. The grocery store I work at isn't going bankrupt, and is not threatened by Walmart. I will not name it, but I'm not talking out of my ass.

name the chain or GTFO. i mean worst case you lose your shitty job so why do you care?


"Welcome to cosco, I love you"

"Welcome to cosco, I love you"

"Welcome to cosco, I love you"

Sounds like the info I had to watch for Big Lots. Wasn't allowed full time their either.