Anyone else not buying into the Race War nonsense?

42  2013-08-25 by [deleted]

SPLC published it's profile on the 'small business specialist' DHS employee's website promoting a race war, etc. etc. on Wednesday (8/21) this week.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have major respect for Glenn Beck & all the guys on The Blaze... but Beck will usually break stories 3-7 days after it appears on r/conspiracy.

This story appeared on this subreddit for the first time on August 23rd:

The Blaze broke it the day before--Thursday (22nd), at 9:15am:

I don't know, for some reason thing aren't adding up to me.


1.) Glenn Beck is a straight propagandist.

2.) The race war thing is a distraction. Divide and conquer.

this. OP u respect glenn beck? lol? 2) definite distraction, definite divide and conquer . thats really all it is

Well, I respect the good work that he tries to do. I'm struggling with the fact that he is spreading fear and hatred over the same issues that he screamed over the lib media over.

You made a comment that is 50% redemptive. I just can't buy that Glenn is doing any good work. I up voted, your slip up into humanity. . . ;-)

glenn beck , while at fox was making like tens of millions of bucks, I WONDER WHY

He did what he was paid to do whip up the hate, fear, anger.

If we fight with each other, it provides an outlet for rage about the current economic conditions. We need to stay focused on who did this and why... So we can prevent it from ever happening again. "Race war" is manipulation.



what it say

I agree 100%..

It's disgusting what we're seeing happen globally over the last couple of years. And I can pretty much guarantee you that America has it's hands in every outbreak of social unrest around the globe.

But unfortunately you can't fix US citizens stupidity, apathy or laziness, so that puts more pressure on those of us in the know to step up our game. Right?


He said he follows Glenn Beck and noticed that his news channel "The Blaze" picked up stories he had seen here 3-5 days earlier. But the race war story was different. He said Glenn actually released the race story a day (or 2, can't remember) before any mention of it was seen on /r/conspiracy. He then mentioned something about divide and conquer and that we're better than this and should be aware of what's going on.

you're a good person

Why is that? lol

You took the time to help Ngawa.

Always quote it.

divide and conquer.


United we stand, divided we fall!

Glenn Beck is just copying information and covers it from a mainstream acceptable perspective.

He is basiclly trying to be alex jones on FOX news.

I don't like Alex or Beck to be honest.. But I will say this, Jones carries his banner openly for all to see and hasn't changed too much over the years. But, people like Beck claim they're all of a sudden Libertarian when nothing whatsoever leads us to think he had once ounce of it in him during the 2012 presidential election. He not only didn't show his "Libertarian" side but actively campaigned for every Neoconservative as the field became narrower and narrower and when it was down to Ron Paul and Romney his "Libertarian" leaning ways guided him to choose Romney? Are you fucking kidding me? Libertarian.. haha

To me.. Beck is nothing but a shill that gets his orders from his corporate overlords to jump on anything that's trending bandwagon.

I laughed my ass off when he self proclaimed his Blaze network as the "Global Libertarian News Network"


You will probably enjoy this.

Glenn Beck is Rat Poison



No problem.

I still think Alex is a fear mongering loud mouth! LOLOL

I respect him more than Beck but goddamn, he is a little fat man with one helluva mouth!

think what you want.

No one should respect Glenn Beck. Not because of his "ideas". Not because he is propagandist. And not because of anything he ever says. You shouldn't respect Glenn Beck because he is a terrible actor.

That was hilarious, thank you.


ooh i want to read more about this

Great Society!

LBJ was a reptilian if you know what I mean.

You do realize that when you say shit like that you lose 90% of the people that might of otherwise agreed with you?

Pure Brilliance!!! /sarcasm

Whites have been giving ground to blacks for many decades. Now they are giving ground to the Mexicans. It's been retreat, retreat, retreat for whites for a long time.

Well, I mean it's their country as much as it is ours... our race is "American" as far as I'm concerned (I'm not talking about the Mexicans.)

*edit-- I should clarify, I was referring to illegal immigrants.

So according to you, only white people should be here in the U.S.A.?

What do you do with this nation's first peoples?

And really how is this working for you. Feeling that because you are white, you have a right to first choice on everything, education, jobs, housing.

Less than 40% of white people think as you think, how do you reconcile that?

That was the opposite point of my comment...

I don't let the way people categorize each other affect the way I feel... As long as you are an American citizen, I feel uniform sadness when ANY person is a victim. Doesn't matter what they look like. There is no "white on black/black on white" crime. There is only tragic "American on American" crime.

Thank you and another^ I was replying to 4too.

Communication is hard :(

You are doing fine.

Guns guys generally view violence of the gun type to be answer to a problem.

It is very amusing when the descreption of this person, manages to trigger every fear every hater has heard of and has imagined himself, it was like a catalog List: White Fears of Blacks, hey, let's use all of them.

Wait, what? I do agree with you that the 'alt' news outlets are taking full advantage of the 'discovery' of the website

-giggles- is that the name for some of the more creative items, alternate news? I like it.

It's not nonsense that gangs of black young men are targeting white individuals or couples to terrorize, assault, and in some cases, murder, only because they are white. It's happening with increasing frequency, and it's happening all over the US where there are concentrations of blacks. Black on white violent crime occurs ten times more often than white on black violent crime.

The media have tried to conceal it by not giving out the race of the attackers, and by giving the individual attacks little or no national media coverage, but there are so many attacks they can't bury them all. Read Drudge Report. Matt Drudge is one of the only journalists who is not pretending the attacks are not happening. Alex Jones is also talking about them openly and honestly. It very much appears that the media is deliberately inciting black hatred and black violence against whites, while at the same time covering up or down-playing that violence when it does occur.

Ugh, I wish EVERYONE would pretend that the attacks are not happening instead of either "side" picking and choosing which attacks to report on.

If everyone would stop talking about it, it would go away.

So you are claiming that all over the U.S.A., African Americans are forming gangs and attacking white people?

There is a strong desire on the conservative side for race riots, film at eleven. . . .

Hm, I don't think it's the *legal gun-owners who are crying out for riots in the street...

Fox News wants film!

No, they really don't. They are covering up the black on white crime, just like all the major news outlets.

On the conservative side? You say this after all the trayvon Martin stuff? There may be a dance, but the American liberals are leading it,

Because you are not a bigot?

this. OP u respect glenn beck? lol? 2) definite distraction, definite divide and conquer . thats really all it is

If we fight with each other, it provides an outlet for rage about the current economic conditions. We need to stay focused on who did this and why... So we can prevent it from ever happening again. "Race war" is manipulation.