How would you sum up the state of the world and it's problems in just a few sentences?

9  2013-08-25 by [deleted]

I want to get an understanding of what the users on here believe is the conspiracy going on. Anything from Rothschilds ruling the planet to the U.S covering up the existence of aliens. What do you think is the conspiracy going on in the world?


A few thousand rich people screwing the lower classes. Same as always, only reason it's talked about more in the open: Internet.

sad but true this is how the world has always been after 'civilization' began, at least in most places. Maybe now that we have the internet, we can change it permanently.

Relatively few, powerful & mysterious entities, exerting control over as much as possible; encompassing most everything.




You sure are good at twisting things around, I don't believe for one second that you are that dense.

Slavery to debt which is held by the billionaires, which enables them to continue to attain wealth.


I don't believe abolition is necessary, but there needs to be a paradigm shift. A new era of smaller, more efficient, less intrusive government.


The goverment did sell out in 1913 not 1776.


Yes, but it wasn't owned by private banks.

Surely you've seen Money Masters? The size of the state always grows, no matter how small it starts out.

Yes, some long time ago.

Are you referring to the Bank of England in Money Masters?

We are talking about the U.S here.

The size of the state always grows, no matter how small it starts out.

This might be the case but its not only the fault of the state, we the people have become ignorant and lazy.

The federal reserve is what the gates of hell opened for the elite.

You think a salary means you are not a slave? The entire system we live inside of is a prison. More money buys more freedom but nobody is free.


TLDR: We are living in a scientific dictatorship, which has created a artifical system functioning as mind control and limiting our possibilities.

This system is created by the oligarchy, better known as the Illuminati Bloodlines today (Rockefeller, Rothschild etc.).

Their ultimate goal is new world order and to become gods themselve (transhumanism).

Its the oldest idea of mankind to become "gods" themselve, but they will do ANYTHING to get this without any form of principal or moral.

I mean take in consideration what is going, they are trying to poison us.

GMO,fluoride,chemtrails,fast food and all these other chemicals we come in contact.

David Rockefeller is 97 years old, he knows how to live healthy.

Dick Cheney, a fucking war criminal and involved in 9/11, has no problem getting a heart donation.

They are operating trough diffrent power structures but there main control system is money.

I don't think i have to explain /r/conspiracy what central banks are about but one the most forgotten aspects of the control of money is the Bank for International Settlements.

The BIS gives commands to almost all central banks and is the central bank of central banks.

The "Illuminati" are members of secret societies like skull & bones, bohemian grove,bilderberg, high ranking freemanson above 33rd degree and the elite bloodlines themselve.

They know what the agenda is about but are fighting each other to be on the top.

However, they will work together against the general public.

They are also operating through power structures like the United Nations, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg and transnational corporations (mostly banking).

This might is a bit too long lol.

How about you EMF?


what for example?


The answer to your last sentence, which should have been a question... is, how it's done now.

Propaganda shit-storm. No resource for truth, untampered. Segregation. Authority. Manipulation.

There are multi-levels of knowledge in the pyramid structure.

Centralization and Compermalization are the important things to get this working.

The European Union is great example for that.

The European Union is a stepping stone to the new world order and has centralized their power massive.

"Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose but which will irreversibly lead to federation.” - Jean Monnet

Its even on their website lol.

Jacques Delors to the Royal Institute of International Affairs -London, 7 September 1992: The European Community and the New World Order

They don't hide the fact that they are planning well ahead but hide the real reason for it and are releasing only so much information that they can working on establishing that order.

How convenient...

Centuries ago psychopaths set up the monetary system to continually consolidate their wealth, by siphoning it from people and nations. Today they have gained influence over much of the world and use it for perpetual warfare. They actively conspire to keep people in the dark about the true state of the world through propaganda.


By attaching interest to money creation, so from the very begging the world is in debt to a select few who control and own the worlds wealth. Commercial banking operations help with the consolidation. The power they have is a natural extension of this system.

Blissful ignorance to substantial knowledge, with reckless spending on death and exploitation. Illusions of division among the only known life in the universe.

The bait of consumerism has allowed the masses to be lulled into allowing the elite to steal the capitol of generations. The cycle has ended with a world war the last 2 times, we have to stop this one, the pain of the collapse will be much less than the millions of lives at stake. So the state of the world is precarious in my humble opinion...



What is the problem that makes the world fucked?

The very real felling of powerlessness. We can do nothing about what we clearly see all around us.


The problem is Money. The lust for Money. Greed. People, and corporations, will do anything to get money. Money gets people killed, in small and in large. Money corrupts. I know that money is needed to survive in this day and age. But how much is enough ? That is the rub...the word enough.

That is the problem.


Money is really just something that people use as a medium of exchange and in a real Capitalistic world

Yes, money is a medium of exchange. But. The whole notion of "Capitalistic" is predatory by nature. If money is just a medium of exchange, then why do Banks steal it ? Why do people starve for lack of it ? Why do people suffer for lack of it ? Why do we heap obscene gross amounts of it on certain people just because they can hit a ball better than most ? Why do corporations lie, steal and kill to get it ? No, sir. Money is much more than a simple "medium of exchange". It is means to empower those who have it to to engage in sadistic cruelty on those who don't.

Corporate takeover of government.

The government now puts it's own needs and the needs of corporations ahead of the needs of the people.

Money, rich getting richer, etc etc. Fiat currency is the ultimate problem.

Exactly. We are nothing more then an asset to the company




It doesn't need name, a group name, It isn't quite monolithic, it is easy to see the split in the domination group, and there is the ignored 3rd group, the 99%, me/We can solve problems and move forward, and we will prevail and we don't have to have millions killed to do so.

Think of these turbulent times as the final twitches of empire based on oppression and exploitation, all pinned up by a false hierarchical system.

Us. We don't have to submit, we don't have to get out the guns.

Israel controls the American Congress and White House. Israel wants total, absolute control over the Middle East. America is being manipulated to fight wars for Israel using the tax money of American non-Jews.

How about 1 word?


America is winning at a grand poker game. Ideologies are the players, the nations are the cards.

Banking elite control all big corporations and all governments.

The Pendulum is about to swing the other way.

I don't believe abolition is necessary, but there needs to be a paradigm shift. A new era of smaller, more efficient, less intrusive government.