Best of luck to everyone.

172  2013-08-28 by [deleted]

That's all.

Whatever happens, there is a terrific end-game at play here, or at least the beginning of one. We get to see history in the making, for better or worse. You would think a 'humanitarian' cause such as Lurch's would be stopped dead in its tracks by the world vowing the destruction of nations because of interference. Just...doesn't seem like a very good reason to 'save' people. Or way of doing it. But that's what we are doing. As an american I feel we must be stopped. As a human I know that acts of force against the psychopaths running this gong show is going to result in the little guys getting killed. What to do? What to think?! The criminals don't fight. They send the pawns in to fight. What a chess game we have before us. Whatever happens, I wish all my fellow human beings, brothers and sisters, light and love in this time.

Goodbye. Stay safe.


I'm not sure where to post this, but you folks probably would care. My grandpa in New Orleans has informed me there are what sound like B-52 bombers taking off in a constant stream from the nearby military airbase. Have been for a few hours now. This is unusual.

Sorry for the interruption, but this post seemed as relevant as any in which to share this news.

edit: grammar

edit2: It's entirely possible these were not B-52s and my grandpa misidentified them. He says he's not mistaken, but he's also the kind of guy who says he's only ever made one mistake in his life: one time he thought he was wrong but he wasn't. :P Regardless of their classification, there were a lot of large planes leaving the air base late in the evening for hours and they sounded like B-52s to an old retired army man.

Oh dear.

Uh, it's kind of hard to hear what goes on at Barksdale AFB from New Orleans. Since that's where the B-52s are, I'm not getting excited over this 'report'.


Uh, it's kind of hard to hear what goes on at Barksdale AFB from New Orleans. Since that's where the B-52s are, I'm not getting excited over this 'report'.,-90.035&q=loc:29.825278,-90.035&hl=en&t=h&z=14

I make no claims about whether they are actually B-52s, only that my grandpa identified the sound as such.


It's possible that he mas misidentified them, I'm sure. I do find it also plausible that the wikipedia article is not updated every time the B-52s are moved.

I asked him how he could tell it was B-52s, and he mentioned a specific sound the jet engines make, like air whooshing out of an old stove pipe. He said you hear that sound with all jet engines, but the B-52s make it with a specific pitch that's pretty distinguishable.

Probably fighters; your wiki mentions some navy/marine fighter outfits. That runway's a little short for B-52 standards, all the old SAC bases had 11000-12000 ft.

Someone directed me to this article which says that it's just fighters doing training:

And still the planes last night sounded different from what we've been hearing during the day.

Holy shit, tell us more!

Not sure what else to say, really. There were a lot of them, the dog was going nuts barking at the noise, which doesn't normally happen. He claims they are B-52s based on the sound.

edit: it is this base:,-90.035&q=loc:29.825278,-90.035&hl=en&t=h&z=14

and it was in the evening -> night. Stopped around 10:00pm or so. He lives pretty close to it.

I live near there in belle chasse, no b52s have been flying. Some jets have been but those are simply performing their drills they do every once in a while

Were you up last night around 8-9? The planes flying then sounded different from what we've been seeing/hearing during the day. :/

Nope they sounded the exact same to the ones doing drills during the day

If it's truth, they go there unjustifiably

Really? Your grandpa knows the difference in sound between a B-52 and a 727? Or a single-engine fighter?


Argh. Early morning grammar. I know better.

If he lives close enough to a military base to see them take off all the time it shouldn't be that hard... If I was retired and lived near a base like that I would find a good coffee shop with a view and spend my free time there.

Plus old guys just know that stuff.

The bulk of these were at night so he didn't see them, but the sound was very loud and disturbed his dog - she kept going nuts every time one took off, running all over the yard trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

After you know the planes sounds you don't need to see them to know what they are....


You or I can hear the difference between a Ferrari and a bus, why is it so far fetched to tell the difference between a military plane and an airliner?

I would find it even more unusual for airliners to be taking off from the military base these were departing from. People like being skeptical and contrary on reddit. I don't fault them for their habit.

It could quite possibly be airliners. The US military uses 727s? I think? as troop transports all the time.

Ah, that could be. I thought it was being argued that he had misidentified commercial airliners as the military planes. Seeing as they came from the military air base basically right next door it sounded weird to me. My mistake. :P

I don't either :)


I encourage it. Through disagreement and discussion we as a group learn more. That's the beauty of the interwebs ;)

I agree - so long as it is done with the intent of finding truth, and doesn't devolve into personal attacks.

I know a few USAF airmen who are currently on duty in the intelligence field. They spend MONTHS learning how to identify just about every type of jet, including commercial jets, just by the sound. So, to answer your question, yes, yes they can ID a plane just by its sound. They are trained to do so, and they do so very well.

And your grandfather is one of these individuals?

Actually, MY grandfather was, but for germany. He had that training as well. However, i am not the OP, so i cant say whether or not his grandfather was. I just wanted to point out that it is possible to ID aircraft from the sound of their engines...

I can easily tell the difference between a commercial airliner, a large military jet and a small (fighter) military jet simply by sound. I love aircraft, I always run to my window whenever I hear a fighter.

Yes, but can you tell the difference between a C-17 globemaster and a B-52 without seeing it? If not, (and you're one of the tinfoil hatted crowd) then everything sounds like a bomber taking off on a trans-continental flight to Syria just to drop bombs.

This is true. It is more difficult to discern between a large transport and a large bomber simply by sound. I was referring more to the differences between commercial, transport and fighter aircraft.

He seems pretty well convinced. They were all taking off from a nearby military airbase. He was in the army years ago, not the airforce, but he does fly a little plane - at least he used to.

In truth they DO sound very different.

Not saying he wasn't right but as far as I'm aware the B-52 is only stationed at two Air Force bases in the world - Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City and in Quatar.

This could have changed since I moved but I grew up close to Barksdale and have driven by the B-52's in hangers on countless occasions.

If I'm wrong please let me know and I'll edit my post.

Yeah I have no idea. I just know what he told me in a matter-of-fact way. I would imagine it's possible the planes have moved since then. They may have moved temporarily to the Belle Chasse air base in preparation for this deployment (though I'm no expert on protocol for this sort of thing). It's also entirely possible they weren't B-52s at all. Regardless, there were a lot of large planes deployed at night from that air base.

How the fuck have we amounted to this?

Airplanes flying in and out of local airport!

More news at 11!

Not an airport, a military airbase. *shrug*

Airplanes fly in, Airplanes fly out. You can't explain that.

Same to you, my friend.

Seek out neighbors who enjoy your company and vice versa. Spend as much time as you have with loved ones and strengthen your bonds with people in your community. The impulse right now is to recoil and retract into your own shell of fear. Counter this by doing the exact opposite.

This is great advice!

What gets me is they're just so fucking blatant about it now. At least in Iraq they actually took time to falsify evidence, now they're literally just saying shit and knowing nobody can do anything about it. They're not even trying.

The word 'evidence', when it comes from the government, means nothing. It's a complete charade. This was one of the best bits for me: some British politician (Milliband i think), said the government needs to try to get UN backing, but that it doesn't mean they can't go to war if the UN said no. So what is the FUCKING POINT THEN? I mean really? "Well i'll only get on board if you ask, but it's ok if you ignore them." Great.

The 'blatant' aspect isn't by accident. They want a "treasonous uprising" by the peasantry to get their martial law "justified". They're tired of small potatoes like disgruntled airline passengers, hippie farmers and vaccine-refusing homeschoolers. They want to use those billions of rounds of ammo on the Real Menace[tm], those gun-and-bible huggers waving their "constitution" around.

Of course none of that will happen until the TV goes off and Walmart shelves are bare.

See you in the street brotha

Work hard perfecting first me. Only hard work can save us, we must teach the whole human race the full-truth. Hard work, free-speech, press & profitsharing, We are all-one or we are none. Like lightning, we are 6 billion strong. Have courage and smile my friend. Life is always worthwhile! To the fearless are given crowns.

We are all-one or we are none! Dr Bronner? P.s. I like what you say.

Yeah! Pretty good soap box.

I know that some may think this is a joke. However, I seriously hope this guy doesn't commit suicide and what we are reading is his goodbye letter?

No suicides here, homie. I enjoy living.

No he's not.

nah don't worry about it - more of a goodbye letter to the community JIC

Okay. Phew!

Goodnight and good luck my friends.

I was watching Members of Parliament on ITV discussing the recent chemical attack in Syria and I was in hysterics from beginning to the end because these old and more "wise" people don't even understand the meaning of the words they're speaking.

Cataclysmic chain of events seen a hundred miles away by "conspiracy theorists" aaaaand the majority population don't care. We don't need vindication because we were right but we do need WW3 not to happen for fuck sake. Oh the US dollar is worthless now, blame it on the war not QE3(infinity).

don't wrry bro miley cyris

Send her to launch a twerk offensive on Assad. That'll show his ass.

Her ass.

You are so right; a collapse would be blamed on the war instead of the constant intervention in the economy

these old and more "wise" people don't even understand the meaning of the words they're speaking.

They do.

Its everybody else who doesn't. Legalese fills its sentences with sub-clauses and jargon because nobody who isn't trained to read it will ever understand it.

What if there was a war and nobody came?

Then war should loosen its kung-fu grip and take a break.

But seriously, if people started killing your family, you'd start killing back.

two wrongs do not make a right.

I'm not saying it does, but it's easy to perpetuate when you keep listening upstream.

They just make Right Now.

Killing a murderer is not wrong.

"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"

Self defence and the physical defense of others is necessary and does more to preserve life and community than letting bad people walk around because a tiny minority might think you are a hypocrite for stopping them.

Self Defense? point to me those who are threatening us.

Please see the entire discussion here for context. Thank you and have a nice day.

i can't thank you enough for this.

you're missing the point. killing will only bring more killing. it has to stop all together. are A-dor-able. Lol.

I bet you think people are not animals too. So CUTE! I could just pinch your cheeks!

i like to think of it as an ideal, i'm only one person. no need to make me out to be a child..

Oh yeah sure. It is an ideal. You can hold ideals and fairly live by them while at the same time understanding that the real world has NO ideals. It is an animal, both kind and cruel. Not killing is a great way to live. I'm not going around killing anyone, nor do I care to.

That being said, in consideration of the earlier proposed hypothetical, where someone murders a family outright, the person who did the murder would fall under the golden rule, with the understanding that killing that murderers family would be barbaric, stupid and would not remove that murderer from society. So the murderer gets the punishment. A fair punishment in a red-handed sort of case.

valid point. i see exactly what you mean.

the real world has NO ideals? bold statement and i have to disagree. this is the glory of being a human being. i don't have to agree with you and that doesn't make me wrong.

but you see.. this is where you and i differ my friend. i believe that the universe will handle things on it's own and i need not interfere. if my family is murdered by someone, i would not take up arms like a comic book hero and claim my revenge. but this is just me. you clearly would take a different route and there is not a damn thing wrong with that :)

Even if by your decision to not interfere that singular murderous individual goes on to kill others? I must say this is a point that I won't budge on, so we agree to disagree I suppose, though I do not understand your reasoning. How can you have ideals, but never act on them? Or are they selective-use ideals (in which case are not really ideals?)

As for the real world not having ideals, I will clarify. Trees don't have ideals. Nor do tigers, or ducks or deer or fish...and while people talk a lot, and while an INDIVIDUAL might have a set of ideals, the "whole of humanity" cannot be said to have ideals either.

To try to apply an individuals ideals-set to all of humanity is not only foolish. It may very well be selfish and harmful. I have ideals, but I never assume that others would or even SHOULD abide by them.

Edit: Noting here that I wasn't speaking to direct revenge. Emotional lashing out is not reliable. That is why we have courts. If one is proven guilty of murder then the death penalty is a fair punishment. Direct action from the one who had thier family murdered would be ONLY in a very clear, caught-in-the-act sort of situation. Which is the sort of situation I had in mind based on the hypothetical.

see.. trees and tigers and ducks or deer or fish don't have rational thought. they cannot analyze a situation and then CHOOSE how to response. they react, on instinct (maybe not the trees) and just do things out of sheer response.

all i'm saying is that i have ideals, and so do you, and so does everyone on this planet. i'm not saying that everyone should abide to my ideals, you're right, that would be extremely selfish of me. that's why i'm not forcing my ideals on ANYONE and i would never DARE to. i'm simply sharing and expressing how i feel. i'm sorry we don't agree here, but that's what makes life so wonderful - the sheer fact that we CAN disagree and still live on this giant spaceship traveling at incredible speeds in a vacuum.

to say the "whole of humanity" doesn't have ideals is an ignorant statement and is not a fact. do you KNOW that the mass population of this planet have or don't have their own personal ideals? i sure as hell know i don't know that, but i like to think that people have an idea of how they'd like things to work and i KNOW that other ideals differ from my own.

i understand your reasoning, i'm sorry you can't realize mine. i understand what you're saying completely and i'm choosing to disagree because that's not how i would react to the situation. i'm not a tree, or a tiger, or a duck or a deer or a fish.. i can step back from a situation and make a rational decision based on my previous knowledge and experiences.

i won't deny that humans are animals, we are, but we are NOT like other animals on this planet. we are not JUST instinctive creatures..

And what is a murderer?

And to you. I'm going to be drafted probably, so I want to say it was fun while it lasted.


This was my first thought as well, but I'm not sure contending with unbelievably violent Mexican cartel gangs would be much better than getting sent to Syria. I'm researching South American countries right now just in case. Fuck getting drafted.

Chile, bro.



Stay away from Canada. They have agreements to extradite draft dodgers.

No. Canada has been taken over by the global plutocracy.

Unfortunate, but true. But Canada is still kind of fascism-lite.

Unless you plan on a long hitchhike, getting to Southamerica will mean air travel, and that means 'Papers please'.

keep walking.


This country is somewhat near where you would be dying so that could come in handy.

Transnistria also has the worlds largest stockpile of Soviet era weapons.

The Mexican people have a much better chance of overthrowing the violent cartels than Syria does at any semblance of peace in the next decade. Choose wisely.

This. Getting my head sawed off with a dull machete by a dumbass who can't even do it right--simply because I'm a 'valuable' (I'm not, meaning no ransom for the psychos) gringo, doesn't strike me as a viable option. I honestly would rather be in Baghdad.

Maybe if there are enough of us who don't want to go fight for our Empire we can follow an American tradition and take care of business in Mexico ourselves.

What would it really take to bring the draft back?

Well if Russia, China, and Iran hold up to what they said about consequences if the U.S, U.K., or France decide to use military action in Syria. What will most likely happen is if you signed up for selective service when applying for college, which most people did cause you can't get financial aid without, they'll probably make you join the army. It's a draft, but not a draft

With a 9% approval rating, there will be significant push back if they had to start a draft. So significant that it would likely cause revolution and ultimately dissolve our cancerous government. I know I for one will not fight for our government to support Israel and al quieda. I would fight to avoid fighting, if that makes any sense. Maybe that's what we need to wake all of the couch potatoes that are not living in reality. Whatever it takes to stop this.

Same. I'd rather go to jail to prove my point.

Oh, there's plenty of those. Don't worry

But will it be to late?

With a 9% approval rating

That doesn't matter for shit because all they have to do is create a large false flag where thousands of Americans die. The larger the death, the more the weak minds can't handle it and so give into the herd mentality of reactionary policy change. Plus the world is still run by dollars so people would liquidate a lot of assets into dollars and US treasuries. The US government always has the huge shock card up its sleeve and it oil went up to $200 a barrel then that means people need a shitload more dollars to get it.

I think the paradigm might be changing. A large false flag might very well get figured out in short order by the public. After Boston people are starting to get it. Their plan may just blow up in their faces for lack of a better way of saying it.

I think a draft announcement would be it. That's when people say fuck it and maybe some positive shit would get done.

I want to fight now, but no one will fight with me. Everyone is to afraid to rise up. We need to do something.

Can't people tell that if anyone even touches Syria at this point the world will shatter.

People are spead too thin, opinions are too different. I'm with ya tho. Where to start is really the only question.

Want to start another anti-war movement? Round up our friends and stage protest everywhere kind of like restore the fourth. Except we keep going at it until our demands are met. Kind of like a citizen strike. Don't go to work, don't follow the laws, don't obey authority and if you see someone being harassed by the police stand up and actually do something

You ever see that movie The Warriors? Good flick. The main point in the begining was to rally the gangs in ny which were at 80, 000. Get them to stop fighting each other for turf, and start fighting the cops, who were at 20, 000. By working together the whole city could be their turf. We need the same concept. A handfull of people will just be labeled and locked away. A citizen strike would work. Def a monkey wrench in the cogs. We just need every citezen.

But the thing is even if we do somehow manage to assemble every U.S citizen for a worthy cause, wouldn't that be what they want? An armed revolution.

Would you want millions of pissed off people at your doorstep? Armed or not armed wouldn't even matter at that point. The trick is getting everyone. The power would have to go out for awhile across the country or something major like that before the masses move together. And it has to be together. They can't kill us all, unless that's their endgame. Then I dunno wtf to do about that.


Previous passings or failings have absolutely no impact on future passing or failing. No one bill submitted affects the others. If that were true, it would have never been introduced after failing the first time.


Rangel is a moron and monster who carries the water for Barry's disarmament agenda at home. He's a liar and a sociopath and wants to bring back the draft because he is above us lesser lifeforms and believes our own individual sovereignty doesn't exist, at least with regard to choosing to fight in illegal wars. It has nothing to do with some two-step shuffle bringing light to how evil war is. He's just like the rest of them.

As a Canadian speaking: I'll see you on the field, friend.

What's going on in Canada?

Should Russia, China, Iraq, et al. take the attack on Syria as an act of war or a threat... well, Canada is still an ally of the U.S.

I would hope our population stands back, but one can never be too sure.

more importantly canada is still part of the commonwealth, if shit hits fan you will be on the frontlines, have no doubt

The US is not that fucking stupid. An economic superpower against another economic superpower is suicide.

Canada, much like America, has been hijacked by gangsters. Our PM Harper, is a mini version of Bush (minus the war mongering, but that's probably only because the Canadian people - hopefully - wouldn't go along with it.)

I knew you guys were "too" Nice

Syria's active military and reserves combined is around 600,000. The US will more than likely not be alone in this fight either. A draft is a bit of an excessive assumption. Assuming your not 20-24 I think your more than safe as well. If it does come to fruition wish me luck. Just turned 20 so ill be before almost everyone else.

Get out of here with your common sense

Well if anyone gets drafted, then we work them from the inside out. Sure, we'd probably get blamed for high treason, but I'd sooner die than fight an unjust cause.

So we start a railroad. We help people. We disobey orders.

What good is a pawn if you rig the game?

Dont worry there are enough unemployed people to avoid a draft.

The best worst way to reduce the unemployment figures is to send surplus units of labour to war. Something about service guaranteeing citizenship.

Like Starship Troopers?

Would you like to know more?

What do you mean?

I mean more people qualify for service during war, as the qualifications loosen up. More waivers are accepted during war. Also more slots open up, and more people apply. So no draft necessary.

This is just my observation and shouldn't be regaurded as fact at all as I can't source anything to back up this opinion. Just throwing my two cents in is all.

True people need to feed their families somehow. Probably going to have mass propaganda about the Government will help the families of soldiers.

'm curious about what's going to happen in region 3. Think they already planned a "terrorist attack"?

The military does have great benefits for families actually. So yeah that is and will be a selling point. I have no opinion on the government planning any type of "attack". Although if that is something that does actually happen I would bet it is thought of, at least loosely, well in advance yes.

Here's hoping we all get to die of old age, as free individuals. Free from the corrupted system of control we find ourselves in. There are only a few truly evil men, but they are willing to see the world burn if it means them getting the last laugh.

As /u/Fluck said, the world is waiting, America.

that game made me so sad at the end.

Do you think the CIA made Osama Bin Laden do what big boss had to do? Take one for the team.

Same to you all. There are many people who used to say that we need to take off our tin foil hat but many of them are coming to the realization of the state of the world.

We were never conspiracy theorists, we were never attention seekers for it's own sake. We question and scrutinize, we challenge authority, we discuss possibilities. We do all this for each other, one human to another.

The moment I clicked this thread, Van Halen's "Right Now" came on shuffle.

Amazing song, amazing video.

Right now, oil companies and old men are in control.

Right now, our government is doing things we think only other countries do.

Right now, a Nobel Peace Prize winner is threatening to start WWIII.

The moment I read this comment. Van Halen's "I Can't Wait to Feel Your Love Tonight" came on my radio station.

Now kiss. :)

I would rather rot in prison than be drafted into this "cause"

Well then, you're in luck!

As an american I feel we must be stopped.

This is a sad, sad comment.

Whats worse is i agree with it 100%

Best of luck to us all...

Funny thing is that we can stop this. If 10% of the people just refused to pay taxes what would that do, what about 15%, 20%, 50%. Starve the Machine of its life blood. End the Fed and Restore our Republic no matter what the cost. My Generation is a already fucked (College Debt) and almost to the point of Nothing to lose so why not do something for the next round of kids. Why not give our children and Grandchildren a life that is better than ours. Why not let them live one day without War.

omg, they would start using hollow points on us.

I honestly doubt Russia or China would do the stupid thing and begin the black rain. We on this side of the globe won't be touched by this in the form of attacks but on the economic and general loss of rights sense, and that will be bad enough. What is quite likely is another carnage in Syria. That means another lost generation of Middle Easter young, that will at best survive in the middle of savagery, misery, hunger and disease. And become perfect candidates for cannon fodder of radical demagogues that will take advantage of their hatred towards the country that 'liberated' them by razing their cities.

And so, the cycle will continue.

Good luck to all, indeed.

There's always Cuba! : )

Cuba is going to be targeted eventually because they are one of the last few countries that don't have a private central bank.

Brazil, which does have a Rothschild bank, just received thousands of Cuban doctors. They want to strengthen relations with Cuba to win them over to the dark side. But, if the "friendly" way doesn't work out and Cuba resists, the rest of SA will just destroy them, all orchestrated by TPTB of course.

Attacking a country that is 90 miles of the coast of Miami, there would most likely be a counter attack on american soil. That would not look good plus Cuba has no Revolution going on and they haven't attacked anyone in long time. Cuba will have to be done with another Country maybe China, EU, Russia, or The UN. Cuba is a bad move for the United States when we still have Iran(terrorists)and PRK (evil Communists) to dispose of first.

What is interesting is that we are all individually doomed from the start. We will all die. Also, we are doomed as a species. We cannot get off of this rock and make it somewhere else livable using present technology. We might develop something game-changing in the future, but presently, I do not see it. So, fossil fuels will be burned, climate will change, we will go thru a population bottleneck, and then we will go thru a long period of bs. Then, we will have increased heating until we cannot live here any longer and we die out.


If scientists have already discovered methods to halt aging, as you claim, one wonders why they do not sell it and become rich. I guess scientists are not good businessmen....

This planet will eventually become too hot for human habitation. It will take a billion years, but it will happen. The surface will not support plant life either.

It's about making this place good for each other while we are here and good for the generation to come. Yes, it is all finite, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

/r/futurology has great discussions on similar topics


We cannot leave this planet with present technology. We cannot make it to another star. We might be able to move to Mars when the time comes, but Mars is still too cold right now. I think we will die out before any of this happens. Most species die out after a few 100k years.

No way man. What causes aging is still being researched and there are different theories still. Things that contribute to aging have been identified but exactly how all of these factors contribute is not fully understood. There are plenty of people with the motivation and the money to try something like this if it was really an option. People cryo-freeze themselves in hopes of being re-animated by future technology; there is no shortage of willing participants to try out crazy anti-aging procedures. Unless I am totally wrong and there is some technique that I don't know about. If there is, please tell me. I would love to read about some mad scientist creating human abominations that spit in the face of god and plan to live until the sun burns out.


Exactly. Ever seen the movie Source code? Apparently they now have the ability to do something like that. Supposedly DARPA has been able to copy someone's consciousness to a computer.

Also, interestingly and somewhat along the same lines, they have figured out how to have one person's brain manipulate another person's body.


Transhumanism, man as god etc

"Those who would take over the earth

And shape it to their will

Never, I notice, succeed.

The earth is like a vessel so sacred

That at the mere approach of the profane

It is marred

And when they reach out their fingers it is gone.

For a time in the world some force themselves ahead

And some are left behind,

For a time in the world some make a great noise

And some are held silent,

For a time in the world some are puffed fat

And some are kept hungry,

For a time in the world some push aboard

And some are tipped out:

At no time in the world will a man who is sane

Over-reach himself,

Over-spend himself,

Over-rate himself."

10 feet of earth is enough to protect from all but a direct hit.

good luck all!

edit: and sandbags, lots of sandbags*, especially if you live in one of those woodshacks

*must be sand or light gravel, not earth or soil

Nuclear blast?!

10ft down for a nuke yep. Needs to be strong too though of course. It was in some prepper show.

Sandbags for portable bunkers, civil unrest and home defence I assume? Not nukes lol.

Move to Paraguay. It's safer here. I did.

Not sure if troll...

"One half of the poor can always be hired to kill the other half"

Except when the money becomes worthless...

To be fair, the beginning of the end started a long, long time ago. Every generation since has been saying "oh here it is, we're seeing it all now" and then things just slowly get worse with a whimper instead of a bang. The truth is, nothing is going to change. It's not that we can't, or won't; it's destiny. We always have to learn from our mistakes as we make them; not from precautionary tales. How many hundreds of years have men been writing the prophecies of the end of days? How many men have written on all the subjects and tropes we hold so dear to only be likened to a small revolutionary ideal? All of these things are nothing but a slowly degrading uphill climb to a pinnacle of our downfall. The thing is, the pinnacle isn't quite a mount, but rather just a really low lying hill crested above a long endless plateau. It's meant to be. And by the time our age is over, a new will have begun and all the things we are scared of will be nothing but a new eye opening vignette to our future generations of fringe thinkers. Until one day, no thoughts are thought and words of discourse are a thing of history never to be referenced again.

And I don't know why this is being taken out of context. I'm not disagreeing with this sub in general. Nor am I disagreeing with the OP. I'm just stating the obvious here. For rationale and all that.

But this time, it's for reals!

God bless you all. My grandparents are finally beginning to see the truth after I've been telling them this forever.

And the same to you.


So I read /u/mumberthrax's comment just now and I find it weird because the same thing is happening in West Virginia, We have what I'm told are Ospreys flying around all over the place, approx 300 ft off of the ground. what the hell is happening?

A couple thousand years ago, a woman was visited by an alien that told her she was going to give birth to a half man/half alien that would save this world. She was subsequently artificially impregnated. By an alien. Her baby grew up to seem to have special powers. He could walk on water, change water into wine, raise the dead, heal blind men, cast out demons, and most of all he offered hope to humanity—he taught a message of love, pacifism, humanitarianism, socialism, and eternal life after death. He described the world he came from—far better than his earth mother's world, this Earth, and said any of us could enter—all we had to do was knock. Introduce ourselves to our loving Creator, and accept his invitation by doing as he says—being a vessel of love and light. Show the world that love is better than hate. Interestingly, he also predicted much of the turmoil we're witnessing. The leaders of his day killed him, just as TPTB would kill him today. But he didn't stay dead. (He is risen!) And he told us that he's gonna come back for us with an army of fellow aliens and deceased followers to save us from the twisted, evil forces of this world. I believe they've started arriving. He's likely right outside "the door" and you still have time to accept his forgiveness for your imperfection and Godlessness.

Jesus Christ could see the future because the dimension he's from doesn't experience time the same ours does. They already know who will win the battle.

God woke me up during the Super Bowl. He told me to google the time left on the score board during the 30 minute blackout. So I googled 13:22. The first result was the very last verse I read before I put my Bible in a box 10 years ago and declared myself agnostic. Thanks for the encouraging words, friend. I hope you're experience the power of Christ's name. The "peace that passes understanding" is legit. When you've got the "good aliens" on your side, you're protected. We may be outnumbered (for now), but we're not out powered. Darkness is easily defeated. 1 candle can light up a huge cavern. Truth is easier to convey than lies.

Oh look, another one of these "WE'RE ALL DOOOOOOOOOMED! For real, we're DOOOMED this time. I mean it. We're doomed. Just watch. Seriously. For real real."

I don't disagree that an attack could begin a World War or something bad to a lesser degree. However, it hasn't even happened yet; and it may not (doubtful) There also may not be a world war, and it's probable that this war ends up as a prolonged war for profit.

Stop jumping to conclusions. Don't get all irrational just yet, wait and see how events unfold. You're making very significant claims way too soon; although that is the /r/conspiracy way.

Best of luck to your incredible paranoia and ignorance.

dude the /r/conspiracy community has been Chicken Littled this year. We can't take much more!

The economic collapse is inevitable, whether its the end of the petrodollar in a few years (currently driving our intervention in Syria) or the collapse of the derivatives market tomorrow, it is coming.

At that point, we have the option of rebuilding the rules and structures ourselves, or letting the political and economic elite rebuild them to suite their interests.

Its not paranoia and ignorance, its being properly informed.

I understand that, all great nations collapse, but he's making this incredibly dramatic submission because he believes that the war is the beginning of the end, even though it hasn't happened and even though it;s results haven't been seen. It's a ridiculous submission, even if the war did begin the "end game."

It's a sensational submission, with no real purpose to those seeking information. A pull on the heart strings, hopefully not for karma but rather out of ignorance.

Thank you. Feel better now?

does this mean we get to shoot zombies soon, just like the media showed me I could?

There is no end game, you are stuck in your own head. Things change, life goes on, maybe not like you imagined in your opium fantasies but it will go in to accommodate massive changes.

Interesting how in my own little way of just wishing people luck while nations prepare and threaten to destroy other nations in order, once again, to bullshit 'save' people, you have labeled me a delusional heroin addict.

What a sad, dark little world you must live in.

Funny because I was just thinking the same about you. You don't understand how the mind works, you don't understand how society works, and you don't understand yourself.

They don't need to build prisons for you, you've built one for yourself out of fear and lack of education and paranoia. Just want they want, and now you're gathering more inmates by spreading your garbage.



IMO the same message minus the ad hominem would have been a better choice for you. The unnecessary insult really hurts your chances of being received well.

dear lawd the end is near, apocalypse 2013!!1

This shit have been going on since forever it's just that we know about it today, cause of the increased access to internet, youre not gonna die, USA have been like this for generations, thank god for internet but stop being so dramatic. "good luck guys, hope we survive"

Im not attached to it like you are since im not an american but this is basically what ive thought about this topic all my life. Maybe I missed something cause this:

Whatever happens, I wish all my fellow human beings, brothers and sisters, light and love in this time. Goodbye. Stay safe.

makes me almost puke.

edit: I checked it out further, its more "serious" than I was aware of, but still.

Oh man, this guy....

Right back at you....

No canned goods for U.

umm okay? Thanks

Fearmongers pls

Do something constructive with the time you have left

Oh go watch the news. The whole news.

And nothing but the news, so help you god. Sorry, had to do it, I show myself out.

Oh no. Thank you...I was going to but thought better, but I'm glad you did it. :)

What would it really take to bring the draft back?

With a 9% approval rating, there will be significant push back if they had to start a draft. So significant that it would likely cause revolution and ultimately dissolve our cancerous government. I know I for one will not fight for our government to support Israel and al quieda. I would fight to avoid fighting, if that makes any sense. Maybe that's what we need to wake all of the couch potatoes that are not living in reality. Whatever it takes to stop this.

As a Canadian speaking: I'll see you on the field, friend.

If scientists have already discovered methods to halt aging, as you claim, one wonders why they do not sell it and become rich. I guess scientists are not good businessmen....

This planet will eventually become too hot for human habitation. It will take a billion years, but it will happen. The surface will not support plant life either.

two wrongs do not make a right.

No way man. What causes aging is still being researched and there are different theories still. Things that contribute to aging have been identified but exactly how all of these factors contribute is not fully understood. There are plenty of people with the motivation and the money to try something like this if it was really an option. People cryo-freeze themselves in hopes of being re-animated by future technology; there is no shortage of willing participants to try out crazy anti-aging procedures. Unless I am totally wrong and there is some technique that I don't know about. If there is, please tell me. I would love to read about some mad scientist creating human abominations that spit in the face of god and plan to live until the sun burns out.

If it's truth, they go there unjustifiably

I think a draft announcement would be it. That's when people say fuck it and maybe some positive shit would get done.

Dont worry there are enough unemployed people to avoid a draft.

The best worst way to reduce the unemployment figures is to send surplus units of labour to war. Something about service guaranteeing citizenship.

What do you mean?

Well if anyone gets drafted, then we work them from the inside out. Sure, we'd probably get blamed for high treason, but I'd sooner die than fight an unjust cause.

So we start a railroad. We help people. We disobey orders.

What good is a pawn if you rig the game?

Actually, MY grandfather was, but for germany. He had that training as well. However, i am not the OP, so i cant say whether or not his grandfather was. I just wanted to point out that it is possible to ID aircraft from the sound of their engines...

Syria's active military and reserves combined is around 600,000. The US will more than likely not be alone in this fight either. A draft is a bit of an excessive assumption. Assuming your not 20-24 I think your more than safe as well. If it does come to fruition wish me luck. Just turned 20 so ill be before almost everyone else.

I live near there in belle chasse, no b52s have been flying. Some jets have been but those are simply performing their drills they do every once in a while

see.. trees and tigers and ducks or deer or fish don't have rational thought. they cannot analyze a situation and then CHOOSE how to response. they react, on instinct (maybe not the trees) and just do things out of sheer response.

all i'm saying is that i have ideals, and so do you, and so does everyone on this planet. i'm not saying that everyone should abide to my ideals, you're right, that would be extremely selfish of me. that's why i'm not forcing my ideals on ANYONE and i would never DARE to. i'm simply sharing and expressing how i feel. i'm sorry we don't agree here, but that's what makes life so wonderful - the sheer fact that we CAN disagree and still live on this giant spaceship traveling at incredible speeds in a vacuum.

to say the "whole of humanity" doesn't have ideals is an ignorant statement and is not a fact. do you KNOW that the mass population of this planet have or don't have their own personal ideals? i sure as hell know i don't know that, but i like to think that people have an idea of how they'd like things to work and i KNOW that other ideals differ from my own.

i understand your reasoning, i'm sorry you can't realize mine. i understand what you're saying completely and i'm choosing to disagree because that's not how i would react to the situation. i'm not a tree, or a tiger, or a duck or a deer or a fish.. i can step back from a situation and make a rational decision based on my previous knowledge and experiences.

i won't deny that humans are animals, we are, but we are NOT like other animals on this planet. we are not JUST instinctive creatures..