Let me get this straight. The United States is attacking Syria for having a dangerous dictator that also banned GMO's & has it's own state owned central bank?

69  2013-08-28 by med267


Yes, the U.S. government is essentially a rogue terrorist state.

Most of D.C. should be arrested like the common criminals they are.

We are run by the biggest, baddest, criminal MFers out there. Ain't it great!

No. It's not.

Evidently they don't have any debt to the IMF as well. Now I understand everything. Assad wants his country free of the dangers of GMO's but then gasses everybody. Wha?

I don't know whether Assad was behind the gassing, but I don't see the connection between that and banning GMOs. I mean, Hitler was a vegetarian and had an anti-tobacco program, but that didn't stop him from killing people.

Also, the thing about central banks is bullshit. Lots of countries have state-owned central banks. For example, the Bank of England is state-owned and Britain bans GMOs, too!

You're full of shit. the Bank of England is private; there are only four nations remaining in the world with non-private banking cartel owned central banks:

Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba

Notice anything about them? Shove your astroturf where the sun don't shine.

The Bank of England was private ... 70 years ago. It was nationalized in 1946.

there are only four nations remaining in the world with non-private banking cartel owned central banks: Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba

No. This is just propaganda. It's a complete fabrication.

Mudding the waters, you crook; do you honestly think no one can look at your post history and see you for what you are?

I often correct falsehoods about central banks. Rather than looking at me, why don't you see if you can find a reliable source for your assertions. You probably believe that "Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba" are the only countries with non-private central banks because you've heard it repeated on the internet over and over. Well, it was a lie that somebody just made up about 10 years ago and it's been repeated without anyone checking to see if it was actually true.

Instead of just continuing to assume that it's true, why don't you check it out for yourself. See if you can find out who owns and who controls the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, and the People's Bank of China, for example.

Just consider, for a moment, the possibility that what you've heard is not correct.

Or has been "photoshopped" out of the net by the richest, most powerful people on the planet?

Are you retarded dude? Is that really your only defense? I think you forgot the USA in that list too.

Well, the Federal Reserve has a mixture of private and public control, so it's not a perfect example.

The federal reserve is a 100% privately funded bank. Try more history and less spreading bullshit.

The Federal Reserve is not a bank, it is 12 banks plus a federal agency. The Board of Governors are chosen by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. The private banks in each region do get to pick 6 out of the 9 directors for each of the 12 banks, so they do exercise control there.

I'm not sure what you mean by "privately funded". The Federal Reserve is self-funding. A small portion of its profits go to member banks, but most of it goes to the federal government.

In 1998, it became an independent public organisation, wholly owned by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of the government, with independence in setting monetary policy.

That's from Wikipedia, regarding the Bank of England. What that means is it's propped up by the state, but has complete independence from it with regards to policy. Best of both worlds for them.

Such a bullshitting shill.

Seriously, does no one read the damned rules in this place?

No shills allowed.

? Oh thats right its--

No shills we don't like allowed.

sounds like libya, and so on

Don't forget what the CEO of Whole Foods said about Syria and Gmo's in May.

He pointed out he knows that Syria labels GMO's? Did he say anything else about it?

OP gets it. It's about the banks, stupid.

Anyone who says something like, 'there are tons of state-owned banks' is a fucking liar. There are four remaining sovereign nations in the world, and the other 98% have central banks owned by a single cartel. That's literally all you need to know to understand foreign policy.

"The debtor is always subservient to the lender."

There are four remaining sovereign nations in the world,

Maybe we can make this a thread were everyone who believes this discovers and admits (if only to themselves) that they are wrong about THIS PARTICULAR FACT. It would make any other points you make more believable. If not, it shows that you will cling to disproven facts that fit your worldview.

Which 4?

  1. Canada: http://www.bankofcanada.ca/about/who-we-are/

    Ultimately, the Bank is owned by the people of Canada.

  2. Syria: No-source,

  3. Switzerland: ?

  4. Iceland: I remember them jailing their bankers and starting over.

I think there may be more than 4. The Netherlands used to, but not since they joined the EU.

The ones I know are dprk, cuba, iran, and syria. Basically every other country weve attacked recently had one. Iraq, libya, yemen etc.

FFS why do people downvote and not comment?!?! If I'm wrong please explain why. Otherwise it just seems like you don't like what I'm saying.

they just dont like what your saying

A nice air and land corridor into Iran too...

Its all about Israel and the bank. One world bank when they assimilate Syria Iran NK and the other "Axis of Evul" members.... a One world currency can quickly follow. Then:

We can see a New World Order coming into view...

G 33 etc

We are run by the biggest, baddest, criminal MFers

I don't really see how Iran or NK are preventing a one world currency

Yeah. Pretty much.

majik Rothschild 8 ball say...yes

Among other things, YES.

Tons of countries have state-owned central banks, if not even most of them.


If by tons you mean 2%, then you'd be correct. Four nations in the entire world remain sovereign.

they just dont like what your saying