A redditor discovers a "site wide repost conspiracy" and posts it in /r/youshouldknow.

273  2013-09-02 by AssuredlyAThrowAway


Because I'm almost done with reddit for good I'll spell out what I think.

I think certain mods are "sold off" by reddit inc as PR.

I think other mods "sell themselves off" and this pisses reddit off.

I think both sides have an incentive to keep the moderator payola quiet.

I think we as a community are very close to exposing this group.

I think Alexis is involved with some of what is going on (and if the startfor leaks detail anything, it's that this type of behavior is not below Alexis). Along with the mod crew who runs /r/risingthreads.

I think what reddit did was to develop a strategy of plausible deniability where mods were given almost unquestioned authority to remove and promote content in exchange for "lending a hand to reddit inc" when needed.

I think both PIMA and VA knew about this and tried to go public with it. I think PIMA was targeted by Davack for doing so.

I think VA resigned from WTF after watching masta take payola (when this string of comments turned into this barren wasteland) and he was targeted by SA within two weeks. A user discussed this in more depth with supermods here.

I think there are a shit ton of "unholy alliences" that make up the cabal of insiders within reddit and I think censorship of posts (like the one in this OP) is the tip of the iceberg.

As I have said to /u/flytape many times, I think what we're going to find is very scary and I often wonder if investigating further is a good idea.

*Added some sources and cleaned it up.


If this is still valid, then anyone could duplicate reddit by just forking the source and giving attribution. It blows my mind a little that this hasn't happened yet, actually.

I'd also add some extra features designed to prevent the plebs from overtaking again, like only displaying vote counts after voting (or delayed vote display, as some subs do now), and requiring captcha to cast a vote (perhaps this would only apply to submissions). The concept of mods would have to be democratised also. Perhaps each sub could vote in/out mods, and this was a built-in process not controllable by other mods/admins. There are so many possibilities.

In any case, the time is well nigh to get a fresh start. Even the smaller subs are starting to get inundated with zombies now.


Ill float the server costs. You be lead administrator. We just need a trusted conspiracy user with coding skills and we're good to go.

This can and should be our project!


Yea I have enough funds to do this.

Join us here http://www.reddit.com/r/timetostartanew/, I'll mod you.

Yay. Been waiting for the next Reddit. This one's dead.

I just signed up. It's kinda weird, but seems like it could be cool with more content. I think it requires a little more involvement on the part of the user though which may be a problem. Best part seems to be that instead of subreddits they have tags, so no one topic is neccesarily controlled or moderated (as far as I understand).

Yep. You are right. This is a new Cold War with USA government and corporation world against civilians (voters, consumers, what eve you call us...). Disgusting and morally unbelievable shit.

In the wise words of Orwell, "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious". We're fucked...

Tis no reason to give up. I will continue to push forward every day with strength. With pride, knowing that I am among the greats who said no. As they are encountered, speesbumps will be dealt with accordingly. Head on.

Well, this is the straw that broke the horses back for me. Time to skiddatle back over to /pol/, I'm not going down with this ship.

/pol/ is so much worse than this, the opinions there aren't worth a rat's ass and they rarely post news on topic or interesting/non-racist/sexist.

Yes, good goy, /pol/ is evil http://m.imgur.com/RvisGCT

Nearly all those links were dead for me.

Work for me?

Annnd now they do... Ok!

/pol/ is being viciously and relentless slid and shitposted by JIDF/SRS right now. Their new shit meme they are forcing is "is x degenerate /pol/? redpill me".

It's fucking disgusting and there seems to be a scary number of /pol/acks who are falling for their blatant garbage.

Yeah JIDF has /pol/ pasted all over their websites under shit like "places you can battle anti Semitic content:"

But that's a ship I'm willing to go down with. I just love the place too much.

It can be safed.

How can it be safed?

*camel's back


Camel, camel, dirty nuke, Muhammad, home school children, psychedelic tree frogs, vegetable garden!!!


Also keep in mind that NDAA 2013 means anyone can be declared a terrorist and sent to domestic military camps. It may no longer be safe to voice your opinions on forums like reddit. To a surveillance state hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Upvoted you, and now worry I may be another nail. Is that "land of the free" or what?

As soon as Obama made an IAMA, it was very clear reddit has become very important

As stratfort is involved on reddit manipulation, you can be damn sure this thing goes at least to the shadow government level (that is, the group one level above the democratic façade, the one that writes the laws and decides the country's policy explicitly). Yeah, might not be a good idea to investigate further.

Let's assume that there really is something going on. Not investigating further is playing the exact game they want. Investigate, and post your findings as publicly as possible. This is the only way to win.

If they want your fear you deny them by being brave.

If they want your silence you deny them by being as loud as possible.

Know your enemy. Know yourself. Never lose.

Michael Hasting style!

Not necessarily a reddit clone but something close. I'm working on librenews.us right now as a way for people to discuss political/current event news without fearing censorship of content. It's still a work in progress but it is functional so I encourage anyone interested to check it out.


Make it hotlinked and you will be much more likely to find greater success. Fixed that for you, good sir. Thank you for your positive public efforts.

Question, why would you leave Reddit because of this? Why does it matter that repost bots spam the front page? I never check the front page because it's always animals, sexist memes, and stupid confession bears. I think people of conspiracy need to make a blogger/forum site or something where we can discuss politics without corrupted admins and racist assholes.

I'm leaving reddit because of numerous example of content suppression, ideological censorship, and general mod payola whoring.

Not to mention I never thought I'd see Alexis in bed with Stratfor. It's just sickening.

I think bipolarbearo0 is a DOD contractor running a group of accounts designed to spread domestic propaganda in favor of the Syrian war effort and against the NSA revelations.

I think AJAmerica pays to submit shit and the admins look the other way because someone in the Al-Thani PR firm is paying someone in reddit inc.

I think the /r/movies escape that is going down right now might sink this ship.

I've called every nefarious motherfucker on this site out to their face over the past 2 years (right around sept 2011 when they went independent" is when all this shit started). They deserve their v4. Leave the free flow of information alone you greedy fucks, or you give birth to me and those like me time and time again.

I think bipolarbearo0 is a DOD contractor running a group of accounts designed to spread domestic propaganda in favor of the Syrian war effort and against the NSA revelations.

That's a pretty big claim. Could you prove this by any chance?

Its a months old huntch based on a pattern of behavior.

He could also be a scammer out for donations.

I dunno.

I think him being a scammer is more likely. His mod history is sketchy and when he became mod at /r/restorethefourth, a lot of weird shit went on.

A simple scammer wouldn'y affect the particular things he did.

Such as? Kindly enlighten, sir.

I'm leaving reddit because of numerous example of content suppression, ideological censorship, and general mod payola whoring.

Let me know when you find a site that doesn't do this.

I'm going to start something up in Aaron's honor.

Censorship will be grounds for automatic dismissal. Mods by prop rep voting. 100% modlog transperency. If you want in from the ground floor let me know.

yeah, I'd love to see where it goes. Unfortunately, I think full non-moderation can't always get the job done, I'm completely interested to see if it can start.

yea, just created r-timetostartanew, by all means come brainstorm sir or maam!

Upvote for exposure, this is pretty ridiculous

Yea, this is the shit I ain't touching.

You have more balls than I.

I know they're here. I know they're reading this. That terrifies me.

Don't use imgur. Mr. Grimm censors in cahoots with certain factions of reddit inc.

I have balls of steel, these fucking criminals don't intimidate me. They all need to go to prison for sedition.

The links are not working because of the [number].

I remember a time when you could discuss politics and you'd get questions and substantial back and forth.

Recently Reddit's been invaded by people who shout the government authorized position at you and this makes it all begin to seem like Youtube's comment section.

Free speech truly terrifies some folks.

Nice work, supersleuth! Just like every other racket. A few at the top stealing all of the money and info, while attempting hostile takeover or worse for any indie competition.

Except the money and info is...karma...and is worthless.

Far from it. With great karma sums comes great exposure and opportunity. For fame, money, ego-feeding... Whatever you choose to make happen with it, if anything at all. Seems like common sense.

Except the 'exposure' comes at the will of the upvoters. Its not like their OC is guaranteed to frontpage. As for fame...do you have any idea who any of these people are IRL? Did you even know their reddit names before today? And please direct me to the karma>money atm.

Despite your obnoxious tone, you are correct about the atm. Some people can make it work that way for them, there aren't many,and that was my original point. It's more about the omission and disinfo campaigns that are growing ever more apparent.

When did pictures of dandelions and shitty TILs about Breaking Bad become dinsinfo and omission campaigns?

We've been provided evidence of repost bots that farm karma and we've somehow made the jump to disinfo campaigns and mysteriously making money in ways that we can't explain but we're pretty sure happens.

Supersleuth? What exactly was uncovered here, in terms of information?

Boy u slow

Yeah, interesting to note that there are down-votes and stupid remarks, but nothing coherent to support the initial claim of new information.

Eh, such is life.

Props to you and the others that follow and track this shit down. While I'm not surprised about shills, this takes it to another level of disturbing.

What can be done? Create new subreddits every time it starts to become too big?

Create a new site that uses tags instead of subs, no mods, and better options to sort content. Content should be controlled by the user as much as possible, not crowds or gatekeepers.

So basically Google+... But by someone other than Google.

I thought that was a social network, I've never used it.

Only reason I even come here now is for how quick this site is with video game news. Other than that this place turned into a cess pit 4-5 years ago.

Why do people even care about karma?

Nobody can even see it unless they bother to click your name.

I don't even read people's names anyway!

It's about payola.

It's complicated. Read my top comment reply in this thread, it may shed some more light on what's going on.

In short I'd call it a "pattern of usuaption of the free flow of information by monied faction".

Told y'all! I asked this several times over at r/conspiracy. Thanks for doing the leg work. I could never pin point it.

I do agree that there is a serious conflict of interest in regards to major some might say earth shattering bias on this site but that doesn't mean that there aren't good communities that haven't been touch by the slime that is over moderation and corporate agenda. Sorry for the runon.

Now THIS is a good conspiracy. Kudos to the Redditor who did this research.

So does anyone know why they keep deleting this post? Has there been any comment from the powers that be at Reddit about it?

Seems pretty blatant to me.




noun 1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

What is unlawful or harmful about farming karma?

The fact that the mods censor this information to help the karma farmers.

Well, this is the straw that broke the horses back for me. Time to skiddatle back over to /pol/, I'm not going down with this ship.

Question, why would you leave Reddit because of this? Why does it matter that repost bots spam the front page? I never check the front page because it's always animals, sexist memes, and stupid confession bears. I think people of conspiracy need to make a blogger/forum site or something where we can discuss politics without corrupted admins and racist assholes.

Also keep in mind that NDAA 2013 means anyone can be declared a terrorist and sent to domestic military camps. It may no longer be safe to voice your opinions on forums like reddit. To a surveillance state hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I have balls of steel, these fucking criminals don't intimidate me. They all need to go to prison for sedition.

Yep. You are right. This is a new Cold War with USA government and corporation world against civilians (voters, consumers, what eve you call us...). Disgusting and morally unbelievable shit.

As soon as Obama made an IAMA, it was very clear reddit has become very important

As stratfort is involved on reddit manipulation, you can be damn sure this thing goes at least to the shadow government level (that is, the group one level above the democratic façade, the one that writes the laws and decides the country's policy explicitly). Yeah, might not be a good idea to investigate further.

Not necessarily a reddit clone but something close. I'm working on librenews.us right now as a way for people to discuss political/current event news without fearing censorship of content. It's still a work in progress but it is functional so I encourage anyone interested to check it out.

Such as? Kindly enlighten, sir.

Michael Hasting style!