We'll be in war with Syria within the next two weeks, three weeks to a month at most. Marines already mobilized. Mark this post.

420  2013-09-04 by [deleted]

Good source. Abu al-Dahur is on the list. Fyi that's not good. Really not good.


I am going to post this here for posterity: A source told me today that Kerry will give a speech tomorrow at ~noon Eastern Time and that by 1PM Eastern time a cruise missile strike will take place.

So, just putting this out there in case this was true.


I'm feeling great. How are you?

Also, as I said, I didn't believe it - and as I wanted to have their prediction be what proved them right or wrong, which is what I told them - I posted it in the open.


This was one where I asked for any evidence. http://i.imgur.com/f8W6WAD.png


You think that's spreading fear? Your view may be a little off kilter.


A reflection of the world, no?

4 year redditor... I have more reason to believe you than anything a news page tells me. Maybe I'll call in sick tomorrow.

Here is the actual claim:

Yes - this whole thing is just a show trial. At 12:35 EDT tomorrow, John Kerry will say, "We have found clear and convincing evidence that Syria is a threat to their people and have used chemical weapons." Then, at 1:10 EDT, cruisers and carriers will launch strikes, conveniently taking out Assad and his ministers. No one will be alive to question them.

After that, they put their own people in power. They'll put in a CIA puppet, and plaster the MSM with propaganda.

Then they get an excuse to start building more and more datacenters and tracking stations for the NSA.

And that's just Phase One.

Noted, but I don't find it terribly feasible. Assad is still too useful to whack, and a case for US national security hasn't been made yet. Not to mention, Russia is not really going to tolerate the installation of US puppet government in their oldest ally in the middle east.

This is a bunch of posturing, and it's intentional misdirection IMO.

totally agree. juat posting it in the 1% chance....

I dont think it'd be that easy to kill Assad with missile strikes only. He won't be sitting in his presidential palace smoking hookah in the balcony when the rockets hit. Syria, much like Iran have a vast maze of bunkers, a necessity of their animosity and proximity to Israel.

What I can't understand is if the chemical weapons stockpiles are hit, the chemicals won't be "destroyed", they will simply leak from their containers causing an even greater humanitarian disaster. Since when "exploding" chemical weapons is enough to render them safe ?

But these are fluffy, American, peace bombs of freedom, they only kill the 'bad guys' from what I've been told.... Just like like the freedom and security he helped achieve for the people of Iraq.... Mmmm freedom

They won't kill or find Assad.

Our government will stay in Syria for a good time to come and eventually say they have found evidence of his whereabouts, send in a Spec Ops team, supposedly kill/capture Assad and never provide any proof.

We're just supposed to look up at our "leaders" with big puppy dog eyes and say, "oh thanks you all knowing ones, we are so glad to have you watching over us."

Yay, Somalia...

This is a common misconception, the gas simply escaping does not make it deadly. There is an elaborate process for properly releasing chemical weapons, you don't just open the tank and watch the results. It requires a release mechanism.

Decades after the first Gulf War, some former chemical weapons depots are still too toxic for human entry, after bombing made a mess of the stockpiles they contained

“If you drop a conventional munition on a storage facility containing unknown chemical agents — and we don’t know exactly what is where in the Syrian arsenal — some of those agents will be neutralised and some will be spread. You are not going to destroy all of them.”

The article continues noting that warheads such as CrashPad (“blast-fragmentation” warhead designed to incinerate chemical agents and precursors before they can escape into the surrounding area using white phosphorous), Shredder (Bunker buster) and for heavier than air chemicals the PAW (strike which will be a toxic mess, but hopefully one that only affects a limited area).

USA vs. Syria: The massive challenge of neutralizing chemical weapons from afar

Of course the strikes can be aimed at delivery systems and basic military and government / civilian infrastructure, leaving the chemical weapon's cache untouched, defeating the main purpose of the strikes, destruction of the chemical weapon's stockpile.

"a vast maze of bunkers, a necessity of their animosity and proximity to Israel."

Does anyone else think this why Syria is being queued up?

It's certainly on the list of reasons.

Does anyone else think that carrying out all of Israel's Middle Eastern desires will likely cause national insolvency?

I sure hope Assad doesn't frequent this subreddit.

So this should be happening now in about 2 and a half hours? Or are we talking tomorrow on the 5th of September?

12:44 - Kerry is talking on CNN right now.

Have they shared any of this "evidence" with anyone yet? Or are we just supposed to trust them?

Definitely a troll, no evidence what so ever. I said; well you made an explicit claim to something happening at a specific time and day. Lets see how that goes over first.

Clearly they were incorrect.

No way it goes down like that. If the US launches any assault to destroy Damascus, then you can bank on a Russia, Iran, and China blitzkrieg against Israel. And Israel will handle. It's already been written.


So what happens when it doesn't happen?

Sweet, a day at home :D

I can't tell if that's sarcasm.

I assume you will be playing guitar?

My source actually told me that we already have reptilian troops on the ground disguised as rocks that are ready to attack as soon as the remaining illuminati tell them to. My source also told me that your source is wrong and that my source's dad can beat up your source's dad.

"My daddy kick your daddy's ass all the way from here to China, Japan whereever you from, and all up that Great Wall too."

A source?

Someone "claiming to know" -- have no reason to believe it is credible by any means - but I posted the claim only because of the speculation of this thread.

This threads author said "two weeks to a month" and this other person claimed "tomorrow" for an actual strike.

However, given the vid I just watched with Kerry being snubbed - I have even less reason to think it will happen later this morning.

Unless Obama is galvanized by the nay-sayers and says "fark you, Ill show you who is President!"

We're gonna need a photo ID and SS number. Mothers maiden name as well. /s

What source do you have? Give at least a subtle hint towards their identity (since you and I both know you'll use the excuse of "he'd die if I have out his name!!!") or this comment will go from 90% unlikely to 100%.

missile(s) sent to test the waters with the S-300 defense system possibly targeting any of the Syrian religious sites currently guarded by Iranian solders.

uneducated guess


Israel shot a single missile from the med. First they denied it: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/09/20139391217914513.html then they said it was a test: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/09/03/russia-missiles-mediterranean-syria/2756767/

It's likely it was detected by the Russian Vityaz air defense system (http://en.rian.ru/military_news/20130709/182147766.html) and then 'hacked' by the Iranian GPS exploit in the same way that it captured this drone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident.

One missile might be easy but an onslought like iraq's 'shock and awe' campaign might be a bit different...

This is my conspiracy 'theory' anyway...

Boom, then Iran hits Israel, something, something, game over humans.

Israel hits Israel then blame it on whoever...You don't leave things like this to chance.


Israel hits the U.S. then blames it on whoever...

They won't sacrifice any more of their people but they'll gladly kill a bunch of goyim.

Israel hits the U.S. then blames it on whoever... They won't sacrifice any more of their people but they'll gladly kill a bunch of goyim.

SHHHHHH that word is not allowed to be said outloud!

Israel would never sacrifice Americans in order to try to drag the US into war!


Arguably to try to drag the US into war against Egypt, and possibly elsewhere, by pretending their fighter jets were Egypt's. Israel said the attack was a mistake, when it's impossible that it was, if you read into the event.

they attacked the life boats! they made a mistake, there were survivors

9.11 redux ?

I am fine with Israel being hit. They let Bush use Mossad for 911. They are our enemies.


I'm not okay with us killing them or even just making their lives worse, harder, shorter.


We wouldn't be involved in hitting Israel.


Innocent Israelis? Isn't that an oxymoron?


No. Not really. But I'm okay with Israel being destroyed and its people dispersed because of all the evil it has done. A hundred years ago Jews were the center of progressive political movements, in the fight for human rights, the struggle to make the world a better place. Now israeli jews only steal for greed, torture for self interest, fight for the death of anyone who resists being pillaged. I refuse to believe that Hitler killed all the good ones. Israel has made them bad. When Israel is gone they will rediscover their souls.

You are an anti-Semite.

Naw. Just anti-israel. And as much as you Israelis try to claim it's the same thing, it's not.

wow...what a hateful view

They're the world's enemy.

Israel hits Israel then blame it on whoever...You don't leave things like this to chance.

War is too important to be left to the politicians.

HA! Almost choked on my coffee...

Have you ever watched the series "The Big O?" It is about the last city on Earth, and everyone lost their memories 40 years ago. Memories are commodities: people occasionally remember isolated snippets of information that are extremely valuable. The main character, Roger Smith, is a negotiator for hire that gets pulled into a huge conspiracy that runs extremely deep. The show has a cheesy element to it. It features elements from the Batman animated series( was animated by the same studio ). It also features giant mechanized robots. The reason why I bring it up is that the show takes an extremely philosophical/psychedelic turn towards the end that left my mouth open in shock and bewilderment as I hadn't expected the deep ending. The theme came to close to "all the world is a stage." We are all actors on the stage of life, experiencing our own existence. It's worth looking into.

It has really good music too.

ive watched it all atleast twice. loved it as a kid

any links to the show?

I remember watching and loving a few episodes, and I agree that it was cheesy at times, but there was a melancholic beauty that resonated with me. Also, robot war action is always a thrill when you can imagine being at the helm :)

thanks for the reminder, anyway...

who is directing the actors? who is writing the script?

-evil laugh-

I really hope not. I've said for years that if Iran looked like it was going to get US boots on the ground I'd re-enlist. I figure once that kicks off the safest place to be (in that it's all going to be IEDs and insurgency) at the start of WWIII will be back in a tank.

nope it is really just game over for europe - that is what the ballistic missile test was about, a reminder of israelis samson option that is to nuke whoever in the event it is attacked. america will be fine.

They have subs off our coasts. Lets not go there though. You don't wanna know who's pulling the strings. It is insane.

Enlighten us with your theory. You're A conspiracy theorist and everyone here knows how it is when you wanna let something out so go ahead and spread your thoughts so we too can do research and see if we land on the same finish line. Most obvious one would be the same race that has time and time again been mentioned through out all of history from Americas for fathers to people over in Germany. Share your thoughts

How out there do you want to go?

I call them facts though not theories.

You also don't name names.

Anyone can look up the heads of the CIA NSA DHS FBI DEA ATF IRS themselves from anytime period pretty much.

you insinuating some kind of jewish thing?

No. I'm saying its a flat out evil thing.

What's evil? I looked up every single director of those agencies and I didn't really come across too many similarities besides the fact most of the names sounded jewish. I'm either simple or the connection you are implying isn't as obvious as you think?

Those people work with the Fallen Angels.

do you have a link or two implicating anybody in particular? I just found that youtube doc that I'm going to try to watch later on: Age of Deceit, Fallen Angels and the NWO.

I made a post on what was my other op name. Someone crossed my path and all the pieces fit. It's been the same for humans for thousands of years. The fallen angels trying to take our women. They have the assets and are working with the CIA and NSA to do what they want here in this world.

what is your other OP name?


Go out there bro I find conspiracy very fascinating because when you look around you begin to realize damn a lot of it is blatantly true. I've re watched all the movies that were based on some type of weird world that had hidden messages, I just got done watching the entire matrix trilogy about 20 mins ago.

If there was a class for free thinkers I think it would have been the only reason I didn't drop out of high school. It's like an addiction honestly.

The Truth is the most addicting thing in the world. We aren't to off from the Matrix really. It's more of a wireless version though. No back of the skull jack.

Lets see. Who wants to get on the kill list?

Anyone can have their mind hacked without knowing at will. Getting off that manipulation is hard for people to do simply because they don't believe it's possible. It's not possible it's happening already and in a massive global scale.

You make a lot of interesting and hard to believe claims. How about you post a little thread with your theories.

I was once digitalcartel713. I got banned throughout reddit for telling to much truth.

Be careful with that word truth as it requires proof.

I'm very careful. I don't go research for people though. That's up to the individual.


Can I make a polite suggestion? Don't use the term 'nut job' in this sub, it's offensive to many, and makes you appear combative and adversarial.

Also, despite your preconceived notions about religion or spirituality, it does not mean that it is right to insult someone else based on these notions.

Basically, if you don't have anything constructive to say then don't say anything. Otherwise if you continue on like this around /r/conspiracy, eventually you're going to be labelled a shill, troll, or some other nasty term, and no one wants that.

I'm actually relieved that not everyone makes these weird, undocumented claims and that everyone just jumps on that bandwagon and goes along with it. If that were the case, this sub would not be for me.

checkmate atheists

Don't forget that Iran can hack GPS guided things like the Lockheed RQ70 Drone capture(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident)

They have the ability to send GPS guided missiles into the sea - or Israel.

Israel won't be hit. They'll be attacked, but handle a huge shitstorm. Somehow. Will anyone convert to Christianity when that prophecy comes true? How bout the Damascus prophecy? Y'all can't wait much longer

what's an Abu Al-Dahur? Google is ambiguous

Syrian Airbase.

in the north?


knew it was aleppo

Ah, thank you for that! When it's not one's native land, one letter difference is a world of difference. That does seem like a fair strategic location to start from.

Why you think they named the baby that.

Pretty interesting..I'm not a conspiracy theorist really. But all this talk about stuff like this and some of the martial law stuff has got me curious. Just a couple of hours ago there were helicopters (Blackhawks SO IM TOLD) circling my house for about 45 minutes. First I started hearing that there were a bunch of military drills going down. Which is slightly unusual for this area. Then I started hearing that it was the marines. Which is VERY unusual for this area. Just thought I'd point this out. I'm not sure what to do who this information

Just keep practicing your own thought process and understanding.

Sometimes it's not a matter of what everyone else thinks, it's about how you see the situation.

If this gives you an eerie feeling in the pit of your stomach, than I believe you should stick around to learn more about what is happening.

Confusion isn't necessary in a situation like this, our people need to know what the fuck is going on.

They are clearly sending the Blackhawk helicopters to your house because you Googled martial law. Prepare yourself for federal prison.

.I'm not a conspiracy theorist really.

So you believe in the official mass media report on EVERYTHING?

Not at the slightest. I guess I should have explained myself better. I never really saw myself as a conspiracy theorist, but that's only because I never considered it. After going through this sub for the first time I'm finally seeing people with similar thoughts.

Don't say "I am" or "am not a conspiracy theorist."

Just say "I work hard at being a critical thinker."

As a critical thinker, you shouldn't buy the MSM hogwash as it stands, you should question their incessant propaganda drivel, and always ask: Cui bono? Do this whether it makes you popular or not. whether your friends of family think of you as "crazy". Critical thinking trumps being a sheep in the crowd in my book any day.

As a critical thinker, you shouldn't buy the MSM hogwash or alternative media as it stands

Fixed it for you

I dont know why you got downvoted. Holding the alt media as fact is just as dangerous as holding the msm as fact.

This is what a couple of people I know that are really into this conspiracy thing do extremely wrong. Everything the MSM says is wrong and a lie, and everything the alt. media say is completely true. That's just wrong in my book.

Edit: Oh god now I'm one of you guys aren't I?

Fair enough. Basically, question everything....BUT (and this is a big qualifier here) do gravitate toward what is valid and what begins to agree with reason regardless of where it comes from - MSM or alternative media or wherever.

They lie to us and lie to us and lie to us. They have nothing but contempt for the American people. They think we are fools. That is why they tell us the same lies again and again like we won't even notice. They think we are ignorant fools with no memory. After Syria it will be Iran. After Iran, Russia. Till the entire world is ruled by the same group of evil wealthy bastards. Till the world and everyone in it is owned by them. They mean to enslave the world or destroy the world trying.

They don't want Russia. This is about the petrodollar.

Russia has so many tasty resources though.

The Russians are playing ball, by and large. They're integrated. The Syrians and Iranians aren't.

When is Iran?

Iran is at the same time. Iran is Syria's closest ally, since they couldn't find a way to get at them directly, they are going via Syria... using the unrest as an opportunity.

They did the same with Libya (civil unrest as an opportunity).


Our executive branch is practically already admitting this...

Our voices are obsolete in this debate; they are acting as if they have definitive, impeccable information to what is happening, only to foster their own intentions.

This was the shit I was expecting with Obama's 2nd term. Just like bush. Shit is going down and we are only along for the ride.

Obama is going to be another former US president too afraid to travel abroad when everyone is calling for him to be arrested on war crimes.

Did you notice how nobody's talking about the NSA or Snowden anymore? Mission accomplished.

Here's how I see it going down, worst case: Israel+US strikes Syria, using this Sarin gas story as a pretext. Russia and Iran get pissed that Israel has crossed the line, and Iran (with the backing of Russia) fires missiles at Israel a bunch in response to attacking Syria. Israel FREAKS OUT and missiles Iran (and Syria in the chaos) a thousand times over in retaliation. Russia and China declare world war in response and missile Israel an equal amount to destabilize it and end the conflict.

It's over-simplistic and and full of generalizations, but that's what I imagine would be the worst way it could go down, if cool heads absolutely fail to prevail. That'd be the scenario that would play out if everyone were to absolutely panic and lose their heads. So I imagine what actually happens will be less violent than that.

In my view, most of what powerful people do is about money. Their hobby is to change money into power and then back into money again. Once they get the money, they exchange it for more power.

They like war, but they like war they can control. The best part is the sweetheart deals their companies get afterwards to rebuild. Then they bomb it again. Then rebuild.

All out war would probably be okay for them, but they know if they end up killing too many of us, at this point we will rebel. Already no one buys their stupid story.

The israeli ballistic missile test was to remember Europeans of the Samson Option... Wait, you don't know what the Samson Option is?


This book was written by a American jewish journalist.

They are the world's enemy.

You dont really need a special source to see that there is very very little chance we will not attack Syria within the next month. Just saying.

so, how'd this end up going

Marked. You have my upvote, sir.

Guess you were wrong. What a shocker, /r/conspiracy being wrong!

What is this good source you speak of?

He's probably full of shit. Look how many "sources" on this sub have claimed the US is about to go to war with Iran; apparently US force against Iran has been "imminent" for about 8+ years or so.

Kinda similar to the constant claims that Iran is 6 months away from building a nuke, eh?

The building of a nuke was about Iran pulling out of the petrodollar. They never had any intention.

I understand full well about Iran and the petrodollar, but I thank you for the addition to information for others. Was more just replying to the post above.

During 2007, Iran asked its petroleum customers to pay in non US dollar currencies. By December 8, 2007, Iran reported to have converted all of its oil export payments to non-dollar currencies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_oil_bourse

Same thing with Iraq.

In 2000, Iraq converted all its oil transactions under the Oil for Food program to euros.[3] When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, it returned oil sales from the euro to the USD.[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrodollar_warfare

My friend in the navy is a sub tech, he said he's being deployed in 6 weeks. coincidence?


hardly a revelation they dont pile up half the navy around syria and iran and then just sail home again. there is no stopping this shit just like there wasnt in iraq. put roadblocks up and false flags will knock them down soon enough. the only people who stop this are the military themselves.

The Bush doctrine and PNAC manifesto laid all this out in black and white clear terms 10 years ago. Iran and North Korea are still the big ones.

Did it happen?



"no boots on the ground" means no OFFICIAL ground troops.

Right. We have had boots on the ground in Syria for about a year or more now.

its ok america we are only gonna cruise missile them, no american soldiers will die just syrian civilians

afaiac if i were still enlisted i would consider as unlawful any order to step foot on Syria soil or initiate hostilities against the syrian people

Right on schedule.

IF this does happen, IF, we'll be the loose ends. You guys realize that right? That being said, lets do our best to make this known should it go down.

Sooooo... When can we impeach Obama???

When he commits adultery?

Does Syria stand a chance against the us army?

Not in the slightest. Unless Iran/China/Russia join them. Even then, probably not.

As soon as you see them talking about a new war in the news we are probably a year out from the decision that was already made to begin that war.

I disagree! Maybe I'm in the vast minority, but I have a feeling about this -- I think we're going to PASS, not go to war at all. Write it down too, and we'll see who's right.

I wish our Military personnel would all refuse to follow orders. They're carrying out the government's wishes and they really don't have to.

So do we go to bed or wait it out?

How about we call our people in Congress. Just try that.

Right. Because they're an independent body charged with declaring war according to the constitution. Right.

Because that's been working so well lately...

This situation will get worse,it will get worse and we will be lucky to survive

How long until Iran

They already had marines near Syria, they're doing it for extraction purposes.

Wouldn't you prefer a good game of chess?


With the upcoming G8 summit in Russia, I doubt that any air strike is going to happen before then.

This seems an obvious statement given the news coverage of the events in Syria. Thanks for taking credit for the obvious.

Oh man I really hope this dosen't spark WWIII.

Someone near me is in the Marines, and I have heard stirrings (quite a while ago, several months) that Marines will soon be in Syria.

Edit: I don't intend this to be disinfo, just what I heard from a FOAF with low rank, parroting rumors.

thats funny, i could've made this post more than a year ago that eventually the u.s would officially get involved. coughcoughcia

Uploaded to youtube 1 year ago...

The Road to World War 3

In less than hours of anything that can hold back the seconds of a few fingers pushing buttons to needle and thread....

Is this what you want?

Stop it however, wherever, as you're able.

I'm fearful for all innocents.

America has never known the constant bombardment. Shit! We get smacked with two jets and the globe has to go crazy?


Got no film from the Pentagon impact!!!!!!!!!!

Jet Pooffs out over a field.....

Sleep well kids!

Obama has this on the 13th tee


bomb. anti american post. terrorist. pressure cooker. blah blah blah... conspiracy. allah. syria. backback. boston. blah blah blah... assassination attempt. blah blah blah... revolution... death. gun. science. republican. democrat. blah blah blah... (just seeing if the NSA will be on my doorstep) (honestly i got kinda nervous so i didnt want to put obamas name in the post in case it got crazy) shit well there it is anyway. it was nice knowing you guys


they are already at war....with themselves, better start talking amongst yourselves

The people here can be so retarded sometimes...

Gods will be done.

Maybe it's time to give the HUMANS what we want for once.

You know I've been wondering about that and it's simple. I turn on the tv after a hard day at work and see Asians puking in pies and faces on tosh.o and I know it's over.

Well for gods sakes, turn off the TV.

It's not over. The TV is showing you how stupid they want us to be. If we actually WERE that stupid, they wouldn't be trying so hard.

The aren't even trying though. It's pathetic.

Oh, they're trying. Being that stupid is not easy, even for shills and producers. And they walk on the edge... one slip and the curtain gets pulled back.

It needs to be yanked back.

Nature, history, and mathematics argue that it WILL be pulled back. The more complicated it gets, the harder it is to keep up.

The problem is that the shills will lash out at us and try to hurt us when that happens. Same thing with this Syria stuff... the mafia is calling in some debts to organize Congress, and somebody is gonna have to pay.

The world has passed almost everyone up. Its to fast for everyone. The mass awakening will be known as the rude awakening.

It needs to burn.

Now we are getting somewhere with this. It's time to burn the curtain of evil down.

Or at least cast some Light on the evil.

Burn evil with light.

You thinkin end times? I'm thinkin end times

For sure. The proof is everywhere.

Downvotes for Gods will. Wow hell is gonna be packed like a Chinese subway.


I love 1982. That's my birth year.

You need to delete this.

For what?

Personal info?

I'm not worried about that.

You should be.

My life is in Gods hands.

And your id in the hands of identity thieves?

I'm in there. But it's more actually. The two olive trees are alongside them.

"no boots on the ground" means no OFFICIAL ground troops.

its ok america we are only gonna cruise missile them, no american soldiers will die just syrian civilians

You also don't name names.

totally agree. juat posting it in the 1% chance....

Russia has so many tasty resources though.

Go out there bro I find conspiracy very fascinating because when you look around you begin to realize damn a lot of it is blatantly true. I've re watched all the movies that were based on some type of weird world that had hidden messages, I just got done watching the entire matrix trilogy about 20 mins ago.

If there was a class for free thinkers I think it would have been the only reason I didn't drop out of high school. It's like an addiction honestly.

We wouldn't be involved in hitting Israel.

I was once digitalcartel713. I got banned throughout reddit for telling to much truth.

Can I make a polite suggestion? Don't use the term 'nut job' in this sub, it's offensive to many, and makes you appear combative and adversarial.

Also, despite your preconceived notions about religion or spirituality, it does not mean that it is right to insult someone else based on these notions.

Basically, if you don't have anything constructive to say then don't say anything. Otherwise if you continue on like this around /r/conspiracy, eventually you're going to be labelled a shill, troll, or some other nasty term, and no one wants that.

Yay, Somalia...

Naw. Just anti-israel. And as much as you Israelis try to claim it's the same thing, it's not.

you insinuating some kind of jewish thing?