Like the 9/11 mega-thread, let's also get a list going of suspicious deaths and "suicides"...

41  2013-09-06 by [deleted]

Help me get a list going!

Troy Boner - Franklin Cover-up victim

Beverly Eckert - 9/11 family member, independent investigation activist

Barnaby Jack - Hacker

Barry Jennings - 9/11 witness

JFK witnesses

Philip Marshall & family - Pilot, 9/11 author

Mysterious Minot Air Force Base murders

Oklahomah City Bombing witness murders

Aaron Schwartz - Hacker, internet activist

Hunter S. Thompson - Author, columnist, celebrity figure


Can we make a note as to why each is suspicious? As it is, it just reads as a list of people that died who were in to conspiracy theories.


dam you got me on breitbart and michael hastings **Senator Udalls Brother**

Bill Cooper - Conspiracy theorist and Truthseeker

Mysterious Deaths.

CIA Director William Colby

Sean Hoare ~ Murdoch Whisleblower

Deborah Jeane Palfrey ~ D.C. Madam

Mike Connell ~ Ohio Election Fraud

Paul Wellstone ~ Election, 9/11

Gary Webb ~ investigative journalist

Danny Casolaro ~ investigative journalist

Jim Hatfield ~ Bush author

Pat Tillman ~ Patriot

Hunter S. Thompson ~ Gannon-9/11-Intro to LC

Dr. Bruce Ivins ~ Anthrax

Lori Klausutis ~ aide to Joe Scarborough

Beverly Eckert ~ 9/11 widow plane crash

Dr. David Kelly ~ British Weapons Inspector

Barry Jennings ~ WTC 7 Whistleblower

John O'Neill ~ worked in WTC first day

Dr. David Graham ~ 9/11 Whistleblower

JFK Jr. ~ Journalist, Potential Candidate

Mel Carnahan ~ Democratic Governor of Missouri

Col. James E. Sabow ~ Whistleblower and Marine

Col. Ted Westhusing ~ Returning home from Iraq

Gary Caradori ~ investigating the Franklin Cover Up

Nancy Schaefer ~ Georgia State Senator

Raymond Lemme ~ Election Integrity

Officer Terrance Yeakey ~ Oklahoma City Bombing

Vicki Morgan ~ Reagan era call girl

Dag Hammarskjöld ~ UN Secretary-General

Michael Hastings ~ Rolling Stone, Buzzfeed Journalist NSA

Barnaby Jack ~ Famous Hacker

Congressman George Hansen ~ tortured to death

Congressman Larry McDonald ~ died in plane

Tracy Lawrence ~ Financial Robo-Signing whistleblower

Ray Gricar ~ DA that never prosecuted Jerry Sandusky

Matthew Simmons ~ BP Oil Spill whistle blower

Madame palfrey 9/11 whistleblower

Ibrahim Mothana, yemeni anti-drone activist died yesterday

Senator Paul Wellstone - Cheney enemy.

Gary Webb!

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