My disappointment and frustration that the American (reddit-reading) public is asleep.

40  2013-09-08 by [deleted]

The things I thought to be self-explanatory - I mean, obvious - turns out aren't so. It really bums me out.

Way back in 2002 I sat in a restaurant with all my extended family. The context of the conversation, at my end of the table, was that my brother and his wife were very okay with our (USA) pending invasion of Iraq. I was shocked. I gave my impersonation of the US government at that time: I pointed to my steak and said, "This is our basic human rights, our freedoms." I picked up my fork and knife and used them like a hammer and chisel. I said, "This is your government. Ktchink! Ktchink! Ktchink!" mock-chipping away at my steak of liberty.

They laughed. When I asserted that we were heading into another Viet Nam, my sis-in-law swore, "I'm sure we'll be out of there in 2 or 3 years, 4 tops." Now it's 2013, and we're still there. Soldiers are still dying.

Today I browsed my recent posts, to see how they're doing. I have 2 posts being downvoted into oblivion. They are:

This post about a graphic war video where people are killed. I responded with what I thought to be perfectly common knowledge - that our (United States) government wants the masses to view war like a video game: simple, glitzy, full of cool high-tech toys, and bloodless. -11 votes. Yikes.

The other is this post where OP observes how the US government operates, and I chimed in with a reminder about how the Defense Department admitted to "misplacing" $2,000,000,000 (that's 2 TRILLION dollars) - and they made this public confession on... wait for it... September 10th, 2001. Of course, 24 hours later nobody - nobody - questioned defense spending again. -3 downvotes.

As much as I am saddened by my government's ability to overpower the will of the people, it saddens me so much more that the people allow it. Hell, everyone around me seems to welcome it. It's just too much to bear. Is there no hope for the meek to inherit the Earth?


Even more sickening is the manner in which (I assume they are not government bots / workers) attack anyone raising awareness on such issues. Attempt to engage them in logical argument and they try to derail the conversation, add to it the hecklers and jokesters - it's enough to give you a headache if you're not careful.

This is a war that is being fought on many fronts: physical, psychological, economic, and spiritual - to name a few. Just remember that you are not alone. Even when they come and take us away, waterboard and torture the fuck out of us, kill us and dump us in plastic bins in a garbage dump.

Somehow, someday, we will make it through. Whether it be now or a million years from now that the human spirit finally breaks free from this shit. If we don't believe that, we might as well give up and die right here and now.

Edit grammar and spell fails.

They do have government workers employed to do nothing else but to fuck with you. They attack your statements with lies and made up "facts" that you have to try to refute. But, you talk one down and the next one pops up to try a different approach to get to you. They are being paid for it, but we are not. We do it on our free time after work. They are fresh and focused. It IS their work. It is no surprise that we get tired. But we have to be strong and keep up the fight for the minds of the people.

We're going to keep gaining traction. We are growing in number, and the more they fuck up - and fuck up they will - the less tired we will become as the burden is placed upon the shoulders of many, rather than a select few. I hope. =D

I am not so sure. They are learning and adapting and we are not. They got rid of the draft so there is no serious long-term protest against the Iraq war like there was with Vietnam because the children of the middle-class will not be killed.

They have much better technology than they did then, and they have mastered the arts of mass-psychology, misinformation, misdirection, and all of the rest. We are not organized as always. We fight amongst ourselves and can't seem to get organized.

While the improvement in status of this subreddit is encouraging, for example, the military industrial complex does not seem to be weakening.

I have to believe that we can win, otherwise I will just give up, like the rest of these chumps. I understand that this seems impossible, but that is the challenge of every age: To surmount seemingly impossible odds and restore balance to the world. This is repeated in just about every story we are told as children, and reverberates through nearly all cultures and societies. There is always an overwhelming and seemingly implacable evil that is hellbent on destroying everything we love. And yet somehow, someday, there is a hero - a negligible zero, completely unnoticed by the evil system - that somehow pulls off the impossible and restores balance to the universe.

The only problem that I see with this is that this narrative is well understood by the evil at this point, and as such, I would not be surprised to see a "hero" manufactured for us to lead us all into further darkness. A false hero, false Christ, etc. Hell, we are getting to the point where CGI looks more real that real life - look at the new screenshots of Gran Turismo, and we're supposed to believe in "video evidence"?! These are literally the New Dark Ages, in a world of double-speak, electronic illusion, and the war reaches to all levels of the human individual.

I dare not tell you what the solution is, but as for myself: I follow a strict daily routine of physical fitness, nutrition, meditation, and spiritual practice (in my case, Christianity). Yet, God has never spoken to me, so I can't guarantee even this route, I can only say that I feel this is the correct path for me - and may you find the one for you. We may not be organized, but I know that we all share, deep within us, an uncompromising desire for TRUE Truth, Freedom, and Equality for all human beings, at the very least. I will not stop until we get there, and I can only hope that you will do the same.

I hope you are right. Some days, I feel strong and feel like I want to fight back. Other days, I look at the situation rationally and I know that the technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of fighting back. If we could organize ourselves to fight back, we would have a good chance, but I do not see the organization coming. Perhaps the only thing that would "save" us would be a failure of the electric grid and even that might just give them the opening that they are waiting for.

For me, Religion is just the oldest of the cons. I don't want or need it. I understand the human desire to belong to a community, but the practices of the Christians leave me cold. The hiprocracy is staggering.

I would go beyond you and hope for Truth, Freedom and Equality for all higher animals. But I do not put any hope in it. I cannot see it happening in my lifetime or the future. Perhaps we are just trapped in this hell. More war in Syria and the ME is on the program. We kill and enslave each other. What is the point to this?


It is not just the US. Israel does it too. I suspect they all do it.



not_the_14us is giving solid advice. I would only add that you cant change people by simply laying on information. wait til opportunity arises and lead them into a constructive conversation if possible.

also, don't forget only something like 3-4 % of the population of the colonies fought in the revolutionary war. im not saying we have to fight, but that a relatively small % of the people cant make big changes if they have a common goal. (kinda like how the top .001% is doing)

best of luck!

its not only america...its in every western country. the mass media manipulation works really good on ''normal'' people. speaking for myself here, before i had internet i believed everything i read in the newspaper or saw in the tv. its just natural thinking, why would the goverment lie on his own people? its so weird that the brain cant break through it.

and to become 'aware', it takes alot of time and willingness to accept that everything you ever knew about is wrong. you cant change peoples views with 2 sentence. you propably know your right with all the backround knowledge you allready have but they dont.

i think the nsa scandal and the syrien war will change the view from alot of people, or at least making them aware that something is wrong

I still pick up a paper and thumb through it to see the spin and the coverage. I talk with people about what the paper says, and what's more factual. Remove the spin so to speak. It's fun every once in a while

"The mashed potatoes are the worlds resources. And the green beans represent all the money in the world. And my stomach is the US Gov."

The missing +$2 trillion the day before 9/11 is a bigger red flag than WTC7. If I fart and a dime magically pops out the government knows an wants $.04 of it, yet $2.3 trillion just gets "misplaced"? People will kill far less. They send American citizens to fight wars and die - they don't give two fucks where the death happens or who it happens to. There was also a large securities fund of $240 billion that was initiated 9/10/91. During the Cold War it used to buy up a lot of Soviet industry, mainly oil related. 10 years later when it was matured, ready to be claimed, the. 9/11 happens and emergency rules are activated that made the usual regulation of the collection process near non-existant. So there's even more money.

Military contracts too. Big non-compete ones.

All combined we are talking potenetional 13-14 figure sums here.

That's plenty to go round, and plenty of motive.

I think the answer lies somewhere between your thoughts and my semi-rebuttal:

Very good post you linked. Thank you for that.

The answer always lies in the middle :) I was rebutting some of own shit mentally as I was reading yours.

Hey, at least there's still thinking people that care. It might be the bottom of the 9th, but we can hope that Reggie Jackson is in deck.

You must be a real treat to be related to.

I'm the uncle the kids don't talk about.
