Does Israel control the US?
84 2013-09-13 by drowninginthedarknes
I've recently found myself wondering whether or not the US is really an ally of Israel. It seems more likely that it is a front for another country's agenda. The actions of America do not seem to benefit the people, nor do they benefit the government a majority of the time. It seems more and more as if it is being used as an extremely powerful tool. Anyone care to pick my theory apart?
24 punisher2404 2013-09-13
-30 [deleted] 2013-09-13
15 Zanzibareous 2013-09-13
Whether or not you agree with someone's post, it would do a great deal of service to your credibility and this sub's legitimacy to refrain from such language. Perhaps put forth an argument of your own reasoning or critique a previous claim, but please do so with civility and respect so that we may elevate the level of discussion here. Thanks!
8 ThumperNM 2013-09-13
You are trying to talk to a zionist and probably a paid Israeli shill. Won't work.
2 HoodRichJanitor 2013-09-13
I don't know about all that, but he certainly is an angry child.
1 drowninginthedarknes 2013-09-13
Thank you good sir.
12 petedacook 2013-09-13
Why are people like this not banned immediately from this sub reddit?
These clowns come in here, throw insults around, cuss, derail conspiracy discussion and it seems they are welcomed with open arms.
Go to some other sub reddits and you will find people are banned quickly for posting garbage like this.
5 goonbee 2013-09-13
I'd rather we ban no one. Freedom of speech!
3 KingContext 2013-09-13
Probably because mods aren't omniscient.
Report them:
Rule #3.
1 petedacook 2013-09-13
We have had threads about this in the past. The mods reply was that they want a diverse open community. We might want to resurrect discussion on this topic. I feel like this is the go to spot when people just want to troll.
21 danxmason 2013-09-13
Zionists control the money supply, and thus the world.
6 redhot916gear 2013-09-13
Started with the Balfour Declaration
Benjamin Freedman lays it out also and tells it how it is
19 facereplacer 2013-09-13
I actually agree. America, to me seems like the bouncer/bodyguard type that will beat/kill/steal anything Israel tells us to. Plus, while the taxpayers here are bled dry for no real social benefit whatsoever, Israel gets billions and billions of US taxpayer money in military and economic aid. This is assuredly no accident. The Rothschilds were puppeteering a lot of their dubious plans with the Balfour Declaration and the Treaty of Versailles. They are essentially, the state sponsor that got Israel created and the plan was in the works long before WW2. Since the Rothschilds and criminal bankers are still in charge, we have become Israel's bitch, so to speak.
16 [deleted] 2013-09-13
USA is the military wing of the powers behind Israel. A 300million+ population to draft from that still believes in the Bible and drinks fluoride every day. Perfect.
19 This-Is-My-Truth 2013-09-13
Jews, however, most certainly do.
Less than 2% of your population completely dominate every single sphere of power and influence in American society. Banking, media, government, academia... you name it, they control it.
A "conspiracy" that can be confirmed by anyone armed with a web browser and a few minutes to spare.
17 mattfuckingwaters 2013-09-13
This should give you a good idea on the control they have...
6 happiness_isawarmgun 2013-09-13
god damn i love that page
3 drowninginthedarknes 2013-09-13
Great read. I'll pass it on to some friends.
2 lastresort09 2013-09-13
Thanks for the share!
-1 darkpwnage 2013-09-13
Wait how reliable is this site, my father was the owner, founder, CEO of Ptech (Oussama Ziade) and he was a muslim man who in 2003 got indited by the US government. Ptech got closed down shortly after, I dont understand t.t
edit:fixed date
4 mattfuckingwaters 2013-09-13
-2 darkpwnage 2013-09-13
Please respond, either a lot of things make sense or everything is fucked up. Is this a parody site, is anything on the site backed up, can I trust the info? Please respond, my head is spinning like crazy
1 mattfuckingwaters 2013-09-13
I trust pretty much everything on that site...
2 [deleted] 2013-09-13
Your "father" huh...?
Is that the best straw you could find? or just the only one?
-2 darkpwnage 2013-09-13
How can I prove it? He is my father though Im pretty sure I exist.
1 petedacook 2013-09-13
He is my father too, and i think he is involved in 9/11.
1 mattfuckingwaters 2013-09-13
From ptech wiki page
"The indictments charge Ziade and Peterson with concealing PTech's relationship with and dealing in the assets of Yasin al-Qadi.[19]
Qadi's listing as a terrorist was overturned by several European courts, and his name was removed from blacklists by Switzerland (2007),[20] the European Union (2008 and 2010),[21][22] and the United Kingdom (2008 and 2010).[23][24]
On 13 September 2010, Yasin al-Qadi "succeeded in having dismissed in their entirety the civil claims brought against him in the United States on behalf of the families of the 9/11 victims."[25]
On 5 October 2012, the UN Security Council committee monitoring sanctions against al-Qaeda granted Qadi's petition to be removed from its blacklist.[26][27]
Very suspicious.
14 Aqua_lung 2013-09-13
Israel is part of the world Zionist organization's plan to colonize a part of the Middle East as a Jewish state, look up the history of the Zionist organization, The US supports it due to a powerful lobby that happens to also have interests that own the fed reserve.
Now if these were a bunch of Aryans wanting an Aryan state...
1 ssbb-outtahere 2013-09-13
You're speaking of the "Greater Israel Project" ?
1 Aqua_lung 2013-09-13
Officially, this has been abandoned... but yeah whatever
-3 CuriousDwarf 2013-09-13
Care to back that up?
1 Aqua_lung 2013-09-13
Which exactly?
Jewish Colonial Trust? now known by the more PC name Bank Leumi
Or that Ben Bernanke's Mentor/advisor is a well known Zionist and Bilderberger?
2 CuriousDwarf 2013-09-13
Okay, thank you :)
Still don't get why I got donwvoted, OP delivered.
-13 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
Aryan state? Don't we already have a lot of those? Germany, Sweden, Poland, Norway, ect...
15 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
Uh, Germany is chock full of non-Aryans. Sweden just opened up to all Syrian refugees... Tone down the racist propaganda pls.
0 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
That's what you think of as racist propaganda? Wow.
1 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
Claims of Aryan states? Not only is it bullshit, but yes, it is divisive propaganda based on race.
1 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
I guess I don't know what you mean by Aryan then, they were a tribe of indo-european speakers from around 2500BC? If you aren't talking about modern white indo-europeans I'm not sure, whatever. I guess I'm racist. But it seems to me many nordic countries and slavic countries generally fit the bill of being almost totally white and indo-European speaking.
1 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
So you define countries by the color of the majority of their inhabitants? Yeah, I'd say that's kinda racist.
0 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
? no country is 100% any ethnicity? TIL somehow I'm racist.
1 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
TYSL how to read. Don't argue with illiterates, sorry, it's just not fair to you.
1 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
So I'm an illiterate racist (apparently against my own race). Okey dokey jerkface.
1 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
Also apparently 5 years old, poo-poo head! =P
1 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
That's what a jerkface would say.
2 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
ROFL, I like you, even if you aren't firing on all cylinders.
2 awesome-bunny 2013-09-13
I like you too and to be honest I'm not really sure what we started arguing about since my comments thread only goes back 4 comments and I'm to lazy to go back to the "rest of the comments", so you might be half right about the cylinders.
14 C_Hitchens_Ghost 2013-09-13
Go to your local "civic center" and try to get a permit for an Anti-Israel parade. Then you'll have your answer.
0 Chargersbreh 2013-09-13
7 diggardens 2013-09-13
Some great ally we have there, huh? It sickens me really. I'm most disappointed in the baby boomer generation. They think they are sooo fundamentally conservative going with the neo-con GOP party line bullshit. How can a group of so people so important to a countries greatness, be so seemingly blind and uninterested to what is happening around them? Unfortunatley I belive the answer lies in comfort...don't rock the boat baby.
Why does all of the United States dubious international policy only make sense when you insert the advantages it brings to Israel? Why are there dual Israeli/American citizens in such crucially important appointed positions in the federal government? Do people still believe a two-party system still works in American government and that it matters who the president is?
Now I am not the smartest of you can see by my writing..but even an average nobody in Indiana can see the wizard behind the curtain..
15 4too 2013-09-13
You're smart enough to see the truth. That's smarter than 95% of the other people in this subreddit.
10 Aqua_lung 2013-09-13
Yep, I know a few 'smart' well educated people that blindly support Israel regardless. Some people are just wired to follow mainstream opinion.
7 5arge 2013-09-13
Dude... all day today I have been pondering "the wizard behind the curtain" in exactly those terms, and then I read this statement from you. Apparently it's gaining traction among the average nobodies...add me to the list.
7 happiness_isawarmgun 2013-09-13
6 21022012 2013-09-13
is this even a question?
The Death of American Democracy
5 Antiochus88 2013-09-13
2 drowninginthedarknes 2013-09-13
Short and sweet.
4 ronaldo345 2013-09-13
3 Red-Fox 2013-09-13
Start here:
2 SkittlesYum 2013-09-13
AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know About The Israel Lobby
The Israel Lobby (Marije Meerman, VPRO Backlight 2007)
Finnish politician: Jews control money, media in US
Jews also dominate mass media, as proudly documented by this Jewish source.
2 sheasie 2013-09-13
Explicitly? No.
Implicitly? Yes.
2 funkarama 2013-09-13
Rather than Israel per se, I think it is rich, European (ie light skin color), largely English speaking, people. The 1%. Primarily the UK, but also Western Europe, and the Jewish banking establishment. These interlocking groups are the people whose profits our sons and daughters die for.
2 drowninginthedarknes 2013-09-13
Thank you all for proof of a theory that I had established in my own mind separate from these articles. I feel relieved, if that is even possible given the subject, that people have came to this same conclusion on their own. We will stop this soon. Just be willing to stand up when the call comes. Thank you all for waking up.
1 brianed 2013-09-13
Yes. Yes we can! Or what was it...
1 [deleted] 2013-09-13
Federal Banking System is owned by zionists so basically the US belongs to Israel.
-1 orangetube 2013-09-13
not really, its just an idea made popular through anti semitsim. Il be honest to belive the jews are in control of everything is absurd if you really think about it.
-2 [deleted] 2013-09-13
2 Alcorr 2013-09-13
Nice try.
-3 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
No state controls another state. Countries don't exist for the true power brokers of the world. Countries and governments are just one more way to cause division between the people of the world to better control all that is going on. If we realized that we could work together as a world and put aside our petty differences we could do away with the facade of patriotism and create heaven on earth (for lack of a better term). But we like our simple us vs them paradigm and it's unlikely we'll break free of that line of thinking anytime soon. Least that's how I see it.
Edit: love the downvotes with no responses as to why you people might disagree...
edit2: I still don't get the downvotes. Are people disagreeing with the working together part, or the part where I claim that countries don't exist for the true power brokers of the world? It seems a lot of people disagree with something in what I said, I'd be more than interested to find out what it so controversial.
3 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
To an extent, you are right. At this point, all the major countries seem to be firmly under the country of the banking elite, making US little more than a valuable chess piece. However, if you think for one second that creating a one world government is the solution to all of this, you may want to think again.
A one world democratic government is a government where 51% can buttfuck the other 49% and there's no where to run, no other option. I don't know about you, but I like having options. Imagine a one world democratic government that is just as corrupt as the "one nation (of many states) government" of the US. Would you really like to have no where to run, should the US continue down this path of rights erosion, secret police, full surveillance, etc - only on a global scale? Where are you going to run to - MARS?!
Take the next step and say: well, I don't do anything wrong, so I have nothing to worry about. Yeah, till they do something stupid like: outlaw eating pizza. Then you're fucked, because I don't know about you, but I like pizza and the idea of having my living room xbox cam activated to see that I'm eating pizza followed by a drone flying out of the sky to scoop you up to slave wage privatized prison... you get where this is going. And in a one world govt. it's one size fit all, lobby your ass off oppression - with no way out.
And that is exactly what they want, is a sleek system that churns out zombies to fuel their quest for endless domination and conquest. Time to stop buying in to the NWO rhetoric of the One World One Nation One Currency One Religion bullshit.
2 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
Oh god, at no point did I imply a one world government. Fuck governments. People working together by no means supposes the need for a centralized hierarchical government. Any form of hierarchy in a centralized system will end up in the hands of a select few.
3 not_the_14us 2013-09-13
I would love to see people working together without the use of coercion, I just don't see how that's possible at this time, or in the near future.
2 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
Agreed. It's unlikely.
1 yakuzayalosa 2013-09-13
Yay libertarianism
0 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
I was thinking more along the lines of the style of anarchy Michael Bakunin espoused...
1 Chilledsneeze 2013-09-13
I down voted you because that's some anti-hereditarian communist bullshit.
1 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
If you want to put that spin on the system that would dominate over our current model then whatever man. I wasn't describing anything of the sort. If you're referring to the whole heaven on earth thing that's a loaded term. For an Ancap, heaven on earth is a totally unfettered free market (to put it simply). So take from it what you will I suppose. I'm more leaving for an anarchistic solution than a communist. I agree with Bakunin that any form of hierarchical government is going to eventually fall prey to corruption. I appreciate you telling me why though.
0 SovereignMan 2013-09-13
1 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
Yes... Strange that two sentences taken completely out of context might seem contradictory. With your first quote I was referring to all of humanity in general and in the second I was addressing specifically people who were down voting the comment without any discussion.
I really appreciate the posts you make and the comments you contribute and I'm surprised by your dismissive attitude of what I was trying to say. It's too bad people took it so wrongly and didn't bother to engage and understand what I was trying to say. Perhaps we'd be more in agreement than they assumed if they had bothered to do more than hit the down arrow...
1 SovereignMan 2013-09-13
Don't get me wrong, I'm about as anti-government as a person can get. I just found the terminology in your edit a bit ill-conceived.
1 d3sperad0 2013-09-13
yeah... it wasn't the best way to word that statement. I probably should have said something along the lines of, "Would anyone who has downvoted this comment care to engage in a discussion as to why you disagreed." But I was on my phone at work and yeah, it came across poorly.
-3 Internet_Oneironaut 2013-09-13
Israel is America's guy in the middle east. That's why they get away with all the shit they do
18 gensyms 2013-09-13
Are you quite sure that the US isn't Israel's bitch, instead?
-4 MeowYouveDoneIt 2013-09-13
America funds Israel with money and weapons. Without us they would be reduced to rubble
14 Mannix58 2013-09-13
without israel controlling the US, they ( US ) would be admired again.
8 4too 2013-09-13
Not only that ... those in control of America have deliberately dismantled and destroyed America's industrial base. It wasn't an accident, it was done with full conscious knowledge of the result. If we get Jews out of power in America, the country will immediately began to restore itself and begin to regain its prosperity. It would happen overnight, as it did in Germany in the 1930s. Germany was on its knees, and Jews ran everything; Hitler came into power, removed the Jews, and immediately Germany became prosperous again. That's not anti-Semitic, that's history. Look it up everybody.
0 [deleted] 2013-09-13
Wow, that's so wrong I don't even know where to start.
Jews didn't run everything in Germany. They had a slightly larger representation in private business leaderships than in the overall population, which can be easily traced back to the fact that most of them lived in cities and saw education as a big value - something they learned from 19th century antisemitism.
Germany was on its knees due to a lot of factors, WWI being one of them, the world economic crisis another. This was not because Jews did anything to harm the country. Why should they? Most of them felt as germans first, jews second. This is why a part of the german Jews never tried to flee, they just couldn't understand why somebody would call them un-german. The men even fought in WWI.
Germany didn't prosper because the Jews were gone. It prospered because it relied heavily on state-driven economy policies which were planned with money Germany didn't have at that moment. This is why Germany had to attack Eastern Europe, because of Lebensraum and all the goods it could take from there.
I don't know where you looked it up, but I'm pretty sure you didn't grab the best books. Because what you posted here isn't history, it's not based on facts and arguments, but on an opinion that is clearly antisemitism.
-17 MeowYouveDoneIt 2013-09-13
How would they control us though? They have no power over us financially or militarily
17 Doctor_Brain-Wave 2013-09-13
You need to do your research on the amount of politicians and movers & shakers in Washington that hold dual citizenship. Also, AIPAC.
11 remove_bagel 2013-09-13
Not sure if serious...
3 Mannix58 2013-09-13
seriously? Just the tip..
you must live in another country to not know this.
-1 HeLMeT_Ne 2013-09-13
If you're going to post a link trying to show the level of control that Israel has over the U.S., at least try and post something based on actual facts. This was nothing but an anti-semite rant full of generalizations and "estimates" but no real facts related to the United States. There are definite comparisons to pre-nazi Germany, but stating facts from 1920's Germany does nothing to prove Israeli control of the U.S. Besides that, Jews living in America, even if they are as dominant as this "article" claims, doesn't really have anything to do with Israel owning or not owning the U.S. Might as well say we are run by Kenya because we have a black president.
1 Mannix58 2013-09-13
Anti-semite.?...that old shit doesn't fly anymore. Move along.
1 HeLMeT_Ne 2013-09-13
Oh my bad. Guess the rest of my point must not be valid then. If only I'd said anti-zionist instead maybe you would have responded to my points about your lacking any real facts.
2 petedacook 2013-09-13
When President Obama calls a joint session of congress, only one side cheers. The other side of the aisle does not cheer, and sometimes even boos.
The last time Netanyahu spoke at a joint session of congress he received over 20 standing ovations from both sides of the aisle.
Why does the leader of Israel draw such partisan support, when they President does not draw nearly as much support, let alone partisan? Add to the fact Netanyahu disregarded and negated what Obama has stated previously, and you can begin to see where the loyalty lies.
A year later, when Obama stated that the 1967 borders should be the starting point for renewed two-state negotiations—an American position for more than a generation—Netanyahu delivered what Beinart describes as “one of the most extraordinary humiliations of a president by a foreign leader in American history.” Fresh from speaking at AIPAC’s annual conference, Netanyahu replied that there was no chance of Israel withdrawing to “indefensible lines.”
-4 Old-Hickory 2013-09-13
What theory?
That Israel controls the USA? You haven't offered any support for it other than "The actions of America do not seem to benefit the people, nor do they benefit the government a majority of the time"
USA Support for Israel is pretty easy to explain actually
1 They were our ally in the cold war. When Arab nations turned to the USSR, Israel simply because another pawn of the USA's vs communism.
2 They are really the only functioning democracy in the middle east. Arabs (esp women) in Israel have more rights than any other middle eastern country
3 Money for defense contractors. A lot of the aid the USA gives them is then just spent on American weapons. American weapons companies help fund political campaigns. The people they get elected then funnel USA tax payer money to them
4 They're still the US's closest Ally in the region. The USA is basically buying their support (same with the aid given to Egypt)
15 4too 2013-09-13
You're smart enough to see the truth. That's smarter than 95% of the other people in this subreddit.
7 5arge 2013-09-13
Dude... all day today I have been pondering "the wizard behind the curtain" in exactly those terms, and then I read this statement from you. Apparently it's gaining traction among the average nobodies...add me to the list.
8 ThumperNM 2013-09-13
You are trying to talk to a zionist and probably a paid Israeli shill. Won't work.
1 drowninginthedarknes 2013-09-13
Thank you good sir.