I've watched every single one of Charles Manson's interviews, and it's pretty mind blowing....

2  2013-09-21 by Okmanl

Manson claims that the swastika on his forehead represents his fathers dying in WW2 for his rights, which were denied to him in the courtroom. During his trial, Manson could not call one witness, and when it came time to defend himself, the judge dismissed the entire jury so that they couldn't hear his testimony (which turns out to be true).

Furthermore he denies the entire Helter Skelter theory. According to him, the media perpetuated this myth to make him appear insane. He claims that his cause has always been for the environment and against corporations taking over America and in all of his interviews, he never claims that he was trying to start a race war.


This is the interview that convinced me that Manson isn't as insane as he's made out to be. Although during this period he has been locked up in solitary for 10+ years and was forced medication, he still seems pretty coherent and mentally stable. Finally he says he never ordered the killings and that his cause has always been for the environment and against wall-street.



Manson worked collecting children for a pedo ring and was involved Ilin satanic rituals as well as being well know in Hollywood circles. He was a piece of shit.

Ironically /r/conspiracy blasts politicians and "the elite" for being pedophiles, murderers, and psychopath satanists but embraces people that are admitted pedophiles, murderers, and psychopath satanists.

That's a mighty big brush ya got there.

Seems to be made of purchased upvotes too.

You are stupid. Work on it.

Ahhh, I remember the first time I had an opinion about someone I didn't know at all...

Was it this time?

Seems to be made of purchased upvotes too.


When you're at the point when in defense of your sub you have to say 'Who are you talking about besides Charles Manson' in regards to heroes, maybe you need to step back and reevaluate the steps you took to get there.

Dunno...George H.W Bush maybe.

An anti r/conspiracy post by someone who frequents r/conspiratard gets all these upvotes?? Weird..... I for one do not embrace admitted pedophiles, murderers, and psychopath satanists.

First of all I subscribe to this sub as well, and in general try to reasonably debate the people on here, but come on, even you have to admit this thread is laughably ludicrous.

All I see is you trying to create a false stereotype about the community of r/conspiracy. Yes we always question the official narrative, but how does that mean we embrace anything. With understanding you will find that most of r/conspiracy does not "embrace" any one perspective out of habit. Once you can analyze all the spectrum of perspectives on a subject, then you can find the real truth from the full picture. The ability to entertain a perspective without committing to it is a vital part of critical thinking.

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

"The illusion is only surface deep"

"I have to return some video tapes"

The thread does not represent the collective hivemind of /r/conspiracy as you have proposed. I sub here as well and I am a conspiracy theorist and this is the first post I have seen about manson in 4 years.

You are being a troll and a jackass. Go back to conspiratard and stop looking for material to post for karma.


You're a fucking liar.

edit: Notice how in all those threads the consensus seems to be that Charles Manson was either a victim, a patsy, or a genius to be admired.

In fact, this is the only thread where he is loudly denounced and people are ridiculing the poster and you are saying we are all /r/conspiratard trolls, so yes, the collective hivemind of /r/conspiracy seems to swing towards the positive for manson.

And you are a fucking dumb ass. You linked your search for Manson to 10 results representing the entire history of /r/conspiracy regarding Manson.

10 Manson posts in the history of /r/conspiracy with

  • 3 receiving more than 20 likes, including this one
  • 6 posts receiving 5 or less likes
  • 1 post receiving 12 likes
  • Those 10 posts round off your summarized "/r/conpiracy love for Manson

And despite the evidence you posted, you take a giant leap in logic to conclude R/conspiracy loves charles Manson and proclaim "this is the only thread where he is loudly denounced?"

Go back to R/conspiratard. You're stupid.

And you are a fucking dumb ass. You linked your search for Manson to 10 results representing the entire history of /r/conspiracy regarding Manson.


And despite the evidence you posted, you take a giant leap in logic to conclude R/conspiracy loves charles Manson and proclaim "this is the only thread where he is loudly denounced?"


I believe I said this: yes, the collective hivemind of /r/conspiracy seems to swing towards the positive for manson.

All the available evidence shows that when the topic is brought up people tend to respond positively, and if they do feel negatively don't feel strongly enough to post about it, so the consensus on Charles Manson in this subreddit is positive unless you can provide evidence to the contrary?

Pretty much your rebuttal which you had to sleep on to come up with was "NO BUT YOU'RE STUPID!!! FUCK YOU!!!" Come on now.

All the available evidence shows that when the topic is brought up people tend to respond positively

NO, dip shit. Your own evidence shows that in over 4 years, there has been 10 posts about Manson with 70% of those receiving less than 20 votes.

You're stupid.

An anti r/conspiracy post by someone who frequents r/conspiratard gets all these upvotes??

Maybe it's no coincidence that most of the mods at r/conspiratard have been booted or suspended from reddit for vote rigging at one point or another.

Actually what one user posts should not be taken as the representative view of the whole sub. This place is not a hive of groupthink like r/conspiratard.

Oooh where's my ice for this burn. The irony.

It's not irony-- there is a great diversity of opinion here, but there if you question the orthodoxy they fling poo at you.

Sure that's the way. We just throw poo at you, their called facts, reality and evidence friend but it's ok.

On the few occasions I've been there I've yet to see anything resembling an open-minded intelligent discussion involving facts or evidence-- it's mostly small minded clowns who jeer at people who dare present facts or evidence that contradict accepted ideas or accounts of events. The real irony is that the people there think that they're the ones who are able to think clearly and independently. Here you find intelligent discussion and varying opinions of different events, there you get mocked for not falling in line with the group.

I imagine you as the kind of guy who went to school in a "You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same" t-shirt from Hot Topic.

I've never been that dramatic.

You're fucking hilarious. Ever think of taking that act on the road?

The fact that you think what I said there is hilarious is far more hilarious than what I said...so maybe you should be the one on the road.

Really? Rubber/glue is the best you got? Sigh. This shit just isn't entertaining anymore. :(

I'm not trying to be entertaining-- I'm just making observations.

Source? I have read around 6 books about Manson and never heard about satanic rituals. I concur that he was a p.o.s

He belonged to The Ordo Tempi Orientis which gets its tenets from one Mr. Crowley. He also worked at the infamous boys town where the Franklin cover up took place. But maybe that was just a coincidence. Just Google them. Connect the dots brother.

Is there any evidence of collecting children? I knew about the groups, he was involved with scientology at one point but collecting children seems like a stretch.

he did indeed.. wasn't recognized for a long time and was used as a pr stunt.. people cringed.

So basically he was doing exactly what the top .001% of the elite on this planet do. Yet he's the piece of shit? Okay.

Not excusing anything he's done, but perhaps people should really understand who and what they in fact should really be looking at.

Just because I recognize the shittyness of one person doesn't mean I overlook the shittyness of others. This thread is about Manson. And by the way who do you think he worked for delivering children? The 99%?

Just because I recognize the shittyness of one person doesn't mean I overlook the shittyness of others.

Your initial statement gives no indication that you are to any extent aware of that influencing element that exists outside of people like Manson and that have been shown to be as manipulative of others as they are immensely powerful.

This thread is about Manson.

And, as a result, also about those influences that he was also a part of - influences that, as I said above, have shown themselves to be ubiquitous in their power and manipulation.

And by the way who do you think he worked for delivering children? The 99%?

You obviously have no understanding of things related to those realities detailed in docs like "The Franklin Scandal".

I wouldn't base your opinion on Charlie from a few interviews. He clearly has the ability to charm. If he didn't then he never would have been so successful at getting together the group he did. Like many psychopaths he is very good at manipulation and even in prison has a sense of what might appeal to a certain listener. Do more "research" if you want to know what the real Manson was like. He was a predator and a psychopath, cunning, shrewd and talented but extremely dangerous.

Agreed, here is the earliest Charles Manson interview where he was most sane and at his prime charismatically. He made such a fool out of his interviewer that he lost his job at the Tomorrow Show


The interview was in 1981, the show ended in 1982 when they changed formats.

"When not grilling guests, Snyder would often joke around with offstage crewmen, often breaking out in the distinctively hearty laugh that was the basis of Dan Aykroyd's impersonation of Snyder on Saturday Night Live (12 occasions, 1976–1979 and 1995).[5] Following a disastrous experiment with turning Tomorrow into a more typical talk show—renaming it Tomorrow Coast to Coast and adding a live audience and co-host Rona Barrett (all of which Snyder resented)—the show was canceled in 1982 to make way for the up-and-coming young comedian David Letterman."


See that's what I don't get. What's he trying to influence here? Dont get me wrong, the mans fucked up, but what he's talking about seems based on a different scale of reality than what we see it as. It's throwing himself under the bus but through that he seems completely fine with it

Yowza, holy 2 month old comment Batman!

I don't think that normal people can properly understand the motives of a psychopath. What gives them a thrill seems to be the act of manipulation or control of another person. If he can get one person to buy into his bullshit, in his mind anyhow, he's winning.

Haha, sorry about the timing. I just feel like he's not trying to manipulate or pull anything here. He seems like he's truly talking from his mind and it doesn't really serve a purpose of manipulation anymore than he's just ranting.

by research do you mean read the book or watch the movie? /s

Whatever you do certainly don't base your understanding of the man based upon his actual interaction.

I base some of my understanding of him on his recorded music.

That is also out of bounds. You can only base your understandings on the slow motion face shots of Manson on a bad day.

and to hide the fact that Roman Polanski drugged and raped an underaged girl (which also turns out to be true)

Considering he was arrested for it, and fled the country for decades to avoid prosecution, all of which was highly publicized, I'd say the media did a shitty job of covering this up. You added "which also turns out to be true" as though people were seriously doubting this happened, and as though it wasn't enormous news at the time.

Has it occurred to you that when your only source is what Manson claims, perhaps it's best to take what he says with an enormous pillar of salt? I mean, the guy has plenty of reason to lie through his teeth.

sshhhhh the poor submitter probably doesn't even know who Roman Polanski is.

Apparently, he doesn't understand who Charles Manson is either.

Helter Skelter was made up? Are you serious? Have you never watched an interview with any other Manson Family members? Linda Kasabian, Squeaky Fromme, Susan Atkins, Tex Watson, Patricia Krenwinkle. Look them up and listen to what they have to say.

Charlie was a goddamn maniac. He attacked the judge in open court during his trial.

One born every day...

Manson was a psychotic psychopath.

He's incapable of believing in things.

Listening to him is a total waste of time outside of study as a subject.

Ever been conned by a con man? Well, you have now.

You should watch them again.

There's only one women in the world, and that's Jesus!

Classic Charlie

It's called "Jailhouse bullshit".

Polanski's arrest was in 1977. Long after Helter Skelter.

Um this is utter bullshit. I've seen plenty of interview video and parole hearing video where he admits doing all of this and then some. But hey you believe whatever you want. He is fun to listen to though.

I think the swatsika first represented an X for him being an outcast....then upon being jailed he was forced by the nazis to make it into a swastika.

He's a hobo and a jug of wine

You nailed it

Apparently, he doesn't understand who Charles Manson is either.

Was it this time?

Seems to be made of purchased upvotes too.