Anyone else notice the shills tend to be almost completely absent in NSA threads?

45  2013-09-29 by [deleted]

What types of threads do you see them most and what threads do they ignore?


Shills are most pronounced in gmo, vaccine, and 9/11 threads.

I can't find a single GMO thread that doesn't get overrun by shills. Check out this thread, where I accumulated almost 400 downvotes in about 3 hours

Wow... you got utterly destroyed by those shills.

Wow - I just checked, all my posts were deleted without a trace. I had about 6 posts there, each with 60-150 downvotes. Guess I should be flattered?

you got downvoted so far the posts imploded?

and nuclear & fluoride

Well GMO and vaccines are scientific so it's easy to debunk them with hard facts and not just opinions/hearsay. Those conspiracies can be tested with experiments/studies.

Hence the need for shills.

Not too surprising, this is what the msm will talk about right now. Good catch.

R/conspiratard pounced on and destroyed this thread:

Could be trolls, could be shills... who knows.

This is a strong example of shill behaviour. Could we do a weekly roundup of the most down-voted posts on r/conspiracy and stick it to the top page? This would burst their bubble in one move...

Edit: Your post just went from -47 to -49 in a matter of minutes.

Wow. That post would usually get general acceptance in here. Perhaps the Jewish Internet Defense Force was on that one.

EDIT: see the post history of the people in that thread. Almost every single one with positive karma is a regular in r/conspiratard. I saw one who is Jewish and other Israel apologists on there who come to r/conspiracy to fuck up threads about Israel. Not surprising since much of your post was about Israel.

I think so. I invited the JIDF to work with us in one of the r/conspiratard threads made about this, but I was called anti-semitic for doing that, too...

One theory I've had on it is that the negative attention on the NSA deflects from negative attention placed on other agencies. They're the sacrificial lambs allowing everyone else to go about their unconstitutional business. There were other little clouds on those slides, and everyone ignores them (just like how everyone pretty much ignored the news that the NSA shares US citizens' data, unredacted, with Israel - which to me sounds pretty treasonous...although it's probable we only have as much data as we do because they shared their cache with us).

I'm totally with you. Snowden's a former(?) CIA agent and has said almost nothing about them. Some of his stories (like "NSA is targrting google") seem pretty suspect considering that fact plus googles close relationship with the cia.

The "shills" don't seem to have a problem with information that casts the United States hegemony in a bad light. Perhaps the endgame is to deconstruct the narrative of the United States government specifically?

they are specific agency or corporation/industry focused, hired or told to defend one position or point of view. 'US govt' per se is not on their remit.

your average shill 'cubicle warrior' is in their early twenties, wet behind the ears, not knowledgeable about the world at all, not much life experience, they have to be trained to defend an issue, so they are narrow minded and unable to spread their wisdom around on different subjects. (except FPS gaming which is a obvious trait that shows in govt 'cubicle warriors', it shows their age at a glance)

keen fresh faced kids straight out of college or some DoD training program, after a couple of years they must burn out and get very jaded, the psychologically toll of knowingly defending BS in the face of truth would be horrible.

One would think a proper shill would be ideologically aligned with whatever cause they happen to be promoting, or at the very minimum sufficiently indoctrinated as to be sure they're on the side of "correctness"

Yeah I think the end game is a peter thiel-esque libertarian utopia, with a good corporation and technology coming in to save the day...

The NSA's surveillance is being offloaded to AI - I wouldn't be surprised if the result of this scandal is to 'disappear' the NSA and totally privatize surveillance/security/policing.

If that's where we're headed, resource shortages, wealth redistribution, and democracy seem like the important issues to focus on. Is it even possible to halt technological progress?

I think the end result is going to be total transparency. Ironic as it sounds, it may be a form of direct democracy governed by technological information and access. Simply put, it's going to become more difficult for the deep state to continue to operate above the normal state.

I hope you're right.

The traditional media (mouthpiece of the establishment) is openly mocked and scrutinized in a way that was unfathomable as few as 5 years ago not just by nutters like you and I, but by pretty much everyone. Most people are still wildly off in their presumptions of empirical reality, but they at least recognize that they're being lied to blatantly and constantly.

There is no historical context whatsoever for a massive global consciousness that is connected with technology, but I strongly believe that it is not a good time to be a globalist thieving cocksucker right now.

Word. Let's make it happen.


"less absent"


they all do, they all also hire marketing companies to do shill work in forums too, often offshoring to non US companies to bypass those annoying US laws that prohibit US officials from doing domestic politics in work hours (on the clock).

They seem to hit certain threads in large numbers now.

Personally I believe it because this is an actual bone fide conspiracy. Whereas people often get called shills because they are arguing about 9/11 or chemtrails I don’t think anyone can dispute what the NSA has done. Essentially there is no controversy.

No prewritten scripts for this sort of shit.


A shill is usually pretty obvious, especially when you look at the comment history. I've seen some who post every hour for 20 hours on one topic every day. I haven't seen one on the NSA.

Further up the comments, one user cited

I'm not saying it doesn't exist. It's just 90% witch-hunting imho, which is kinda sad.

I'd say almost every single person in that thread with positive karma is clearly a shill. They are Israel apologists and regulars in r/conspiratard. See their post history.

i think the problem is people assume when we say shill we mean "paid" instead of troll/tard/ignoramus/uninformed/defenderofthesttusquo/mainstreamrepeaters/sheep/zombies

sharing your opinion

and conversely not sharing it, is not an indicator of shill, doing the bland 'everything is all right, you are a dumb public person'

is shill behavior, these uber experts with impeccable writings skills and university grammar, suddenly decide to haunt r/conspiracy and other subreddits , why !?, are they super bored for something to do with their life for a day/week/month or on somebody's payroll.

obvious answer really.


Then why do you come here all of the time to derail conversations? Many of us remember you.


This is absolutely stupid of me to argue against your opinion of the priorities of shills, so I won't. And what the fuck do you mean "if they exist?"

they might post in r/truereddit, in r/politics, in r/news. They would not post in r/conspiracy.

That’s a very good point actually, they are not going to waste their time trying to convert those who have already made up their minds.

I eat up the threads from r/conspiracy, but I personally think the NSA scandal has been overdone. Sometimes datamining is just datamining. In order for the authorities to know what is abnormal, they must know what is normal. Everyone has a "permanent record," and it shouldn't be something which causes shame. The American public buys into the convenience of being on the grid. All records are viewed by someone. Not that I give the government my fullhearted support, but there has to be a watchmen. As far as I feel, NSA officials should tighten ethical procedures before hiring. I want the government to know what I am doing, that way I know I'm protected. Not trying to sound shillish, but I believe the datamining is necessary. Let me know if you disagree, I hope for a constructive conversation on the matter

well I agree with this. But the most important thing with NSA scandal is "dont do it in secret and than lie to your people" The goverment should represent people. If goverment does something against their people and doesnt even gives them the option to make a decision that isnt democracy anymore. And the witch hunting of Edward Snowden just proves that it isnt democratic goverment anymore. That is why it is so important. Not the data gathering, but the secrets, intimidations of companies etc... I know people dont want to accept it. But this basically means there isnt just a corrupt shadow goverment. There is organized corrupt shadow goverment. Which means it have to be built a longer time ago than since terrorists. Which means that all those odd things about terrorism and false flags attack and spying on civil rights movement etc... are 100% more odd (I hate the image of hundreads years old satanistic illuminaty order, but the fact is that on the top there is hidden organized goverment that could be capable of anything. We cant know it if dont know who is ruling and what laws is he making)

and nuclear & fluoride

I can't find a single GMO thread that doesn't get overrun by shills. Check out this thread, where I accumulated almost 400 downvotes in about 3 hours

Well GMO and vaccines are scientific so it's easy to debunk them with hard facts and not just opinions/hearsay. Those conspiracies can be tested with experiments/studies.