Wouldn't a government shutdown be a great time to hide some other activity from government employees?

135  2013-10-02 by StoicGoof

Doesn't this shutdown leave our institutions and their records at least a little more vulnerable? I would think that if someone was to commit a crime they'd maybe plan to do it when, uh, you know, no-one was around?

I can't get this thought out of my head when I think about the shutdown. MSM is telling everyone to look one way, what is happening in the other direction?


That's a good point. Lots could go on unnoticed I'd think. NASA, Agriculture, Firearms etc are all dead right now.

ISON began it's passing of mars today. The rover and a mars satellite were to get close up footage of the comet. NASA/Mars project closed down. ISON effects eminent!! :)

When you say NASA/Mars project do you mean the curiosity rover?

It will continue operation.


"JPL is a private contractor owned by the California Institute of Technology. As such, its personnel aren't among the 17,701 NASA employees that were furloughed today."

You can't be serious ...

As about as serious as Obama claiming impending doom because of the shutdown. By the way any news on ISON passing mars?

Today ISON made it's closest pass to Mars, around 2 degrees above an left of the planet. At +12 magnitude, the comet is still impossible to see with the naked eye (it's about 600 times dimmer than what we can see with the naked eye), but it can be brought out with multiple stacked exposures.

Here it is using a Celestron 9.25" @ 1480mm on Takahashi EM200 on Monday (15x180 second exposure): http://s5.postimg.org/64rw3j291/Comet_ISON_Aligned_to_Stars_Median_rs_mix_sharp.png

Here is an animation with the stars tracked: http://s5.postimg.org/j2ensh2cl/ISON_in_Motion.gif

Here is another image from September 28th, 2 days before the closest pass to Mars: http://asterisk.apod.com/download/file.php?id=10739&mode=view

What is your question about the comet exactly? It will be far more visible the closer it gets to the sun, which will happen over the coming weeks.

My pondering is whether or not NASA will release the footage/images of ISON they were extremely excited to get http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mro/blogs/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowBlogs&BlogsID=281 from the mars rover http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/home/index.html and the orbiter http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mro/ . Hope that helps.

Maybe it has to do with a certain false flag operation expected to commence within the next few weeks? Even people who work in government facilities will protest against blowing up your own city, so the only way to overcome that is to get everyone out of their offices and in the dark.

last month, weren't people talking about an event in late september that would happen? related to FEMA camps maybe?

I think you're referring to the FEMA's purchase of over 50 million $ of emergency supplies for region 3 in the US and list to bring over 300,000 UN peacekeepers to US solid by October 1? Thats the only FEMA related talk I remember from September..

That's a possibility. We'll have to see if there are any major "terrorist" attacks in the future. Even an incident twenty years down the road could have been started during this shutdown.

yeah but that'd be pretty far out there.

"we started a government shutdown TWENTY YEARS AGO, just so the seed of our nefarious scheme could be planted. today we HARVEST!"

I was hoping to see this somewhere I had the thought earlier today and it seems like a perfect ruse to do whatever hidden agenda may be going on here. It's all purely speculation but, it seems like a very easy way to put federal employees in the dark and limit any risk of whistleblowers.

No. No. No. They've only shut down the most visible, the most public-supported government offices. The government isn't truly "shut down." It's a Congressional terrorist tactic to threaten their opponents. You aren't any more likely to get away with crime today than last week.

I mean, you could probably jaywalk through Yosemite Park or something. That's about it.

I have a feeling that fukushima is behind a lot of this. I mean, only if the reports from the alternative news sites are correct, (the MSM stopped reporting on fukushima a long time ago.)

If the reports are true, fukushima is going to become the trigger. Imagine, many times more radiation than chernobyl. Many, many times more. Japan will be uninhabitable. Hawaii also, and from the looks of things, the entire west coast of america. Where are these people going to go?

You can make the speculation that this is why the fema camps exist, and why all the extra assets they have ordered. Millions upon millions of displaced peoples. This woukd cause chaos--the segway for martial law.

While our government plays the sleight of hand trick on us to focus our attention towards facetious "news," fukushima readily pours out more and more radiation while incompetent workers make things worse. Afterall, if we knew that plans were being implemented for the east coast to suddenly house tens of millions of refugees, wed all flip shit.

Of course, if the reports on fukushima are correct. The shutdown couldve been staged using political differences as a scapegoat. Allowing nonessential personel to prepare, or to nix them from process, they could continue their final preparations without dissent until the final word.

Of course, this is all speculation. It would mean nothing, absolutely nothing, if the reports on fukushima from alternative news sites are wrong.

While we sit back and watch our parks close, lets keep an eye on fukushima...just in case.

Where are people going to go? I live in a two bedroom apt by myself. There are thousands of empty foreclosed houses. There's two empty apartment buildings on my block. We just got accustomed to living alone.

What about feeding all these people? Healthcare for all of them? Tens of millions of refugees is almost unfathomable. Just look at syria, where just a few million refugees is creating such a huge burden on the neighboring countries who are working together to house these few million.

While empty apt buildings and foreclosed homes could help, it would only he a drop in the bucket considering a massive refugee crisis.

(Keep in mind, this is just a hypothetical situation. Though hypothetical, I believe it could be a possible problem in the future..)

I understand that radioactive material is leaking into the ocean but how catastrophic could that be? We've detonated hundreds of nuclear weapons underwater already. What would make this worse?

Good point. Things like that make me skeptical about the reports on fukushima. Im no nuclear expert, but id think detonating nuclear devices in the ocean would be similar if not worse than whats going on at fukushima...

These comments seem to be the same old sort of moderately boring speculative points that are spouted off every two seconds here. But OP, you are certainly on the right track. I don't care about either side of the coin, i want to know who's flipping it. Compare this all with whats happening with the dollar and its obviously impending fate. As well as the fed reserve and elite banking cartels. They know they are going down imminently. If not NOW, then very soon. The fed is flying blind, and this is just the last smash and grab of the global banking elite. Rats scurrying to find the best holes before the tornado hits. Getting out alive/untouched is the race. Its obviously a hard thing to do when the dollar, everything its propped up on, and everything thats propping it up are increasingly and exponentially becoming meaningless. This is that 'thing' that someone else is doing when 'no-one is around'.

-what are the connections between the chinese elite and western elite. If they are connected it could well be about destroying the doller to bring in the next phase of the global interconnected monetary system.

This will allow them to shift resources from certain countries to others (money leading to-(technology, universitys, schooling, buying resources, uplifting propoganda for china, india, russia?)). I like your thinking though, i am purely speculating and having nothing to back up my points from above.

The government is still running

Regulators are "non-essential".

A government shutdown has happened 20 times since the '60s.


As a non american can somebody please explain this whole shutdown thing I only just heard about this now.

Maybe this is the black out drill.

See, America is still functioning. Our planning and preparation has made this a safer nation.

heyOP, you barely post onthis account.

why is it?

and this whole MSM tell this while something else happens.. yes, very common