Demoralizing posts in here towards america

2  2013-10-03 by [deleted]

Has anyone else noticed the extreme amount of negitivity of posts towards america I for one don't understand how you all don't defend our country from this and agree with these other people damn man focus on the good changes and stop agreeing with them.

Remeber a nation divided is a nation conquered.

You notice something here I answer every post lets try this in all of them.


Ask yourself, what is a country? When you feel like you should defend America, what exactly is it that you want to defend?

The people are that make it what it is. As in the citizens. Not the leaders. But the ideas of what it was founded on.

I know it sounds stupid but oct 6th 1998 I took that oath and I never forgot what it ment or strayed from it and I will bring my son up knowing his father made a promise to a nation and upheld it till the day of his death.

And it would make me the happiest father to see him hold values in his country as I have

ADHDferret have you read this?:

its the 45 goals for communist takeover of America, one of the goals is to discredit America and its culture to demoralize us. A lot of conspiracy theorists are on the jump on America bandwagon and I think some people's hearts are in the right place but they are barking up the wrong tree. The real conspiracy are those intent on breaking us down from within. They've infiltrated all offices, media and the education field to destroy the American ideals, there IS an agenda and if it was exposed it probably would be deemed to fantastic & bizarre to be believed.

No I haven't read it but I knew this the day of the Alfred P murroh bombing when cnn let conny chung say that bullshit that we couldn't handle it as oklahomas it dawned on me that day to never belive media and know what we oklahomas got her kicked out the state for her insult

That is what america is about was that day everyone banded together and made a differance

What oath did you take? Were you originally from another country.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." 

And no I am from edmond oklahoma is where I was born.

Many here widely believe the constitution is in tatters .

It is still in dc I saw it and it isn't in tatters.


No tangible I saw it behind a glass case 8 days ago and it is real screw what people say it is there defend it don't just give up.

Are there any provisions for when the orders of the president and the officers appointed over you go against that same constitution?

No there isn't

I think it's the government we all don't like... it's always the governments that start wars, kill massive amounts of innocent people and create conflict... the citizens of countries are usually easy going but give the power to these war-mongering beasts.

I will agree with you but all of us americans need to bring the positive to this. Lol the real conspiricy here is the fact we let them tell us how to feel.

Exactly. Americans let's get off our asses, put down the remote and smart phones/laptops and so on, get outside and get involved. Let's go to city council meetings, any political meetings we can get to as a public citizen, make some noise. Marxists, weirdos and those with agendas have been making sure THEY showed up- and while we were sleeping they took over the wheel. Anything that's been happening is OUR own fault! Let's take it back!

I learned a lot from a Mr Brian Gerrish- he's in UK but what he's accomplished is amazing. Here in US Americans have never heard of "Common Purpose" but we have that weird conspiracy here in spades. We know that something isn't "quite right" but we don't know exactly what it is..

Well said I do it everywhere I go is inform people the youth is what we need to be focusing on here kids want to learn just gotta find a way to teach them.

And don't for one second say it is them that don't want to learn pfffff it is you that won't find a way to teach them.

agreed. we have the power, not them... though we voluntarily (or by being manipulated) give them the power.

We should fire all branches of governemnt and start over fuck these members of senate and congrees in there for 20 years it is a public job for short term then let new in there. If you can't change shit is 4 years then you suck at your job and deserve to be fired

Not for long, once they disarm the populace, we are truly fucked.

Americans are alright, hell im one of em, but goddamn we live in the worst fucking country.

How can you say that you ever been to nigera or the sudan. Or have you even been out of north america.

ive been all over europe, canada and some south america, compared to the third world yea we(americans) are well of, but go to Germany France Denmark Russia Finland Sweden Iceland etc, and the people are generally more happy, more friendly, and in much better physical condit

I think the reason for that is cause they don't put up with people talking bad about there country like america does.

Americans need a cold dose of reality. and more than just a little one. the citizens of the nation are asleep at the wheel. they are uninformed, and when they are informed, they just dont care. fuck america. fuck imperialism.

Fuck america huh I really hope you don't mean that it is what I helped to defend it really saddens me that anyone would think this and drives a knife into me that you would say it but be that as it is I wish you the best.

im sure there are plenty of parentless children in northern africa who share my sentiments.

Be that as it is don't mean we don't have people here that try to help. Try to direct you anger towards those that are in a position to cause this like leaders that make the decisions.

like i said fuck america, not americans. americans are alright.

Americans are what makes america but I know what you are saying.

What you helped to defend was a lie. What you were told was securing FREEDOM was in actuality building a better environment for Corporate interests abroad.

And if you can honestly sit in your comfy chair and tap away at your keyboard about how you don't understand why Americans can possibly have anything bad to say about modern America, then you didn't learn anything important from your time served.

I learned that as a team we can overcome any obstacle in our path and you keep your attitude it is really good.

And I am not in a comfy chair typing at a keyboard I am at a military base insuring the safety of others with what I now do for a living. As inspecting Arial lifts don't try and talk down to me you have no idea what I do or who I am it is obvious.

I do my part to help insure this nations fighting force one way or another.

that's because we are lazy and aren't DOING anything to change things. We (myself included especially) need to quit crying and start doing something. People CAN make a difference.

You are right lets do it

Do what ive been telling people to do since RT4. Graffiti. spread messages. advocate advocacy. wake people up. we cant make anything change if people continue to sleepwalk through whats going on.

Are you being serious?

Yes I am I think that is what is wrong is that to many people here in america won't stand up any more and just let others talk like op and then agree with them.

It kills a little piece of me to see other from here take this.

So what about the Americans that "won't stand up" because standing up means arrest by law enforcement or worse?

The revolution won't take on the forms you've seen on television or in the movies. It's already happening. But at this juncture, it's ineffective to stand up and hoot and holler like a goddamn moron. We have to approach this in an intelligent manner, and that means not immediately caving to emotional counterproductive nonsense.

As I said before change starts with youth I think it is the only way we will start a change.

Those that want to subvert our nation definitely believe that change starts with youth.

You are so right and they are trying to do it with media and all other forms I can't upvote you have enough for this I only hope we won't be to late.

Yeah youth is being pumped full of celebrity news not world events and school are nothing more then an indoctrination into servatude. You graduate and are never asked for the damn diploma.

Your diploma is your understanding of what's expected of you to be a good Corporate sharecropper.

Lol nice phrasing

are you kidding me?? "worst fucking country" really? When I went overseas and came back I literally got down and kissed the ground. No I'm not some flag waving patriotic doofus, but I have traveled and let me tell you- I never thought that America was great or anything til I went to some shit countries. You have NO idea.. none.. US is great. It really is. Thats why all these losers from shitty countries immigrate here.

I wouldn't call them losers it is what this country was made for as a haven from oppresion

nope, we are an overreaching imperialist country the reminisces of the Third Reich. Still the worst country.

I agree and THANKS for posting this. This is an OLD communist trick- to get us to lose faith in the system and lose confidence in law enforcement and our leaders, that way we can be broken down and not trust our govt. You know what, I think there IS a big conspiracy- and it's NOT the government. It's people intent on destroying us from within.

I am glad you are the first person that realized what I posted this for in another post I am getting downvoted to hell for saying this a lot different.


What do you mean

Oligarchical collectivists? Just speculating.

Man I am just a guy with a little bit of school you got way to many vouls to even pronounce that much less say it.

Say what you mean in a sentance form so I can understand it. I am not stupid by any means but come on.

Please tell us what should be done, Joe McCarthy!

I am offering a solution educate the youth your kids and neighbors go out and converse with others.

It is amazing that you posted this video...

It's a brief talk by a KGB defector from 30 years ago that talks about just this problem. Brief summary...he talks about the three stages of PSYOPS towards an enemy nation...demoralization (this stage is complete), destabilization (almost complete or complete), followed by crisis (which could be argues to have already occurred although I think a bigger crisis is required.)

I will watch it later tonight and comment here about it thank you.

Please do. He outlines basic Soviet PSYOP policy from 30 years ago...eye opening and fascinating...I have always been fascinated by cointel and psyops so maybe I am just overly impressed by how easily he describes a situation that I have been watching unfold for 13 years now...but never had the vocabulary or understanding of the scope of the's massive!

Look, demoralization is a tried and true tactic of propaganda. This is why it is very important that individuals really learn to think for themselves, stay educated, and try to stay involved. If the population doesn't respect this inward journey of values, the country they are a member of is going to stray from any value set it may appear to represent. America, is a Prime example of this. America is on some bullshit right now. America and its 3 letter agencies are up to no good more often then naught. America lies to its public. America and its leaders are not setting the right examples for the future when it comes to the environment, children, and longevity of humanity. Cash is King in the land of the free and that is the way it is. Now I am not saying it is different or better anywhere else, but lets get real. The almighty dollar is what drives our values. The almighty dollar and pursuit of POWER is what the military defends nowadays. You don't defend freedom, and haven't for a long time. That is blatant propaganda just on the other spectrum of demoralization. If America was invaded or faced a serious threat, I would defend the land, but that is not what we do. We show smiles and bring tears of war/debt instead.

So back to people getting involved. How can people stay involved when they have to work all the time to support themselves or their families? How can people get involved when they are afraid of being arrested/profiled/ID'd/Labeled for anything that may go against what big institutions don't have planned? How can people stay informed when the media, to whom they trust, are nothing more than a circus?

I appreciate your sentiment, but if you want to save this country, it needs to change from some hard truths.

You can't be intimidated know your rights I myself have been harassed by tsa, dhs, and border security at more then just airports. The key is fight back but know what you are doing don't take and shit from them.

As for working all the time pfffff I am only home 5 - 8 days a month with a wife a four yo boy a dog a ferret and 8 chickens and I manage to enlighten at least one person every few days to the shit going on so that excuse is null. And if people are driven by the dollar whatever yeah I work a lot cause I got a plan and I want certian things for my family it isn't that they want them but I want it for them.

Plus I help at many organizations in my community mostly infant crisis centers and you need money to do that it is my job as an american is to offer aid to those that need the help and won't take advantage of it and babies I feel won't take advabtage of me lol.

Parents yes but it isn't the kids fault they got shit parents and I teach my son these values and he is only of the most generous children many have ever seen and courtious to everyone. I have yet to have anyone say anything bad about him. Yeah he is a kid and by no means perfect. That is my job to raise him and do my best to instill values in his character.

As for staying informed by the media it is something I really try to make people avoid I promote this forum and explain how to filter the bullshit best thing here is there are usually comments of people debunking the bullshit. If they still choose media then oh well I tried it is all I can do is my best and yes I understand that sometimes my best isn't good enough.

Best advise I give people is stay happy tou only get one shot at life make it count if you touch one persons life you made a differance.

See I disagree with your first statement. The majority of the population a) don't know their rights and b) don't want to be hassled. They shouldn't have to be. It doesn't take but a fart in the wrong direction to be arrested for speaking your mind nowadays. If you were 'protected', you wouldn't have to worry about that. For most people, its just easier to avoid the hassle and that is my point. It also makes me think to the labor movement in the start of the 20th century and what those people fought for, just so people could have a normal work week and days off. People died for those 'perks'.

Also, the 'What can I do attitude' is a huge limiter because people cannot assemble. The people don't have power with out assembly. Assembly has been effectively curbed. Although, I will say the Syria consensus among the population was refreshing. IMO.

I know about being busy and what it takes Im not saying its an excuse. After working 10hrs a day+kids+dinner+soccer+school, who wants to worry about "insert cause here". Most people won't react until something effects their paradigm.

I do agree that if you have kids, raising them to be wakeful is probably our best bet. And raising your kids with values should just be a standard, but people are not perfect and well we have to deal with that. You then get into socioeconomic issues, drugs, or just plain deadbeats. Or perhaps, that is all they know?

It is enjoyable to have a discussion with someone on here. Thank you

I do think that many people just live in fear of police action but they are paper tigers if you are polite but don't conside to their wishes l. Do not use force it will get yu tazed but don't take there shit.

They spent so much money on the design of cop cars in the usa for that simple intimidation factor and light placement. Sad thing is people like you said won't wake up till it is in thre living room blocking the tv that they will act.

Maybe we are wrong and shit will hit the fan and both be surprised.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." 

And no I am from edmond oklahoma is where I was born.

You are right lets do it

Your diploma is your understanding of what's expected of you to be a good Corporate sharecropper.

Do what ive been telling people to do since RT4. Graffiti. spread messages. advocate advocacy. wake people up. we cant make anything change if people continue to sleepwalk through whats going on.