serious question to all of you

11  2013-10-08 by [deleted]

How many people here think we are going to default after the 18th? or do you think there will be a miraculous agreement?


I see three options

First: An agreement is reached and we have business as usual.

Two: we default and the world economy panics.

Three: Obama raises the debt without congress using dictatorial powers.

I doubt the second option will happen.

I just dont see how they can say the only option is to raise the debt ceiling, How many times can one raise it and ignore the problem before it becomes too much to deal with?

Until you can't.

A debt is owing money to someone. Who will they be owing to? Yes, I know the Fed, but where is that money coming from? China? Printing cash?

Printing cash. We are injecting $85 billion a month in to the economy and it is backed by absolutely nothing at all.

We owe money to everyone, we borrow nonstop to pay the debt which makes more debt. No clue where we would come up with the money to pay it but borrowing more just makes it worse.

I agree, it will be one or three. Gun to my head, I would guess the first.

Wow, a dose of realism and restraint in this sub. My hat is off to you sir. Well done

I think this is it. It's all unraveling now.

How fast do you think the economy will turn into a faction based Armageddon wasteland? lol

I actually think Americans would be much better off without a massive corporate ran government.

Me as well, I was just joking lol. You know there will be parts of the U.S that would turn into no go spots for people who want to live honest lives.

Whys that?

Ever been to Detroit?

if the government is shut down and we default, people will panic, riot and more. Over time if things get worse, the bad seeds will group up in certain areas of the country which arent maintained or monitored anymore. Just an opinion.

Do you have no faith in humanity to overcome? I think peoples character might surprise you in this particular situation. Have faith in the good that most people would try to do. They want you to think its going to be horrible, maybe its a good thing?

all my faith in humanity was lost when I saw my first black friday at walmart.

You were there too were you not?

Yes, but I wasnt the one about to riot and trampling people to get a product lol.

I go to laugh at the spectacle, same as when a storm is coming and the masses are running to the grocery store for that last loaf of bread, and it's not there. I know, I have a sick sense of humor, but I also like to document it to use to encourage others to prepare..... for life, not teotwawki

well... black friday is irrelevant, those people are trampling over people for HDtv's etc... people will/should realize, fighting for food at a store isnt going to feed you forever...

Do you not realize that there is a good portion of people out there with devious intent? who would steal, kill, and more for these things, especially in a crisis?

it's social engineering... those who would kill, have been conditioned by the rule of law, because of an unequal society, he/she hate others because of what he/she doesn't have, but when that time of crisis comes, who's gonna want shiny air jordans?

those same ones who would steal for it even before all this? What makes you think they will get some change of perception or their hearts filled with the objective to go do good? not happening.

i'm saying those who would steal, may have been conditioned to, because of an unequal society... nobody would if everybody could be happy. sadly a lot of people are missing happiness.

It is the warped views that our controlled society has implanted in our brains over generations that gives you faith in humanity. Humans as creatures are savages. Sure if we live in a collective long enough we develop better ways of life but when it comes down to the basic instincts, we are only concerned with our own survival. You wouldn't have a clue what was moral and what wasn't if it wasn't fed to you from birth.

Immediately following the collapse, the shock of sudden lawlessness will revert a good percentage of mankind back to bandits and outlaws. Not having any authority types to keep order, those "no go spots" OP was talking about will be a very real thing. The places that are more likely to maintain a level of civility, are the small communities in the country, away from the cities and suburbs. The cities and 'burbs will be the spots that will attract all the "bad seeds" because, again immediately following the collapse, they will be trying to loot and pillage everything that used to be valuable, forcing the "civilized folk" out of the area.

Whenever this inevitable collapse happens, it will drastically alter the moral compass of every individual and change our set of values. It is impossible to say what any of us will do when put in that situation because none of us have ever been there. All we can do is look back at what history shows us, and history shows us that the weak will not inherit the earth.

Not true. Humanity chooses living vs. death and violence in the grand scheme of things. I understand wars and yada yada, but if humanity didn't know how to deal with it, we wouldn't be were we are today. You have to understand that something like complete government collapse, would cause a good kind of chaos. Yes shit would be crazy, but people still want to exist. What I think has been ingrained in to peoples heads, is that failure in the economy equals the failure of humanity. Its nothing. Thats how it should be. We should not have to rely on a "government" and pointless currency to live. Life will go on, better them what youre programed to think.

depends on the area, some like to use somalia or other mid eastern countries as an example. which they are good examples, for those who lead that life style, I don't think it represents americans. but I do not disagree with primitive instinct either. After Katrina, I saw many looters, mostly dumbasses looting TV's and such, even though there was no power or water, etc. natural selection is heading for a reset, don't get in the way.

very well said... we DO NOT need to rely on government, most people today are self sufficient in paper $ money survival, but hopefully they are self sufficient in "real life" survival also...

fighting over food will not feed you forever, gotta farm, fish, or hunt for food... and hopefully keep regulating ecosystems

your neighbors, do they look like they would attack you? you could try good old teamwork and talk with them, they have a family just like everyone... hope we can unite :)

Look at the LA Riots, Freedom Riots, and Katrina. It's never pretty.

this is because people still don't seem to know what they're fighting for... they put value on material needs and don't seem to value food, water, & shelter.... dumb dumb dumb... everyone can work together and take down a dinosaur to eat, just like an ant colony defending off a scorpian

being from a rural area, people fear not necessarily the government coming to get their guns, but hungry people coming from the city looking for food and shelter and invading the countryside. I don't think it's that far fetched if SHTF

do you mean hungry people who don't know how to cook meals & rely on mcdumpster, fancy restaurants, and walmart? hmmm... they don't deserve to live then sadly i must say... if they have no option of hunting, fishing, farming, then it shows how unsustainable that place is...

I digress, riots won't happen until there is no food, or T.V. is gone. til then, we are good.

Well when we default what do you think will happen? the dollar drops, truck drivers stop driving, food stops being delivered, T.V. eventually stops working..

I see your point, and it depends on where the elite would like to take this. I am with you, let's get this over with, it is long overdue. I just don't think it will play out the way any of us expect it to. only time will tell.

Yeah your right, it might not play the way we expect. We all expect a situation that puts us into survival mode, fighting proxy wars to stay free and alive. Time will tell.

yep, well I need sleep cause I am one of the few who can actually find work these days, and that is what I have to do tomorrow, godspeed to you and yours

eat some bugs, mushrooms, veggies, shoot some birds or a bear, fish

there are plenty of dogs and cats lol

gawd people need to learn to catch a fish... who the fk riots??

just for the sake of others, don't bother to respond. People in Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, England, pretty much any where there is a people that have been oppressed and those same people do not want to shoot their fellow man. Riots are pretty much reserved for the unarmed and those with out the organization to wage a meaningful battle. Riots happen out of anger, usually with government. You asked who riots, people with a cause and nothing else to lose. Those who have lost all. People who will not self immolate, but want to live, free from dictates of the wealthy, free from oppression. It used to be us, our founding fathers rioted.

1 archaic a : profligate behavior : debauchery b : unrestrained revelry c : noise, uproar, or disturbance made by revelers 2 a : public violence, tumult, or disorder b : a violent public disorder; specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent 3 : a random or disorderly profusion <the woods were a riot of color> 4 : one that is wildly amusing <the new comedy is a riot>

source: Merriam Webster.

ok, rioting is okay, but i meant for people to not riot or loot in a case of a food crisis, not a very effective way to get food for survival.

BTW, It sure looks as though you want to speak a slang you are not accustomed to. maybe you should do some research, and educate you self, on my tax payer dime. hell, you get more than the pell grant my fiancee gets, stop being ignorant and learn something, if you are going to do something, at least do it well......

they already exist.

source: I lived close to Compton once, wasn't paying attention and drove too far.

What do you think it will be like if there are no cops or people to keep them at bay?

I think citizens and local communities will step up and take on the responsibility to police themselves. kinda like it was before the 80's. decentralized community based policing. not the bullshit we have know. I am not a huge fan of policing anyways. I believe protection should be our own responsibility and if you are a re victim, that it's most likely your own fault. some people need protecting, the young and elderly, but is that societies job, or family? just saying it won't be the same as it is now, if this happens which is less than probable.

great comment.

society's job, people don't need to be hatin & dissin

dude, I hope selling out your fellow man is worth it to you. Either you are a shill, or just a dumb person. Either way, you have sold out future generations. By working for the oppressors, or just by being uneducated. First, you have no command of the English language, or any language that I am aware of. The whole point of language is to be able to convey your thoughts to others in an understandable way. Second, your comment history is poor, you offer no viable input to any conversation, seems like "bro" talk at best. If you cannot spell hating and WTFE "dissin" is, I have no time for your petty thoughts. Thank You, and good day sir.

you're so smart mr... yet you've never heard of dissing others? (disrespectin) slang, why you gotta be hatin you hater... you just got dissed, son weaksauce

I do not thionk this will be a full blown waste land, many countries have defaulted, either by not paying bonds, or inflation. I think inflation will be how we default, won't be a walk in the park, many will die by their neighbors hands. I think great depression style, only worse, because no one can produce or store their own goods. pantries run dry, people will get desperate. however this is one of the most generous nations. some will help others out, until they realize help is not on the way. just my opinion, and I hope I am wrong.

That was an over stylized joke.

granted, for you. However some of the readers on here believe it may actually happen, and I do not know for certain that it won't. my comment was for the others.

True, theres no saying if it would or would not happen. We can all hope that it doesnt turn into "The Road" lol

right, but my wife won't have to walk into the cold woods to save our kids. hopefully you are prepared for shit too.

The woman in that movie was weak, her actions didnt keep the kid from having a worse life from that point on. And yeah I would assume im semi prepared. No one is fully prepared.

I think they were trying to represent the delusional aspect of that situation. No food, No water, No normality. She was definitely not thinking clearly, but in that situation, who would be?

In this case, whether or not it is 'miraculous' will be highly subject to perspective.

I myself hope we do default. Our government cant keep raising the debt ceiling and just hoping it goes away over time. We need to man up to our obligations. Plus, people forget how to survive and live.

I think we're going to martial law within a year if not sooner. I'm suspecting there will be numerous economic dislocations and a bank run. Bad holiday sales will take down at least one major retailer.

Then while things are messed up, the Zionists will take advantage of it all and get their desired war on Iran.

agreed, Sucks that this comes at the brink of next gen gaming tisk tisk

Nah. We have a year to lose on it while the world passes us by.

But battlefield 4.

lol Xbox One? or PS4?

That was an over stylized joke.

lol Xbox One? or PS4?

i'm saying those who would steal, may have been conditioned to, because of an unequal society... nobody would if everybody could be happy. sadly a lot of people are missing happiness.