I try not to get depressed about things, but lately it's been tough...do you guys think the rest of Reddit is seeing through what r/politics has been doing lately?

66  2013-10-08 by [deleted]

To me, this is what has been going on:

So I started using Reddit about 2009ish...I immeadiately noticed that r/politics was anything but openminded. I was what you would call a young conserative at the time, so it wasn't diffucult for me to percieve the manipulation of that subreddit.

Now I would say I'm a political athiest...I see the two parties as two sides of the same coin. All that American politics is anymore is a reality TV show meant to distract us and also divide and conquer us. There's no genuine difference between the two parties.

So when I saw that r/politics was no longer a default subreddit I was happy. And when I noticed that the posts from there were no longer reaching the front page on a regular basis, I was even happier...but then it happened!

THE GUVMENT SHUTDOWN! (despite the fact that almost everything is still running...)

And out of nowhere r/politics is back in action...propogating the myth of the two-party system. Everyday now posts from there are getting their 2-3000 karma and making it to the front page.

I would love for someone to explain this to me. How r/politics goes from laying on its death bed...to up and running again just when the (as we would be led to believe) game changing shutdown begins.

So back to my original question, do you think that most of reddit is falling for this trap, or seeing through it?


I like your use of the term "political atheist."

Except for "atheist" means "not theist" and "theist" means one who believes in the existence of a God or gods.

Would you say that the average american see's them as anything else?

Approval of Congress has dropped to 10%... I think most Americans (judging by that) not only don't think these guys are gods, but think they suck in general as humans.

I didn't mean that they thought of the people as gods. More that they thought of the party line as a sort of bible. Or how they believe in democrats/republicans as if they were god. Otherwise they would look for a way too change that, but they havent.

Are you claiming that politicians do not think of themselves as gods? This is genius terminology.

Gods don't define themselves. A politician could think of himself as a unicorn but that wouldn't mean that in order to disagree with that politician we'd also have to A. agree that unicorns exist, and then B. agree that that politician is a unicorn and then disagree with him.

I'm not sure how you're fucking this up. Politician thinks he/she is a god, I don't believe in god, therefore I don't believe politician is a god.

Psychic lady believes she is psychic, I don't believe in psychics, therefore I don't believe psychic lady is psychic.

Great. But saying "atheist" to say "politicians believe that they are gods and I don't believe in politicians so I am an atheist" is saying you don't believe they even exist. We know that politicians clearly do exist. So you wouldn't be an atheist, you'd be an anti-theist.

Psychic lady believes she is psychic, I don't believe in psychics, therefore I don't believe psychic lady is psychic. That has nothing to do with the existence of the crazy person who believes they're psychic. Also, I never said anything about "I don't believe in politicians." You're just assuming things to win this stupid argument.



A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, esp. something abstract.

So. If we take the phrase as a "metaphor", that is a comparison rather than a literal meaning. We can infer that a "political atheist" is one who does not believe in politics or the political system as it is. You see the metaphor replaces a lack of belief in "god" with a derivative of the aforementioned word "political".

Ok so then I'm a political acrophobic. I'm not actually afraid of heights but I'm afraid of the power that political people try to wield over me so I just substitute acrophobic in for protestor and everyone can agree that this is an acceptable metaphor. Only, that is not how metaphors work. A metaphor would be like saying "it's raining men" or "you're the apple of my eye." Substituting one word for another in a non-poetic sense is just missing the definition.

See! You got it!

P.S. Go read poetry.

I majored in Business Marketing/Management and minored in Lit... I've read a lot of poetry. Being ignorant of things is no way to diffuse a conversation.

No, that is exactly how metaphors work

Rollercoaster of emotions - A rollercoaster of emotions doesn't exist anywhere, so when people are on a rollercoaster of emotions, they are simply experiencing lots of ups and downs.

They are juxtaposing an actual (literal) thing and a figurative thing in order to give more meaning to the figurative concept


I treat /politics the same way as FOX or MSNBC. I check them out to see how 'they' are spinning truth.

They support whatever truth has the most 'evidence' which basically translates to them following the "official" story to a nauseating extent.

God you've took the words right out of my mouth..

I dunno, I've seen a lot of posts talking about "The Ideology of the Tea Party" causing the shut down. Everyone with half a brain knows that ideologies are for voters, not politicians.

As far as your depression goes, think of it like this: It's a sign that you know what's up. Even if none of us here have the whole picture (even though a lot of us think we do), a side effect of intelligence and critical thinking is a bit of depression, because you can't tune out the bad stuff and just pay sole attention to the sunshine.

Doesn't mean you have to turn out the sunshine, though. Go out. Drink a beer. Pack a bowl. Get laid. Do something stupid with your friends. Even if the whole world goes to shit, doesn't mean your world has to go to shit with it.

Reddit is fine with the government spending 16 trillion it doesn't have, but when someone says stop the spending they get mad at them for "sabotaging the system, holding it hostage, burning it all down, etc." If they had half a brain they would not get mad at the people who want to turn off the spending, they would be mad at the people who s put in programs we cannot afford. 500 million to cure Alzheimer's? Who could be against that? But that would mean giving up brand loyalty to democrats, looking past the reactionary, manufactured hatred toward the GOP, and realizing both parties have been destroying the country for 30 years.

Only one thing can stop you from being depressed, and it's the same with Fukushima radiation. You should realize that there is NOTHING you can do to stop the shut-down, defaults, or effect politics in any way. You think voting is going to bring us back from a depression at this point? You might as well be mad at people for not thinking radiation from Japan is going to be damaging. The liberating truth is that even if 100% of reddit agrees radiation is a problem, and 100% agrees democrats are equally to blame, it will not matter. All you can do is prepare yourself, your family, your mind, body and spirit for what is going to come.

In our case though we have a mechanism that is more powerful than the Supreme Court. That's the Common Law Grand Jury (or the People's Grand Jury). We can convene a Common Law Grand Jury with only 25 people and those people can hear, investigate, and determine that a crime has been committed. That indictment or presentment itself cannot be challenged by the Supreme Court. It is truth because it comes from the Common Law, the supreme law of the land, the same law that the Constitution of the United States is written in which authorizes the rest of the law.

So, what can you do? Find 24 other people and start learning Common Law doctrine and Common Law Grand Jury procedure. This method is much more impactful than voting. Sure, vote if you want, but take your responsibility as one of the People of this nation to hold these criminals accountable. The Common Law Grand Jury is Our jury. That's how We hold "them" accountable. Voting will make a lot more sense once these criminals are prevented from getting their names on the ballots.

The electronic voting machines have been proven corruptible. They use the nightly news to make you believe that your belief and candidates are fringe, and by no means popular. They then place puppet candidates on the ballot, and you choose the only you prefer only slightly less. Voting will never solve any problem.

Which is why I phrased it as I did. Sure, vote if you want to. Might as well, it can't hurt. But the important thing is to actually charge these criminals with crimes so they can't keep getting on the ballot.

It does not matter if the elections are a sham if the candidate are all pre-selected by the bankers. If the only options on the ballot are criminals then we will never have an honest government. Use your inalienable right to hold the government accountable by actually convening a Common Law Grand Jury.

You can't say "there's nothing we can do" anymore. We can convene a Common Law Grand Jury and start issuing presentments against these criminals. Voting is optional at this point, but we have a duty to ensure justice and fairness in our republic. Once we have honest Americans on the ballot then we can start to address the electoral process itself.

Why has this not occurred yet if the tool is as powerful as you claim? What in history has been changed via Common Law Jury? Honest questions, seeking to understand further.

They are all very good questions. The answer to most of them is "I don't know." And not in an ignorant way, but in an unbelievable way. I simply don't know how we could have been so thoroughly buffaloed about our rights.

But to give substantive answers to your questions, it has not occurred because the only modern instances of the People's Grand Jury is a bastardization of the process in which the state or federal government convenes a People's Grand Jury by instructing a number of people to follow some rules in a book that tells them just enough to get a People's Indictment that they can then use as "truth" in their proceedings.

Imagine if you were called in for jury duty. You were given paperwork and verbal instructions as to how to do your job. You do your job as instructed. You go home.

Would you even have known you were on a People's Grand Jury? Would you know the full extent of your rights and authority in that situation? Probably not. I probably wouldn't have either even just earlier this year.

The People's Grand Jury has even been portrayed in shows like Law and Order. I didn't know what I was seeing at the time. But now I do.

The thing is that it hasn't died because it is so powerful. It is powerful to them in a muted and controlled capacity. Law students don't need to understand it because they won't encounter it. It exists in a realm of law that the Constitution does, and that's pretty esoteric for even most practicing lawyers.

As far as what has changed, the entire structure of our legal system changed. At one point we had most lawsuits being decided by judges. They call it "reading law" when a lawyer looks back at old cases, and "writing law" when a judge makes a ruling. This is all Common Law proceedings. But it's all amalgamated into the current system where Statutes, Codes and Regulations have superseded the Common Law. We defer to statutes instead of actually determining the truth in the situation. Judges become Magistrates, or officers of the State, not Justices of the Peace. Everything has a procedure, nobody has to actually think for themselves.

Law is something lawyers do. If I want to say something I notify my representative or vote, or both. I'm not a lawyer so I don't need to understand all that legal stuff. If I ever need to sue someone I'll hire a lawyer.

But that's all just a story, we are the law. We, the People, are the law. No law is lawful except that we allow it. And the Common Law Grand Jury is the mechanism We the People have to reign in any and all branches of the government when they trespass upon The People. School hasn't taught about it in at least a generation or two. Lawyers don't need to know it. Only a few people know about it and none of them are presenting findings against the abuses of the government at this point.

I have a feeling that the point of diverging from the Common Law procedures to our modern Statutory Law system has something to do with Tompkins v. Eire Railroad in 1938. That case overturned 100 years of common law case law in one fell swoop. It also paved the way for the Uniform Commercial Code to be standardized and implemented federally and in all 50 states, and has now been exported to nearly all modern nations, not just western nations. It is the law of debt-is-money, so I believe that it is implemented as law or financial regulations in all but two countries, but that's an assumption on my part. The main thing is that around that time the laws changed from the Common Law procedure being much more common to nearly 100% statutory law procedure for criminal proceedings as an interpretation of Common Law.

In that shuffle of our entire legal profession the British Accredited Regency also came to the country, bringing British hierarchy and fraternity to every single level of our justice system. This means that now the prosecutor, the judge, and your lawyer that is defending you are all now members of the same trade organization. All three are there as representatives of the British Accredited Regency, the BAR association.

Everything was turned upside down. Millions of new statutes were put on the books and every judge, prosecutor and lawyer all signed up for their BAR accreditation and promised to follow all the rules of this association or else never be allowed to "practice law" again (a term with no legal definition). They all swore to blackball anyone not BAR accredited, acting as a cartel or monopoly. Those who did not sign up for their BAR license left the legal profession.

In the upheaval involving new procedure for everything, some things were probably just forgotten. They had a procedure that replaces the Common Law Grand Jury with a Civil Grand Jury, so everything is good. The Constitution says "Grand Jury"... and we have a "Grand Jury", so all is good.

But nobody ever told me or you that the Common Law Grand Jury is something You and I do. No government agency is going to come along and ask us to start one unless they control it and make sure it's never pointed at them. You and I need to know our rights, our history, our responsibilities and the law and act on those to convene our own Grand Juries. And to instruct others to do the same. No government agent is going to step out of their role as a powerful person with absolutely no real oversight to tell you how to hold them accountable. I've stumbled on this process recently in my search for completely unrelated case law, and I'm very solidly sold that we need to explore this process. We need to read through old Google Books scans of documents from the turn of the century and recreate the Common Law procedures. I can't find any real solid informative documents that describe the process. The actual procedural aspects. I can only find theory. And actual case law. So I guess that's where we start.


Only one thing can stop you from being depressed, and it's the same with Fukushima radiation. You should realize that there is NOTHING you can do to stop the shut-down, defaults, or effect politics in any way.

The point is to shape peoples perception so that when the shit starts happening, its not blamed on those who are preparing and does not flip the system into a North Korea type dictatorship. Its like shaping the inevitable explosion so that the blast is directed away from the good people and focused on the corrupt.

Yep. I looked at /r/politics today... literally the top 25 posts were pro-obama partisan bashing garbage nonsense.

We've even been getting these idiots in here. I can't believe people still don't see it.

What is going to come?

A second Great Depression and a Third World War.

Aren't those things already happening?

We're in world war 3?! Oh, that, no, World War 3 needs two super powers. It will be China + Russia vs. America

M.A.D - don't think it will ever happen, proxy wars will be it. As for the other theories like depopulation - I think there are more subtle and cunning tactics that can be used, other than full scale nuclear destruction and this may also only happen when we are at a point where depopulation is an absolute must - which is probably a few hundred years away.

I hope you're right though, because la vida no vale nada - so I wish shit goes down, but then I look around and see all the new babies and shit and think to myself, what a wonderful world, the only reason I want shit to go down is because I'm miserable inside and that's no fault of anyone else. So now I'm conflicted with this sense of duality: do I wish for something to happen because the world deserves it and it's being manipulated towards destruction on purpose or does me wishing that have nothing to do with the state of the world and more to do with how I perceive this world and myself?

What power do they (the world/the elite/the reptilians/the <insert your fav' villain here>) really have over me?

No nuclear nation has ever been invaded.

No nuclear nation has ever been in a World War.

You are banging your head against the wall if you think you can change the majority opinion or wake enough of them up. They will just get angry and you will get frustrated. It has gone way too far. Do the best you can to prepare you and yours for what is coming because it only gets worse from here. Become as self sufficient as possible because the government is going to get more and more stretched for funds and less and less able to provide essential services.

It's not really a majority, though. Before the Obama shills took over, you could find lots of upvotes for stories about hypocrisy from both sides of the aisle.

They culled the base, banned posters, trained the spam filter, bombarded with basement shills, etc., to create a fake world over there.

Not a majority.

I'm actually optimistic. Attempts at war have been spoiled. Nations around the world are standing up against imperialism. I feel like the powers that be are being challenged more than ever. Perhaps this too is another illusion, but I remain hopeful. Then again, these guys are not going to go down without a fight.

Both on and offline, it appears that the majority of all people are falling for the trap.

I try to stay away from /politics... ive gotten shadowbanned twice for posting on there.

A couple of quick points. One, as far as I am aware there is no secret meet up spot where r/ Politics get together and plot things. If they did, you can bet you'd see a ton of posts on the front page each day. Two, every single day before and after r/Politics was removed as a default , at least 1-3 posts receive 3k upvotes or more. So the government shut down didn't cause anything new to happen in any real since. The board just shifted from hating the NSA to hating the tea party, but as you said r/politics is a liberal echo chamber so I can see how you'd think that is something that occurs via conspiratorial user action when really it's the organic by-product of putting a huge chunk of a demographic that usually leans left in a subreddit then ask them to up and downvote things but tell them we are on the honor system to not use the votes as "agree" and "disagree."

You have to admit the editorializing of the titles has been out of control. "yes congress is bad, but Republicans are badder" "obama called Boehner this morning to see if he wanted anything for breakfast and he was told to fuck off"

Thats not news, thats not even political information.

Its really taken on a "TIL" sensationalism theme in the last few weeks.

You have to admit the editorializing of the titles has been out of control

We remove all user created titles. Editorialized or sensational titles come from the domain. As a counter, we are now banning domains. Hopefully things will be better soon.

/r/politics /r/Politics

This is an automated bot. For reporting problems, contact /u/WinneonSword.

It really is dead - the people in there now fighting it out are clueless or are being paid by one of the two parties to sway opinion, but it's only them paying any attention. Funny to watch really.

There seems to be this situation in which the majority really doesn't care about what the conditions that control their lives are.

The fact that that is self defeating goes over their heads.


This will cheer you up!

+/u/bitcointip $1 verify

[] Verified: TheSelfGoverned ---> m&#3647; 7.85608 mBTC [&#36;1 USD] ---> mdev2640 [help]

This is an exciting time to be human. We're likely either going to get to witness humanity freed or witness the fall of humanity and enslavement of the survivors. If you could pick an era, wouldn't you want to witness this? I would hate to have died 100 years ago and missed this. God is watching, friend. He's waking His children up and He WILL separate the sheep from the goats when the final judgement is at hand. Do your best to be worthy of His kingdom. You're either a slave to the Devil and evilness or your a slave to God and righteousness. Either way we're slaves. But we're free to choose our master. I promise you that your depression will vanish the moment the child you rescue smiles up at you. Go out into the world as a Light bearer. Fight against selfishness and greed. Give away whatever you can afford, but do it smartly. It'll be easy to know which ones deserve to be cast out into the darkness—the ones with dark hearts. The ones that turn their backs on fellow human beings. These men and woman will all get what they deserve.

And you guys wonder why people call us crazy. Keep the fire and brimstone for the pulpit, preacher.

I stop reading a post if it has something about god in it.

No time for that, friend.

"It may be the devil or it may be the lord but you're still gunna hafta serve someboday." - Dylan

It's not even being God's slave. Look at it as, God has a will. This will, controls all external factors. You have a choice. Try to control external or accept the external and let God control it. Either way, God's will is going to come to fruition. Do you want to help him? Or not?

And if you don't. Then why would you want to go to heaven anyway. You wouldn't like it if you chose a life of selfishness. You would like hell. It's how you programmed your soul.

God doesn't send people to hell. They choose to not live by the spirit, thus you can't enter heaven because your consciousness (the way you think/interaction between your brain regions) doesn't align with the kingdom. It's like an exclusive club with a certain mindset. And yes, it's exclusive, but anyone can join.

Well put.

Great timing, too. I just posted this to my Facebook wall: A few more Truths I've learned since my awakening last December:

We are not gods. We did not create this universe or any of the worlds in it. We are slaves. Slaves who have been given our choice of which master we will serve. We have two choices; we're either a slave to goodness and love or a slave to wickedness and hate. If you're not sure which master you serve, ask yourself what you've done (and are currently doing) to feed, clothe, and comfort others. What's the first thing you think about doing with an unexpected cash bonus at work? How much time do you spend uplifting people around you, especially strangers? If your focus is "inward" and your desires are selfish, you deserve to be flicked into a fire and forgotten about like a parasitic worm. (Why would a loving, enlightened society want selfish bastards to enter their Kingdom?? God isn't going let evil bastards waltz right into Heaven.) If you don't give a rat's ass about the suffering of others, I will pray that you recognize the wickedness in your heart and ask God to fill it with love before your precious time on this earth is up, but it's up to YOU and you alone to choose to follow a new master. You will never experience the Devine by focusing "inward" and selfishly turning your back on fellow humans. Has God spoken to you? Is it something you desire? If so, you can find Him in the needs of those around you.

This is an exciting time to be human. I don't think it's ever been easier to distinguish good from evil. I'm looking forward to everything that happens next.

God you've took the words right out of my mouth..

It's not really a majority, though. Before the Obama shills took over, you could find lots of upvotes for stories about hypocrisy from both sides of the aisle.

They culled the base, banned posters, trained the spam filter, bombarded with basement shills, etc., to create a fake world over there.

Not a majority.