US Defaulting on it's debt

26  2013-10-13 by [deleted]

It's going to happen. That's the only conclusion that I have been coming from all the going-ons of the last month or so.

TPTB have decided it's time. They have run the numbers and not under any scenario can we pay it back without severely hurting ourselves.

They know we have inflated yet another bubble and we are about to come crashing down from it.

Why else would they shut down the government right when we start recovering? Causing unemployment to go up? They know it will be a short lived pain.

They know we have plenty of energy from fracking/new oil finds so we won't be dependent on other countries for energy if war were to break out.

The police state has reached an all-time high. Politicians will now laugh at the constitution, bill of rights, etc. TSA moving onto ALL TRANSPORTATION?

Notice how the propaganda machine is 100% focused on the government shutdown? You can't even read any news without it somehow being related or at the least say "this doesn't relate to the shutdown"... Forcing everyone to think about it at the same time.

We have witnessed quite a few very different events that haven't quite happened like they use to... Christopher Jordan Dorner, shutting down Boston, lady at the capitol, Food stamp scare...

NEVER have we had such a large outage of the EBT program! And it just so happens to fail yesterday...? First they said power outage, then you heard technical errors. Was none of the above.

These are all tests. Are they not?



Interesting that jp morgan apparently handle the ebt and ceo was meeting with obama yesterday.

I bet you one month of reddit gold there won't be a default...

How much is reddit gold

I'll take that bet and I am dead serious

Do it!

Do I get my reddit gold yet??

Oh shit I forgot about that. No problem I will give it to you on Thursday when I can afford it pm me and remind me on Thursday

It certainly appears that way to me as well.

So how do we prep? Stockpile food?

I am buying a couple bit coins. And food... coins are a long shot but hey. If the ripples kill a lot of global currency values they may be a good buy.

I think Hollywood doomsday movies and legends are designed to make us scared of others during a crisis. Don't forget those meat bags walking around just want to survive just like you and by helping others we all stand the best chance of pulling through the good times and the bad.

Your comment made me happy. I've been seeing a ton of fear mongering regarding the collapse. Many people think a collapse would prompt people to form violent hoards that go around stealing and plundering. While it is possible, I don't see Americans doing this. The overwhelming majority of Americans are old, fat, lazy, feminine, jolly 'ole city slickers that just want to eat, sleep, fuck, and work. They will however, kill someone that threatens them or tries to steal their stuff.

I actually think a collapse would demonstrate America's ability to adapt, persevere, and prosper in almost any situation. After all, we have done so well in spite of the efforts by bankers, politicians, and journalists. I think we can handle anything they want to throw at us.

The fear of each other helps stave of said collapse, for better or worse. Many think that a societal collapse would be the equivalent of the walking dead, so silly.


I live in Cairo and it sort of collapsed or has been collapsing for 3 years now.

We don't have zombies. There's more crime and violence and unrest, but you can still walk around no problem. Just gotta stick up for yourself.

I imagine that people look out for each as well. The first thing I would do is look to the safety of their neighbors.

People worry inner city gangs would be a threat but they've never considered the threat of a college educated, ex-military trained middle manager with a house in the surburbs and a wife and three kids to feed. He's already proved he knows what the game is and how to excel at it. Changing the game means nothing to him. He's already prepared and waiting while the inner city gangs are still laying around stoned. Those guys will clean out their own inner city neighbors and then venture out where they'll met the competition... the guy who's been perpapring and waiting for this.

I would recommend some silver as well, 90% Silver US coins from 1964 and prior are relatively cheap and make awesome barter tokens.


Just remember to let your fear inform you but never let it rule you lest you find yourself to be the beast.

What if you add an EMP to the collapse?..

Then I am probably boned

Get to know your neighbors. Communities will continue to exist.

Learn to grow food. (Permaculture)

They can take away a lot, but they can't take away your ability to grow food.

Or, seen another way, canned food is okay and all until there's no more canned food.

And you can't eat gold.

If nobody has food, your garden will make you a very appealing target.

Then do nothing.

Let's all die together.

a contrary view; not a sure thing; big stock gains thurs/fri....then magical resolve on Monday makes the market go up big time, see, now everything is ok...that or....doom


These are all tests so that they can gather information for the Sentient World Simulation program. Gather data, plug it in, make political moves after.

It's actually...happening

Wow.. um not it won't happen and I will bet you ANYTHING that nothing bad will happen and we will go back to how things were..

Well...we have less than 72 hours to go. I guess we'll see. I'm skeptical too. I'm of the opinion that they'll pull a deal out their ass at the 11th hour, but hey, I'm still going to get the popcorn ready.

Of course a deal will go through.. like it has the 17 or 18 times before it.. Just like how Syria didn't start WW3 and just like all the other horrible things that people get up in arms about never happen

Loose the fear and think a little...Who runs this country?? Those who control the currency, the banks...Banks make profits from loans....The banks are currently sucking America dry and highly involved in pushing America into debt.. They will never cut their own throats. But they do use fear as a tool to control the masses.

"Recovering" is based on the infinite growth model.

When they say 'recovery' they mean "growth."

When they say "growth" they mean inflation of the money supply.

Think about it.

It's not going to, unfortunately. They will probably come to an agreement late Wednesday, restoring the public's faith in our great government.

The US doesn't even have a few percent on what it needs in oil imports.

very wealthy and powerful people are the holders of treasury securities ( government bonds). there will be no default on any interest payments or bond maturities.

The game will continue. Imagine the real protest from normal everyday citizens if the US defaults and refuses to pay their debts because they can't come to terms about the ACA. The risk of a real government revolt that consists of everyday people is too high. Think of how many business profit from government subsidized projects. If that gravy train all of a sudden stopped it wouldn't just affect government employees, but also private sector business who make most of their profits from government contracts.

I mean I know Washington is completely inept, but I don't think they'll take that risk. They're losing the public as it is and they have no reason to push them over the edge when the solution is simple. Just keep printing that fiat toilet paper, keep manipulating the market, keep interest rates artificially low, in short: just keep expanding corporate fascism just as they've been doing. They've been printing money out of thin air for 5 years why not just keep it going? It's not like any of the other countries around the world have the gull to stop them.

In fact I've been reading reports that countries actually fear tapering and don't want quantitative easing to end. Figure that out. No one knows how this will all end, if it ever ends. We may just be a generation stuck under the hegemony of corporate fascism for the rest of our lives.

Your an idiot we don't have all this new oil we still import around 9 million barrels a day.

If nobody has food, your garden will make you a very appealing target.