Serious questions: Is the US collapsing or just in really bad shape?

25  2013-10-16 by [deleted]

Is this (shutdown) all theater/a show to distract from other things?

What do you think will happen because of it?

How do you think people will respond to it?


This is all any of us can tell you op is that you should expect the best but plan for the worse.

This sub is full of people that are afraid and not for themselves, it is more for everyone else. We all know that this shit is just the beginning. You I am sure have already came to your own conclusion of what will happen. Hey maybe we are all wrong and can be labeled conspiritards again, and know what maybe we won't but most of us in here won't say I told ya so the ones that will are sensationalist and just fucking make all of us look bad.

A real conspiracy theorist doesn't force views on you they leave little bits of information in peoples minds and remind them of the past what happened. Cause know what history repeats itself all the time. Best case is what this guy said it is a hiccup and everything will be fine.

Worse case is the police become military in our own land. And here is why I think that is cause a lot and I mean a lot of the police now are war veterans with trigger time and itchy trigger fingers. We all know they don't mind shooting first and asking questions later. I feel that it will be haves against have nots at first then who ever is left standing that has a skilled trade will be used to rebuild how ever the powers that be see fit.

Just cause it is 2013 don't mean we can't have a civil war lol. We are already making camps some countries are building cities in the desert. I mean really why is this all going on? My definition of a conspiracy theorist is a person that asks questions about current events cause I am called that by all my friends cause everyone loves a label that way they can classify you in a group.

For humanity we have to be able to class things in groups as to how relevant they are, and well people that question things are not all that high up there. It seems to be the ones that just give shit away for nothing in return. I can't handle getting something for nothing, but I do like getting rewarded for my efforts.

In closing make up your own mind and don't go crazy with facts cause history is always written by the victors. Guess what so is the news.

...I am called that by all my friends cause everyone loves a label that way they can classify you in a group.

Yeap. Schemas. It's honestly unavoidable to schematize things. It just makes your life easier and allows for your brain to sort information. It's really a good thing for humans to have. Except, the fact that people aren't in control of them. That's the problem. Individuals aren't self aware. Because for Corps to hold so much power, self awareness = mental illness.

If you controlled your own schemas, you'd control more aspects of behavior and aspects of reality. You're not allowed to do that, only the corporations are allowed. That way, you know how to spend your time and money.

Basically, you work, create revenue for a company, get paid, and spend your money on a company. Time = money. Money = not yours, therefore, Time = not yours.

You're an animal if you don't have self awareness. It's literally the only thing that separates the two. Yet, so many people, in their social lives, are pure animals.

What about when society breqks down they are even nore unpredictable.

They won't know what to do with themselves. Their identity and purpose is gone without society.

People don't work as mass societies. We will get to see this soon enough. The one world govt (to some) will be the greatest thing first. Then we will see what happens when such a thing occurs.

If you look at the research, human life works better in clans or small groups. Like how animals function. Industrialization and capitalism have taken man away from his natural home and provider (earth), almost separated the two and severed our ties with nature.

We need to go back to before the industrial revolution. We were headed on the right path, but corporate greed and subconscious control somehow got in the way.

I like how you politely said segragation of people. Lol

Hahaha somewhat, not exactly how it was during the civil rights movement. More like the native Americans, in terms of segregation.

yeah yeah speaking like a politician. maybe you should be a member of congress

Replying for threaqd

Well said.

I would proudly be labeled as a 'conspiritard' if we get the best case scenario.

History has shown that ALL paper currencies eventually collapse, EVERY ONE IN HISTORY HAS. It's not that complex, it's just a matter of time.

So you couple the fact that the economy is shit and they are printing money AND that they are gearing up homeland security vs the people there's only one conclusion. Total economy collapse and then civil unrest followed by government oppression against the people.

but why are they doing it? If they're predicting collape, or preparing for it, why aren't they taking measures to prevent it for the long term?

Well that's the conspiracy. The NWO only wanted to use the USA's economy to fund the military conquest of all the nations that don't have a private central bank owned by the Rothschilds. After they have accomplished that they don't need/want America anymore cause the American culture of individuality and anti government threatens them.

WordToCome is right.

Real real simple for anyone willing to take an hour or so to research. Most people denying this just seem ignorant at this point.

The Georgia Guidestones have the agenda written in STONE. The U.N. "Agenda 21" also puts the vehicle in motion. Hell the very EBT system shows you how much they want and will push digital currency.

Until "the elite" have another planet to settle on or complete ironclad control of an invincible robotic army I'm not going to spend a lot of time worrying about some evil old globalist cocksuckers. If anything it's they who should be worrying.

You don't have to be a Rothschild to print paper or write algorithms.

The only thing that is collapsing is the narrative of "official" doctrine.

It is super easy to be consumed by fear when you consume media both traditional and alternative (source:me) but when you put our current situation in a historical perspective the vast majority of people have a pretty damned good life. Always remember that fear is the primary motivator of the state and it manifests itself in ways that might surprise you.

Be good to the people you care about, enjoy the life you have to the fullest, try to maintain a healthy perspective and let your own experiences be the primary construct of your mind state.

What I see as the most important issue is how the economy will handle a huge decline in the demand for labor. Unemployment is a significant issue in many major economies and that is a recipe for social unrest. The Wars from the last decade were a jobs program; as were the bubbles that were allowed to form and burst. What was left after the tech bubble did not create enough of a new economy to employ all those that were displaced by the tech bubble. The housing bubble in my opinion was much more damaging because the assets that were created; large, expensive houses, are beyond the reach of what people can now afford. I think I see an energy bubble trying to form, but we will see. The student loan debt bubble has potential to restrict growth as well.

The shutdown is a political side show. The basic problem is that both parties have a lot of mouths to feed with tax dollars that are scarcer than they have been in the past and this is a problem for them. The big interests have shown little long term loyalty to representatives that could not bring them some bacon. Hence why the fight over spending is so live or die to the representatives but very confusing to voters.

I think we will continue to bounce along because the two parties have pretty calcified voter bases and are really struggling to attract independents. The shutdown will be resolved, but the resolution will be temporary as it was in 2011 as both parties will continue to be unable to squeeze the current spending priorities of both parties into the current level of revenue and the GOP will block increases in revenue and both sides will continue to resist cuts that are not balanced between the two sides interest groups. In the end there will be some interest groups that are knocked down a few cars on the government spending gravy train, but these will be players that cannot challenge anyone in the political sphere which is why they will be the ones to take the hit. I expect to see the military take some of the cuts and the poor to take the rest since both those groups are far less likely to jump to the other party.

Voters will continue to get more sick and more tired of the nonsense but will also be powerless to do much about it unless they are willing to fund some new blood in the candidates. The Tea Party and whatever is left of Occupy will continue to be marginalized and hijacked to white wash old familiar names trying to make a comeback. The doomsday crowd will continue to think the sky is falling and someday it will. Very little will change because very few people have the resources to get what they want while there is no lack whatsoever of political hacks ready and willing to sell out to the highest bidder. The US voter will not wise up and will continue to play the blame game to avoid taking responsibility personally for the mess we are in. There is hope, but it would take a real transformational individual willing to fight some very, very entrenched and sleazy interests and carry the people with them to win the fight.

Most people don't understand what collapse really is.. If you want to see a realistic collapse look at the Weimar Republic - that's economic collapse. It's inevitable that it will happen in a fiat system of debt.

The Roman Empire, which has many things in common with the USA, including a very similar political structure, didn't just collapse like many think, it dissolved over a time period or it can be said that they were stretched too thin financially to keep it all together (The empire) and started losing it piece by piece over a period of time. You are looking at American lose it piece by piece over time right now.

Russia and China no longer use petroldollars to buy their gas with.. the reserve currency is not being used in over 20 countries now because they all agree American is heading for an economic crash and they want nothing to do with it.

So that is actually happening now whether or not anyone likes it.. That's just how it is, the empire is falling apart one piece at a time and that make take a while but it's no doubt happening in your face right now.

I think that is just in bad shape but all indication still points to it being headed for a big finale in the coming months. Remember, a lot of people have theories about how war will happen first. Things seem to be cooling down around the world (if you watch MSM) but anything could happen.

The government may shut down, but the people will remain.

The battle is that the self-appointed rulers want to keep ruling.

Unfortunately for them people are catching on in record numbers.

This is why the theater has been so dramatic lately.

Yes but much slower than you expect...more unnoticable to the average serf whos quality of life errodes.

Average serf here. I'm noticing. Longer hours for less money. 5 years ago was awesome, I couldn't not get hired. And if I chose to, I could have probably worn a clown suit to work and shit on my boss's desk. To bad it was all built on a bed of marbles.

Just a few hiccups; we've been through this before, will go through it again. Country has gone through huge crises in the past: civil war, enormous booms and busts, Great Depression, world wars. We're still here.

This time around though the average citizen is 9K in debt... 40K more if you include Federal debt, though the US has defaulted on debt several times in the past.

So, if the US dollar has a big decline in value, that's GOOD for someone in debt, right ? They can pay the debt back in cheaper dollars.