WTF just happened on the CSPAN live feed of the House vote?

145  2013-10-17 by Balthanos

A woman who was on the bench was just picked up and walked out.




Maybe I'm just over thinking this, but does anyone else think she's walking very strangely?

That is the first thing noticed, almost trance-like.


Possibly...that or Ambien.

Ahh, Ambien... or Congressional Candy as I like to call it.

How could they possibly sleep without it?

They have no souls. No sleep required.

During House vote a stenographer, seated in House well, goes to microphone on dais, yells, and is removed from the floor. Something's she said: "He will not be mocked!" (in reference to God, because God hates funding the American government?) "The greatest deception here is this is NOT one nation under God." "The Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons, they go against God." "You cannot serve two masters."

I do believe they are trying to turn us against the constitution, but no way could Muslim Obama speak out against it in this fashion. So have this patsy speak their message in the medium of an outraged unelected citizen.

Umm, thank you?

No problem?

Just not entirely sure what your point was.

What's your point? He simply stated what she said. There is no value to your comment.

There's a link to the supposed audio in the OP. I know what she said, I didn't ask for a transcript.


Pretty reasonable response, way to go you.

only looks like she wants to be unnoticed before speaking to me

No way. Watch how limp her arms are, no one's arms swing that much. And she walks facing completely straight forward the entire way, even up to the point when she reaches the podium. Then she reaches the podium, makes a full stop right in front of it and has to do a full ninety degree turn to face the audience. Looks super weird.

yea, she doesnt want the judge to see her about to take the mic. maybe a bit exaggerated on her part. either way, what happened was strange all around

Agreed. She looked Almost posessed.

No. She had a confident "I don't give a f*ck" stroll.

Confirmed, cat crosses courtyard. Sad that she calls out the masons for claiming to serve God, while doing the work of Satan, and even the lot of you just kinda scratch your heads. I expected more of you all.


As a Christian, I try to stay far away from that sub because it is just a headache and displays the sad ignorance that most Christians find themselves in.


Add that to the fact that they call her Molly at least twice, and I think you're right.


Not a politician...politicians get to talk The Christian Crazies all they want, stick or not...this lady was a stenographer.

Thank you, and wow, where did that lady come from?

Every branch below your comment is deriding someone who has/spent more time listening to congress than anyone posting here.

Apparently the stenographer. She seems unhinged.

She also seems unemployed.


Basically the same thing, only now she doesn't have to come to work.

Great. We get a red pill on cspan finally and it's some lady bitching that we're not a theocracy. Sigh

I love what the guy says in the comments.

"Now none of you can say you never were told. This was your warning straight from a vessel being used by Jesus Himself."

I'm actually going to agree, the calm zombie like walk and demeanor she showed was almost like a subtle possession, walking up the stairs like that, and something about the way it's being spoken is very perplexing and moving.


After listening again I could swear at the very end she said "Praise ME forever" right as her voice cuts out and the video ends.


Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro said she had a crazed look on her face.

I also want to know who it was that had the authority to touch her and escort her out like that, she's an employee with the right to be there just like the rest of those scum, we should have whoever picked her up and dragged out fired. Freedom of Speech is DEAD, and today is the day it was finally confirmed to the rest of America.

Praise be to god is what I hear

i heard "raise me to god, jesus christ" after death?

Sgt At Arms ... Basically security. By parliamentary procedure, enforces rules of order, and functions as security.

Are you high right now?

Freedom of speech doesn't give me the right to walk up to the mic in Albertson's and start riffin on Jesus. And it doesn't give a stenographer the right to interrupt the business of the U.S. government in the middle of intense negotiations and start blabbering about Freemasons and shit.

Obviously, this woman was emotional and delusional and was rightly escorted out by staff. Now you're calling for those folks to be fired for violating her 1st amendment rights? You don't seem to understand reality very clearly

Meh, it was during the count. Negotiations most likely finalized before the actual vote count.


The "Meh" indicated that it was just a statement. Don't get all stand-iffish with me over nothing. I'm not disagreeing with your premise. I just wanted to clarify your statement.

The "Meh" indicated that it was just a statement

Personal slang? If you're expecting normal reactions it might not be the best word choice as a lead-in. Just sayin'.

Is it? I've always considered it to represent "body language" or gesturing. As if, during a conversation, I had preceded my statement with a shrug or a disregarding gesture. I've found these "fillers" in textual conversation very helpful when attempting to inject emotion or set mood without using ascii characters to represent facial expressions. It seems slightly more adult.

For clarification, you may substitute "Meh" with the following words in a contextual format: eh, huh, well, hmm, cool, whatever

Fuck.. it has a wikipedia entry.

you may substitute "Meh" with the following words in a contextual format: eh, huh, well, hmm, cool, whatever

Meh has denoted condescension since it was popularized by the Simpsons.

On my planet, the term connotes disdain through a certain smug ambivalence. I wouldn't suggest that anyone use it as an analog for hesitation in speech like 'um'. 'Whatever' is closer and we all know how that word often sounds.

Your planet should get wikipedia.

You should learn to read.

Meh, whatever.

Agreed on firing whoever dragged her out

That articles quotes of what she said seem contradicting. Its not often you hear people sticking up for separation of church and state yet immediately turn around and go "praise Jesus!"

People like you who think an imaginary dead god is speaking through a woman don't deserve freedom of speech.

For some reason it's not working for me.


The person posted a mobile link. Delete the little "m." at the beginning of the URL and it should play properly.

I don't get it. How do you play the .wav file?

delete the m. from the browser

so just some right-wing nutjob.

lol, nut jobs are on both wings

that is true.

If she was raving about aliens she would be considered nuts, but raving about god is acceptable.

What a thoroughly pointless comment.

Well guys today we learned something. Apparently there is an ex-stenographer who frequents our subreddit.

AMA request: this stenographer


those were not her words. listen again, no gavel

Noise reduction?

Edit: It seems that people are saying that audio is from her in the hallway, not while she was at the podium.


It really wouldn't be that hard to remove the background noise including the gavel, but it would be difficult to do it well. Good old Audacity, free and open source, has very usable noise reducing filters.


You seem hesitant. The process is simple, you select a section of recorded background noise and the filter removes that from a recording that has the same background noise as well as other stuff very well. It takes some tweaking of some adjustments and is hard to make it not come out sounding like a tin can, but it works extremely well. That being said, this audio seems to have turned out to be taken in a hallway not in the proceedings room, so there was no gavel in the recording to begin with.

yeah I read that too

I think there is a problem. The audio doesn't have the lady slamming the hammer in the background like the video clip. I think it's fake, which makes this even more bizarre. Who would upload a fake clip, and an obviously fake one at that?

She is rather calmly escorted out for someone saying "Allahu Akbar" in English.

Todays biggest idoit award

Probably playing poker on her phone. Oh wait, that wouldn't get you kicked out.

Can anyone tell me exactly what she meant by what she was saying? Who are the "two masters"?

A reference to Matthew 6:24. "A man cannot serve two masters"

Essentially, whenever any brings this up, it means that somebody is choosing something over the will of God.

Thank you sir

The "two masters," specifically, are God and Mammon. Mammon is generally a personification of greed, or the love of money. It's not so much choosing "something" over God, but rather "some things" over God. Earthly treasures. Money and what it can buy.

A lot of people will write this lady off as crazy, and partially because she quoted Scripture and referenced God. But, she's right. If money is your "god", you can't serve anything else.

Thank you, Master

She is referring to god and satan. The freemasons are widely believed to be satan worshiping cult. Which is why she says it cant be one nation founded under god if freemasons wrote the constitution. Which is the nation really serving?

anyone whos actually researched freemasonary knows thats a load of bull.

it isnt until you get into the top echelons of any secret society when you start encountering the satanists. Being a freemason doesnt instantly mean someone is bad, just that theyre members of an organization whos leaders are bad.

Well I'm just going by what all those videos online talk about. The ones that lead people to believe feemasons, illuminati and lizard people are all the same thing.

of course, not pointing fingers at you; just saying in case someone reading doesnt know or thinks its accurate

They do focus on the "bringer of light." The knowledge of life.

evil trickles down, people join the masons for selfish reasons, they want to belong to the successful club, they get helped in their careers and ventures, they pay back (big time) when the bell tolls.

people join the masons for selfish reasons

not true. People who join the Freemasons are either:
1) knows someone who is, and that person suggests that they join 2) see past the BS and are legitimately curious as to what its about

others who join for other reasons are quickly weeded out. if all it took was 100 dollar fee for joining for someone to walk in and witness the evil first hand, then the masons are an even less of a threat than you make them out to be

Lucifer, not Satan, there's a difference.

My apologies

Thank you sir

Totally Satan...

Joke's on her because the nation wasn't founded under God or by Christians.

Lucifer, not Satan.


The requirement is to believe in a "god". Not the god of Abraham. Any god will do.

Well yes that is true my step dad did mention "a" god he never said "the" god. Glad you pointed that out btw.

She stated explicitly that the constitution was founded by free masons and you can not serve two gods.

"Money" is certainly one of them...

God money, I'll do anything for you.

Interesting that she was a stenographer.

Those people, you would think, are the even-keel sort. And have to have good hearing and manual dexterity. They usually take down information as it's spoken.

Maybe she "overheard" some devil-speak, for real.

Like if I say "The ayes have it," is that what I really said, or did I say "The eyes have it?" Or "the ice habit?"

What few people know is that stenographers don't take down letters as they're spelled, they take down phonemes and auditory information.

No joke NLP is full of that shit. Or is it double-speak?

It's a psychotic episode. Stop acting like an idiot.

Of course, because you know all, and this isn't the internet.

No thank you, I think I won't just take you at your word, Dr. Knowitall.

Yeah she totally heard some "devil-speak" that makes so much more sense.

We need less people like you in the world.

Not devil speak, rather God-speak.

Or more, you fascist pig.

Who is the grey haired fellow that she is talking to just before she starts her robot walk to the podium? Watch him, don't watch her. He first suspiciously looks around after sending her on her way. Then he reaches in to his pocket, gets out his phone and starts texting/emailing, play poker, on his phone. Then when she gets to the podium and starts speaking, he suspiciously looks around like 'who is this nutbag'. So who is this representative of ours, that was the last person that spoke to this lady.

Wow! WTF is going on people?

The real question that has to be asked is "WTF is going on with this nation/world?" It's a surprise that more people aren't speaking out given how fucked up this planet seems to be becoming more and more each day.

I bet she must know whats in the bill we passed, I guess we will find out next week. Not even a few hours past passing this bill News media is back to 24/7 Syria reporting. I was enjoying the vacation.

what do you mean, she was carried out? can you provide more details into what happened?

Two dudes walked up to a lady standing at the central podium.. picked her up under her shoulders and escorted her out(carried). I was hoping someone had it on DVR to rewind. I'm watching the live feed online so that's not an option.

It was about 2 minutes before the conclusion of the vote when it happens.

Holy shit, your answer just popped up as a new thread. Some lady screaming about freemasons and god and serving 2 masters and shit. There's audio of it on the new thread, good eye man you nailed that one.

I wasn't going to listen.

Now I'm going to listen.

Even if I don't buy the whole Satan-worship cult thing - she does.

That, in itself, is enough for me to give audience given that she's actually "on the hill."

This isn't about what "I think" - this is about what she thinks.

Uhhm what? This sounds interesting.

Can you find a video of this??

Audio is below.

It happened about 10 minutes ago. Best estimate would require probably 30 minutes before anyone gets a video uploaded.

Did she repeat herself word for word? Maybe it was a prepared speech. Edit: Seems she said something different while at the podium. Someone posted the elevator audio as the podium audio.

Correctamundo on your edit portion, her podium speech is what everybody wants to hear, Cspan dialed it down so nobody can hear it.

From the Youtube comments:

She said, "He will not be mocked! He will not be mocked! (Don't touch me.) He will not be mocked! The greatest deception here, is this is not one nation under God! It never was! Had it been, it would not have been, no, it would not have been, the constitution would not have been written by Freemasons! They go against God! You cannot serve two masters! You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, lord Jesus Christ! Praise be to ..."

I love how the person that listens WORD FOR WORD to what happens in senate is trusted to keep records but now when she speaks up she is instantly "incoherent" "unhinged" and any other smearing words they are using in the MSM To describe her.

audio is fake! look at the other top thread on /conspiracy

No gavel sound

One thing I wanted to mention was, when I was watching this live I specifically remember noticing the stenographers due to her snazzy hands free machine strapped over her shoulders used to do her job. This was not the same lady that approached the podium and spoke. The lady I saw that I assumed was the stenographers was wearing black business suit. Clearly a different lady?

I must add I do not know how many stenographers are staffed in the House to be clear.

Scopamine is one hell of a drug.

her name is molly?

i have not seen this on the morning news yet...actually surprised..

ABC coverage:

A government stenographer is believed to be in a Washington, DC-area hospital on Thursday after being forcibly removed from the House of Representatives chamber Wednesday night while shouting into the microphone.........

She has been put into a hospital, I am sure she is on some intense medications already.

Why is there no gavel sound in the audio?

You may want to read the thread discussing the possibility of the audio being fucked with. I didn't update in here since that thread hit the top of the front page.

I saw that thread too. Didn't want this thread too lose sight of it

I have to say all you gay wankers writing how she's "unhinged" yet she has more balls than all of you "men". Nothing against gay people. You all are some sad entities.


Great breakdown. Thank you. Scary shit.

Looks like the Catholic church already made the stance that the pre-born are not people Maybe they won't close for ethical reasons trumping the monetary.

are these catholic hospitals in any way funded by the government?

Please explain this in more detail and what is the "legislation" you are talking about and was is FOCA?


Was this legislation part if the bill congress just passed to reopen govt?

I love how reddit leaps to the government's defense when Caesar steps up against the Church. Even on /r/conspiracy. Truly, you're a Luciferian shill and don't even know it if the only thing you agree with the government about is that "Jesus is bad."

This is intense.

"He will not be mocked! He will not be mocked! (Don't touch me.) He will not be mocked! The greatest deception here, is this is not one nation under God! It never was! Had it been, it would not have been, no, it would not have been, the constitution would not have been written by Freemasons! They go against God! You cannot serve two masters! You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, lord Jesus Christ! Praise be to ..." ( Galatians 6:7 & Mt 6:24 or Lk 16:13)

she said a scriptor word for word?


well regardless it is fake audio listen for a gavel.

It was a warning.

I heard the stenographer went ape shit.

Did anyone else hear her words and think damn that's the same type of psycho babble that Muslim extremists spout before pushing a button and blowing themselves up.

Oh great. Now we're going to have a bunch of christian crazies crawling out from their holes.


better than having other crazies blowing things up.

Hey, she is part of this organization called " Pink code" I think, she actually does this a lot, smart woman tho>A woman who was on the bench was just picked up and walked out.

You mean code pink ???

It happened about 10 minutes ago. Best estimate would require probably 30 minutes before anyone gets a video uploaded.

Audio is below.

Apparently the stenographer. She seems unhinged.

Uhhm what? This sounds interesting.

I wasn't going to listen.

Now I'm going to listen.

Even if I don't buy the whole Satan-worship cult thing - she does.

That, in itself, is enough for me to give audience given that she's actually "on the hill."

This isn't about what "I think" - this is about what she thinks.


Every branch below your comment is deriding someone who has/spent more time listening to congress than anyone posting here.

AMA request: this stenographer

No problem?

The real question that has to be asked is "WTF is going on with this nation/world?" It's a surprise that more people aren't speaking out given how fucked up this planet seems to be becoming more and more each day.


better than having other crazies blowing things up.

You should learn to read.

I saw that thread too. Didn't want this thread too lose sight of it