Why does the mainstream consider depleted uranium a fiction???

77  2013-10-18 by [deleted]

I've noticed that whenever I bring up DU on reddit or in real life, people seem to turn off. I never bring up reality to people who don't want to know anymore, but I'm sincerley shocked at the number of people who don't think Gulf War Syndrome is real, and don't believe DU is seriously toxic to people and the areas we've used it in.

Is there some hit-piece by the MSM that whitewashed the issue? There's plenty of documented evidence in our own ground troops that a dog could tell was hazardous. Does anyone have a link to disinformation or an explanation to why a smart person wouldn't realize how deadly this stuff is, not to mention all the kids born with horrible problems because of it being used?

edited cos RES doesnt spellcheck on linux


Depleted Uranium, Napalm, and White Phosphorous all fall into this category of toxic weaponry that we are allowed to use if we simply say we aren't using them as weapons. We are using White Phosphorous to create a smoke screen or Napalm to kill leaves to get a visual of the enemy. What, some people died/babies are born with birth defects because of this? Oh well. That wasn't our fault.

How do they market depleted uranium as a non-weapon? Tanks fire those things.

It's all in the wording of the chemical weapons bans written up during the Chemical Weapons Convention. Intent of use is a very big part of this. Since the primary intent of using Depleted Uranium is not for the toxins to kill the enemy, it is allowed. The chemicals that are banned are munitions that are designed with the specific intent to cause death or harm through their toxic properties or toxic chemicals and their precursors. The poisonous effects of DU are viewed as a side-effect of the primary intent.

It really seems as if they were trying to come up with some use for all this nuclear waste (DU is a product of nuclear reactors), realized that it's a heavy metal and therefore could make for some heavy bullets, and then have spent the rest of their efforts trying to convince the soliders and public that there are no adverse health effects to loading and firing these bullets in civilian-occupied territories. Its military utility trumps health concerns for the grunts and civilians.

Completely correct.

DU is a "soft-kill" weapon.

It may not kill immediately (except for the tanks/crews that a DU round impacts) but it's dangers last for years and years--killing through radiation that lasts centuries and particles that are stirred up with every puff of dust.

And remember...ONE particle of this crap in your lungs and YOU ARE GETTING CANCER. End of story.

Don't forget agent orange. And its friendly derivatives that can be found in 90% of produce.

And its friendly derivatives that can be found in 90% of produce.

You're gonna have to unpack that statement a bit for us chief. What derivatives?

That article talks about crops that have been engineered to be resistant to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. It also states implicitly that these crops aren't in use and haven't been approved for use.

It then switches gears to talking about glyphosate-resistant GMO crops and hopes you won't notice the switcheroo. Glyphosate-resistant GMO are the so-called "roundup-ready" crops and while they have their own health concerns, they aren't even slightly related to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or, by extension, agent orange, and therefore nothing in this article supports your claim that 90% of produce contains a "friendly derivative" of agent orange (presumably 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)

If the link doesn't suffice, you have google.

You make the claim, you back it up. Together we will learn stuff.

90% of produce has GMOs. Maybe that's why I put the two together. They aren't causational. So sure, my statistic is off slightly.

But, at the end of the day, there are research studies suggesting that conventional, by way of these Monsanto pesticides, cause malfunction and cancerous growth in your endocrine system. Ill link the study if ya want.

But again, if you think I'm bullshitting feel free to look more up about Monsanto and their practices. You'll have to get private info tho, Monsanto doesn't publicly release anything concerning their practices. They say on their website that they won't because they are just gangster. Just like how they buy off the USDA or even go work for it.

Who's fault is it?

Their own faults. They shouldn't have been in their own country while we were trying to turn it into a warzone.

The turr'rrurists use teh babiez n women as HUMAN SHEELDZ, remember?

turn it into a warzone. give them democracy and freedom.

I laughed... Not really.

how else are we going to bust their bunkers?

Because our nuclear power plants create this byproduct which is then used as munitions to irradiate entire theaters of war for thousands of years to come. To know that, where ever our troops stomp, we leave a wake of destruction behind, is too much for the normal everyday person to comprehend... although they should.

The alternative to using uranium, is thorium ~ it is far more efficient but does not yield the munitions our military industrial complex desires.

It's one of those, too shocking to be true facets.. no one wants to admit that 19% of their income tax is being used to fashion radioactive munitions and injecting them into the people, land, air and seas of other nations. Many doctors in the 'conquered' sandbox advise women of not getting pregnant now as most children (a staggering statistic) are not coming to term properly (disfigured, mutated etc).

I believe the alternative to using DU for armor-piercing is tungsten. However, tungsten is far more costly to produce and they already have all this DU lying around anyway. So instead of having to pay to store radioactive waste they can just load it into munitions and it gets dumped halfway across the globe. It really is a "win-win" in the minds of these cynical bastards.

tungsten is nasty stuff too.

Well thorium reactors are fairly new and we haven't built a plant in several decades. If we build new ones they very well might be thorium, its not like the military is wanting for DU

100% correct.

It's just a way--a despicable and ingenious way--to dump OUR nuclear waste in another country's backyard.

I can see the Pentagon planners saying "Wow!!! It's a win-win!"

Yeah, it sure is. Except for the Iraqui kids that are being born with birth defects IF they even survive to term.


First, Americans are indoctrinated from birth with nationalism.

Second, the class of people that own and control the mass media are the same people that own and control much of the military-industrial complex and other parts of the US economy.

Now add in the fact that most news reporters and editors have a vested interest in their jobs and doing what they're supposed to do -- to self-censor themselves on controversial stories. Add in to this equation the smokescreen by the US military about there being no danger in DU and/or that any dangers are wildly overblown.

And there you have it...

Before we shipped off to Iraq, the army gave us a specific class on Depleted Uranium, showing it to us and telling us to avoid it out in the sands :/

I tried to warn a close friend that his two American military sons were going to a place where they would be exposed to cancer causing levels of ionizing radiation. He thanked me for the thought but explained that his sons, by being in the US military, were part of an organization which prides itself on honor and those whose job it was to decide such things would certainly never place them in harm's way with such a despicable act as to make all the bullets poisonous, even to those within breathing distance of them. I'm sure that the people who really understand what they're doing are kept away from those who actually fire the weapons or walk near and examine the results of their shooting for this reason.

MSM reporters are mostly just stupid. This has become apparent over many hours of various interviews with the press. Newsrooms are controlled confusion as they are filled with stupid people who know little more than what they are told. People know that asking the wrong questions does not get you promoted - it gets you fired.

At the beginning of the Iraq war I saw tanks in the news burning for 24 hours.

Tanks are metal you know, so how did they burn for that long?

The answer is that we use depleted uranium for our munitions, leaving a radioactive wasteland wherever we 'fight for freedom and justice'.

We do this just for fun and profit.

Fuck the U.S.

Depleted uranium is not radioactive it is toxic, there is a difference

Tomay-to, tomah-to.

Don't sink to the level of the news. You're better than that.

no, there is a huge difference actually.

its all DNA damage at the end of the day, ditto with tungsten munitions.

so i was right?

MSM works for the military industrial complex and in the case of MSNBC is literally owned by an MIC company. It's that simple.

There are a few articles out there, but nothing by the MSM really. That would be a real heresy to say the least. The stuff is fucking lethal, ergo you are not going to hear a lot about it, just like the old Agent Orange.

The "good guys" would never use a weapon that would last a few thousand years and leave behind radiation far worse than Hiroshima or Nagasaki, would they? And lets face it "depleted" means empty and without energy...

The munitions also solves a lot of problems, the waste uranium can be disposed of overseas saving on storage costs, it is very, very effective and really, if a trooper gets a dose he or she can die a bit quicker and stop collecting all those veteran benefits also. The enemy will also lose their next few (dozens) of generations of children and with increased health costs of helping the maimed, they will also need to spend more on medical care. Also any military that dares to fight knows that generations will suffer... a beautiful weapon really.

The MSM is not going to cover this as it really is such bad press, think about how long and how hard it was for Agent Orange to get any press and does it really get any traction these days anyways? No, not really... same with DU. Its so horrible its best to bury the damn news on it and talk about the latest video star drama.

Also if it did get traction in the news and suppose it was a popular item, can you imagine the clean up costs? It would be billions of dollars at the least. So you are going to find this issue on fringe sites and a few "do-gooder" sites that do not matter.

It's all psychology, folks. If you hit on any BIG issue that fucks with their ideological views and self image they will always shut down.

I just had this conversation with my buddy last night. He finally acknowledged that he knew full well that shit was going south. But he wasn't willing to pay attention and he willfully envelopes himself in his own "safety bubble".

We protect ourselves with this paradigm we travel in and most people don't have the "tools" to explore outside of it. This "tool" can be anything, I'd imagine. It's "self centric", therefore it's internally decided on.

In my "personal" life I was able to break through my self projected paradigm through multiple life events that minimized the importance of money, wealth, prosperity, and a "standard 40hr/wk job". Once those factors became moot I was able to explore subjects that were dangerous to acknowledge.

Well depleted uranium is a lot more common in coating for smoothbore shells and reactive armour in main battle tanks than chemical weapons. Sure, it has been used as a weapons with intent of causing biological harm in the past, but a lot of people cant get passed with associating DU with tanks. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why it seems that people tend to underestimate DU's toxicity. I for one used to underestimate its toxicity because the word 'depleted' before uranium gave me the impression that the uranium used in tanks were stabilized and removed from all radiation... But obviously we all make mistakes and dont do enough research.

because the MSM is not in the business of spreading the truth. It's in the business of lying to you and spreading what TPTB and the government want you to believe is true.

That's why.

Depleted what?

Go back to watching the Kardashians, folks.

Move along, nothing to see here folks.

I think all three of these are generally accepted by the main stream media.

It's just they aren't talked about. I can vividly recall a piece by Jeremy Scahill on MSNBC where he talks a little about it. I'm sure it's talked about on CSPAN as well

Many Americans think Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and we found WMD's even though most of main stream media accepts that reality. Pretty standard stuff

Because it is, it's just some Star Wars' weapon which our government would never use. Like torture, which also is just part of the liberal agenda to undermine the legacy of GWB.

edit: Linux user = hipster !!

As an average person I've never even heard of depleted uranium.

What is it?

Are you saying it has something to do with gulf war syndrome?

Most average people think gulf war syndrome is just post traumatic stress disorder causing health problems.

I'm doing some research on the net right now.

I think the reason it falls on deaf ears is that average people know absolutely nothing about it.

My first assumption is that if it's depleted then it must be inert and non toxic.

I'd be interested in reading a full comprehensive article if you'd write one.

I'd like to hear what the government says about why they use it in the first place and why it's perfectly safe. I mean why use uranium why you can use lead? Is uranium harder and therefore more piercing?

Then to raise public awareness id like to hear how it must end up being a way to dump radioactive waste in other peoples backyard. Also interested in whether it still gives off radiation and what would happen if I swallowed some.

EDIT: maybe it's not so much that people are turned off. Maybe they haven't been taught how nasty this shit is?

There are plenty of articles written that are available on the internet. Most people don't want to know to much about it because it makes them uncomfortable. Try watching the second video or any of the multitude of others on DU. It's hard to watch. It gives me nightmares. The American government is guilty of war crimes for using DU and they really don't want us discussing it too much because someday they might actually be held responsible.

Du seems to be a way to dump waste.

You should research the addition of fluoride into out water systems. It's just another way to dispose of something that has no other way of being disposed of.

The other reason I bring up fluoride is that I began detoxifying myself from fluoride, bromine, and toxic halogens about a year ago using large doses of iodine. Initially it made me very sick.

You might check out the iodine forums on cure zone . Com.

Iodine apparently also detoxes heavy metals like mercury (from your dental fillings) Maybe it might help with DU exposure too?


I know about fluoride. What you experienced during detox was a Herxheimer Reaction or healing crises. The intentional poisoning of our food, water and air and the drugging of the population with fluoride based antidepressants like prozac ,hypnotics like lunesta, it becomes almost impossible to believe other than that there is a conspiracy to kill us off slowly and profit from our demise in the mean time.

The SSKI I started taking has about 10-20 mg of potassium iodine per drop.

That's a pretty massive dose. It made me feel -really- sick and woozy. I scaled it back to a half drop a day.

A year later I am taking about 8 drops a day which is an anti-cancer dose.

My head and thinking much more clear.

My body aches are finally subsiding and my energy levels and stress is also coming down.

Good luck OP

U-238 occurs at 3 ppm in the earth's crust. That means there is about 20 pounds of U-238 in the top 12" of soil per acre. How are we going to mitigate that risk?

By not eating 2 tons of dirt.