So its came to my attention that /r/conspiratard is a thing and that they regularly brigade, troll and insult us.

0  2013-10-19 by [deleted]


Look at that post they link and tell me it isn't blatantly anti-semitic.


Then they have a point in this case, no?

In that case, maybe. Us Regularly linking and brigadeing the sub, no.


Saudis are also semites...would that make the 9/11 Commission Report blaming 19 Saudi hijackers anti-semitic?

would that make the 9/11 Commission Report blaming 19 Saudi hijackers anti-semitic?

No, because we all know anti-semite means "Jew hater," that's entirely how it's been used since its inception as a term in 1860 and if you consult literally any dictionary whatsoever as to the meaning of the term you'll find that it refers to someone who hates Jews.

I really don't get this line of argument / inquiry when it so often crops up. If it makes you happy let's pretend that I said the cartoon is blatantly anti-Jew, does that make you happier?

Furthermore the 9/11 commission report isn't scapegoating all Saudis and suggesting they're responsible for all of society's ills, which would be more in keeping with the tone of the linked cartoon if we are to suggest the report is anti-semitic.

Here's a source you may find helpful. Please don't be thrown by the title of it...

Great! A little fucking holocaust denial to liven up my morning! TIL the Jews were systematically exterminated by Hitler's regime because they were the "enemy inside the gates." Also antisemitism didn't really exist until the Jews "declared war" on Germany, even though god damn fucking Mein Kampf, which you no doubt have read, was written in 1926 and makes no secret that Hitler saw Jews as a parasite to be exterminated and was incredibly well received and responsible for Hitler's popular support.

This video is despicable, it's just regurgitating the Antisemitic (oh no! I said it!) bullshit lies that bigots happily lap up because it justifies their bullshit bigoted hatred. It could only really be seriously entertained by an idiot or produced by an intellectually dishonest sympathizer of Nazi Germany.

It's painfully obvious you saw the title of the video and tabbed right over to admonish me. If your dogma is too sacred to examine, you'd probably best avoid engaging me.

I actually watched it. How do you think I understood its claims that Jews were actually the "enemy inside the gates", that they instigated Germany to exterminate them by "declaring war" through a boycott and thus deserved their fate and were responsible for antisemitism which was totally justified, etc. etc.

Half an hour of some neo-nazi twat lecturing me about how it's totally okay to spew bile like this that I'll never get back.

I just want to make sure we're discussing the same video before I continue.

Here you go for his claim that the Jews were the "enemy inside the gates." "This declaration of war was Jewish initiative and the reason why the Jews of Europe were later herded into concentration camps."

So it's their fault, huh? Never mind that it wasn't a very effective boycott and wasn't universally adhered to by German Jews. No mention of why such a boycott was called for. I'm sure the Nazis were just minding their own business, right? Not, you know, calling for the extermination of the Jewish race or anything like that.

"Today with no mention of the context the not unreasonable fears of the Germans are denigrated as being Anti-Semitic, pure and simple." (emphasis mine)

Yup. Okay. Totally reasonable fears there. The Nazis were just acting self-defense, right? And I bet you actually believe that.

"International Jewry" hmm that almost sounds like it's taken from this antisemitic piece of trash published by America's most-loved Nazi sympathizer, Henry Ford. Nah, I'm sure that particular turn of phrase is just an unfortunate coincidence.

Well now you've gotten me to waste more time on this transparent piece of propaganda made by the same guy who said:

it seems that there is no solid evidence that Germany put in train a plan to systematically murder Jews using gas chambers. I have no doubt that some Germans were as cruel as some of those bombing-raid planners, and that a lot of unnecessary deaths resulted from that cruel streak, which seems to show itself in so many humans, but I do not think that the facts support the planned systematic- extermination scenario that the ever-growing number of Holocaust museums claim was perpetrated by the Germans.

So there you have it, the Nazis are just misunderstood, they fought back against the "international Jew" that declared war on them, and they totally didn't implement systematic genocide, and that all means that basically Hitler's transparently moronic rhetoric was actually right. Nope I don't see how someone could misconstrue this stance as that of a neo-nazi or anything.

And I bet you actually believe that.

It's probably not a good idea to make any assumptions about what I believe. Think about what you actually know about me other than a video link I've provided for dissemination.

My take on the entire subject can be summarized briefly as "generally confused". It would seem of all the atrocities committed throughout history that it is only this one that is forbidden to study, examine, scrutinize, or even question. It's been quite a while since I actually watched the video I linked but I recall one of the most striking points made was the fact that this incident in particular is literally the only historical event to have legal ramifications in certain nation states that are otherwise quite liberal.

It is the taboo nature of the study and/or discussion that intrigues me, not the establishment of empirical fact of whether or not it took place.

Now if you'll excuse me I have more pressing matters to tend to.

It's the core of the term that makes it a powerful tool; it makes people immediately think of ww2 and implies naziism, but in truth our wars in the Middle East are all anti-Semitic in the strictest sense of the term. It's been hijacked and people should be aware of that.

You are arguing semantics.

Whatever the original meaning of the word was culture and time have changed it into a new meaning that the majority of people will agree with because that is how they know the definition of the word.

The irony is in the link I posted up there it demonstrates that its original meaning was and always has been "Jew-hater". It hasn't been hijacked at all. This is what it has always meant.

It doesn't matter what the original meaning was or what it is today, what matters is co-opting the term so that we can diffuse its power so that it can't be used against us.

Who exactly is this "us" you're referring to? This is a subreddit, not some kind of often paranoid and delusional street gang.

I doubt they mean to pigeonhole you, me, or anyone into a certain narrative. "Us" as it refers to the sub in general simply means people attempting to wade through the layers of their own indoctrination and construct a paradigm based on empirical reality as opposed to state narrative. It's not a particularly pleasant endeavor and on the whole I don't recommend it.

Lol it's just a joke get over it

Most of us over at /r/conspiratard just like to poke a little fun at some of the content posted here and other websites. You can look through all the posts there and you will not find one post where someone is telling other people to downvote a post on this sub or any other sub for that matter. Vote brigades and trolling are not the purpose of /r/conspiratard, as far as insults go that is purely subjective.

Fuck off. Look at this thread and tell me no downvoting has ocurred.

Easy to prove, you gimp. Start a throwaway account and subscribe to conspiratard.. Try to start a downvote brigade and see how you fare.

I know, I know.. collecting hard evidence isn't your cup of tea.. but hey, just try it once

I think most down votes on this post are from /r/conspiracy because OP linked to /r/conspiratard. Also why would /r/conspiratard down vote this post when it is free advertisement for that sub?

No. This post was +15 earlier. Just look at the comments here and how the voting is. Conspiratard is a downvote brigade pure and simple.

Yeah, a normal back and forth between myself and another /r/conspiracy member has 20 downvotes for each comment once the conspiratards found it, and a picture of a lizard in a business suit as a response has ten ups.

What good does conspiratard do? The only possible good would be its members must get some joy out of doing things like I described above. Is posting pictures of reptilian aliens in a conspiracy forum something you would want your friends to pat you on the back for? That and downvotes were the reply I got when asking why people who hate /r/conspiracy spend so much time here. Real intellectual group you've got there. Lot to be proud of.

Fuck off. Every thread on every subreddit has downvotes. Grow up and stop searching for things you would like "us" to be responsible for.

the truth will win out. welcome the skeptics, ignore the trolls.

You're all using really big words to defend yourself and all it shows is you know how to use the dictionary. Ever wondered if people on the conspiretard sub just find the things people make such a problem of here, just awfully funny? It has nothing to do with apartheid, insecurity, fear or whatever people angrily about out here. Grow a pair, ignore, then move on.

Welcome to the party!

Op you should edit to include the r/conspiriturd link to this thread

Please don't link to that subreddit. All it does is give them page hits and increase their visibility. That's the last thing /r/conspiracy needs.

Ignore them and they go away??

they're always watching you

Yes we are.

Guess how many fucks I give?

I went there once. The insecurity and fear was palpable inside the circlejerk. They need the state to reassure them that their education and observations are consistent with reality and I don't blame them. Red pill sucks shit and if I could rid myself of it I'd happily do so. Here's a link to a post I made in this thread. If anyone wants to discuss, please, "come at me bro"

The insecurity and fear was palpable inside the circlejerk.

Can you explain to me what you mean by that? Sure there is a circlejerk going on over there just like any other sub but I have not seen any insecurity/fear there.

I'm not sure every sub is a circlejerk if we can agree that the word means people organizing for the purpose of strengthening and supporting one another using confirmation bias.

The fear is inherent to the process. I would submit the very existence of the group is a testament to that.

It is a complete and utter circlejerk.

Yeah. Statism is a lot like religion. They don't like ideas that are contrary to their preconceived notions of reality, politics, social constructs and the true mechanisms that shape them. The organized down voting conducted by that sub derives from a longing for the legitimacy of state doctrine because the alternative is mighty unsettling.

P.S. what happens when we talk in deleted threads? Is it like a little chat channel or something?

Ignore'em, move on, and continue to educate yourself.

Just tag them on RES and call them out when they leak.

Tag me as a lizard person!


That's not really being fair to how they usually seem to parse the Israel-Palestine conflict. For instance here is the first long thread I could find there on the topic. Control-F search for "israel" and see what you find.

Yeah, explains a lot doesn't it? Ever wonder when there's these bitter, combative, cruel people hanging around a subreddit they vocally hate- who the fuck are these weirdos? Why are they hanging around a conspiracy site just to scream about how people who buy into conspiracies are insane? Apparently, somehow, they derive some joy out of doing so. Surprised me too, and if anyone can explain the motivation, beyond sadism...scratch that, don't bother.

I went there once. The insecurity and fear was palpable inside the circlejerk. They need the state to reassure them that their education and observations are consistent with reality and I don't blame them. Red pill sucks shit and if I could rid myself of it I'd happily do so.

Know what you mean. Never thought ignorance was bliss, but there's a lot of knowledge I'd give back if I could. So your theory is they're acting less out of sadism than fear when they hassle people posting here? Not so much that they enjoy bullying people, but what people are saying here freaks them out? Hard to understand why they don't just ignore the sub though, they're tuning out a hell of a lot more anyways.

They're hardly sadistic or bullying, they're just sarcastic and sardonic and almost always pick the low hanging fruit for use as a vehicle to discredit the entirety of the content within the sub. It is quite rare to find a well heeled purveyor of state doctrine who can hold their own in a proper debate. They will almost immediately employ transparent straw man and ad hom before tucking tail

Edit: Notice the downvote brigade on this post in particular and how not a single one of them has the testicular fortitude to respond to me, nor will they.

I just want to make sure we're discussing the same video before I continue.