Why do you think the DHS is buying Bullets and MRAP vehicles?

9  2013-10-21 by [deleted]

Explain please.


For when they release the flu/MERS virus and we all are ordered to come to FEMA Camps, to then be weeded out and RFID chips implanted... All the cotton blankets are for burying/burning the bodies.

I hope you dont actually believe that

They can't stop the work force. It is the only thing keeping this country alive. A flu outbreak is unlikely. Think about it you are in prison which is basicly what it will be what are you gonna do? You will start connecting the dots, and come to fact you got fucked over then you will rebel. They don't want that they want control.

The camps I think will be for the fushikima thing.

Budget runs out in January on the 15th.

Basel 3 (increased capital requirements for federal banks) goes into effect on January 1.

What do you think will happen when the US can't print its way out of being overleveraged?

I thought they might crash the dollar this month, but it makes more sense to do it in January when it will be cold.


Oh come on... some commentary please.

After people start dying, the public will clamor to get into the camps...

As for the labor force, there's a reason the industries have been outsourced or mechanized.

They will want fed. You're right.

I doubt that. Everyone knows the story of the nazis and that seems how most will associate it. It is gonna take a clever slogan to convince otherwise.

Go ask ten random people what a "FEMA camp" is, and report back.

Lol most of them don't even know what fema stands for but they know the hype everyone talks about.

Because they were given too much money. They have to use it or lose it based on federal budgeting rules. It's a fucked up system.

I didn't think they bought the mraps I thought they were military already they just are getting repurposed. And the bullets cause they was on sale. Lol

But what about the hollow points?

The Hollow points were for ICE, not the DHS.

Here is a good write up talking about the false stuff that was thrown around, followed up by the truth of those claims.

They justifcation was so they can train with the same ammo they woild use in real conflict. Who knows I haven't heard of a shootout dhs has ever had.

Completely retarded. No one trains with hollow points, that's absolutely stupid and wasteful.

Any gun they issue will fire a FMJ and JHP without issue. This is a bogus excuse and anyone with rudimentary firearms training knows it.

Wasn't the supposed amount of bullets that went around conspiracy blogs found to be false?

Same with the MRAP's?

Can you be a touch more specific?

There were claims going around that the DHS purchased 1.6 billion rounds in the past months in conspiracy circles. Which was found to be bullshit, they had a contract to to purchase 450 million over the next five years, which is right on course with previous years.

There were claims going around that 2600 MRAP's were purchased, but that was also found to be false, and that only 16 were purchased by the DHS.

First of all, this information wasn't just circulating in "conspiracy circles", it was first published in the MSM and the Guardian. The ammunition was a purchase order that spans several years, and after being question the DHS claimed they were saving money by making the bulk purchase when prices were low. Regarding MRAPS, they are not being "purchased", they are alreadya owned by DHS. They are being considered "surplus" and are being given to local law enforcement agencies through a federal program, I forget the official name but you can google it, the Guardian has reported on it. The program is providing not just MRAPS to local police but also automatic weapons, rockets, tanks, and other military grade equipment.

Yes, the numbers of those claims that went around at first were found to be false.

I'm calling bullshit on tanks and rockets without a source. I have tried to search but have found no source about them buying rockets and tanks.

I believe the automatic weapons, but that is partly due to police agencies already having access to full auto weapons.

You can call bullshit all day it doesn't change the facts. And to reiterate, none of these are "purchases" this is all surplus being "given" to law enforcement. Just read the article about the federal program from the Guardian, this is all verifiable informs til that can also be found via .gov sites. Billions in military surplus have already been dispersed. Just google it and you will find your precious "sources".

Yes, the bullets were a purchase order, you can look at the exact purchase order itself, i'll take that over some fear mongering conspiracy bloggers word. (Not saying that is what you are, i'm referring to the people that spread those false claims and numbers).

I'm not disagreeing with you on the surplus program, I agree that they have been giving over MRAP's for free, my college has one.

What I am saying is that the DHS is not giving out rockets and tanks.

There is nothing in that Guardian story about Tanks and Rockets.

Yes, there is. Grenade launchers and grenades, not rockets, sorry. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/oct/07/militarization-local-police-america

The one instance of a "tank" being given to law enforcement, is an armored personnel carrier.

This is the "tank"

I would not call that what we traditionally call a tank.

Here is the quote from the Guardian article which you evidently did not read. "Tanks, grenade launchers, armored vehicles, and assault rifles are just a few of the items that have been transferred from military control to municipal police forces. "

See my other comment about the tank.

None of these were hard to obtain before this program, police hav had grenade launchers, armored carriers, and assault rifles back in to the 80's at least.

What you mean when you said TANKS are not a part of the 1033 program? You are completely wrong about that, there is clear evidence that some police precincts have in fact received tanks through this program. Remember the black "SWAT" tanks that were rolled out during the Boston Bombing?
So let me get this straight, first you try to debunk the claim that MRAPS and other military equipment is being re-allocated to local police forces, you then deny that its happening, but when I provided you with an article that proves the complete opposite, you back track and say, "oh theyve been doing that since the 80s". What exactly is your major malfunction? Are you having internal struggles dealing with reality?

Can you point me towards this evidence?

I have searched multiple times and have come up with nothing about police dept's receiving TANKS.

I never denied that MRAPS are going to police forces, I said I agreed with you on that, because my college received one itself. I said that previously, there were rumors floating around Conspiracy circles, that the DHS was buying 2600 MRAPS. I said that was false.

I denied that TANKS and ROCKET LAUNCHERS were being given to police forces.

I already provided you with both the article AND the quote within the article that states TANKS and Grenade launchers are being handed over to local police. What more do you need?

I said ROCKET LAUNCHERS, not GRENADE LAUNCHERS, there is a very big difference. Police can already use GRENADES, they have never had access to ROCKETS.

The "TANK", which was supposedly given to one single Police Agency turned out not to be a TANK after I researched in to it. Just because an article says something does not mean it's true, which is why I did look in to the TANK claim. The guardian also falsely picked up the 1.6 billion round bullshit story at one time. That did not make it true.

I don't get what part you don't understand.

You think the source, The Guardian, is not a reputable source??

Im saying they have run stories before that turned out to be false. And idk why im still yelling about rockets.

I mis-spoke when I said rockets, and I acknowledged that I meant to say grenade launchers. Why are you still yelling about rockets?

Oh, just 450 million rounds...

Over 5 years. Which breaks down in to roughly the exact same amount they have purchased in previous years.

Why is it now suddenly some huge issue?

I really don't know either way. But I am pretty sure they did buy that many rounds cause it was cheaper they said.

I know it was roughly the same amount as they always have each year, but the 1.6 billion rounds number was flying around was false.

Ok I didn't know. It was just something to get everyone afraid then. Boogy man got bullets what are we gonna do.

Fear mongering at its best.

Alex jones wanna be. Everyone wants to be the top dog fighting over control. Think about this. TERRORISM. Why does it work so well? It is cause they operate independatly from the leader. Cells are the smartest military tactic ever thought of. They have a goal and act independent of each other to accomplish the goal.

Completely retarded. No one trains with hollow points, that's absolutely stupid and wasteful.

Any gun they issue will fire a FMJ and JHP without issue. This is a bogus excuse and anyone with rudimentary firearms training knows it.