It seems inevitable that the economy will collapse , would this give power back to the people ? What's the end game for the rich and powerful ?

40  2013-10-23 by [deleted]


Do you know your history? We will drag them into the streets and make Burger out of them and eat'm up! This Police State will not keep going.

No we won't, not like the French Revolution. They will be on private jets heading to their 1,000 acre cattle ranchero in Brazil before anyone get's close. The best you could hope for is to pillage their summer beach house or country estate of some expensive electronics and furniture. Maybe torch their spare Ferrari.

Even if martial law were declared and travel banned, do you think Bill Gate's family would have to obey that like everyone else or do you think they would be on a private jet to Austria before sundown?

Give me liberty or give me death

And you see, this is part of the problem with humanity and why we keep not only being treated like sheep/cattle, but why we will continue failing over and over again like the sheep/cattle the .01% see us as being.

We are so constantly looking or "revenge" or looking to smash somebody's head in, when if we spent that time and energy in simply coming together and HELPING EACH OTHER, there would simply be no .01% manipulating us in the first place. They wouldn't be able to. The only reason why they do and they can is because we have continued to buy into the separation manipulation that we've been indoctrinated and brain washed with throughout our lives.

The "black v white", "rich v poor", "male v female", "straight v gay", "etc v etc" dichotomy is all, ALL synthetic and artificially promoted and exaggerated by the .01%. There may inherently be differences amongst us, but those differences have been so exaggerated all out of proportion by TPTB, and it is why we as a people simply can't even come together as one and help one another against what's going on.

The second some crazy shit happens and the money gets pulled from the banks or the Fed does some downsizing b.s., then we as a people feel "we're screwed! We're done for!!"

We don't need the stupid monetary system that we've allowed ourselves to be enslaved by in order to LIVE, God dammit.

We need each other. We need to help each other. We need to simply live in balance and as one.

When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money.

We get confused and flustered if the crazy, stupid complication of our lives gets taken away from us - when it is in fact the simplicity of helping one another survive and thrive and live on this planet healthily that is the best thing that can help us.

Anyway...stupid humans, we are. Stupid beings.

Rant over...

I don't think a single moment of collapse is at all inevitable. For 40-50 years there have been continual and numerous hits to public wealth and rights. There was never a collapse, per se. There were many "crises" that hurt the public rights and wealth. Ultimately, we'll just be working as hard as middle class Chinese are now and with as few rights (edit: and as little income) and no one will have time to understand, let alone try to change, the government.


Look what happened during the Arab Oil Embargo. Unemployment was at %11 and inflation was also worse than it is now. A complete loss of faith in the USD is also not a given, and that's part of why we have such an overwhelming military (and you're assuming more than couple countries not run by the people who run ours). Also, look at the benefits to the elite of a total crash (could cost them power, even their lives), vs. that of having us as serfs.

Also, look at the benefits to the elite of a total crash (could cost them power, even their lives)

The people who made the put options against American Airlines and United Airlines just prior to 11 September 2001 disagree that there are no benefits to a collapse.


What power do we have now? The military doesn't need to be formally in charge to be able to quell unrest. In a crash, debt wouldn't be erased, but many more people would be unable to pay them, so they'd make less. But a crash also risks revolution and in a revolution most debt to the wealthy (including domestic national debt) disappears.

I'm sure they're prepared for that possibility, but why would they risk total loss to get a system no more beneficial to them than the current stable one?


They own the very concept of money and those in power have more than they and their families can ever use, and the ability to create more at will. You know why they killed MLK? It wasn't the civil rights stance. It was the crowds he could lead, but moreover, it was the two other topics he spoke constantly about (that our textbooks won't mention): Vietnam and poverty. They were afraid of large masses of educated people organized against them; but really it was when he planned a massive march for the poor on DC, that they killed him. (I mean Johnson hated him, but Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act under little or no pressure)

They're far past the need for monetary greed; when they take from us, it is more to keep us poor and uneducated. Now it's just the desire to consolidate power and ensure they don't lose it. Besides, I don't subscribe to the belief that a crash would lead to an increase in their wealth, in the short term or the long term. Maybe some of the mid-level players just want more money, but they were only allowed to get that high up because the people with the real power let them, and thus they can be reigned in if needed.


Right, I agree with all that, but it speaks to the point that they need to avoid a situation (a crash) where very large numbers of people suddenly won't be able to afford food, or material gratification. Thus it would be smarter to slowly degrade our ability to obtain these things (slowly boiling the frog).

Most Americans have no idea that a 1 income family in 1976, in real terms, made about the same as a two income household today. The reason they don't know is that those in power are very careful to choose what news is seen by most people. One day, we'll wake up and still not realize that we're making half what we are now.


Well, we need to end fractional reserve banking and use either a gold or silver standard or a constitutional limit on how much money can be printed (William Jennings Bryan was a silver monetarist because it's harder to manipulate the price of than gold).

But what I really think is that they know not to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. That's why I chose Chinese wage as an example; that's pushing it. Also, cheaper manufacturing means that they can continue to slowly rob us more as goods get cheaper.

I'm sure they're prepared for that possibility, but why would they risk total loss to get a system no more beneficial to them than the current stable one?

Who's to say it's not beneficial? You can jail whoever you want, kill whoever you want, eliminate social services, eliminate democratic processes in the houses of government, and blame it all on brown guys thousands of miles away that couldn't possibly defend themselves independently against accusation in the moment.

They're doing all those things now.

And they're still not satisfied. So now they do to us as they have done (and perfected) in other countries, sow civil unrest and then blame their further greed on the symptom of civil unrest.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

For 40-50 years there have been continual and numerous hits to public wealth and rights. There was never a collapse, per se.

The collapse began August 15, 1971.

So it's not like there was never a collapse -- but rather, that it's been collapsing for so long that nobody realizes that that's what is going on.

Boiling frogs, my man. Boiling frogs.

The common denominator is that the petrodollar, by hook or by crook, remained the worldwide standard. That is in real jeopardy this time around.

Bankrupt the country. Banks still want their mortgage money. Elites and foreign parties buy up all our land cheap. Lots of people die off who are dependent on hand outs which dry up. Basically a huge transfer of real wealth and return to serfdom for the survivors.

Money is the only power they have. The commoners need to agree upon abandoning it. It's the only way to beat them, we'll lose if we play their game.

Cannot agree with this more. People need to REALLY understand though the real import of what you're saying: We as a citizenry need to all come together in agreement with one another - and the only way that's going to happen is if we realize that we are all one family and that all the supposed "differences" we have between us (race, gender, class, etc) are all inconsequential and don't mean anything.

The only way we will be able to combat the oppression that exists is if we come together and agree to help one another.


That's not to say that people won't want to take the country back. But military as police and foreign troops on our soil and all the laws recently put in place to squash any civil unrest will make it much harder.


They have no connections to the local population so the use of force won't be as much an issue. Heck, even during the shutdown, the law enforcement that was brought in to guard the memorials in D.C. were from Seattle (Seatac, WA). Right now 386,000 Russian troops are in the D.C. area getting ready for a blackout war game starting mid November.

Damn that Sascha!

war game

That's rich, considering our recent history of letting/making these exercises go live.

The modern version of free market economics may as well be called the Divine right of the Kings.

The electricity would have to go. Without the tv and computer we would probably have a real Reign of Terror style French Revolution.

I think this is a very good point. Without control of the information mediums (tv, internet) you don't have control of the population. Electricity is absolutely necessary for this.

Ive seen this happen firsthand. After hurricane Ike most of Houston and counties adjacent to Harris was without electricity for up to three weeks or more. I was an armed security guard and let me tell you, I learned that it doesn't take a whole lot to turn 1st world citizens into cavemen.

I was part of a nightly two man detail posted at a hotel equipped with a pair of big ol Detroit Diesel generators and several hundred gallons of diesel cordoned off with portable fencing. Full power provided for police, linemen and emergency workers (that came from as far away as Alaska) with warm showers and hot food and clean beds. There were high powered floodlights surrounding the place, the parking lot loaded with at least a hundred policecars and work trucks, and only two of us with shotguns, body armor, radio and handguns. At the limit of the lighting you could see shapes moving around, guys wanting to steal things.

Sometimes theyd throw rocks to make noise and try to get your attention while another would go try to get away with something. One time they somehow tore the lightbar off a police car. Probably jimmied it during a shift change. This went on for five nights straight. All they needed was some coordination and it would have been like downtown Mogadishu.


Holy shit, that sounds like a Stephen King premise.

The economy is going to collapse but as soon as it does martial law will be enforced. My guess on when is this weekend when congress goes to Florida and all these 'drills' take place.


I'm just going off of a hunch, my previous comment had no solid evidence to back it. Doesn't it concern you a little bit that Congress is shutting down again, not for something that would be deemed crucial to the American people. Not to mention that this shutdown will be during the weekend in which an Urban Shield terror drill will be run. I don't like the look of it but still no hard evidence of collapse, simply an observation.


We've been under martial law for a long time already.

Oh sure, they militarized the police instead of deputizing the military - but still.

Known timeline is confusing. False flag attack probably leads to economic meltdown, two weeks later we have a new economy, after that some time later some guy gets killed, which leads to ww3. Unknown factor is the timeframe. Either after a huge protest around the world (nov 5th fits) or what could be the winter games in russia comes before the ff attack. timeframes in between are confusing. anyhow, doesn't matter, as people aren't in any way helping changing anything. Anybody who tries gets even ridicouled by those who know that shit will hit the fan. too much argueing about irrelevant stuff going on. brainwashed masses everywhere, including /r/conspiracy.

Keep your guns people.

I don't think so. You can't really fathom the wealth of the truly elite. The 1% have such vast amounts of wealth. If you took all the money, all the personal net worth of someone who was in the top 10% you might have a pile 6 feet tall. If you took the personal net worth of someone who was in the top 10% of the top 1%, that pile would be as tall as the Eiffel Tower.

But more meaningful than paper currency that is subject to inflation or even complete collapse, you have material wealth such as real estate, factories, agri-businesses, mineral rights, things that are lasting and difficult to wrest from anyone's control short of a repeat of the French Revolutaion. Even with that scenario, these people exist beyond any allegiance to a country or nation state. They simply pick up and leave for a safer country and carry on as easily as if you or I moved across town.

The very very wealthy right now have to ability to weather any storm.

On the flip-side are the millions who would quickly run out of food. Their jobs would disappear, government subsidies would be gone. Even the upper middle class would quickly succumb to economic realities of lost income streams. Those living on the poverty line or below would be at the mercy of charity and possibly face out-right starvation. One bad winter or a heat wave could kill thousands that could not afford heating or cooling in their homes.

Martial Law and the next Civil War of the United States, between 'The People' and 'The Police'. Gotta put all those FEMA concentrat- I mean, 'real-education' camps to good use.

The rich and powerful endgame is to get to Dubai or get underground and let the radiation and starvation finish what they started.

The end game for the rich and elite is called inflation then there money is worth the same as our money (I.e. nothing).

I think the plan is to incorporate economic collapse into WW3. Nuclear proliferation will follow with the major powers of the world. This is how I believe they will wipe out a vast majority of the world's population under the guise of war.

After all the pain and suffering, using their full proof plan of "order through chaos," they will propose a one world country that can't wage war with anyone else. A one world currency that other countries can't rely on for a big chunk of their economic wealth and to prevent another collapse.

At least, from what I've looked up and researched, this is how I think it will unfold. If their ultimate plan follows through, we are heading for some dark times.


When I say most, I think it will be to around 2 billion. They successfully ruled the world at a time when the population was this low. The powers that be already know that the common folk growing in huge numbers is a problem. It is much easier to divide and rule 2 billion than it is to rule 7.

That's what all this talk about limited resources is about. Sooner or later the wars on oil will turn into a war on water. Which is why I believe they're poisoning, polluting and destroying all our fresh water sources. People will be okay with fighting and killing others for water (especially if we can justify it for oil) if it means their survival.

This is why I believe the Bush family has a plot of land sitting over a massive water reserve in South America.

Here's Ted Turner talking about it.

Here's George Green, a former insider, talking about it.

There a lot more info I've dug up on this. This is all some pretty big speculations, but I don't think it to be too far fetched to think it will happen this way.

(Assuming there isn't a global conscious awakening to stop it)

Ofc, don't take my word, just keep doing your own research. The answer is always out there, or at least enough of the puzzle to see a picture.

Guns laws are lax as hell in Paraguay. Once the locals find out he's hoarding water in a period of water shortage, things will get very ugly real quick.

It's not about being rich. Like Suhb mentioned, after a big catastrophy the remaining folk will be extremely easy to control and round up, ready for microchipping. Our biggest strength right now is numbers, so once that's no longer an issue the end game will be revealed.

As silly as it sounds, Mars isnt such a bad place to go anymore is it? 200k for a place in the colony. The rich will destroy the planet, pool and consolisate their resources and using (unheard of and probably detrimental) sources of energy, will depart the planet. Simultaneous global destruction and colonization of Mars anyone? Elysium perhaps?

I'm pretty sure it's going to be a slow descent, not a sudden collapse.

It has been a slow descent since August 15, 1971.

You are thinking of it wrong, yes the economy will collapse but the "reality builders" (my personal term) will simply create a new economic system with new social norms and conditioning for the "majority" to accept. Keep in mind these guys have literally trillions of dollars and the best scientists and think tanks at their disposable which have been setting up contingencies and bunkers to steer humanity in their direction very subtly. So in short yes the current economic system is not sustainable, but they will simply "reboot" into a new one with the assets of the old economic system at their disposal. Mind you there are other factors in play but this is my main argument that what is happening to today is simply the signs of purposeful systematic demolition of our current society and infrastructure.

What everyone here needs to understand is that currency will be food, water, bullets, and other supplies. All those who think theyre enlightened to the point where they don't see a use for a firearm are fools.

This "plan" has never made sense to me. If the richest people at the top continue to craft the economic system so that money can travel to the top, but don't send it back to the bottom somehow, eventually all of the money will be at the top.

So, to stick with familiar numbers, this top 1% will eventually have effectively all of the money. The rest of the population will have no choice but to use something else like gold, a new paper currency, or straight up bartering.

If no one is using the money, it's just paper (and a lot of meaningless numbers in bank logs).

The collapse is just a part of the plan, baby!

who says the collapse is orcestrated internaly?

Yes, hyperinflation and economic collapse definitely led to power back to the people in Weimar Germany!


What power do we have now? The military doesn't need to be formally in charge to be able to quell unrest. In a crash, debt wouldn't be erased, but many more people would be unable to pay them, so they'd make less. But a crash also risks revolution and in a revolution most debt to the wealthy (including domestic national debt) disappears.

I'm sure they're prepared for that possibility, but why would they risk total loss to get a system no more beneficial to them than the current stable one?

Also, look at the benefits to the elite of a total crash (could cost them power, even their lives)

The people who made the put options against American Airlines and United Airlines just prior to 11 September 2001 disagree that there are no benefits to a collapse.