How many times has the entire congress been flown hundreds of miles away all at once? For a funeral?

65  2013-10-23 by strokethekitty

I was just wondering. This is indeed fishy. Though, time and time again, fishiness only amounts to nothing, so i dont expect much of anything to happen tomorrow. But this question is still burning. How many times have they done this, en masse?


Something something Poland.

From Wikipedia: "Within hours of the crash, the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, announced the establishment of a special commission for the investigation of the accident. The commission was to be supervised by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin."


Did you know that a Polish Military prosecutor tried to kill himself on camera because, and I quote "to protect the honour of his office", as he claimed he had a bounty on his head.

He shot himself in the head just after the camera crew left after an interview regarding the investigation.

So he doesn't get to collect on the 200,000?

Im not sure about this. Yea its a possibility, but it just seems too obious if this were to be the case. I feel they will be leaving behind a few members and call a recess vote or something, remember only the majority of thise present is needed to pass a bill, or something like that...

The Saudis are hinting at dropping the dollar. Just imagine if a missile or a similar attack from any supposed middle eastern country takes down the plane? Could be the false flag they so desperately want.

That is funny. We are hinting about dropping Saudi Arabia... off the map.

You think being too obvious has stopped the shadow government in the past? Really?

Eh i guess not. But still. They have usually been at least a little more sneaky when going about things, leaving only a little bit of info for some conspirators to notice to squash opposing views by labelling them as crazies. They skeet for plausible deniability. So im looking for a scenario that will give them plausible deniability, but will raise questions amongst us who are skeptical. A plane being shot down or somehow crashes is too incriminalizing for me.

When someone performs a sleight of hand trick, you have to watch the other hand. What im saying, is that most conspiracy theorists are going to be watching this plane like hawks. Instead, im looking for the other hand, like those who are staying behind to maybe vote on a bill such as the UN Small Arms Treaty ratification...

Here's the thing; you're seeing more blatant moves because those orchestrating them firmly believe that people like you and I have no recourse. That's how confident they are in the success of their plan. These might be highly educated people, but they're still psychopaths, and with that comes a certain amount of narcissism.

No link to what you are talking about?

Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in an e-mail that "Given Rep. Young's long and distinguished service to his Congressional district, and especially to the men and women of our Armed Forces, the rule against military aircraft is waived for his funeral."

So... never?

I think they meant doing this, while using military planes.

Not sure if it has ever happened before without using military planes though.

towards the end of the article it says, "Military aircraft was also used in recent months to transport lawmakers to the funerals of Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii)."

Im actually interested if some arent going, so that they can call a vote with only a few supporting members in attendance in order to pass an otherwise disliked bill or law? Obama HAS been known to orchestrate recess appointments while most members were away... What do ya'll think?

They came up with an excuse to use military planes as a cover to practice the Continuity of Government evacuation to Atlanta, GA.

what where when?

I wonder if this has anything to do with the renewal of the 1913 law giving the federal reserve power to do its thing for the next 100 years? I don't know what its called but I know that is ending sometime over the next couple of months.

Nonsense. That is just what young youtube libertarians spread without doing the research. The charter never had an expiration date in the first place and can only be revoked by an act of congress.

10 seconds on google got me this article:

I really don't think anything sinister is going on here.

I agree slightly. I mean, in all probability, nothing will come of this. But this is r/conspiracy. So, entertaining that fact, i propose something might be planned.

For instance, get most of congress out of dc, leaving a few members behind to vote to ratify the UN Small Arms Treaty by means of a two thirds majority vote of those present, while everyone is paying attention to the planes carrying the opposing members of congress.

Public Relations.


Wow i didnt know only republicans are going. Is there a link to see who is supposedly going?

Do you have a link to see who is supposedly going? How did you come up with 'the entire congress'? Is this actually happening or did you just happen to pose a hypothetical question at the same time that something similar was scheduled to happen?

Perfect! Florida eh? Yea, definitely shenanigans.


zionists on 3 planes, non-zionists in the Learjet.

Democrats, Republicans, same thing no difference. Would not matter either way.

In my opinion, the Republican vs. Democrat bullshit is just distraction, a way to keep the masses divided against each other, so the people don't realize the truth, that it's not really Red vs Blue, Left vs Right, Dumb-ocrat vs Retard-lican, it's US (the people) vs THEM (the government).

Or maybe its split up by those who are for a certain legislation and those against, say the UN Small Arms Treaty. Or maybe some are staying in dc for a recess vote to ratify the UN SAT by means of majority of those present? Or to give the president fast track authority on the trans-pacific trade treaty? While opposing members are away, they cant vote against them... Obama has been known to do things behind peoples back like this. He likes to get attention of the people focused on one thing so he can hurry and pass something without opposition or attention until its already passed. Its much harder to revoke a passed law than it is to stop it by voting...