"The revolution will not be televised" ladies and gentleman the revolution has already begun. Our government is running clandestine operations against American citizens. They are running mass surveillance on us all. The drills are all a show of force. Don't rise. Submit.

145  2013-10-26 by [deleted]



We all say this...unfortunately, we are actively submitting at this very moment.

Cops don't have the authority to do half of what we see them doing today. Wherever someone is arrested and/or beaten without cause, dogs being killed, etc, those communities should have risen up long ago and stripped these organizations of their clearly abused power.

...but we didn't...and now they have tanks and drones....

Next come the camps... oh wait, those are the for-profit private prisons. They're all set.

As a person from Omaha, Ne I can not agree with you more. We have had 3 incidents in the lasr few years that has caught major attention.

The latest one was this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txwx5HXMbfQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Before that we had this happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeUsvImDBHc&feature=youtube_gdata_player

But this was the first one that caught tons of publicity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amrYSVpGRxA&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Most of our community turned a blind eye to all of the situations listed. People are to comfortable and don't care about others more then themselves. There is not enough brave people that are not completely envoloped into a selfish and disassociated life.

I honestly would love to hear more about how citizens in predominantly white areas deal with this. Having only known NYC, coming from parents born there, in the ghetto, I only know mistrusting the police and understanding the system is designed to oppress us. What is it like, when that's not what you were brought up knowing?

While it may not be NYC ghetto I also grew up in the ghetto. Yes Nebraska has a ghetto areas too. We have the same views as you stated they are here to oppress and fine us. They put a way higher percentage of officers in the ghetto just to stir things up they will talk trash an incite civilians to get violent. And all that came out of it all was a few small protests less then 100 people show up.

Record incidents of police brutality and immoral police behavior. If you are arrested, demand trial by jury. Don't settle out of court. Wait as long as it takes to get the trial. Its a steep price to pay, but the alternative is debt and compliance with corruption. Also, it costs the state tons of money to feed and detain you for long periods of time, so they won't be willing to hold you for very long if their case is shit.

It is never too late. It's just more painful.

And precedence.

The revolution was, indeed, televised and we lost. 9/11 was the opening salvo and the financial crisis of 2008 was their victory parade. And it is only now, after 5 years of watching Wall Street loot the Treasury, seeing the wealthy buy legislation like they were at Walmart, and constantly hearing that the government regards the public as the enemy and is preparing to go to war with them, does the average American dumbfuck get the feeling that something might be wrong.

I think you mean that the infiltration is already finished.


I think the moment when we could have risen up and done anything about this has long passed.

It's far too late for that.

They can gun as all down, as simple as that.

They have way more weapons than we do.

And their weapons are much better than ours. Paid for by us. We are enslaved.

They are also better trained and better paid. They have better info and communications. The have better esprit de corps.

We are unorganized, poorly armed, splintered into various groups like city/country/region, white/black/mex, religious, class.

They can shut off the supply of food and control the media.

In short, it would not be pretty.

Does this also explain the fact that airlines are adding more seats and shrinking their sizes?

Please explain this comment to me.

'Twas a joke my good man.

Encrypt the planet.

Yeah, I just want to echo these comments... It's too late already. I thought we had a little more time too. Damn. I guess the NSA has done it's thing. At least immortality is only 40 years away.

What about Nov 5?

The only thing that will happen Nov 5th is that government monitoring agencies will have more complete dossiers on citizens they can label as trouble makers and domestic terrorists

ELI5: Why it's too late?

I think its not too late. Yes the longer we submit the harder it will be but when you lose hope and the will to do what is necessary then it is too late. We are a lot more powerful than you think plus we are sure to get support from at least part of the military they are people too they have family i think we can win if we just get our head out of the water. too late, fuck that

Believe it or not, Russell is right. This is the end.