Venting (nsa, aliens, etc..)

17  2013-10-27 by [deleted]

I just read a NY Times article stating that Federal Prosecutors are citing a warrantless wiretap as evidence in a trial. The fact that the case involves "material support to a terrorist organization" really makes my blood boil.

Let me get this straight. I am highly critical of our government, but I love my country to death. I am as patriotic as they come. I have shed blood for my country, that's something not many people can say.

I also am not an Islamic fundamentalist sympathizer. I realize that there are some crazy fucking Muslims out there. I also realize that there are a lot of other crazy nutjobs out there. The world is full of people that want to do harm to others.

Which brings us to the point. Our government is testing unprecedented waters and just like everything else before, it's under the guise of preventing terrorism. You know what's next, drugs, tax evasion, political espionage, underage drinking. Government does not care when it comes to the law.

Oh yeah, the members of this forum realize the data center in Utah stores and analyzes as many electronic transactions as possible. They have built a super quantum computing Artificial Intelligence with almost Turing machine hardware and capabilities. They're using it to spy on us.

And this is all real. Modern day events are so overwhelming that we can't even process what is definitely happening, let alone the unknown, mysterious, and supernatural. I've always been fond of some of the less mainstream thoughts. Of course one of the more intriguing subjects is the thought of aliens.

For most of my adult life I have accepted the possibility that aliens interacted with early civilizations. I have always thought that religions may be remnant stories of alien encounters (combined with psychedelic experiences). I have also entertained the theory that humans were bred from decedent primates for the purpose of slavery.

Which brings me to my next point, and for fucks sake, this is just for fun. Don't be an ignorant intellectual slob. Save that conversation for another sub.

What if aliens are controlling shit? What if they can shape shift, or have mind control capabilities, or human drones, whatever the capabilities, lets assume the have untouchable power. What would be their goal? I think humans are intelligent enough to adapt to whatever it may be, and perhaps work out a deal or something.

Maybe it's just hard for me to imagine that a human being, much less the Justice Department, could possibly think it's reasonable to build a fucking Turing machine out in the desert, record everything, and then go around prosecuting people without a god damned warrant.


The Hidden Hand interview may give you some insight on your theories here. Very interesting read none the less.

I would imagine that any alien race with the capabilities to seek us out and venture to our obscure corner of the galaxy would probably not be here to interfere with our primitive politics. If they wanted the planet, they would just take it.

Its possible we are a seeding experiment (ancient aliens checking the petri dish) its also possible they are researching life within our galaxy, and stumbled across us.. i imagine we are far more entertaining than say bacteria on mars, or giant aquatic worms under the ice seas of europa. Its possible lots of planets have life, but far less diversity than ours, so they like to watch us? lol, the truman planet.

But I guess what Im getting at is, I dont see how or why theyd be interested in infiltrating us and playing with our lives and minds... unless of course the idea of human energy and auras and all that are a thing. Its possible that much like monsters inc, they feed of of negative energy, and the more fear/aggression/pain/anxiety they create the better they fare.. but, that sounds more like your traditional demon than a separate species developed on a separate planet with separate biology, anatomy, and physiology - and thats a whole different discussion.

I am like you though, I entertain the idea that aliens may have played a roll in our past, possibly our present, and kinda hopefully in our future... but I see interdimentional beings or time travelers to be the more likely option.

Im not quite sure I grasp every aspect of time/space but from my admittedly remote understanding, it just seems like there would be a lot less of a search involved to find and observe us- and certainly a better reason to play politics if successful.. and to me it appears that our technology is easily progressing to the point where this could be completely within the realm of possibility, realistically.

Iv seen several things over the course of my life I couldnt explain. Things I only sorta jokingly refer to as glitches in the matrix. and Iv not always been alone when they happened so I know Im not totally noid and whacked. - k personal story time. I was out on my front porch with my (adult) nephew once, there was a work van parked kiddie corner across the street with cones around it. a car coming down the road, didnt swerve, it didnt slow down, it didnt do anything, it just disappeared behind the truck and reappeared on the front of real time, as if nothing happened. As if it slipped in and out of existence, without any apparent disruption. The nephew saw it too and we were both just kinda like whaaa?? but, light as you may or may not know does this, so to me, its something I can accept as probably not a delusion we both experienced simultaneously. Its possible these glitches arent just eyes playing tricks. It led me to the plot for a sci fi book I wish I had the talent to write. did you know that dryers open interdimentional portals and thats why one sock always seems to go missing?.. lol, but I digress.

I would love to blame our problems or pin a solution on alien interference. But somehow I just dont know that we in our unremarkable corner of an unremarkable galaxy spinning around an unremarkable star, on an unremarkable rock amid the vastness of the cosmos could be so special as to warrant special attention from an alien foe. but Im just musing, im not firm in my beliefs one way or the other... thanks for entertaining my brain puke ;)

I love it. My philosophy has always assumed an infinite amount of Universes, of which we are part of one. This means that the story could be any of them,a matrix, a dream within a matrix, a matrix within a dream, a DMT trip, an Earth with aliens, an Earth without aliens. The possibilities are literally endless.

So the next question is what is consciousness, and are we in one of the universes where we have conscious control over the outcome? It turns out that we actually do have the ability to manipulate our surroundings with our minds. Certainly the ability is limited, but these limitations decrease with time. At some point, in the not so distant future, humans will have computers capable of creating entire universes.

What does all this mean?

The downvote bots have arrived. I have upvoted every good comment here and we are approaching the zero point. This is when you know you are on to something good.


Well you have to think of it in terms of who would benefit. If these aliens had the level of technology to do that sort of thing, what do we have here on this planet that they couldn't just get from an unoccupied planet or make themselves.

Like, for instance, if nanotech is even a hundredth as useful as it seems it will be, 250 years from now, a single person could potentially have control of all matter on and inside of the planet on the atomic level. A single person could be a million times as intelligent as the entire population of the planet combined. Could. Possibly.

I don't know. I just have a hard time believing that we would have anything a civilization with access to that level of technology would want.

Good point. Powerful aliens really wouldn't have much to gain by meandering in our politics. It just sounds like an enormous waste of time.

So it's psychopaths that were dealing with? Or is it some weird trait with organizational psychology? I just don't know how these people justify their actions.

What we are dealing with is the results of the human ego. Everyday people like you and me have a daily strugle with this ego that gives us a.false perception of ourself. There are those that have beaten the ego and achive great things for greater good of all man kind. And there are those that fully gave into the ego and have systematically tried to gain control of the rest of us. It is also the ego that will tell you I'm full of shit and that there are wholes in my logic that aren't there it is your choice to listen to that second voice in your head know as the ego, please chose to fight it.

It is also the ego that will tell you I'm full of shit and that there are wholes in my logic that aren't there it is your choice to listen to that second voice in your head know as the ego, please chose to fight it.

I fear that you may me right that we're dealing with an ego related phenomena, but this statement, is well, egotistical.

Yeah good point. Thank you for pointing that out fightin th ego is a never ending battle. I m wrong to assum I am right yes that was the ego getting the better of me. Thank you for helping me ego and better myself. And as reddit goes have an upvote for sharing opinions with me.

I've seen quite a bit more positive comments on reddit here lately. I have also tried to be more polite. It's nice to have some good conversation.

What do you think this whole thing is all about? The universe, Earth, humans, what the fuck is this thing we call life?

Yeah I have noticed people all around not just on reddit being nicer, I try to do one thing a day that I think will make someone elses life easier ie taking no just my cart but every cart between my car and he cart coral back to the cart coral, taking my neighbors trash can to the curb on pick up day when I see they forgot or taking it back fo them when they remember. My point is not to brag but to say.I have been doing this for awhile and I'm starting to notice others doing it also and if that can become the norm and everyone starts treating eachother the way we want to be treated is a huge step towards gaining peace on earth. So toramble there but ive been drinking.

Anyways back to the other questions, I think its basicaly all about that battle with ego, you can really boil everything wrong in the world to ego in some way. I use to think the problem was religion and it could all b attributed to that but really even that's fundementaly about ego. For the universe see fratual design/mathmatics this to me explains string theory/multi verse very easily as the furher you go down it remains a replication of the original but with slight variables and the same for going up in scale you can see how these universes can exist in the same place. We are nothing more than what we make of ourself and life is only what you make of it wen we die that's it your gone nothing more.

Edit I would have went further into detail but its a bitch to type this all out on a 7" tablet.

We are beings of energy. We cannot be destroyed or created, only transformed into another vessel.

Yes that is one posibility, the way I see it is to live like there is nothing after you die. This way you live life to its fullest and have even more of a reason to win the fight against ego and in the end if I'm wrong and there is an afterlife/renacarnation then it is only a plus.

Behold the power of The Golden Rule. (Not a new concept) I too try to do helpfull things for others, but really just for seniors. Me being a woman who has seen chilvary die in the country we live in, maybe it's my ego that expects the door to be held open for me by the guy in front of me, etc

I think it is hard to understand the motives of someone incredibly rich and powerful. For example, I fully support gay rights; however, in a real, meaningful way, I have no idea of why one is attracted to the same sex. I support equal rights but I will never know the feeling of rejection because of my skin colour.

I am not making excuses for their behavior; however, the families who rule this world are not like you and I. Studies have shown that an increased rise in wealth of an individual or a family changes them. Even if they won the lottery, they start to feel more "entitled".

Now imagine being raised in a wealthy family. Not rich, wealthy - Chris Rock says rich is being Shaquille O'Neil, wealthy is being able to write Shaq's cheques! Sadly, owning a sports team may be the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to wealth. I think this begins to shed light on their psyche, as it evolves and intensifies over generations.

There is a feeling among many that slavery has merely evolved to be more widespread and much less obvious. They fund both sides of conflicts and seem to get off on watching us lemmings slaughter each other.

The world seems to be on the verge of a new era ... there always seems to be a surge of oppression before this occurs. We have the internet on our side - this is what will tip the scales in our favour.

Go to youtube and look up citizens disclosure hearing. Get ready to have your mind blown.

I've listened to bits and pieces here and there. Now I'm going back and watching the whole thing. Thanks for the suggestion.

It is well worth the hours and hours of testimony from very credible sources backing up your exact theory. So many here are anti alien. The proof is out there, the testimony and facts are right in front of us. Many choose another reality of which that pill is easy to swallow. I have watched every minute of it like a hawk. Very informative indeed. And I'm certain high level officials involved will now go silent one way or the other.

I believe in aliens running the world as well. I feel like there could easily be a reason that we can't even fathom. Maybe all the pollutants in the air are beneficial to them, or maybe they're slowly collecting all our gold and diamonds discretely. We will never know.

Maybe certain beings feed off of fear and negativity. So they must farm it in Earth's culture?


Hello. Some say if you can imagine it, there it is! Please pardon my menial comment. I simply thought it fitting. ;)

If aliens, with advanced technology to enable long distance space travel, etc., wanted our resources, why wouldn't they just take what they wanted? IMHO, talk of alien overlords is almost an excuse for the ultra wealthy who fuck the rest of us over on a daily basis.

The point is to keep everyone as focused as possible on this stuff. If not this then other mindless media. They know our minds are bread for sensory stimuli, and they are taking advantage of that fact.

Maybe if the world spent half as much time persuing mindful meditation as a whole, that's when our collective consciousness could actually accomplish something.

Have you read hidden hand's forum discussion? He states that they the higher level beings (possibly aliens or spiritual entities) I have entered into the 3rd dimension to in fact raise our vibration by giving us things to overcome. Before, we were a lazy race not interested in raising consciousness. The universe must evolve (according to the Law of The Creator {his words in the discussion}), so we were given a situation in which was dualistic logical perception of reality (inherently an illusion of separateness) instead of the oneness felt through the entire universe and being connected with god source. I tend to believe the ancients were mightily close to this higher consciousness but have been the victims of mass genocide over the centuries due to the lack of power a small group could have over the masses if we were all at a higher consciousness.

Aliens are definitely a possibility, but not necessary. Use Occam's razor.

The optimist in me thinks that the goal is to save the planet. The greatest evidence for this is the Georgia Guidestones. Perhaps there really are way too many people on the planet to be sustainable. I don't want to die, but if it comes to that, I can at least pretend it's for a good cause.

The realist in me suspects something much more sinister.

Just a heads up - using the term "Turing machine" doesn't make sense in your context.

I'm guessing you mean an AI system of some complexity but that term isn't applicable.

Yes I know it's technically not a Turing machine. I just wanted to stress the computational abilities.

This is really what i think is going on..

I do hope one day we can be the space tourist and go visit other alien projects in progress. Some of these cigar shaped craft sound like cruise ships that are on tour..

I hope whatever it is we find out before our time is up. At least admit Aliens are coming here..

That NASA recording clearly says Huston, This is Discovery.. We have the Alien Spacecraft under observance..

I love discussions on aliens. But, a lot of people say, if they have the tech to get here, why woukdnt they force themselves on us? The only way to proceed to a logical answer is to assume either they dont exist, or they do exist and are not interfering in very obvious ways.

I choose to believe they exist, and thusly i must conclude they are keeping their presence on the downlow. Logic follows, then, to figure out why they are seeking anymosity at the moment.

So i like to look at their culture, or possible cultures. surely, for a civilisation to have achieved the technological advances for interstellar travel, they must have a culture in order to obtain the level of stability to gain and then impliment this technology.

This culture, then, woukd probably involve hierarchies and specialisation of jobs or duties. Much like how every government has. Also, using human culture as a scaffold, they probably have different groups within their culture that have difference of opinions on certain topics. these differences can be preceived by us as either good, or bad. The battle of good vs evil is, i believe a natural phenamonon not exclusive to the human race.

So, what im saying is, sure, there are bad aliens trying to control everything on earth, with the sole reason of consolidating power and resources for themselves. Then there are the good aliens that recognize our soveriegn rights and wish to fight for human activism.

The story reads like the native americans vs the settlers. Except its much much more complex in modern times. With the study of ancient and modern religions, i have to conclude that their presence was more obvious back then, and for some reason they slipped behind the curtains. Maybe the good aliens won? Maybe the bad ones won? Or maybe they came to a treaty or agreement to chill out for a while first? Who knows?

This is the content of the next chapter we must write into the history book of human conscientiousness (sp?)...

I am sorry sir, but you are simply retarded. Mentally retarded. There are no aliens on this planet, they are not controlling anything or wiretapping or existing for that matter. You can go back to /r/circlejerk where you belong. I don't know, but San Francisco is the place. #Screwyou

I hate you.

I love you too.

Exorcist #Hashtag #Hashtugssuck #Dumbass #Breadfish

There are no aliens on this planet

my mom was an alien, until she was nationalized.

besides the joke, youre a dick. You cant say for sure there are no aliens, just as we cant say for sure that there are aliens. The point of r/conspiracy is to discuss conspiracies, aliens being a part of that. If you are so adamently against the belief of aliens, id like to refer you to r/stfu and stop perusing this subreddit, which is meant for discussions. Stop trolling.


I've listened to bits and pieces here and there. Now I'm going back and watching the whole thing. Thanks for the suggestion.

The downvote bots have arrived. I have upvoted every good comment here and we are approaching the zero point. This is when you know you are on to something good.