Shadow banned from /r/politics by mod /u/Buckeyesundae for pointing out that worldnews mods were censoring a story

204  2013-10-27 by [deleted]


yeah its getting ridiculous, the amount of straight up censoring is bizarre. I've been posting a lot the last couple of days and its pretty obvious that the mods of /r/politics and /r/worldnews have been compromised.

Mods should not have the power to delete comments without leaving a deleted tag.

That is dangerous for the platform and I hope the reddit admins take notice.


That string renders to me as this when logged in and this when logged out.

On top of that, I can still post in /r/politics which means mods can use this power on indvidual comments. What the fuck?

Expecting the admins to do something about the censorship on reddit is not rational.

Reddit is part of the corporate media and you should expect the same kind of censorship you get elsewhere in the corporate media.

What's the best way to turn a 230 million dollar valuation into digg v4?

*Yishan, Reddit CEO;

Anyhow, we're on the lookout for nefarious content manipulation too, because anything that damages the organic curation of content is a threat to the very core of what makes reddit special, and thus the viability of our own jobs.

You should automatically distrust anyone who wants to be a powerful mod. Those who seek power and influence always have nefarious motives.

It's just disgusting how outwardly this pathetic little lord displays his arrogance over his position of pretend power. What a sad little shit.

How hard is starting a sub? I feel like there should be a free news subreddit that actually reports the news democratically.

I would imagine it is easy to start a sub, it would be gaining traction that would be difficult.

I have never done it though so I truly do not know and may be wrong.

I wonder if we could hijack r/195 for this purpose. Only rule is you have to post something.


Not always. It is often the case yes. Im not making a point that you shouldnt distrust them.

I deleted my r/worldnews because the mods are IMO all Zionist agents who delete anything and everything that is not Israeli centric. It is a waste of digital space on reddit.

There is still a lot of dippy liberal stuff on there, but the big stuff that the zionists push like Israel's apartheid state and domestic spying is no go. It is telling that the mods come on here to try and defend themselves.

Most of the "liberal stuff" there is mainstream approved.

/r/conspiracy never censors anything...

Boycott the forum. I rarely go there anymore.

I don't think that there is a political solution to the problems we have today. Politics is about perpetuating the current state.

Do you know of a good news aggregator? I only go there because it always has the latest news on certain topics.

I believe there are some conspiracies in this world that people need to be made aware of. With this basic goal in mind I found a lot of comments and replies in this thread disgusting.

A lot of the replies and comments were very biased and spiteful. This is not good for out community.

We have to be more civil than that if people are going to respect and understand us. If we want this subreddit to grow and therefore help people become more aware of what concerns us in this subreddit, then let's try to be professional and unbiased.

I don't know the whole quarrel of this thread but that isn't what this is about.

We even have our own rules similar to other subreddits. Let's take

No abusive/threatening language

for example. Do you see how this has been broken in this thread? Let's be civil guys.

Question: I mod a few private subs, and there's no option to "shadow ban" anyone? I can outright ban, but I think if a shadow ban exists it exists for site-Admin, not for sub-mods.

I don't think Mods can shadowban people, all they can do is either:

1: ban individual from participating (ban user).

2: Use Automoderator to immediately delete posts made by the individual, or automatically mark them as 'Spam'.

Yeah most subreddit mods are power tripping idiots, I'm banned from both minecraft and feed the beast, which is hilarious because I've helped a few users resolve problems with the game but they don't give a shit.

It's probably because you were trying to make links between Minecraft and the Illuminati.

Narrowminded people with narrowminded views, as a you have to learn to be unbiased even if you dont agree with an opinion, that is the opposite of whats happened here.

Maybe it is not narrowminded view, maybe it is good old-fashioned money. Some of these accounts are certainty propaganda managers.

Power trip.

Mod censoring in the Japan subreddit was constant for a long time regarding any mention of Fukushima. That is, if any post mentioned Fukushima, it was deleted.

I think it's better now.....maybe.

wonder if this is a case for /r/KarmaCourt


Report him to the admins and post your conversation to relevant subs when they refuse to do anything about it / attack you for reporting him.


I have other accounts to use, I don't intend to try and get unbanned or anything. I just don't like pieces of shit like this mod and think it's worth it to do what I can to fight and upset them.


Reddit is a premiere place for spreading political information and all of the primary avenues for political information on the site are being gamed and manipulated. It is every user's duty to try and fix that in any way they can.

Sorry, that is impossible, reddit admin and reddit main subs are at this point fully compromised. How long have you been a reddit user? The changes from the last 2 years have been absurd (at the same rate of growth of the website). Now it has become a corporate/government tool for propaganda (the main subs). Civil unrest organized via the most common social media will soon be history. Reddit has gone to the toilet, Facebook might block people from posting about protests, now one only needs to remove the power of twitter and all our social media will become tools for the powerful in this brave new world.


Conversation is Over

How oddly sanctimonious and superior... "Night".

Shill account, for sure. Buckeyesundae in disguise.

I already told you that you're not shadowbanned in /r/politics. I have nothing to do with /r/worldnews, so I have no way of finding out your status over there.

You'd know if I banned you for your posts. I'd tell you straight up that I banned you.


I just wonder why you think this behavior is acceptable.

Freedom of speech is accepted here.

Since you're not responding to my messages maybe you'll respond here. Please tell me what part of my comment was in any way "abusive" and thus warranted removal. Here's the text of my comment:

The original post on /r/worldnews regarding this interview was removed by the worldnews mods when it was at 4000 net karma and on the front page. Censorship on Reddit is more apparent every day.

And yes, my account has been shadow banned on /r/politics, I checked across various alt accounts, but that's beside the point. Tell me what part of that comment is "abusive". Waiting....

Here's the reply he sent to my account in which he states that my comment was removed not because it was abusive or violated any rules, which he admits it did not, but because in his opinion, my comment was inspiring others to behave badly. Fuck this stupid piece of shit mod.

That was not the comment that was auto-removed by the moderator. This comment was the one that was autoremoved.

I removed the top comment because it was inspiring the witch hunt, as evidenced by the comments that came afterward. The fact that it had such a high rating is further evidence of the witch hunt. I have heard of no self-hating mob. You are correct that, taken at face value, the comment might not inspire a witch hunt.

However, given the context of that post (notably: being within a post about the NSA), it was overwhelmingly likely to inspire witch-hunting. This is not the appropriate subreddit to rally people against other users of reddit. You will not hunt anyone through this subreddit.

You'll notice that the parent comment to this post has not been removed. That is because it is not a witch hunt. Instead, your post to /r/conspiracy is an attempted witch hunt, especially because you're wrong.

If I banned you for your behavior, you'd know. You'd get a message from reddit saying that you'd been banned. I do not toy around when it comes to abuse. You will not abuse in this subreddit.

Notice how he continues with his sanctimonious fucking attitude accusing me of "abusing" in his holy subreddit even though he has admitted that my post was in no way abusive and was removed because of his opinion regarding how it was making other people act. Jesus. This piece of shit mod is a prime example of what is killing this whole site. Report him to the admins.

I'm going to report you to the admins for being a bitch.

Dude are you really wishing death on people?

Why not, we're not all pacifists on this subreddit. Violence is part of the human dna why delude ourselves that humans don't have these nefarious motivations.

Ahahahaha, holy shit. This place is hilarious. Full of internet tough guys

Thanks? I think my comment is a fair reflection on reality. Remember a small nerd with good aim and a gun will beat most dumbass redneck's in a firefight. Strategy wins in modern guerilla warfare bro not brawn.

He's not saying a small nerd wouldn't be able to kill a redneck with a gun.

He's saying a small nerd isn't going to kill anybody because he's being a fake tough guy.

The definition of tough guy has to shift thats what i'm saying. Big brutes don't win wars (the typical tough guy), computers, networking, communication lines, food + water supply lines, radiation shielding, water tablets, guns, and properganderists/ hypnotists win wars. ect


No one is denying violence is or has been a part of human nature...

It doesn't mean you should wish death on people. It's not like the guy ran off with your only source of food.

My point is that if you didn't want your comment deleted or account banned or whatever you probably shouldn't be wishing death on people. So that's why not.

Edit: It's even in our own rules for this subreddit not to threaten people...

It dosn't mean you shouldn't either. Who are you to judge from a moral high point? This mod has clearly been lying/ and scheming to the reddit populace. He's participating in cencorship and downright manipulation of the public hive mind for the benifit of a very few. A crime dosn't necacarily deserve punishment but a punishment would certainly send a big Message.

Too many people are apathetic these days. Violence has become a filthy word in the public lexicon.

It is not clear the mod has been lying, if anything it is unclear that the OP has been with holding information. Wishing death upon people is grounds for getting your comments removed in almost any subreddit which is why I asked if the OP really wished death on people.

Mass cencorship is happening wheather we like to admit it or not (in you're case?).. Yes i know it's against sub reddit law and he hasn't been kicked. The perception I get from you're tone is one of scorn that someone would wish death on someone. There are tens of thousands who would pull the trigger if under pressure and you're an idiot for believing otherwise.

Again if the OP didn't want some of his comments removed he shouldn't have wished death on people.

I could careless if he actually did otherwise.

This is my perception nothing else. This is NOT difficult to understand.

If he hadn't tainted his message with pointless wishes of death then I could see the mod not justifying his actions. Which again is why I asked if OP really did or did not wish death on people.

Whatever dude, you also replied to my comment with a slightly different angle. You've just shown you believe what the r/politics mod is saying ie you're already biased :p. I say OP was banned for headline.

I'm saying I gotta consider both sides of the story.

If you call that biased then...

No! you just said he got banned for wishing death on the mod.


This all started when I asked him if he "wished death upon people".

I wanted to know because if so then it doesn't help his goal of trying to enlighten people of what is going on. It gives the moderator grounds to ban his comment/post that contained the death wish.

Please stop twisting the story. I'm not sure where I outright said that he got "banned for wishing death on the mod". Get your story straight please. I'm done talking with you, you show no coherency and you keep wanting to talk about why it's okay to have violence rather than why the dude got banned/had comment removed/whatever it is.

I'm done with you, have the last word if you wish.

You are unbelievable. I told you; I warned you; I gave you second, third, and fourth chances to stop your abusive behavior. And yet you still kept swearing, you still kept wishing death upon others, and you still kept attacking for no reason.

I wash my hands of this. I have better things to do with my time.

Since you're not responding to my messages maybe you'll respond here.

what? lol I have been responding to your messages. Do you think I'm not a person? Do you think I respond to everything within two minutes after a post is written?

Please. I am a person. I need more than two minutes to notice that a post exists. Especially because I'm playing Path of Exile when not responding to you.

Edit: proof your account was not shadowbanned at the time of your posting this is right here. Notice how available for public viewing that comment is.

Your behavior is what is driving the automoderator mad, not your account.


I didn't realize how great this subreddit was. I'm gonna have to come back with some content of my own.

I think there is a band called buckeyesundae, isn't their?

Where are his comments BuckeyeSundae where he threatens to kill people. Oh right you've 'deleted' them. pfttttt

Stop lying Buckeye, you're not fooling anyone on here. I wonder why you think you're behaviour is exceptable, Abused childhood cycle? Maybe you've always been a sell out to the highest bidder no matter their motivations.

Since you're not responding to my messages maybe you'll respond here.

what? lol I have been responding to your messages. Do you think I'm not a person? Do you think I respond to everything within two minutes after a post is written?

Please. I am a person. I need more than two minutes to notice that a post exists. Especially because I'm playing Path of Exile when not responding to you.

Edit: proof your account was not shadowbanned at the time of your posting this is right here. Notice how available for public viewing that comment is.

Your behavior is what is driving the automoderator mad, not your account.

Here's the reply he sent to my account in which he states that my comment was removed not because it was abusive or violated any rules, which he admits it did not, but because in his opinion, my comment was inspiring others to behave badly. Fuck this stupid piece of shit mod.

That was not the comment that was auto-removed by the moderator. This comment was the one that was autoremoved.

I removed the top comment because it was inspiring the witch hunt, as evidenced by the comments that came afterward. The fact that it had such a high rating is further evidence of the witch hunt. I have heard of no self-hating mob. You are correct that, taken at face value, the comment might not inspire a witch hunt.

However, given the context of that post (notably: being within a post about the NSA), it was overwhelmingly likely to inspire witch-hunting. This is not the appropriate subreddit to rally people against other users of reddit. You will not hunt anyone through this subreddit.

You'll notice that the parent comment to this post has not been removed. That is because it is not a witch hunt. Instead, your post to /r/conspiracy is an attempted witch hunt, especially because you're wrong.

If I banned you for your behavior, you'd know. You'd get a message from reddit saying that you'd been banned. I do not toy around when it comes to abuse. You will not abuse in this subreddit.

Notice how he continues with his sanctimonious fucking attitude accusing me of "abusing" in his holy subreddit even though he has admitted that my post was in no way abusive and was removed because of his opinion regarding how it was making other people act. Jesus. This piece of shit mod is a prime example of what is killing this whole site. Report him to the admins.

I don't think Mods can shadowban people, all they can do is either:

1: ban individual from participating (ban user).

2: Use Automoderator to immediately delete posts made by the individual, or automatically mark them as 'Spam'.

What's the best way to turn a 230 million dollar valuation into digg v4?

*Yishan, Reddit CEO;

Anyhow, we're on the lookout for nefarious content manipulation too, because anything that damages the organic curation of content is a threat to the very core of what makes reddit special, and thus the viability of our own jobs.

Whatever dude, you also replied to my comment with a slightly different angle. You've just shown you believe what the r/politics mod is saying ie you're already biased :p. I say OP was banned for headline.