If Illuminati are really running everything, Why do they embed symbols into things?

25  2013-10-28 by [deleted]

If I were running the planet secretly, I wouldn't want anyone else to know. I wouldn't be running round putting their symbols on everything... Why do they do it?


Because they don't exist.

The Illuminati conspiracy theory is complete and utter bull shit. It's an extremely simplified view of reality that separates everyone into the groups of good and bad guys.

It's the belief that a ancient super villain club runs everything in the entire world and is behind everything from bad hair days to war with the motive being that "They're just evil".

Adding insult to injury much of the Modern Illuminati conspiracy theory is just a repackaging of the International Jewish conspiracy spawned off from "The Protocols of the elders of Zion" (a book that was proven to be fabricated). Furthermore it also insists that their really isn't anything you can do to stop it or change anything and doesn't encourage you to try.

Much like a religion that claims dissenters are demonic, the Illuminati theory also has a really stupid defense mechanism. If ANYONE dares to question the illuminati theory than they MUST be a disinformation agent. Anyone who tries to put forth a counter point MUST be working for them. Anyone who says the illuminati don't exist MUST be being paid to say so. It's ridiculous.

The entire notion that an evil cult runs EVERYTHING and is behind EVERYTHING is ludicrous, it's an insult to your intelligence, and distracts you from all the morally reprehensible shit that International Corporations and Governments do on a daily basis.

Because they don't exist.

You nailed it. Secret group of people that plots world domination but also very specific about shapes used in Lady Gaga's videos? Sounds like bullshit because it is.

You are clearly an agent of disinformation.


The illusion of competition is another ruse. There is one all-powerful group setting the global agenda. They're commonly known as "bankers". Those who compete are just not high enough in the ladder. Something something I care not who makes the laws...

edit: I must've struck a nerve with the Fed this time. Hi guys!


You understand little of international banking by the looks of it, but I'm not the one who will educate you.


First mistake was assuming I'm here to educate, second was engaging in a topic without any previous knowledge to contribute more efficiently to the conversation. This isn't AMA.

You understand that you're saying a group that almost anybody can join is controlling the entire world? The banking system isn't a secret club, and isn't that hard to enter if you work hard enough.

The ruling bankers are bound by bloodline, not "hard work". You must be new here.

That sounds very unlikely. You can look at the leaders of the banking industry and see where they came from. There are tons of have came from humble beginnings, worked hard, worked smart, and got lucky to be where they are. Saying everyone who leads an entire global industry "born into it" is a sad attempt at over-simplifying a very complex system and discrediting everyone who has struggled to reach that position.

Also - saying "You much be new here." Is extremely condescending and a bad attempt to try show that you are somehow intellectually superior to me.

You must not know who owns the banks then. May I be the first to welcome you to the sub? :)

Oh god...you're not gonna say the Jews own the banks are you?

You must be new here. Let me introduce you to 1935 Nazi Germany's Ministry of Propaganda. My name is Joseph Goebbels May I be the first to welcome you to this sub?

Saying "Jews" is just being ignorant.

Haha, true.

So do you mind giving me an explanation? I like hearing other peoples' theories.

No books sums it up so nicely like The Culling of Man. Unfortunatelly the part about genetics/transhumanism and aliens/ufo's were not addressed

Its a form of arrogance and hidden in plain sight.

Or they just put illuminati symbols into things because they know it's something people can't shut up about. Marketing is all about finding things that people won't shut up about.

They also don't believe in subterfuge. They claim all is done in the open. This is not particularly true.

It's part of their rules, the only rules they follow.

The way it was put to me was very succinct:

They have to show you what they plan to do to you. Whether you understand what they are showing you is not of their concern.

If you are told what is happening and do not resist it implies either ignorance or consent.

Because they are pretty. It's a form of decoration.

I've heard it's a code of honor they follow, they have to in some way inform people of what their going to do.

If that's the basis of your theories, don't quit your day job.

I think it is possible that the illuminated rather than meeting in smoke filled rooms to decide the fate if others have learned through their degrees systems of manipulation and a core philosophy. Those symbols then act to both communicate to other initiates their intentions announcing their role in that core philosophy while serving as subconscious cues to the uninitiated communicating with the collective subconscious jung talked about. So those symbols are guide posts for those that can read them an subconscious instructions for those who cannot read them

The symbolism is a mixture of archetypal, subconscious keys that relate to our lower/ core/ reptilian brains (survival) and arrogance. They have "codes" as well that keep the system going on their end. Think of it kind of like karma but to me it's more of a way of put off the three fold as long as they can. They put so much symbolism on money because that is one of their strongest tools. It really is just a complex, centuries long, black ritual. The fact that we have the truth all around us but remain ignorant of it is where a large portion of the mutual control comes into play. In a way they are subconsciously convincing us to worship them, to keep feeding them. Many of us claiming to be trying to change the system still play into it everyday. The mystery schools have one thing in common, and a basic moral idea of respect of "energy" in an esoteric sense. The Illuminati subscribes to a "dark" or egocentric view of the mysteries/ occult and they assume they have the role of leadership because they are the masters of this type of mass manipulation.

You totally deserve your name Jupiter philosophy. Well said!

It's probably just a distraction to keep the masses wondering what miley is going to do next, when we should be wondering what the self appointed Oligarchy is up to.

Satan fell because of PRIDE.

I think it has to do with the notion that the truth will eventually come out, no matter how much you try to suppress it. The illuminati are very intelligent and understand this. So, to counter this notion, they give out just enough evidence for some to pick up on it. Then they label those people as nutjobs, quacks, or conspiracy theorists.

A man once said, "i dont have to disprove your claim. I just have to label you a conspiracy theorist, because once labeled, you lose credibility in your claims in everyone elses eyes, whether or not you are correct."

So many probabilities...

.) Showing off in plain sight to create confusion.

.) Karma. To stay hidden creates an unbalance, which gets balanced out by displaying ones self in public.

.) Because they can!

.) Worshipping by those who display these symbols. (Lady Gaga, for example)

(Lady Gaga, for example)

TIL Lady Gaga is behind world domination because of triangles.

That would make perfect sense ! Think about it. Pythagoras, genius as he was, might as well have been an illuminati! :)

Maybe the hatred of geometry here stems from repressed memories of struggling with math in school.

Also explains fear of national debt. What can be worse than big numbers? Aaahh!

There's a hatred of geometry on /r/conspiracy ?

specifically triangles, but also circles sometimes

Care to elaborate ? I haven't come accross anything like that.

.) Karma. To stay hidden creates an unbalance, which gets balanced out by displaying ones self in public.

I personally like this explanation.

Its just a decoy to keep people occupied from the real people working behinf the scenes.

Who are the real people? Wouldn't it make more sense to just not have anything?

It would make sense to have something. What that something is is up for debate. If you pay any attention at all to history leading up to current events, you can clearly see that there are individual powers in control far in the past, but as you follow history forward, these powers break up and divide, creating what we have now, as you put "[not] anything". The not anything idea doesn't make sense either however because we actually do have leaders and they actually do make decisions. To think that at some point politicians and banks just divorced from the mysteries and the motives of the Illuminati just disintegrated into nothingness doesn't make sense. I agree it isn't some simple group of a few families like conspiracy makes it seem, but you can't just assume we have our current world situation out of a natural democratically, mutually agreed upon group of officials we are all aware of with motives completely transparent. You also can't assume this obvious secret motive of NWO isn't organized and is just a coincidence between sovereign nations.

It would, but if everything made sense then there would not be any conspiracy theories.

So they are powerful enough to control everything but not powerful enough to hide?

The symbols are a hold over from the ancient world.

You can think of them as the gang signs of the world's oldest gang, which is the ancient religion of mystery Babylon.

There are two problems I see with that:

  1. If the population as a whole is strong enough to rise up against them, why are they risking putting signs up everywhere?

  2. If the population as a whole is not strong enough to rise up against them, why bother?

The ones you find on old structures, books, money, pictures, etc. are a result of the way in which the hidden hand used to communicate with each other. Before mass media, the symbols acted a type of language that only the initiates/adepts were able to understand, both encoding both their religion and philosophy into a universal language. If an adept went from town to town he would know where to find safety and aid due to symbols of the brotherhood.

In the modern era, it was decided to flood the media market with all the symbols to confuse anyone who might suspect something, like smearing a painting. Some speculate that the order actually believes the symbols have power (maybe they do for all I know, here is A. Cooper demonstrating).

The people will never rise up against their true masters. They will rise up against the farm hands (politicians) from time to time, like cattle breaking a fence post. But they will always remain willing slaves, because they yearn to shed their responsibility in this world. They want to be slaves, it feels comfy. They are human cattle, always have been, always will be. The human race has had masters for thousands of years, and I don't see that relationship ever changing.

"It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude." -- Aldous Huxley

Has any individual risen up against the masters and survived? What happened to them, hypothetically? Are there loopholes? Can an individual become one of them? Could an individual ascend beyond them?

You cannot rise against "them" you can only try to do it better yourself. You get what you ask for, if you want to fight them then you will get a fight. If you want to take part in the great work and make things better than do it they wont stop you. Once you really start working towards benefiting mankind you will find there is no them there is only us. This is why when you chose to resist you meet resistance, this is you finding yourself amongst your peers.

It is self selection chose to be a resisting slave and you will be ruled chose to be an oppressive ruler and you will have a constant struggle with your captives if you chose the illumined path it is a selfless one. constant giving of self is all that connects self with those that give and therefore is the only true way to receive if you take you will only be taken from.

They do not see themselves as rulers they see themselves as enlightened and working on your behalf to make decisions you couldnt possibly make for yourself. They see their work as divinely inspired.

Why do ranchers brand their cattle?

To show ownership. That is the exact thought I had.

But to show ownership to others. If they are the only group, why brand?

It is more to demonstrate the consent of the governed. If it is in plain view and the masses do not reject either they consent or do not understand either is taken as permission. If you see it and say nothing you must consent if you do not understand you are cattle and not worth asking for consent.

Why do they need our consent? They already rule everything from complete secrecy...

. You cannot rule without consent. The caged animal will eventually either bite or stop producing. Those who take on the role of leader keep asking for consent because they genuinely need it. If followers bite or give up they must change course or risk losing the flock

Doesn't that require conscious consent, though?

no. concious consent is for equals. a farmer does not ask his cow. here is wehre the farmer metaphor breaks down though. the door is left open for the sheep to become the herder or whatever else. when we ignore what goes on around us we consent in absentia if we can be bothered to take an interest in governing our own lives someone or thing will do it for us

Is it really consent if it's being snuck into public media though? Like, a farmer brands his cows so he doesn't lose his investment, not to give the cows a chance to recognize the brand and opt out or whatever you're claiming.

Can you really say that people not recognizing signs that may or may not be there as asking for consent? How do you know this is their tactic anyways?

To show ownership to YOU. To let you know that you're owned. That's why.

A common theme on this sub is rising up. Wouldn't they not want anyone to know if they could be taken out of power?

A common theme on this sub is rising up.

It seems you understand neither the "common theme" of this sub, nor what I'm even really referring to.

Wouldn't they not want anyone to know if they could be taken out of power?

The reality of things are no where near that simple.

Here's one reference you can read through in order to get a better grasp of how things certainly aren't how you're thinking they are.

And here are the cliff notes for you.

I know you didn't mention it. It was part of a question against your point

I know you didn't mention it.

You know I didn't mention what? Be more specific, as that statement's ambiguous and can refer to various different things.

Sigils my friend. That is why they create symbols. They are casting spells on the unconscious mind.

Sigils? If this is what you mean, then fair enough. I understand and do not doubt that they are indeed casting spells upon the unconscious mind. However, I still do not see how Sigils actually relate to OP's statement. Using "sigils", I then read his statement as "I know you didn't mention sigils. It was part of a question against your point."

So...sigils was part of a question against my point? I still don't understand what a sentence worded like that even means honestly.

Still confused in that regard - although I appreciate having today learn what, in fact, "sigils" actually is. Thank you for that.

My comment had nothing to do with anything else in the thread other than to answer OPs original question to you.

Why? I'm Tree-Fingers and I do what I want. lol

So OP's original question to me was:

Wouldn't they not want anyone to know if they could be taken out of power?

and your response is "Sigils"...right? In other words, are you saying that this group really doesn't worry too much about "being taken out of power" because of their use of Sigils?

Am I understanding what you're saying correctly or am I way off base?

No they aren't worried about being taken out of power because their sigils have a hypnotic effect. Our curiosity about their meaning usually doesn't result in us knowing their full meaning but instead, it embeds it deep in our subconscious.

Keep in mind this just my theory on why they do it and I don't pretend to know whether it works but essentially, sigils work exactly like "the secret", except sigils are designed to circumvent the conscious mind.

P.S. Ops original question is, "If Illuminati are really running everything, Why do they embed symbols into things?"

Sorry for being confusing and or ambiguous.

they aren't worried about being taken out of power because their sigils have a hypnotic effect.

I wouldn't disagree with this.

Ops original question is, "If Illuminati are really running everything, Why do they embed symbols into things?"

Well, I noticed that although this was indeed his original question, it technically wasn't his original question to me. He was asking that question to another poster. I just happened to chime in. The first question he asked me was the one I posted.

Thanks for clearing all that up, though.

Sorry for being confusing and or ambiguous.

No worries. In the end, I wouldn't say that I would disagree much if at all with your general "Sigils" assessment of things.


As a student of Crowley's work,that second link is a pile of shit written by someone who has no knowledge of the occult whatsoever. It's ridiculous how many times on this subreddit someone brings up the occult or Crowley as if they know everything about it.

As a student of Crowley's work,that second link is a pile of shit written by someone who has no knowledge of the occult whatsoever.

The fact that you call yourself a student of Crowley's work means that you're nowhere near as knowledgeable as you'd like to think yourself.

It's ridiculous how many times on this subreddit someone brings up the occult or Crowley as if they know everything about it.

No idea what you're talking about regarding "bringing up Crowley", but okay. Meh.

What should I call myself to make myself sound wiser, o sage? I say I'm a student of his work because I choose not to affiliate with any groups associated with his teachings.

What should I call myself to make myself sound wiser, o sage?

What? Why would you want to try to do anything to make yourself sound wiser? I'm assuming this is part of some sort of joke or witty statement that you're attempting to make...but it's fallen flat - at least on me - because I have no idea what you're even meaning in making this statement.

I say I'm a student of his work because I choose not to affiliate with any groups associated with his teachings.

Okay. Whatever that means to you....then okay. You've answered zero...but okay.

Fallen flat? Quite the contrary. You were silly enough to take it literally in your interpretation, even though you made a fairly accurate guess that I was joking. You asked nothing, I answered nothing.

You were silly enough to take it literally in your interpretation

Nothing silly about taking another person seriously. I guess it's silly to you or to people who don't understand that concept.

even though you made a fairly accurate guess that I was joking.

And it was just that: A guess. Considering you did nothing to confirm the guess itself, there was no ultimate justification on my part for assuming that the guess was correct.

You asked nothing, I answered nothing.

You've said nothing. I simply confirmed that that's what it was: Nothing.

Because unlike cattle, we are aware of whats going on and can overthrow them. They're scared so they feel like they have to prove themselves with a brand.

If they truely were scared, wouldn't they just stay in hiding? If they are scared, why reveal themselves at all?

Because most people don't see the symbols as a "reveal", they just see it as a part of their culture.

If we tried to overthrow them, and they're really as powerful as you say, all they'd need to do is nuke a few cities, release a few bioweapons only they have the cure for, and that would be that. Killing all of the rebel leaders would also be trivial for any group that could do 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Titanic, JFK, Nixon, the Russian Revolution, and the Federal Reserve, all without ever being caught.

Or perhaps they'd just create a lot of conspiracy theories and get people to waste time on them instead of ever doing anything which could accomplish something. If I were a secret society, I'd want my enemies to waste their time spinning their wheels on things which aren't real and making themselves look so foolish that even if they did find anything, nobody would believe them. It's a lot cheaper and easier to finance a few Alex Jones, especially if people will actually give him money for being a false-flag shill.

Exactly this.

Look hidden hand discussion in ATS forum. Supposedly their karma towards us requires them to unveil what they are doing hidden in plain sight. I always thought it might be a subconscious trick where that symbol they use means much more to your psyche than what your conscious self allows you to know. Read up on Carl Jung archetypes and this could allude to possible hypothesis on the use of symbols. Maybe to show the masses who their master is and who they worship?

Karma? What??

ATS is the most reliable source of information on the internet

Ding. This guy gets it. Looking at it in the jungian context answers so many questions but raises so many others. For example if there is a collective unconscious is it possible for that being to be self aware and make decisions enacted through its constituent parts with or without the individuals awareness? Do you think the cells in your stomach have a say in what you eat? How does that communication work? Are the symbols of the enlightened akin to the chemical communication our glands use to communicate with the higher self?

The collective unconscious has a tendency to take the path of least resistance. Everything in nature that acts unconsciously or follows a consciousness set by rules (like rules of a wolf pack, bacteria in your gut), is a part of a collective. We are also a collective, but we as individuals acting consciously, make decisions and effect things beyond the immediate interest of the whole. The symbolism is communication like what you describe, but in more a sense of the enlightened having a messiah complex.

i gues what i am postulating is that it is not a collective unconscious but a collective conciousness. something self aware made up of groups of us or all of us. in this context our ideas of a cabal of wicked men sitting in a smoke filled room is replaced with a larger being. what we look at as convergence of self interest becomes a selfish being, what we look at as a church becomes the god they worship. the symbols then become the thoughts of that being. then it does not have to take the path of least resistance then it has self determination

This collective would have varying levels of consciousness from group to group. The individuals level consciousness is made of two things, awareness of the whole and role in the group. You can be high up and a part of the system without knowing it (like many politicians) or you can be aware and not a function (like many in r/conspiracy) but the "larger being" still has a motive. In a fully awakened collective you wouldn't need varying levels of awareness or control because each individual would be liberated into the system, rather than being a function of someone else policy.

We are all trying to reach a state of unified consciousness or at least awareness of the one that we already are. However, the higher ups are trying to bring out a negative awareness of that reality in which the master slave dialectic is the norm in our consciousness. We want equality among our thought and social distribution because of our enslavement since the dawn of civilization. If you believe in reincarnation, our soul wants to be connected to god source (because you are God ultimately but not in the messianic version). However, we have been going through lifetime after lifetime shedding the baseness of matter to bring conscious awareness to the level of godly awareness where there is no dualistic perception but only awareness of the one.

Another reason comes to mind. Symbols are said to be powerfull. Having them seen by many, even if they don't understand them, still works. This reminds me of 9/11 and the US wide police phone number (correct?), which is 911.

Having them seen by many, even if they don't understand them, still works.

Still works.....?

Symbols are pictures. Pictures create an impression. People nowadays associate a pentagram with the devil and the swastika with hitler, although both actually have a good meaning, which isn't known in the wild any more. I have no idea about all possibilities a pyramid can symbolise ... not even talking about the impression geometry itself makes.

The symbology is used by people as marketing, making them or the people they represent appear to more important that they actually are. Sadly is there was a secret group running everything, removing them would be an easy fix. Sadly we don't have this easy fix to solve our problems and worse yet the root of our problems is just the nature of things. It's small isolated examples of curruption that really hurt people, they will go more unnoticed if people try to shift their attention only on the large players. The monetary system will always lead to very wealthy very greedy people who live to suck the life out of this planet. The problem is they don't work together in a organization like we may think, they just look out for themselves and as response they tend to help others in their situations.

They serve as amulets or talismans. Hiddden symbols in logos are thought to draw power, luck, karma, etc

That sounds pretty stupid and fake. Like something you'd see in a kids movie.

The illusion of competition is another ruse. There is one all-powerful group setting the global agenda. They're commonly known as "bankers". Those who compete are just not high enough in the ladder. Something something I care not who makes the laws...

edit: I must've struck a nerve with the Fed this time. Hi guys!

Doesn't that require conscious consent, though?

Having them seen by many, even if they don't understand them, still works.

Still works.....?

You understand that you're saying a group that almost anybody can join is controlling the entire world? The banking system isn't a secret club, and isn't that hard to enter if you work hard enough.

Symbols are pictures. Pictures create an impression. People nowadays associate a pentagram with the devil and the swastika with hitler, although both actually have a good meaning, which isn't known in the wild any more. I have no idea about all possibilities a pyramid can symbolise ... not even talking about the impression geometry itself makes.