Face It: Knowing the Extremes the NSA-CIA-FBI Has Gone to Since LBJ Means that All Historical Events of the Last 50 Years Have to Be Re-Examined thru the NSA-Prism

98  2013-10-28 by smokinbluebear

For example: how did the government cover up the JFK plot?

EASY--they intimidated witnesses and monitored everyone's phone & mail. Certainly makes killing those who knew too much a lot easier. Makes "journalists" much easier to control as well. Covering-up 200 deaths over the next 15 years becomes pretty easy too.

We are finally finding out the lengths the government will go to control us--by spying on Martin Luther King, active U.S. senators, public figures like John Lennon and Muhammad Ali. Even the Smothers Brothers QUIT rather than continue having their work chiseled down every week by the TV censors. I'll bet even Oliver Stone is thinking about WHY he had such a hard time making "Apocalypse Now". No wonder it was so easy for the "film reviewers" to berate and belittle "JFK" when it came out--they most likely had the script for months before seeing the movie.

Then there's the journalists--who have been spied on, harassed and sometimes even killed. From Dorothy Killeen to Michael Hastings--I even recently saw "Dirty Wars" by Jeremy Scahill where he is harassed during the filming of his documentary. Ever wonder why reporters don't "follow the money" into the Pentagon or CIA???

It is becoming clear that the "news" is pure propaganda that is approved ultimately by government agencies--there is NO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS--it is a mirage.


Congratulations. You have Awakened.

It hurts, doesn't it? It's the pain of cult deprogramming.

article from the guardian

The NSA has been forced to disclose previously secret passages in its own official four-volume history of its Cold War snooping activities. The newly-released material reveals the breathtaking – and probably illegal – lengths the agency went to in the late 1960s and 70s, in an attempt to try to hold back the rising tide of anti-Vietnam war sentiment.

That included tapping into the phone calls and cable communications of two serving senators – the Idaho Democrat Frank Church and Howard Baker, a Republican from Tennessee who, puzzlingly, was a firm supporter of the war effort in Vietnam. The NSA also intercepted the foreign communications of prominent journalists such as Tom Wicker of the New York Times and the popular satirical writer for the Washington Post, Art Buchwald.

Alongside King, a second leading civil rights figure, Whitney Young of the National Urban League, was also surreptitiously monitored. The heavyweight boxing champion, Muhammad Ali, was put on the watch list in about 1967 after he spoke out about Vietnam – he was jailed having refused to be drafted into the army, was stripped of his title, and banned from fighting – and is thought to have remained a target of surveillance for the next six years.

The agency went to great lengths to keep its activities, known as operation Minaret, from public view. All reports generated for Minaret were printed on plain paper unadorned with the NSA logo or other identifying markings other than the stamp "For Background Use Only". They were delivered by hand directly to the White House, often going specifically to successive presidents Lyndon Johnson who set the program up in 1967 and Richard Nixon.


Funny you should mention Oliver Stone, as he has just produced the excellent "Untold History of the United States" unchallenged.

Also funny because he most definitely did not make Apocalypse Now!!

oops...francis ford coppola did "Apocalypse Now"...Oliver Stone did "JFK"

Stone did his own 'nam flick called "Platoon"

good thought-

that what has been disclosed recently be used to critically examine whats been done in the past

check harassment of scahil and greenwald

spread da word

Well, I agree -- and lots of us have awakened, and NOW we need to know the TRUTH. The simple truth. And maybe even before that too BTW, but let's start with the last 50 years. JFK, The Nixon years, Carter, Reagan, George Sr (I think HE'S at the bottom of a large part of this)... And on and on. No wonder Obama's only the latest -- holy cow.

you are telling people that have been saying this since they've happened. Tell this to the people who are only NOW believing what is truly happening.

Once you cross over, you can't go back. Here is your tin foil hat.