Politics mods still stonewalling over domain banlist; "There are some questions we are not allowed to answer"

311  2013-10-29 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Happening here.

Quote from title backed up here.

Last thread I submitted on this was hit with downvote brigade hard-http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1pheyk/politics_mods_still_stonewalling_over_domain/

You want a fucking war shills? Let's do this shit.


We are being raided.

Downvote within 15 seconds. This story is being censored.

*nine downvotes within 3 minutes.

You must be new to this sub. It is always being raided.

This seems more like a script being used.

I wouldn't be shocked at all. The amount of people familiar with the HB Gary scandal and what the implications were/are is staggeringly low.

I think that memo single-handedly prevented the Zionists from starting a war, and I thank god for that fact every day.

We're not out of the woods yet. Stay strong in the struggle.


What's the HB Gary scandal? Only thing I've ever heard about them is the Lulzsec drama.

Actually, /r/politics removing partisan sources from all sides is not a "conspiracy."

What they want is for news stories pertaining to politics to up voted and discussed, not opinion pieces. Thats certainly an interesting angle for the sub to go in. Without Huffington Post and Mother Jones to make up everyone's minds for them, /r/politics might just explode.

Omg leftist news sources, better ban them!

Please do not brigade, although the issue at hand is worrying do not make use of this sub to attack other places. Tell the mods everything you know and they will check it out and act as they see fit.

I'm not saying anyone should raid, I'm demanding other stop raiding us!

I don't have to tell flytape and them anything really. They've been around watching this shit for as long as I've needed to raise awaraeness about the sordid behavior of certain mods such that the public forum may dispel their malfeseance (such as the wonderful dailykos article that ran yesterday.)

I remember sitting around with steve and alexis when I was in high school as digg v4 happened. I remember them sitting around that apaprtment table and thinking "oh my god, we've got them."

Shame how things have changed.

I'm demanding other stop raiding us!

So you're demanding that people agree with you? Why am I not surprised by this attitude?

TOS and rules of reddit say that bots may not be used to kill content.

This is how digg died.

What about the rules of life that say "don't be such a stupid moron"?

Alright, I was just trying to avoid anything from escalating that could evolve into the conspiracy vs conspiratard brigade level. I understand that they are seeing all of this but even so letting them know by a message will do no harm and with some luck it will even help.

I am confused as to who is telling them not to answer. They claim that if they do they will be "booted out" as mods, so does that mean it is the Reddit administration? And surely the Reddit staff have no reason to censor anything unless they were being directed by a 3rd party. So who is the 3rd party?

Reddit admins can order mods to do things.

The longest serving tenured mod can remove all other mods.

If third parties are involved it's via one of two mechanism.

Firstly, third aprties contact mods directly and payola occurds (reddit admins don't like this. Think Ian Chong, Saydrah, and Cinsere.)

Or, secondly, the admins have involement with third parties (both internal and external) who then issue marching orders to mods of the largest subs. Perhaps emplying them as contractors with NDA's involved?

Who knows.

Nail. Head.

And they've tricked most people into thinking the site is unprofitable, spurring a cash booming "gold rush."

It's quite profitable, it's just that if the community learned of how profitable and why, it'd be toast, like digg, in under a week.

It's quite profitable, it's just that if the community learned of how profitable and why, it'd be toast, like digg, in under a week.

How do you know it's profitable? And what's the why?

Having influence over what millions of people see, hear, and believe, is always profitable.

You don't see why the extremely wealthy would want to control such an influence, especially when dealing with a subject like politics? If you control the information available, you control the conversation. Add control of the upvotes (what the supposed majority believes to be true), and voila; you are literally controlling, to a degree, the mind of those who read it. There's a reason the same power users from digg are now power users on reddit. There's a reason 6 or so corporations control every TV network, film studio, record company, radio show, and billboard across the nation.

They're literally controlling your mind. Only when you see that everything, and I mean everything you see on TV, hear on the radio, read on msm, and even MANY conspiracy related sites are there for the sole purpose of manipulating your thoughts, will these things have less of an effect on your thought process.

I concur. ...noticing more and more comments on reddit that distract or support what no rational person would...clearly a lot to gain by influencing opinion in an environment that is anti-establishment

You're suggesting that Reddit is anti-establishment?


Some subs start off that way...

I was thinking profitable as in money rather than influence.

Sorry, I should have been more clear.

You really think the people running a company with this much influence, worth around 3 billion, aren't making money?

Is this a lie?

It's "worth" a lot absolutely, but according to them, they're barely making enough to cover their costs.


Edit: on second thought, it's probably the reason for politics banning so many sites, the downvote bot army attacking this sub, and the massive increase in corporate shills site wide. He's officially sold out.

So you know, I didn't down vote you. I'll up you back to 1.

So you have no evidence at all.

What are you a judge? People are trying to have a conversation here.

He's talking out of his ass: "Having influence over what millions of people see, hear, and believe, is always profitable." No, it's not. Lots of popular, influential media have lost money and gone out of business. He absolutely has no idea what he's talking about.

All "money" is nothing but an idea. Its intrinsic value is nill, and when "you" and your friends can create it from thin air it is just a tool. Why is reddit valued at such a high dollar amount, when so unprofitable? Billions even!

It's to keep the influence reddit and other media has on the mind in the hands of those who control the money.

Paid marketing whores.

If the domains are banned for manipulating things then the admins don't clarify how the manipulation happens, either through not revealing how sites can game reddit, or through embarrasment. maybe that is what the mod is referring to.

That's the go to excuse for keeping thing hushed about the anti-spam measures.

But this wasn't anti-spam. This move was anti-content.

i see what you mean reading further down this thread and things suggested. maybe there will be a statement or something. Just presume all the big subs are monetised somehow now.

I'll give you one three-letter guess.


It wouldn't really suprise me if it was the admins. /r/politics was becoming such a laughing stock that it was starting to ruin reddit's image. The same thing will probably happen with /r/worldnews soon.

One point. Stiffle Dissent. we watched /r/politics go from lame duck to being filled with constant post about government corruption, crimes, lies and greed.

Why do you think they really moved /r/politics off the front page links and buried all the political subs deep in the side bar links? Politics was getting huge anti-american government traffic and feeding subs like this one with lots of traffic.

Ever since the move and side links change this sub alone has definitely showed a decrease in post by those recently awakened by the constant bombardment of american corruption / police state post on /r/politics.

Reddit is not a free media or free forum. The NSA/CIA has its hands all over Reddit. Hell, They probably know what you type before you hit enter.

Anyone remember when the Reddit co-founder (month or three ago) was exposed for meeting with the FEDS and then blew it off as a "casual friendly encounter" like he just fucking sat down and had tea and biscuits with the NSA while talking about football.

Thats such bullshit. Reddit sold out. Say the wrong thing here and you are on a permanent list. Dont think for a second that the FEDS dont have a list of online activist - Their Addresses - Their Phone Numbers - GPS Locations - Contacts - Bank Accounts stored away in some database.

If anything the ever constant "suicides" of activist, scientist and truthers should be a constant reminder of the real danger that we live in.

The Federal Government will go to any means necessary to silent and censor information that someone deems a threat to National Security - A code word for cover-up.

Stay anonymous , stay hidden and stay irrelevant or you will find yourself face down in a ditch only after you watch your entire family be murdered by professional tax-funded hitmen.

The Federal Government has chosen its enemy - Its We The People.

Yup. When those whom a country is at war with is kept secret from it's citizens, that country is at war with those citizens.

Say the wrong thing here and you are on a permanent list. Dont think for a second that the FEDS dont have a list of online activist - Their Addresses - Their Phone Numbers - GPS Locations - Contacts - Bank Accounts stored away in some database.

Don't think for a second anyone reading this isn't already on that list. If you change your behavior because of the knowledge that they are watching, they win.

Moreover, the fact that "everyone knows" they are watching means that if they want you, they have you. They can fabricate charges and it's your word against the entire shadow government and it's information apparatus, who's going to believe you?

See, the point is to control your behavior. Don't you let them.

We're all going to die eventually. I'd rather stand for truth and die a little early than live in silence.

People need to start thinking about future generations again. That used to be a thing, people used to work hard and sacrifice a lot for future generations.

I got this story on the rec list at Dkos yesterday. 409 recommends so far.


This story needs to trend around reddit ASAP.

(everything below was deleted by the users involved)

I'm tempted to delete this post immediately just to freak people out...




r/politics mods are a bunch of chicken necks.

Seriously, some people need to grow some balls. Being a corrupt mod is not better than being a fighter for truth. Someone needs to get a backbone and confess as to what's going on.

The last time people tried to oust the reddit corruption they got fucked.

PIMA and VA knew what was going down.

VA talks about it here in relation to this string of comments turning into this barren wasteland.

PIMA went after the NY inner circle (the "big time" mods who know Alexis IRL) and they used Davack to bring him on as a mod of creepshots to quell CP raids and then let SA eat him alive with the predditors tumblr.

In essence, if you are a power mod who turns on the inside cabals of reddit then you will be destroyed by having your personal info spread on the site until news articles are written about you and you lose your job and recieve death threats.

Project Panda was a goon raid job wherein CP was raided to subreddits set up by goons (r/preteengirls as an example) for weeks, and then emails went out to media outlets about all of the "CP on reddit".

When the PR shit storm hit, both VA and PIMA were thrown to the dogs; the "problematic free speech subs" were closed, and reddit inc moved on. but not before some of us older folks caught wind of the bullshit and backed it all up.

The flooding of CP worked too. My frontpage always had creepy posts of teenage girls, and if I commented saying anything about how fucked up it was that there were so many upvotes, I got completely decimated by several different posters and the downvotes were PLENTY. It got to the point where I was 100% in favour of censorship because the CP was giving reddit a terrible reputation and seeing those links on the FRONT PAGE made me feel like a creep by proxy.

If that was a calculated strategy to censor reddit, it was very intelligent and deceptive.

Those aren't necks, those are forked tongued snakes,

like vipers, I'm told.

Politics is over run with far left posts constantly. I tend to be a socially liberal guy. but my god there were no counter points. I feel less of the blog spam is a good thing, because you can simply make a self post and put it there.

I feel that everyday on the front page it was a daily show clip and crooksandliars.com (which also had the daily show clips). I am waiting to see how this plays out, cause /r/politics just became an echo chamber where people only read headlines and didn't view the links.

Also the Daily kos would be front page, but the article it links to would not move up. that always ticked me off.

Mother Jones and author David Corn won a Polk Award for investigative journalism. Yet the publisher is on the ban list for 'bad journalism'.


EDIT: Also, I find it interesting that a site which used to claim the users drove the community now vests authority with anonymous cabals with no community check on their decisionmaking.

Which site won the award that is banned?

Libertarian view point would be: And the mods are free to do what they want. Its their sub. Now are they stopping us from making new subs? Their property to do with as they please.

Mother Jones and author David Corn won a Polk Award for investigative journalism. Yet the publisher is on the ban list for 'bad journalism'.


That is a shame. To bad they got rounded up in this. However, overall, I think it changes have been a plus.

'...they got rounded up in this' as if the list were some round up of street criminals thrown into the pokey. Fascinating choice of words.

That is what I read.

The exact same thing happened to fark.com. I swear Jay Carney is running the site now.

I went from FARK to Alternet to Reddit. I feel Fark was more damaged by the banner ads and subdivisions than any agenda. But damaged it was. The loss of Boobies hurt it too. Those of us in a site during its' "wild west" period are frustrated by the taming that follows...much as we might be frustrated by how our country has gotten all milquetoast and submissive in our lifetimes.

far left posts

i think you mean democratic party propaganda.

Congratulations, Reddit! You officially have secret courts, secret laws, secret trials, drone vote killers, political operative mods. All wrapped up in a nice giant bag of shit. It was nice knowing you, Reddit. You're becoming history.

That's the thing about everything. Everything becomes history. Enjoy what you can when you can.

I used to love how irrelevant and fun reddit politics was and especially at how fast the the thread moved. It has slowed to the pace of a slug since the banning and censoring began.

*edit read to thread

It kills me how some veiled actors are literally grinding the free flow of information to a halt.

I won't stand for it.

Multiple perspectives on a given issue provide the tools necessary to escape the perils of media bias. Reddit and sites like it must be protected from those who seek to contort the medium for their own ends.

To protect aggregates is to always expose this type of censorship when it occurs. Force those who forsake their sworn duty in the furtherance of personal satisfaction to answer for their sordid deeds in the most public of forums.

Blocking, corrupting, taking over and manipulating in a way and with so little effort that it makes the Chinese jealous.

Shit the 50 cent party has got nothing on people like Alexis.

I'd debate that motherfucker about content manipulation for profit on live TV if he'd man up to the challenge.

/r/politics was hijacked long ago by pretty lousy people. They block all sites they don't agree with as a collective mindhive. Which really is only a few circle jerking posters with privileges.

It's ironic how they mimic political parties and get people in to positions of authority to control things. I'm sure there are paid for trolls working here like other SM sites.




Probably the best thing to do is start another section called /r/polidics or the like and contribute there. Just do what they are doing to take over and reverse it.

Has anyone thought to perhaps start a new Politics subreddit?

Downvote the old, upvote the new?

a good one that I use is /r/altnewz.

I've been meaning to be more active, but the mod who submits now is really quite good.

Perhaps seperate USpolitics and an INTLpolitics subs seems like a good idea.

don't let this distract us from the bigger picture. remember how they use these tactics IRL? they hit close to home so everybody loses there shit.

this and the downvote attacks are to keep us from looking at the real thing that is happening.


Yea, and the 230 million dollar valuation can also do whatever it wants ;).


Yea, I'm just here to do my part. At the end of the day they created the fucking problem via their detestable payola and they deserve to lose out on any ill gotten gains from the manipulation of the free flow of information.


Yea, well by dong so they spit on the fucking grave of the man and the idea which made this place truly a bastion of free flowing information.

I don't know how they can sleep with themselves. I couldn't.

You know why they veil everything they do? Because they know exactly what would happen if their malfeasance was exposed. They know no one would use the platform. So they trick users, lie, and ban anyone who is in the know that opposes their agenda. Ever wonder why the admins allowed the predditors tumblr to spread (Chen sourced his hit piece from the predditors tumblr) even though mods informed them of it's existence 18 hours before Chen got his grubby hands on the info???

VA knew and they threw him to the dogs to save face for corporate, using SA as a stupid plaything in the process..

No one is saying the reddit admins who use the metaspehre to monetize are not intelligent or hard working, I'm just saying they're fucking evil.

It's disgusting.


If I can't see it, it's not happening!


What in the world makes you think they won't make it our problem?

It's quite profitable, it's just that if the community learned of how profitable and why, it'd be toast, like digg, in under a week.

How do you know it's profitable? And what's the why?

Mother Jones and author David Corn won a Polk Award for investigative journalism. Yet the publisher is on the ban list for 'bad journalism'.


EDIT: Also, I find it interesting that a site which used to claim the users drove the community now vests authority with anonymous cabals with no community check on their decisionmaking.

Yup. When those whom a country is at war with is kept secret from it's citizens, that country is at war with those citizens.

Say the wrong thing here and you are on a permanent list. Dont think for a second that the FEDS dont have a list of online activist - Their Addresses - Their Phone Numbers - GPS Locations - Contacts - Bank Accounts stored away in some database.

Don't think for a second anyone reading this isn't already on that list. If you change your behavior because of the knowledge that they are watching, they win.

Moreover, the fact that "everyone knows" they are watching means that if they want you, they have you. They can fabricate charges and it's your word against the entire shadow government and it's information apparatus, who's going to believe you?

See, the point is to control your behavior. Don't you let them.

I think that memo single-handedly prevented the Zionists from starting a war, and I thank god for that fact every day.

The exact same thing happened to fark.com. I swear Jay Carney is running the site now.

far left posts

i think you mean democratic party propaganda.

We're all going to die eventually. I'd rather stand for truth and die a little early than live in silence.

People need to start thinking about future generations again. That used to be a thing, people used to work hard and sacrifice a lot for future generations.

What's the HB Gary scandal? Only thing I've ever heard about them is the Lulzsec drama.

What about the rules of life that say "don't be such a stupid moron"?