There are 20-25 bots downvoting.

254  2013-10-30 by [deleted]

What exactly is the point? This is not a default sub. The posts will remain in the new queue regardless. They won't magically disappear because it got -25.

Since they never post, just upvote everything to counter.


The numbers are meaningful to the people who care about numbers.

The stories are meaningful to the people who care about the stories.

The people who think they can change the stories by changing the numbers are one bunch of really stupid people who don't know what they are doing, because they are not doing anything but deluding themselves.

They might not control the stories but they (somewhat) control what stories reach the most people

On the contrary, they know what they're doing. Sculpting popular perception is the entire point of the MSM, and it's good for their business, clearly. Controlling people's view of the world can be as simple as telling them that everyone else thinks otherwise.


"Word" is the phonetic word for "word." Fun fact.

Yeah this is the only sub in which I go to the frontpage, I go to new, and everything in between.

Upvotes don't mean anything in this sub because we are all the outcasts on regular reddit and it makes no sense to make this into another popularity contest. All opinions are worth listening to here.

'we are all outcasts on regular reddit'

hoo boy

Does that make us average by negation, or hella outcast by compounding that shit?

One might do this to keep articles off the front page of /r/all, where hundreds of thousands might see it.


Encouraging people to upvote is against the rules.

God forbid the cat gets out of the bag.

Cyberdyne Bots..

Honestly the media is trying its hardest to hide what is currently going on. In NYC they DHS has placed a lightweight urban styled tank somewhere in the city and I bet they have it just in case This Friday becomes crazy due to the Welfare cut. We are basically taking away available resources that would take away at least a weeks worth of food from families, The population size affected will be about 50,000,000 people, If they didn't stock up prior to Nov. 1st then they will be in a tough situation. Just saying that when people go hungry they grow angry.

History books tell us that the French revolution was because of the increase in bread prices.

Arab Spring began under similar circumstances.

Why am I not seeing this when I go to the new queue? When I go to the new queue, here's what I see:

Annihilation of US Dollar...2|0

Russel Brand...2|1

Long Before NSA...4|2

Democrats and their...4|2

Tap on Merkel...3|0

/r/conspiracy challenge of the month...4|0

American Blackout...2|1

T-Shirt Designers...6|3

Eyewitness: "I saw...5|2

should there be riots...9|2

Those are the first 10 I see in the queue, and as I scroll down farther and farther, I don't see anything different. Is there something I am doing wrong, maybe some settings in RES? Because I see no signs of posts in the new queue being downvoted in mass. Overall, it looks like almost everything has more upvotes than downvotes, and only zero to three downvotes.

This is the second post like this in the past couple days, and I just don't get what the hell people are talking about. Can you point us towards any examples of posts where this happened? Where a post got an instant 25 downvotes as soon as it was posted?

Booo! Down with these sayings! This man is a spy!

How do you see the breakdown of positive and negative votes? I only see the net.

Install Reddit Enhancement Suite.

Or don't, because best security practices are to minimize the number of unnecessary browser plugins you run.


But anyway, RES is how you view it.

How did you come to the conclusion that there are 20-25 bots?

I get the impression that you made this thread to explain, and then forgot the most important part!


Well, that's untrue though. There's lots of posts that have less than 20 downvotes, and you're assuming that no legit member of the community would have downvoted them.

I like how they removed the downvote option but there're still huge numbers of downvotes on each post.


I've found that viewing someone's /u/ page allows me to downvote anything regardless. Didn't know about the styles option..

Funny that this is happening on the conspiracy thread... mwahaha


Either reddit knew or they should delete all accounts with more than 50% downvotes.

Do you know this for a fact?

Well, message the admins and report it. They can do some magic and find out if some accounts are engaging in vote manipulation and shadowban them.

I imagine OP was shadowbanned because he was upvoting posts en masse here.

While we are kinda on topic, my down-vote button here has disappeared... Is this something done by the mods to prevent the down vote brigade?

For me it comes and goes. Thirty minutes ago there was no down vote arrow but now it's back and it happened before less that two hours ago. I hope you're right and the mods are trying to do something about the frikken bots.

The illusion has ran it's course, I consider feeble attempts at downvoting to be the last vestige of a system that is about ready to have the reset button pushed no matter how hard they try, the lie just doesn't work anymore.

Why rig a bot to do something a person to do? It's entirely plausible that there's 25 assholes in the world who would love to troll paranoid people in a no-consequences scenario such as this internet thingie. Heck, even 5 guys with 5 accounts.

I'd be slightly more surprised if Reddit only allowed 1 account per person, but I could fuck with a subreddit too if I decided to make 24 alts (and don't pretend that people on the internet wouldn't have time for that). Hire bots for -25000 (I know that would be too obvious but you see where I'm going).

Funny that you mention this because a post I did today was getting hammered down.

People of r/conspiracy, you need to realize that at least one of the mods of this sub actively recruited members of r/conspiratard to come here and bully/slide a little over a year ago.

That is a really harsh accusation. It is more likely that conspiratard is pretty much suggesting people come over here and troll or downvote. Prime example is when I went to their sub and noticed that a lot of their "Ha ha look here at these conspiratards" posts linked directly back here where people could just sub, downvote then leave. While I don't have proof, I also have a feeling that these same people are coming here and upvoting nonsense like the whole reptiles and aliens nonsense that seems to pop in here once in awhile just so they can go back and claim "Ha ha look how stupid these people are." Problem is, is that it serves no purpose to them. Their subreddit is nearly dead compared to others and the only time they seem to get people on there is when a conspiracy pops up on a popular subreddit and then they find the perfect moment to advertise the cesspool of airheads. If they believed so much in what they said, then they would fight the evidence here, with evidence there. Instead they fight evidence here with mindless complaining and opinionated or forged up information. While I disagree with maybe 50% of what is posted here, I disagree with 90% of what is posted on conspiratard since evidence takes a back seat to mindless ranting.

Provide evidence or you're just one of many making accusations against the mods here to solicit change of the mods, which I've seen multiple times in the past few days.


Riiiiggghhht.....or an active member and contributer for almost 4 years now. Keep fapping to AJ and then calling others cointelpro, it's so fucking ironic it hurts.

Without proof you're text means nothing. FYI, everyone new user alert!

Had you looked at the dates of my posts, instead of just number of posts, you would know just how wrong you are. I have been an involved member of this community for going on 4 years now under different names. I know what I am talking about.

Reddit should ban all bots

What exactly is the point? This is not a default sub.


take the current #1 post in here, a very poetic expose of the fake left/right illusion of choice paradigm, an image that could do damage unlocking the minds of the sheeple if it were to break out on /r/pics or /r/all hence the current 3,657 upvotes to 1,592 downvotes ratio

some shill will reply that this is because of reddits built in "algorithm" but if you believe nearly 50% of the people who view that image dislike it enough to downvote it...