Tips for browsing /r/conspiracy
82 2013-10-30 by qwerty_asd
Feel free to add, disagree, improve, etc.
Just because something is very highly upvoted doesn't guarantee it is truthful or popular among free-thinkers.
Don't bother arguing with shills or trying to reveal them... it is a very frustrating use of time and energy. You may intellectually corner them, but you can never win, since they always have more inane lines they can copy and paste at you.
Seriously trust no one. Even me ;D
The juiciest posts don't make it to the front page.
The real discovery won't happen when you read some guy's post and he reveals the secrets of the world to you. They say "the revolution won't be televised," well it sure as hell won't be on Reddit either. The powers which control our infrastructure are really good at preventing clear public revolutions from manifesting, and I'm counting /r/conspiracy as part of the public here. They cannot, however, prevent the revolutions from occurring in our minds, and in our real communities.
16 Uelekevu 2013-10-30
Start your day with New rather than Hot. Be on the ground floor, as it were. This is one of the best ways to keep this sub focused and fresh.
2 AssuredlyAThrowAway 2013-10-30
Also, if censorship of any kind occurs (on this sub or otherwise) within reddit make it known.
4 cccpcharm 2013-10-30
Don't bother arguing with shills or trying to reveal them....
hell with that, what fun would it then? I mean nothing gets crappy stuff off the front page like deflating a shills point of view....lets take the obmacare post that was front page...As soon as I pointed out that arguing over an insurance scam, instead of correcting the problem, that being an insurance scam middle man industry that is coddled by the NWO Zionist central bankers is the problem, and that "you" don't have health care, you have a scam instead of a skilled labor that is billed based on time labor and materials...well as soon as that was pointed out, it suddenly left the front and slid off...
lets keep in mind, when you come here, glp,lop,ATS and any of the other crappy nsa tavistock stratfor websites, well lets just keep in mind that's who's in charge...
I think of this as an excellent way to directly address the enemy and let them know right where I stand...It also allows them to know right where I am, so if they should feel inclined they can come pick me up...
So really it's a win win
3 qwerty_asd 2013-10-30
If it's a real person you are arguing with, then the argument can be great!
I just had a really bad experience arguing with a serious paid shill, who was pretty much like this guy.
It was around the time of the Boston Bombing, and the guy was operating in an optimized way to fuck up any meaningful discovery that might take place in this subreddit. Didn't feel like I was beating the enemy, it felt like I was wasting energy fighting either some paid script copy-paster or a bot.
2 cccpcharm 2013-10-30
well I suppose everyone has their own thing...really what I like to do is somply post "shill" and don't respond to anything they write, unless I'm feeling saucy, remember, there is no spoon, the bullets aren't real and the pain is an illusion
1 [deleted] 2013-10-30
i think some of them are bots, alpha code maybe but they are working on it i am sure. it would be so easy tbh. just a flow chart of typical shill bullshit phrases, circular logic and c+p debunk site b.s.
2 qwerty_asd 2013-10-30
I'm not sure why it says:
4 points (83% like it) 5 upvotes 1 downvote
When I view this post signed in. And
1 points (100% like it) 1 upvotes 0 downvote
When I view this post logged out of my account.
EDIT: Upon posting this comment, the logged-out version of this post matched the logged in one.
2 [deleted] 2013-10-30
2 qwerty_asd 2013-10-30
As a web developer, I figured as much. Regardless, >20 minutes for such basic data to be updated is a long time.
1 HS_00 2013-10-30
I would have said that these are pretty good tips, but tip #3 prevents me from doing so. Have an up vote instead.
1 qwerty_asd 2013-10-30
Hahaha, there's an exception for statements concluded with positive emoticons ^_^
1 med267 2013-10-30
-Seriously trust no one. Even me ;D
Well at least not blindly at first.
1 RhinoJeep 2013-10-30
Good stuff. This helps for those of us who've just tuned in.
1 strokethekitty 2013-10-30
I just learned this one the hard way:
Before posting complaints about a certain topic not getting enough attention, always use the search ability and check the box that says "limit this search to this subreddit". Chances are, there are at least a dozen recent posts on that topic.
1 llortrebu 2013-10-30
This is pretty much spot-on. The best posts I have seen here all get pushed down within less than 12 hours. Now I only browse by "new" and not "hot" and try to find the posts that got buried instead of the posts that pop up at the top.