Why are mods not allowing this post?

27  2013-11-02 by [deleted]


What the fuck? Looks like mods got some splaining to do.



Now we know where some of those billion rounds of ammunition are going.

Can you give a little more detail on what he said?

Probably has something to do with being unsubstantiated.

This is r/conspiracy, the place for the unsubstantiated to become substantiated....by the members of the community applying scrutiny.

Apparently, in this instance, the community was denied the opportunity. I for one would like an explanation.

I agree mods shouldn't have taken it upon themselves to delete it, but if its just a redditor claiming to be a TSA agent who is claiming he was told this with no evidence but hearsay comments, I'm likely not to believe it.

Great! Don't believe it. Absent corroborating evidence, or some sort of verification I would also find the information dubious. That is totally irrelevant to the point.

It's not totally irrelevant. The mods could have deleted it because its an unsubstantiated claim. That is completely relevant to why they deleted it.

It's not totally irrelevant. The mods could have deleted it because its an unsubstantiated claim.

Conspiracy theories, to varying degrees, are all unsubstantiated...otherwise they would no longer be theories. If this was completely unsubstantiated, I have no doubt the community would have torn it to pieces in short order. Isn't that the point of the up/down arrows..or is that feature now being rendered as meaningless as a vote for the President?

Why downvote this? It's not right people. Brother is speculating on why it was banned, not saying the ban was right.

TSA it seems is going to be a branch of the domestic army against the people. Prep for war boy and girls, they will make their move before Obama's term is up.

Yes the evidence clearly points to this. How about we make a bet? I bet you my car that doesn't happen. There is no where near enough evidence to say Obama and the TSA are going to start a war before his term is over. You sir are delusional. I'm not a troll either, the government is up to some fuckery but god damn people say some outrageous shit.

Not trying to saber-rattle here but shitty VIPR teams armed with M4s and Sigs wouldn't be able to harass and bully and victimize regular americans for very long before every interstate turned into Route Irish for them.

But then, that may be exactly what TPTB want. I dunno.

haha because it has no proof or source whatsoever. i could make the same claim if i wanted and i dont even live in the states. would you be pissed about it then too?


dude come on. when you claim something you have to give some evidence and otherwise you cant take someone seriously. you cant even proof he works at tsa. its probably a troll and thus the mods removed it correctly

ow and btw newton never wrote f=ma in that form. he did prove it in his own form. but thats not really relevant here



Yep, saw the link.

You guys are the best mods, hands down.

You even remove comments from the spamfilter for shadowbanned users.

People would choose to believe this over the stories of people confirmed at the scene.

/r/conspiracy for you.

It's not like they ever planted their own people to claim fake stories at the scene before. Trust Your Government.

Its not like the linked story has any proof, even though it would be easy to provide. You're saying I should trust a random person with no proof at all?