We are a threat- be aware of what that means.

142  2013-11-03 by [deleted]

I know what is happening. You know what is happening. I'm not going to go over the evidence with you because you all have seen the same things that I have. When Edward Snowden came into the spotlight a lot of people took a step back and started to really doubt their government. More and more people are taking a look at 911, to the point where there are billboards around the country that millions of people see. This was unimaginable 10 years ago. Everyday more and more people are investigating what is really happening in this country. And the only place to really turn is places like this, places that look at our governments activities under a magnifying glass. And our government is aware of that.

And now we have someone who just attacked a public place who conveniently happened to be carrying "conspiracy theory" propaganda. We are about to officially become the enemy. You know what happens to the enemy. Be aware that everything that is written here is examined. Every single one of you is on a list, and every single one of you is a traitor and a potential terrorist. Know that the net has been cast and that at any time it could be reeled in. To us we are surfing the web and pulling together pieces of information to provide to others in an attempt to get people to see what is happening. To them, we are in our basement building bombs and threatening freedom. Protect yourselves brethren, because when shit hits the fan we will be the first ones it lands on.


Of course we are on a list. Click on probably half the links here and I rest assured that you are automatically enrolled on some watch list. Subscribe to this site? Again you are most likely on a list.

You see though, do not fear. That is what TPTB would love to happen. They would love it if people really hesitated to make that submission, share a viewpoint, or have a "radical" idea they share with others. That is the control they want, and things will happen for years to discredit the truth and obscure it.

The truth is though that they need for us to be afraid, if we are not, then others may start to ask questions. Cable TV is losing out to fringe sites, people are asking questions, people are starting in many ways to wake up. For those at the top this is not a good thing... but for us it is.

I think the point of no return has been reached, just keep going and dont be afraid to speak. once we are afraid to speak, then they win.

Keep writing, keep publishing, keep talking. Its the one thing that will change things as time goes on...

That's exactly right. People need to stop being pussies.

Pussies is a strong word because guys like pussies! "Wimps" would be a better replacement!

Yes, they are super popular. Using this term as an insult is a bizarre aspect of weirdo society.


Like the LAX shooter? Was he brave to you?

I'm sorry, where did we cross the line from seeking/spreading truth and shooting up an airport? Clearly, that's not what we're about.

Aren't you already seeking/spreading truth? I heard "we need to stop being pussies" and it seemed like something more needed to be done. I am just curious what that "more" is.

Aren't you already seeking/spreading truth? I heard "we need to stop being pussies" and it seemed like something more needed to be done. I am just curious what that "more" is.

Then ask instead of making silly assumptions

I did ask...

If you didn't understand what his reply meant, you clearly didn't read the post.

Mk ultra victims are not brave to me.

I would feel deeply insulted if I found I wasn't on their list.


True, but we here get to go on a few special ones.

Yeah, you're not full of yourself at all. No delusions of grandeur here, just perfectly sane and coherent statements.


The shooter was carrying conspiracy propaganda because he was fucking insane. You'd think the fact that he shot up an airport would be enough evidence. Oh riiiiiiiiiiight...that was the gubment dat dun killed dat agent. The shooter was an actor, shill, plant, agent, whatever and you and your special cadre of super intelligent heroes are the only ones who know the truth. Do me this one solid please, don't harass the family of the victim again. Please...


"A report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group, that Ciancia was carrying literature showing he believed that the agency was involved in a conspiracy to create a single global government could not be confirmed."

EDIT: 'civil rights group' (air quotes)

Double secret Guantanamo probation.

Makes me think of the NSA episode of South Park lol

To them, we are in our basement building bombs and threatening freedom.

On the contrary, those who bomb, shoot or otherwise create destructive mayhem do the Authoritarian Oligarchs a great service - by terrorizing the befuddled public, who quickly, quietly and willingly surrender more freedom for the sake of "security".

They know well that their hold on power relies on the ignorance and apathy of the confused, frightened and distracted masses. To them, the free flow of information is a FAR greater threat than any bullets or bombs wielded by "terrorists".

Write on, Redditors

You know, when I first started looking up conspiracy theories and brought them up to friends, I was ridiculed. It's only recently that those same guys have started coming to me with things they've found and apologizing for not considering "against the mainstream" ideas.

One of the biggest things that we've talked about besides theories is the idea of us moving from the US, but I've ultimately decided that there's no point. This is MY country. We can't abandon it because we fear TPTB. You can't be scared, that's what they want. I will fight for MY country and not just behind a computer screen. When the time comes, I will be a part of the resistance. I will sacrifice anything to ensure the rightful liberties from being stripped from us.

I'm all for the noble sacrifice. I'll die before I submit. They may have the power now, but they won't last

The stupidest thing is "carrying conspiracy literature with you" when a psychopath does something like this. It is said a lot here, who here actually carries around the literature if they even have it, and why would you bring it with you to a mass murder unless you're either intentionally trying to make people associate the two things or you're being wound up and set off like a toy soldier.

Today, that's what they say after they scan your internet history, though various early reports said he had a "note."

Well said. Shit has been going on for quite some time. My two VERY conservative and pro go't parents are starting to get guns, ammo, food, water, etc and have been for about 6 months now. They know what is coming.

Conservative and pro government?

Yeah, till this fuckhead got elected in as president.

Pro government when Bush is in office? Because he was doing such a fantastic job?

They liked him. You're just as confused as me

You think conservative means liberal.

Edit: Or you just don't involve yourself with politics at all, and tried to drop simple terms which you've never actually defined for yourself.

There is a huge disconnect between what Americans call conservative and what the word actually means.

To many republicans it means a big military, a sizable justice system, and almost nothing else gov't wise. It's still big and bloated, just in the ways they like.

Well good. Everyone should be doing the same thing.

"Well said. My two VERY anti-government pro-government parents are starting to fear the government."

"You're trying to say your "VERY" pro-government parents have changed, and that it's an indicator of how bad it's getting. So why did you call them conservative? Are you ignorant of the basics of politics yet pretending you know stuff?"

(I know how to fix this! I'll make a joke about the current administration not being good... because I KNOW that much is true!)

"Yeah... until THIS fuckhead got elected ROFL !"

Keep trying to pretend you're staying informed when all you are willing to do is watch/read the tin-hattiest offerings and say "that gave me goosebumps!"

Seriously dude. You know you should be staying informed. You know this is the real deal. Bite the fucking bullet and START EDUCATING yourself. We need everyone, even you.

their self-proclaimed entitlement, not mine. They were okay with the NSA spying bullshit, the cover-ups, everything. They changed their views shortly before/ during the whole Syria thing, so that makes them conservatives i their books.

Then how have they been doing this for 6 month or so? Syria was much more recent.

Any convoluted explanation you provide doesn't remove the fact you were capable of saying something which, on the surface, made not one but of sense.

I've thought a lot about this. I went from being extremely nervous and then I came to the conclusion that idgaf. I'm sure I'm already on a list and I want to fight like our forefathers have. I don't necessarily know what my chances of success are or what the consequences of standing up are....however I'll accept whatever comes my way with honor.


I've been saying this and I get called crazy. I'm not scurred lol;-)


Who is "we"?

hundredth monkey effect

Hell yes we are. On that note i want everyone to watch a TED talk called "how to start a movement". Sorry no link im on moble.

Hasn't the hundredth monkey effect been sufficiently discredited? Don't get me wrong... we are seeing the adoption of a new skill (skepticism of government), but it isn't due to reaching a "magic" criticality number, be it 100 or 3 million.

What we are witnessing is the Hundredth monkey affect[1] in progress

The Hundredth Money Effect is in many ways a classic urban legend. You would have noted this if you'd read the article you linked.


All I got to say is BRING IT!

Fear is the great corruptor.

Yeah, I posted a thread recently detailing a bit of the change in subscriber numbers since 2008, and how that has negatively affected the sub as a whole.

Interestingly, it was cross posted by a bot to: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiro/

Never heard of r/conspiro, so I took a peek.

Who is conspirobot?

Well, he's a bot that is capable of cross-posting submissions and comments from any subreddit, while providing detailed statistics on the discussions taking place. He's currently busy building a web of detailed information on the posting habits of users active in /r/conspiracy. This subreddit provides his public facing data, for meta analysis.

conspirobot is still in alpha stages. He still faceplants every now and again, dying a miserable death. He just needs a few bandages, some incantations, and he'll be up and running again.

If anybody has any interesting statistics you'd like to see compiled, please share them with /u/fexfexfex.

Wow, why is it doing this in r/conspiracy? And for how long? If you look at the individual threads, it shows a supposed "Shill" meter... don't like this...

It means the the OLD POWERS are AFRAID. And they should be...

I believe all this attempted slandering of conspiracy theorists & patriots is only raising awareness in the big picture, and it will backfire.

Of all people, shouldn't they know? Any publicity is good publicity...

Every single one of you is on a list, and every single one of you is a traitor and a potential terrorist.

Uhh no, THEY are the fucking traitors, THEY are the fucking terrorists.

The State would say otherwise... If the State cared they would look at the constitution without an agenda for a change and see what parts they are breaking. If the goal isn't greater freedom then the alternative is facism. The American way used to be about generating greater and greater freedom what went wrong. By freedom I mean responsible freedom like making a decent living and owning your own home and the comforts you enjoy. The last several years though...

The alternative to freedom isn't fascism.

You will soon see what I mean.

I thought the same thing as those details emerged. We're making plans to leave the country. The brainwashed masses are far too prevelant.

I've been questioned by the secret service and they questioned at least one of my neighbors some weeks or so later (can't recall the actual time frame between both events). I've never done anything that any of you have not done by simply conversing about these things on places like Reddit or Facebook. So, I can tell you that one thing is a fact: they just have not gotten to you yet.

Now, don't think I'm afraid or have changed anything because the SS came to my house and asked to speak with me. I knew I could refuse them at the door and tell them to leave. I told them to come in and I answered their questions. I even let them have a look around. Why? Because I literally have nothing to hide and when they leave they can't say "I bet he has all kinds of this or that in his house" but now they know that I'm just as normal as they are and normal people feel this way about the government. Though that was the only pass they get. The next time I'll tell them to take a hike. They only get one pass.

That said, I have actually even amped up my statements a bit and since then I've even taken part in things like helping to organize protests: getting police paperwork, openly organizing on Facebook events pages, etc.

Basically: I don't give a fuck. I have rights and I'll use them. I might even abuse them.

As far as those of you mentioning 9/11 and how it's more of an acceptable subject now and out in the open: I feel bad for the idiots that actually believed a single word that came out of mainstream media's mouth or a shred of the official story at any point. I won't get into why, but let's just say that you would have to be practically brain dead to accept such nonsense and not even pseudo-science (worse than pseudo-science).

I feel bad for the idiots that actually believed a single word that came out of mainstream media's mouth or a shred of the official story at any point.

It isn't unreasonable to expect some degree of empirical reality to be shit forth from the mouthpiece of the state. Are we only to believe what we see with our own eyes?

You are definitely not to believe that which utterly defies the laws of common sense basic physics for damn sure. Especially when you are told it occurred dozens if not hundreds of times in a single day, when none of these "freak occurrences" have have occurred at any other point in history, much less often, or enough times to be a possibility.

If you were told that marijuana killed 200 people today when it has never done so in the history of the world, would you believe it? Of course not. Would you believe that today, light suddenly stopped moving at the speed of light and instead moved at the speed of a bullet and only did so in New York city and Washington DC? Of course not.

Yet millions are told such lies and to this day it has not thrown up a red flag in their minds. They simply accept it, because they are told to. They accept it simply because the government says so.

Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

Americans need to TUNE OUT American media and TURN ON the TRUTH by reading books!!! I just posted what I learned in just the first 60 pages of a book called Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA--please take a look at it...then go order/read a book!!!

don't forget psychedelics! we are all one shared, timeless, universal consciousness, so killing others and hoarding resources is silly and pointless.

take a break, though you are on the right track

a break?

well, I wouldn't necessarily urge people to go out and take drugs nearly as much as I would condone them reading - something that can be as effective as the illicit act you described, and taken in large doses without any perceived negative effects.

i definitely urge people to take psychedelic drugs, ASAP. you'll have plenty of time to read after you realize the true nature of reality. even the illiterate can enjoy drugs.

I have that book too.

Every single one of you is on a list

So is everyone else.

Welcome to the club!

What depresses and angers me is that even in places like this there are unwitting shills (unknowing that they are) laying the doubt for the government to continue its tyranny. In the TSA thread up top there are people going "oh they wouldn't do that" - it's literally fucking insane.

This event was a message to us, they will frame us, they will publicly destroy anyone who questions the "truth".

I said this kind of shit was coming last year, when they rolled out the "mental health" shit and most of you assholes on here called me and idiot for saying Joe Rogan was "in" on it, while Rogan was pushing the "mental health screenings" for everyone, I said that people who are labeled "conspiracy theorists" would be considered mentally unstable. Now they are pushing this full force. For fuck's sake people, listen to me when I say shit! Its all about propaganda and gradualism I have researched this shit for YEARS. All it takes is just a little foresight and you can see what's coming down the line.

Actually my thing is you go to any bar and listen to people talk. Every time someone mood changes from smiles to serious it is talking about government conspiracies. This has been the whole town where I live. I am pretty sure it is the same elsewhere. I would say about 80 percent of the population harbors some suspicion something is wrong. So at least half of those people would be conspiracy theorist. How many of these conspiracy theorist might be on to something would be pretty small. They would probably go after those individuals first. Probably silence them quickly to prevent riots. Then they would make the others believe they were mentally ill or needed anxiety meds or treatment for paranoia. Why cage a cat when you neuter and de-claw him.

Could you tell me more about these mental health screenings and Joe Rogan's element in it?

After Sandy Hook, Joe Rogan had these huge rants that were posted over and over and over again in this sub talking about how "mental health" should be the focus not gun control. The "mental health" meme was OBVIOUSLY aimed at people who were anti-govt or "truthers" because it was constantly insinuated. Mental health was used in Soviet Russia as a way to see who was "loyal" to the party, if you were deemed mentally unstable because you didn't agree with Communist Party goals then you were executed. Rogan pushed this shit ignorantly and got about 90% of the people on this sub parroting his BS. Rogan is a shill, if you haven't seen his new show, you should and watch it with a keen eye.

The only threat to freedom we have are the whack jobs in the government who think those kinds of thoughts. If the conspiracy theorist was the threat and not the mental patient doped on SSRI drugs we would have already been rounded up. These mental patients who are not getting real psychological help with proper understanding and support are the problem. We used to lock people up who had emotional and schitzo if they had the tiniest iota of possibly being dangerous. Now we let them walk outside doped on drugs that may or may not work. What is really dangerous is cutting down funding for mental health treatment so you can fund wars and tax subsidies for the rich.

if you're well adjusted to a sick society, are you really healthy?

Not really... but the State enjoys being able to label and degrade groups that disagree with it. Makes those with little or no backbone reluctantly agree with the States every word. This type of act is a subtle bit of forced coercion.

That's a big problem with the current system. We've made a big switch from trying to come up with practical solutions for mental disorder and replaced it with "psychiatrists" who just push psychotropic medications and call it a day. It disgusts me. That's why I want to devote my time to finding better treatment plans for those with mental disabilities. Cut back meds and start pushing a program of behavior modification, psychoanalysis and rehabilitation.

That's a good start. I am glad to hear that someone out there isn't a drug default kind of guy when it comes to handling mental patients.

It's never a good idea. I've seen it so widespread. Pts get diagnosed with depression and Anxiety and are pushed antidepressants, anti anxieties and/or benzodiazepines.. You don't need to push so many drugs for one patient especially for diagnoses as open ended as depression and anxiety. Not to mention the real horror is the welfare system. Children as young as 5 prescribed hard drugs like Xanax, Valium, adderall. In general it's sickening how medicine is veering from patient care and falling further and further into the clutches of big business.

I'm a Montanan, I think the whole state is on a list by default. We don't care. The system needs your participation to function. MT,CO,WA,VT and others are all negating/ nullifying federal laws. Change starts @ the neighborhood level, then city and state govt. . We have the power. They want you to have a fatalist negative attitude. They want you to give up. THEY also want you to forget that they took over, one office, and one policy @ a time. It's our duty as Americans to take it back the same way.

I don't give a fuck what list I am on. The government are the real terrorists, Obama and the NSA can suck my dick. I rather be executed for standing up to them than live a boring sheeps life. To the shills watching this sub know that you will suffer.

Turn off the TV and listen to the No Agenda Show. RSS and iTunes link.

No Agenda is good, if you remember back a few episodes ago when Adam linked the new "women's empowerment" meme to Agenda 21, that was from an email I sent him. He's evidently now subbed over /r/UNAgenda21 now where I mod.

If I'm targeted for seeking truth, and questioning information, so be it. I (to this point) haven't been violent in any way, and have moral authority on my side. It will take something far larger then a fake shooting narrative to take this authority away from us, like a new 9/11 perhaps, and honestly I'm not sure that will even work, too many of us are awake.

If you fear your 1st Amendment right, and stop calling out the government when they do us wrong, you've given TPTB the power they want. Never stop seeking truth, or be afraid to question information, this is the essence of human intelligence.

Actually the mainstream media marginalizes us by calling us 'conspiracy theorists.'


"A report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group, that Ciancia was carrying literature showing he believed that the agency was involved in a conspiracy to create a single global government could not be confirmed."

EDIT: 'civil rights group' (air quotes)

here it is, i am not afraid. i have and will do nothing wrong. if they come for me in some hate feuled misinformed rage against free speech i will continue to speak. fear is the problem not the solution. allow them thier fears it will control them i will not allow it to control me. their system isn't working. we don't need to fight it we just need to point and laugh as it collapses. don't get sucked into the fight cause you will only get a fight.

To them, we are in our basement building bombs and threatening freedom.

That's the rhetoric that they've framed everything around. No one hates freedom and they know that.


I think you may have missed the point of this post.

To them, we are in our basement building bombs and threatening freedom

I am in a basement building a bomb and threatening freedom AMA

Bring it on. I'm ready.

The shit has been shitting the fan. Just, sort of in slow motion.

The enemy is the NWO. Kill'em all!

I'm ready to die for my freedoms. At the right time of course.


192,205 readers. psh i'm fine

you are #6

I already believed they're watching our online activities before the latest "terrorist attack" at LAX and it's likely we all are on the list of potential terrorists. But sometimes when I read comments like you wrote I wonder if US intelligence agencies plant them in order to terrorize us. What you said is a believable idea and you're most likely sincere but I always wonder.

Hahahaa you really think the government gives a shit about you tin foil retards? I think its time you guys moved out of your mom's basement and get a job

Anonymous plans on attacking all government facilities. But how? The're anonymous hackers. By using conspiracy "theorists". And blaming anon for the black out is perfect means for martial law

le illuminati doesnt discriminate......... I know they have a whole file on me and that they refer to me as Subject 0119283374 (I requested the file under the FOIA and read everything they had on me).....they referred to me as a "frequent conspiracy theorist" and "of major threat to the Illuminati's secret plan"..... At first I was enraged...but then I realized that I am actually a hero, like le Guy Fawkes... the Illuminati may have info on me bu they cant see in my brain and I know that le nation of le reddit conspiracy will have to retreat and go anon if we want to live in peace in legion so expect us ok.

More and more people are taking a look at 911, to the point where there are billboards around the country that millions of people see.

Billboards paid for by a corporation that wants to help spread disinformation and doubt. Get people involved in the minutiae and you have successfully misdirected them with very little effort.

And now we have someone who just attacked a public place who conveniently happened to be carrying "conspiracy theory" propaganda.

Why is it so outside of the realm of possibility that this guy was a tinfoil-hatted "patriot"? Is there any evidence to suggest that Ciancia was a clean-cut, conservative moderate before this and then suddenly evidence was placed on him to make him look like a conspiracy theorist? He had a hand-written note on him talking about his hatred for the DHS, Janet Napolitano and "fiat currency."

He sent text messages to his brother before all of this took place. His Father was the one that called police in LA to try to stop this.

My point is that this is not some plant. He's not a patsy that the government is trying to make look bad. This guy was doing the same things a lot of you do every day: complaining about the government, demanding that things change, etc. The only difference is that this kid was stupid enough to think that opening fire on a TSA agent was going to do anything but make the situation worse for Americans.

Make no mistake: Paul Ciancia was one of you. I know this may be painful for you conspiracy theorists to comprehend, but I'll bet 10 to 1 odds he's a die-hard listener of Alex Jones and subscribes to Infowars.com. I also bet that Alex and the other fearmongers are working very hard to keep that information hidden. All I seem to find on the site is articles talking about how the media is trying to pin this on honest patriots and how our freedoms are going to be further reduced. No talk of responsibility. Just the standard infowars narrative.

I will not yield

annd a reeeaall heeero

reeeaall huuman being

I am a true patriot. I will protect my people and MY constitution with my life. I hope others will join when the time comes. Stand tall people.

Went from 15 upvotes, down to negative. Fuck you Shills.

Red 5 standing by.

Big Red standing by

Red Rocket, standing by.

Red Wagon, standing by.

Red Rum...Red Rum, standing by

Red Rider suffered a horrific eye injury, will report in after glass eye fitting

Green Elm standing by

This really is the crisis that will define Millennials ... not 9/11.

It's the prerogative of young people today, to determine if they'll take the awesome strength they possess, collectively, for teamwork and collusion, to take the next step toward the Orwellian world of authoritarianism and a complete loss of individual liberty, human rights, and basic human decency, or if they'll stand, united, against an all-powerful, all-knowing, security state. One that controls every person everywhere, and at all times.

I cannot wait to watch this play out! These are really very exciting times.

My fear, is that my grandchildren are going to be (justifiably) very angry with us for not stopping this all powerful security state, now, while we still have a chance to do so. I am a parent of "Millenials" and have been trying to sound the alarm for some time now. Getting my children's generation to take the blinders off and pay attention is becoming easier now with all the attention brought by Snowden's revelations.

Millenials have the power, the cohesiveness or unity, to do it. Do they have the will? It looks unlikely ... they are far more likely to shrug off their loss of liberty as the mere loss of privacy, about which they care very little.


Can't tell if lying or not...your post history seems non-shilling. Nonetheless I am truly disgusted now.

What good is your honesty if it only pertains to your willingness to lie?

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

What koolaide did you drink recently?

Hopefully purple.

Wow, this thread really shows the nature of /r/conspiracy , all these rebel fantasies...

Like the fantasy where my state legalized pot, the manufacture of firearms, and refuses to participate in REAL ID..oh that's right we've already done that.

What a collection of self-important drivel. No one cares that you think that the Illuminati blew up with World Trade Center. You're not important enough to be on a list.

apparently I am because the fbi visited some of my friends and my parents.

When did this happen, and why?

a few weeks ago they visited my parents about posts i made on facebook and elsewhere online. after that one of my friends who lives across the country from me told me she was contacted as well.

i do not know details of anything from my parents as my mother is just "too disappointed" to talk to me lol.

and from my friend she hasn't said much, and i haven't pressed it because frankly i just do not care.

the point is to intimidate people who do investigative journalism by approaching their friends and family in an effort to shame them into changing their actions.

not going to work.

edit: and i should add, they never have contacted me lol. which sort of proves my suspicions about their motives. if i were a real threat, wouldn't they need to contact me directly to determine how much of a threat i was?

What were the topics of your facebook and online posts if you don't mind me asking?

lots of anti capitalist and anti statist writing.

including a large expose on the formation of the CIA and other intelligence agencies after operation paperclip.

other various background from sen church's inquiries and things like MKULTRA and domestic propaganda campaigns launched by the CIA.

CIA ties to CNN and other world media outlets.

stuff like that.

If only the conspiracy theorists could see themselves from the outside. Some of you are crazy and dangerous as individuals, but as a movement you are not a threat to anyone.

Occupy was a genuine threat and I saw how the FBI destroyed them. I watched and took notes. If you scared anyone you would simply disappear and stop being a force.

The truth is you are useful despite causing occasional trouble. You are fearful and vain, and that makes you very easily manipulated by the very people you think you despise.

If you wanted to become some kind of threat you would need to lose the fear (I see through your internet tough guy mask), but then you wouldn't be conspiracy theorists anymore.

So you're basically saying that all conspiracy theorists are afraid, except for you?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Whatever you believe, I probably disagree - and despise you for believing it.

I further despise you for being an illegitimate opposition to the power of concentrated wealth, and I do sincerely hope you prove me wrong about how less-than-useless the conspiracy theorists all are.

I appreciate the opportunity to apply for the approval of the great TangentialThreat. I will not waste this. Just wait here, and I'll be right back to show you my worthiness. Don't go anywhere, ok?

I keep forgetting that you guys don't want to win.

Hahahahhahahahahhahaha this is the funniest shit I have ever read.

Like the government cares what a bunch of fat fucks on reddit think.

"we are the enemy" "protect yourselves my brethren" hahahhshahahahahahahahahahahahahahabbaha

Have you been keeping up with the news at all? How can you be so ignorant?

Hahahahhahahahahhahaha "ignorant"

Wait why are you in this sub again?

To make fun of you idiots, duh

You must be very lonely, don't you have anything better to do than waste your time on that?

Look at his username. "Football brah" either he's a troll account or a fucking moron.

I know, that's why i told him that, he is wasting his time for nothing.


I know, it's funny? Right? :D

The people in r/conspiracy are comedic gold

Some may be yes


HotHell. You again???

apparently I am because the fbi visited some of my friends and my parents.

lots of anti capitalist and anti statist writing.

including a large expose on the formation of the CIA and other intelligence agencies after operation paperclip.

other various background from sen church's inquiries and things like MKULTRA and domestic propaganda campaigns launched by the CIA.

CIA ties to CNN and other world media outlets.

stuff like that.

The alternative to freedom isn't fascism.

well, I wouldn't necessarily urge people to go out and take drugs nearly as much as I would condone them reading - something that can be as effective as the illicit act you described, and taken in large doses without any perceived negative effects.

Millenials have the power, the cohesiveness or unity, to do it. Do they have the will? It looks unlikely ... they are far more likely to shrug off their loss of liberty as the mere loss of privacy, about which they care very little.

I did ask...